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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "wasm/WasmProcess.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BinarySearch.h"
#include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h"
#include "gc/Memory.h"
#include "threading/ExclusiveData.h"
#include "vm/MutexIDs.h"
#include "vm/Runtime.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBuiltinModule.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBuiltins.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCode.h"
#include "wasm/WasmInstance.h"
#include "wasm/WasmModuleTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmStaticTypeDefs.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace wasm;
using mozilla::BinarySearchIf;
// Per-process map from values of program-counter (pc) to CodeSegments.
// Whenever a new CodeSegment is ready to use, it has to be registered so that
// we can have fast lookups from pc to CodeSegments in numerous places. Since
// wasm compilation may be tiered, and the second tier doesn't have access to
// any JSContext/JS::Compartment/etc lying around, we have to use a process-wide
// map instead.
using CodeSegmentVector = Vector<const CodeSegment*, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
Atomic<bool> wasm::CodeExists(false);
// Because of profiling, the thread running wasm might need to know to which
// CodeSegment the current PC belongs, during a call to lookup(). A lookup
// is a read-only operation, and we don't want to take a lock then
// (otherwise, we could have a deadlock situation if an async lookup
// happened on a given thread that was holding mutatorsMutex_ while getting
// sampled). Since the writer could be modifying the data that is getting
// looked up, the writer functions use spin-locks to know if there are any
// observers (i.e. calls to lookup()) of the atomic data.
static Atomic<size_t> sNumActiveLookups(0);
class ProcessCodeSegmentMap {
// Since writes (insertions or removals) can happen on any background
// thread at the same time, we need a lock here.
Mutex mutatorsMutex_ MOZ_UNANNOTATED;
CodeSegmentVector segments1_;
CodeSegmentVector segments2_;
// Except during swapAndWait(), there are no lookup() observers of the
// vector pointed to by mutableCodeSegments_
CodeSegmentVector* mutableCodeSegments_;
Atomic<const CodeSegmentVector*> readonlyCodeSegments_;
struct CodeSegmentPC {
const void* pc;
explicit CodeSegmentPC(const void* pc) : pc(pc) {}
int operator()(const CodeSegment* cs) const {
if (cs->containsCodePC(pc)) {
return 0;
if (pc < cs->base()) {
return -1;
return 1;
void swapAndWait() {
// Both vectors are consistent for lookup at this point although their
// contents are different: there is no way for the looked up PC to be
// in the code segment that is getting registered, because the code
// segment is not even fully created yet.
// If a lookup happens before this instruction, then the
// soon-to-become-former read-only pointer is used during the lookup,
// which is valid.
mutableCodeSegments_ = const_cast<CodeSegmentVector*>(;
// If a lookup happens after this instruction, then the updated vector
// is used, which is valid:
// - in case of insertion, it means the new vector contains more data,
// but it's fine since the code segment is getting registered and thus
// isn't even fully created yet, so the code can't be running.
// - in case of removal, it means the new vector contains one less
// entry, but it's fine since unregistering means the code segment
// isn't used by any live instance anymore, thus PC can't be in the
// to-be-removed code segment's range.
// A lookup could have happened on any of the two vectors. Wait for
// observers to be done using any vector before mutating.
