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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
#ifndef wasm_WasmMetadata_h
#define wasm_WasmMetadata_h
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBinaryTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmHeuristics.h"
#include "wasm/WasmInstanceData.h" // various of *InstanceData
#include "wasm/WasmModuleTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmProcess.h" // IsHugeMemoryEnabled
namespace js {
namespace wasm {
using BuiltinModuleFuncIdVector =
Vector<BuiltinModuleFuncId, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// ==== Printing of names
// The Developer-Facing Display Conventions section of the WebAssembly Web
// API spec defines two cases for displaying a wasm function name:
// 1. the function name stands alone
// 2. the function name precedes the location
enum class NameContext { Standalone, BeforeLocation };
// wasm::CodeMetadata contains metadata whose lifetime ends at the same time
// that the lifetime of wasm::Code ends. This encompasses a wide variety of
// uses. In practice that means metadata needed for any and all aspects of
// compilation or execution of wasm code. Hence this metadata conceptually
// belongs to, and is kept alive by, wasm::Code. Note also that wasm::Code is
// in turn kept alive by wasm::Instance(s), hence this metadata will be kept
// alive as long as any instance for it exists.
using ModuleHash = uint8_t[8];
struct CodeMetadata : public ShareableBase<CodeMetadata> {
// NOTE: if you add, remove, rename or reorder fields here, be sure to
// update CodeCodeMetadata() to keep it in sync.
// Constant parameters for the entire compilation. These are not marked
// `const` only because it breaks constructor delegation in
// CodeMetadata::CodeMetadata, which is a shame.
ModuleKind kind;
// The compile arguments that were used for this module.
SharedCompileArgs compileArgs;
// The number of imported functions in the module.
uint32_t numFuncImports;
// A vector of the builtin func id (or 'none') for all imported functions.
// This may be empty for internally constructed modules which don't care
// about this information.
BuiltinModuleFuncIdVector knownFuncImports;
// Treat imported wasm functions as if they were JS functions. This is used
// when compiling the module for new WebAssembly.Function.
bool funcImportsAreJS;
// The number of imported globals in the module.
uint32_t numGlobalImports;
// Info about all types in the module.
MutableTypeContext types;
// Info about all functions in the module.
FuncDescVector funcs;
// Info about all tables in the module.
TableDescVector tables;
// Info about all memories in the module.
MemoryDescVector memories;
// Info about all tags in the module.
TagDescVector tags;
// Info about all globals in the module.
GlobalDescVector globals;
// The start function for the module, if any
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> startFuncIndex;
// Info about elem segments needed only for validation and compilation.
// Should have the same length as ModuleMetadata::elemSegments, and each
// entry here should be identical the corresponding .elemType field in
// ModuleMetadata::elemSegments.
RefTypeVector elemSegmentTypes;
// The number of data segments this module will have. Pre-declared before the
// code section so that we can validate instructions that reference data
// segments.
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> dataCount;
// A sorted vector of the index of every function that is exported from this
// module. An index into this vector is a 'exported function index' and can
// be used to lookup exported functions on an instance.
Uint32Vector exportedFuncIndices;
// asm.js tables are homogenous and only store functions of the same type.
// This maps from a function type to the table index to use for an indirect
// call.
Uint32Vector asmJSSigToTableIndex;
// Branch hints to apply to functions
BranchHintCollection branchHints;
// Name section information
mozilla::Maybe<Name> moduleName;
NameVector funcNames;
// namePayload points at the name section's CustomSection::payload so that
// the Names (which are use payload-relative offsets) can be used
// independently of the Module without duplicating the name section.
SharedBytes namePayload;
mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> nameCustomSectionIndex;
// Bytecode ranges for custom sections.
CustomSectionRangeVector customSectionRanges;
// Bytecode range for the code section.
MaybeBytecodeRange codeSectionRange;
// The bytes for the code section. Only available if we're using lazy
// tiering, and after we've decoded the whole module. This means
// it is not available while doing a 'tier-1' or 'once' compilation.
SharedBytes codeSectionBytecode;
// The ranges of every function defined in this module. This is only
// accessible after we've decoded the code section. This means it is not
// available while doing a 'tier-1' or 'once' compilation.
BytecodeRangeVector funcDefRanges;
// The feature usage for every function defined in this module. This is only
// accessible after we've decoded the code section. This means it is not
// available while doing a 'tier-1' or 'once' compilation.