while (sNumActiveLookups > 0) {
: mutatorsMutex_(mutexid::WasmCodeSegmentMap),
readonlyCodeSegments_(&segments2_) {}
~ProcessCodeSegmentMap() {
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(sNumActiveLookups == 0);
bool insert(const CodeSegment* cs) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mutatorsMutex_);
size_t index;
MOZ_ALWAYS_FALSE(BinarySearchIf(*mutableCodeSegments_, 0,
CodeSegmentPC(cs->base()), &index));
if (!mutableCodeSegments_->insert(mutableCodeSegments_->begin() + index,
cs)) {
return false;
CodeExists = true;
#ifdef DEBUG
size_t otherIndex;
MOZ_ALWAYS_FALSE(BinarySearchIf(*mutableCodeSegments_, 0,
CodeSegmentPC(cs->base()), &otherIndex));
MOZ_ASSERT(index == otherIndex);
// Although we could simply revert the insertion in the read-only
// vector, it is simpler to just crash and given that each CodeSegment
// consumes multiple pages, it is unlikely this insert() would OOM in
// practice
AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oom;
if (!mutableCodeSegments_->insert(mutableCodeSegments_->begin() + index,
cs)) {
oom.crash("when inserting a CodeSegment in the process-wide map");
return true;
void remove(const CodeSegment* cs) {
LockGuard<Mutex> lock(mutatorsMutex_);
size_t index;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(BinarySearchIf(*mutableCodeSegments_, 0,
CodeSegmentPC(cs->base()), &index));
mutableCodeSegments_->erase(mutableCodeSegments_->begin() + index);
if (!mutableCodeSegments_->length()) {
CodeExists = false;
#ifdef DEBUG
size_t otherIndex;
MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(BinarySearchIf(*mutableCodeSegments_, 0,
CodeSegmentPC(cs->base()), &otherIndex));
MOZ_ASSERT(index == otherIndex);
mutableCodeSegments_->erase(mutableCodeSegments_->begin() + index);
const CodeSegment* lookup(const void* pc) {
const CodeSegmentVector* readonly = readonlyCodeSegments_;
size_t index;
if (!BinarySearchIf(*readonly, 0, readonly->length(), CodeSegmentPC(pc),
&index)) {
return nullptr;
// It is fine returning a raw CodeSegment*, because we assume we are
// looking up a live PC in code which is on the stack, keeping the
// CodeSegment alive.
return (*readonly)[index];
// This field is only atomic to handle buggy scenarios where we crash during
// startup or shutdown and thus racily perform wasm::LookupCodeSegment() from
// the crashing thread.
static Atomic<ProcessCodeSegmentMap*> sProcessCodeSegmentMap(nullptr);
bool wasm::RegisterCodeSegment(const CodeSegment* cs) {
// This function cannot race with startup/shutdown.
ProcessCodeSegmentMap* map = sProcessCodeSegmentMap;
return map->insert(cs);
void wasm::UnregisterCodeSegment(const CodeSegment* cs) {
// This function cannot race with startup/shutdown.
ProcessCodeSegmentMap* map = sProcessCodeSegmentMap;
const CodeSegment* wasm::LookupCodeSegment(
const void* pc, const CodeRange** codeRange /*= nullptr */) {
// Since wasm::LookupCodeSegment() can race with wasm::ShutDown(), we must
// additionally keep sNumActiveLookups above zero for the duration we're
// using the ProcessCodeSegmentMap. wasm::ShutDown() spin-waits on
// sNumActiveLookups getting to zero.
auto decObserver = mozilla::MakeScopeExit([&] {
MOZ_ASSERT(sNumActiveLookups > 0);
ProcessCodeSegmentMap* map = sProcessCodeSegmentMap;
if (!map) {
return nullptr;
if (const CodeSegment* found = map->lookup(pc)) {
if (codeRange) {
*codeRange = found->isModule() ? found->asModule()->lookupRange(pc)
: found->asLazyStub()->lookupRange(pc);
return found;
if (codeRange) {
*codeRange = nullptr;
return nullptr;
const Code* wasm::LookupCode(const void* pc,
const CodeRange** codeRange /* = nullptr */) {
const CodeSegment* found = LookupCodeSegment(pc, codeRange);
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!found && codeRange, !*codeRange);
return found ? &found->code() : nullptr;
bool wasm::InCompiledCode(void* pc) {
if (LookupCodeSegment(pc)) {
return true;
const CodeRange* codeRange;
uint8_t* codeBase;
return LookupBuiltinThunk(pc, &codeRange, &codeBase);
* ReadLockFlag maintains a flag that can be mutated multiple times before it
* is read, at which point it maintains the same value.
class ReadLockFlag {
bool enabled_;
bool read_;
ReadLockFlag() : enabled_(false), read_(false) {}
bool get() {
read_ = true;
return enabled_;
bool set(bool enabled) {
if (read_) {
return false;
enabled_ = enabled;
return true;
* Some 64 bit systems greatly limit the range of available virtual memory. We
* require about 6GiB for each wasm huge memory, which can exhaust the address
* spaces of these systems quickly. In order to avoid this, we only enable huge
* memory if we observe a large enough address space.
* This number is conservatively chosen to continue using huge memory on our
* smallest address space system, Android on ARM64 (39 bits), along with a bit
* for error in detecting the address space limit.
static const size_t MinAddressBitsForHugeMemory = 38;
* In addition to the above, some systems impose an independent limit on the
* amount of virtual memory that may be used.
static const size_t MinVirtualMemoryLimitForHugeMemory =
size_t(1) << MinAddressBitsForHugeMemory;
ExclusiveData<ReadLockFlag> sHugeMemoryEnabled32(
ExclusiveData<ReadLockFlag> sHugeMemoryEnabled64(
static MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool IsHugeMemoryEnabledHelper32() {
auto state = sHugeMemoryEnabled32.lock();
return state->get();
static MOZ_NEVER_INLINE bool IsHugeMemoryEnabledHelper64() {
auto state = sHugeMemoryEnabled64.lock();
return state->get();
bool wasm::IsHugeMemoryEnabled(wasm::IndexType t) {
if (t == IndexType::I32) {
static bool enabled32 = IsHugeMemoryEnabledHelper32();
return enabled32;
static bool enabled64 = IsHugeMemoryEnabledHelper64();
return enabled64;
bool wasm::DisableHugeMemory() {
bool ok = true;
auto state = sHugeMemoryEnabled64.lock();
ok = ok && state->set(false);
auto state = sHugeMemoryEnabled32.lock();
ok = ok && state->set(false);
return ok;
void ConfigureHugeMemory() {
bool ok = true;
// Currently no huge memory for IndexType::I64, so always set to false.
auto state = sHugeMemoryEnabled64.lock();
ok = ok && state->set(false);
if (gc::SystemAddressBits() < MinAddressBitsForHugeMemory) {
if (gc::VirtualMemoryLimit() != size_t(-1) &&
gc::VirtualMemoryLimit() < MinVirtualMemoryLimitForHugeMemory) {
auto state = sHugeMemoryEnabled32.lock();
ok = ok && state->set(true);
const TagType* wasm::sWrappedJSValueTagType = nullptr;
static bool InitTagForJSValue() {
MutableTagType type = js_new<TagType>();
if (!type) {
return false;
ValTypeVector args;
if (!args.append(ValType(RefType::extern_()))) {
return false;
if (!type->initialize(std::move(args))) {
return false;
MOZ_ASSERT(WrappedJSValueTagType_ValueOffset == type->argOffsets()[0]);
return true;
bool wasm::Init() {
// Assert invariants that should universally hold true, but cannot be checked
// at compile time.
uintptr_t pageSize = gc::SystemPageSize();
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(wasm::NullPtrGuardSize <= pageSize);
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(intptr_t(nullptr) == AnyRef::NullRefValue);
AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
ProcessCodeSegmentMap* map = js_new<ProcessCodeSegmentMap>();
if (!map) {
if (!StaticTypeDefs::init()) {
// This uses StaticTypeDefs
if (!BuiltinModuleFuncs::init()) {
sProcessCodeSegmentMap = map;
if (!InitTagForJSValue()) {
return true;
void wasm::ShutDown() {
// If there are live runtimes then we are already pretty much leaking the
// world, so to avoid spurious assertions (which are valid and valuable when
// there are not live JSRuntimes), don't bother releasing anything here.
if (JSRuntime::hasLiveRuntimes()) {
if (sWrappedJSValueTagType) {
sWrappedJSValueTagType = nullptr;
// After signalling shutdown by clearing sProcessCodeSegmentMap, wait for
// concurrent wasm::LookupCodeSegment()s to finish.
ProcessCodeSegmentMap* map = sProcessCodeSegmentMap;
sProcessCodeSegmentMap = nullptr;
while (sNumActiveLookups > 0) {