FeatureUsageVector funcDefFeatureUsages;
// Tracks the range of CallRefMetrics created for each function definition in
// this module. This is only accessible after we've decoded the code section.
// This means it is not available while doing a 'tier-1' or 'once'
// compilation.
CallRefMetricsRangeVector funcDefCallRefs;
// The full bytecode for this module. Only available for debuggable modules.
// This is only accessible after we've decoded the whole module. This means
// it is not available while doing a 'tier-1' or 'once' compilation.
SharedBytes debugBytecode;
// An array of hints to use when compiling a call_ref. This is only
// accessible after we've decoded the code section. This means it is not
// available while doing a 'tier-1' or 'once' compilation.
// This is written into when an instance requests a function to be tiered up,
// and read from our function compilers.
MutableCallRefHints callRefHints;
// Whether this module was compiled with debugging support.
bool debugEnabled;
// A SHA-1 hash of the module bytecode for use in display urls. Only
// available if we're debugging.
ModuleHash debugHash;
// Statistics collection for lazy tiering and inlining.
struct ProtectedOptimizationStats {
// ---- Stats for the complete tier ----
// number of funcs in the module
size_t completeNumFuncs = 0;
// total bytecode size for the module, excluding the body length fields
size_t completeBCSize = 0;
// ---- Stats for the partial tier ----
// number of funcs tiered up (that have completed tier-up)
size_t partialNumFuncs = 0;
// total bytecode size of tiered up funcs, excluding the body length fields
size_t partialBCSize = 0;
// number of direct-call / call-ref sites inlined
size_t partialNumFuncsInlinedDirect = 0;
size_t partialNumFuncsInlinedCallRef = 0;
// total extra bytecode size from direct-call / call-ref inlining
size_t partialBCInlinedSizeDirect = 0;
size_t partialBCInlinedSizeCallRef = 0;
// number of funcs for which inlining stopped due to budget overrun
size_t partialInlineBudgetOverruns = 0;
// total mapped addr space for p-tier code (a multiple of the page size)
size_t partialCodeBytesMapped = 0;
// total used space for p-tier code (will be less than the above)
size_t partialCodeBytesUsed = 0;
// The remaining inlining budget (in bytecode bytes) for the module as a
// whole. Must be signed. It will be negative if we have overrun the
// budget.
int64_t inliningBudget = 0;
WASM_CHECK_CACHEABLE_POD(completeNumFuncs, completeBCSize, partialNumFuncs,
partialBCSize, partialNumFuncsInlinedDirect,
partialCodeBytesMapped, partialCodeBytesUsed,
using ReadGuard = RWExclusiveData<ProtectedOptimizationStats>::ReadGuard;
using WriteGuard = RWExclusiveData<ProtectedOptimizationStats>::WriteGuard;
// Statistics. These are not thread-safe and require a lock for access.
RWExclusiveData<ProtectedOptimizationStats> stats;
// ==== Instance layout fields
// The start offset of the FuncDefInstanceData[] section of the instance
// data. There is one entry for every function definition.
uint32_t funcDefsOffsetStart;
// The start offset of the FuncImportInstanceData[] section of the instance
// data. There is one entry for every imported function.
uint32_t funcImportsOffsetStart;
// The start offset of the FuncExportInstanceData[] section of the instance
// data. There is one entry for every exported function.
uint32_t funcExportsOffsetStart;
// The start offset of the TypeDefInstanceData[] section of the instance
// data. There is one entry for every type.
uint32_t typeDefsOffsetStart;
// The start offset of the MemoryInstanceData[] section of the instance data.
// There is one entry for every memory.
uint32_t memoriesOffsetStart;
// The start offset of the TableInstanceData[] section of the instance data.
// There is one entry for every table.
uint32_t tablesOffsetStart;
// The start offset of the tag section of the instance data. There is one
// entry for every tag.
uint32_t tagsOffsetStart;
// The total size of the instance data.
uint32_t instanceDataLength;
// The number of call ref metrics in Instance::callRefs_
uint32_t numCallRefMetrics;
explicit CodeMetadata(const CompileArgs* compileArgs = nullptr,
ModuleKind kind = ModuleKind::Wasm)
: kind(kind),
numCallRefMetrics(UINT32_MAX) {}
[[nodiscard]] bool init() {
types = js_new<TypeContext>();
return types;
void dumpStats() const;
~CodeMetadata() { dumpStats(); }
// Generates any new metadata necessary to compile this module. This must be
// called after the 'module environment' (everything before the code section)
// has been decoded.
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForCompile(CompileMode mode);
bool isPreparedForCompile() const { return instanceDataLength != UINT32_MAX; }
bool isAsmJS() const { return kind == ModuleKind::AsmJS; }
// A builtin module is a host constructed wasm module that exports host
// functionality, using special opcodes. Otherwise, it has the same rules
// as wasm modules and so it does not get a new ModuleKind.
bool isBuiltinModule() const { return features().isBuiltinModule; }
bool SHORT_NAME##Enabled() const { return features().SHORT_NAME; }
Shareable sharedMemoryEnabled() const { return features().sharedMemory; }
bool simdAvailable() const { return features().simd; }
bool hugeMemoryEnabled(uint32_t memoryIndex) const {
return !isAsmJS() && memoryIndex < memories.length() &&
bool usesSharedMemory(uint32_t memoryIndex) const {
return memoryIndex < memories.length() && memories[memoryIndex].isShared();
const FeatureArgs& features() const { return compileArgs->features; }
const ScriptedCaller& scriptedCaller() const {
return compileArgs->scriptedCaller;
const UniqueChars& sourceMapURL() const { return compileArgs->sourceMapURL; }
size_t numTypes() const { return types->length(); }
size_t numFuncs() const { return funcs.length(); }
size_t numFuncDefs() const { return funcs.length() - numFuncImports; }
size_t numTables() const { return tables.length(); }
size_t numMemories() const { return memories.length(); }
bool funcIsImport(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
return funcIndex < numFuncImports;
const TypeDef& getFuncTypeDef(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
return types->type(funcs[funcIndex].typeIndex);
const FuncType& getFuncType(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
return getFuncTypeDef(funcIndex).funcType();
uint32_t funcBytecodeOffset(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
if (funcIndex < numFuncImports) {
return 0;
uint32_t funcDefIndex = funcIndex - numFuncImports;
return funcDefRanges[funcDefIndex].start;
const BytecodeRange& funcDefRange(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcIndex >= numFuncImports);
uint32_t funcDefIndex = funcIndex - numFuncImports;
return funcDefRanges[funcDefIndex];
BytecodeSpan funcDefBody(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
return funcDefRange(funcIndex)
FeatureUsage funcDefFeatureUsage(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcIndex >= numFuncImports);
uint32_t funcDefIndex = funcIndex - numFuncImports;
return funcDefFeatureUsages[funcDefIndex];
// Given a bytecode offset inside a function definition, find the function
// index.
uint32_t findFuncIndex(uint32_t bytecodeOffset) const;
BuiltinModuleFuncId knownFuncImport(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcIndex < numFuncImports);
if (knownFuncImports.empty()) {
return BuiltinModuleFuncId::None;
return knownFuncImports[funcIndex];
CallRefMetricsRange getFuncDefCallRefs(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcIndex >= numFuncImports);
uint32_t funcDefIndex = funcIndex - numFuncImports;
return funcDefCallRefs[funcDefIndex];
// Find the exported function index for a function index
uint32_t findFuncExportIndex(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
// The number of functions that are exported in this module
uint32_t numExportedFuncs() const { return exportedFuncIndices.length(); }
CallRefHint getCallRefHint(uint32_t callRefIndex) const {
if (!callRefHints) {
return CallRefHint();
return CallRefHint::fromRepr(callRefHints[callRefIndex]);
void setCallRefHint(uint32_t callRefIndex, CallRefHint hint) const {
callRefHints[callRefIndex] = hint.toRepr();
size_t codeSectionSize() const {
if (codeSectionRange) {
return codeSectionRange->size;
return 0;
// This gets names for wasm only.
// For asm.js, see CodeMetadataForAsmJS::getFuncNameForAsmJS.
bool getFuncNameForWasm(NameContext ctx, uint32_t funcIndex,
UTF8Bytes* name) const;
uint32_t offsetOfFuncDefInstanceData(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcIndex >= numFuncImports && funcIndex < numFuncs());
return funcDefsOffsetStart +
(funcIndex - numFuncImports) * sizeof(FuncDefInstanceData);
uint32_t offsetOfFuncImportInstanceData(uint32_t funcIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcIndex < numFuncImports);
return funcImportsOffsetStart + funcIndex * sizeof(FuncImportInstanceData);
uint32_t offsetOfFuncExportInstanceData(uint32_t funcExportIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(funcExportIndex < exportedFuncIndices.length());
return funcExportsOffsetStart +
funcExportIndex * sizeof(FuncExportInstanceData);
uint32_t offsetOfTypeDefInstanceData(uint32_t typeIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(typeIndex < types->length());
return typeDefsOffsetStart + typeIndex * sizeof(TypeDefInstanceData);
uint32_t offsetOfTypeDef(uint32_t typeIndex) const {
return offsetOfTypeDefInstanceData(typeIndex) +
offsetof(TypeDefInstanceData, typeDef);
uint32_t offsetOfSuperTypeVector(uint32_t typeIndex) const {
return offsetOfTypeDefInstanceData(typeIndex) +
offsetof(TypeDefInstanceData, superTypeVector);
uint32_t offsetOfMemoryInstanceData(uint32_t memoryIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(memoryIndex < memories.length());
return memoriesOffsetStart + memoryIndex * sizeof(MemoryInstanceData);
uint32_t offsetOfTableInstanceData(uint32_t tableIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(tableIndex < tables.length());
return tablesOffsetStart + tableIndex * sizeof(TableInstanceData);
uint32_t offsetOfTagInstanceData(uint32_t tagIndex) const {
MOZ_ASSERT(tagIndex < tags.length());
return tagsOffsetStart + tagIndex * sizeof(TagInstanceData);
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
// Allocate space for `bytes`@`align` in the instance, updating
// `instanceDataLength` and returning the offset in in `assignedOffset`.
[[nodiscard]] bool allocateInstanceDataBytes(uint32_t bytes, uint32_t align,
uint32_t* assignedOffset);
// The same for an array of allocations.
[[nodiscard]] bool allocateInstanceDataBytesN(uint32_t bytes, uint32_t align,
uint32_t count,
uint32_t* assignedOffset);
using MutableCodeMetadata = RefPtr<CodeMetadata>;
using SharedCodeMetadata = RefPtr<const CodeMetadata>;
// wasm::ModuleMetadata contains metadata whose lifetime ends at the same time
// that the lifetime of wasm::Module ends. In practice that means metadata
// that is needed only for creating wasm::Instances. Hence this metadata
// conceptually belongs to, and is held alive by, wasm::Module.
struct ModuleMetadata : public ShareableBase<ModuleMetadata> {
// NOTE: if you add, remove, rename or reorder fields here, be sure to
// update CodeModuleMetadata() to keep it in sync.
// The subset of module metadata that is shared between a module and
// instance.
MutableCodeMetadata codeMeta;
// Module fields decoded from the module environment (or initialized while
// validating an asm.js module) and immutable during compilation:
ImportVector imports;
ExportVector exports;
// Info about elem segments needed for instantiation. Should have the same
// length as CodeMetadata::elemSegmentTypes.
ModuleElemSegmentVector elemSegments;
// Info about data segments needed for instantiation. These wind up having
// the same length. Initially both are empty. `dataSegmentRanges` is
// filled in during validation, and `dataSegments` remains empty. Later, at
// module-generation time, `dataSegments` is filled in, by copying the
// underlying data blocks, and so the two vectors have the same length after
// that.
DataSegmentRangeVector dataSegmentRanges;
DataSegmentVector dataSegments;
CustomSectionVector customSections;
// Which features were observed when compiling this module.
FeatureUsage featureUsage;
explicit ModuleMetadata() = default;
[[nodiscard]] bool init(const CompileArgs& compileArgs,
ModuleKind kind = ModuleKind::Wasm) {
codeMeta = js_new<CodeMetadata>(&compileArgs, kind);
return !!codeMeta && codeMeta->init();
bool addDefinedFunc(ValTypeVector&& params, ValTypeVector&& results,
bool declareForRef = false,
mozilla::Maybe<CacheableName>&& optionalExportedName =
bool addImportedFunc(ValTypeVector&& params, ValTypeVector&& results,
CacheableName&& importModName,
CacheableName&& importFieldName);
// Generates any new metadata necessary to compile this module. This must be
// called after the 'module environment' (everything before the code section)
// has been decoded.
[[nodiscard]] bool prepareForCompile(CompileMode mode) {
return codeMeta->prepareForCompile(mode);
bool isPreparedForCompile() const { return codeMeta->isPreparedForCompile(); }
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
using MutableModuleMetadata = RefPtr<ModuleMetadata>;
using SharedModuleMetadata = RefPtr<const ModuleMetadata>;
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace js
#endif /* wasm_WasmMetadata_h */