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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef wasm_instance_h
#define wasm_instance_h
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include <functional>
#include "gc/Barrier.h"
#include "js/shadow/Zone.h" // for BarrierState
#include "js/Stack.h" // JS::NativeStackLimit
#include "js/TypeDecls.h"
#include "vm/SharedMem.h"
#include "wasm/WasmExprType.h" // for ResultType
#include "wasm/WasmLog.h" // for PrintCallback
#include "wasm/WasmModuleTypes.h"
#include "wasm/WasmShareable.h" // for SeenSet
#include "wasm/WasmTypeDecls.h"
#include "wasm/WasmValue.h"
namespace js {
class SharedArrayRawBuffer;
class WasmBreakpointSite;
class WasmStructObject;
class WasmArrayObject;
namespace gc {
class StoreBuffer;
} // namespace gc
namespace wasm {
struct FuncDefInstanceData;
class FuncImport;
struct FuncImportInstanceData;
struct FuncExportInstanceData;
struct MemoryDesc;
struct MemoryInstanceData;
class GlobalDesc;
struct TableDesc;
struct TableInstanceData;
struct TagDesc;
struct TagInstanceData;
struct TypeDefInstanceData;
struct CallRefMetrics;
class WasmFrameIter;
// Instance represents a wasm instance and provides all the support for runtime
// execution of code in the instance. Instances share various immutable data
// structures with the Module from which they were instantiated and other
// instances instantiated from the same Module. However, an Instance has no
// direct reference to its source Module which allows a Module to be destroyed
// while it still has live Instances.
// The instance's code may be shared among multiple instances.
// An Instance is also known as a 'TlsData'. They used to be separate objects,
// but have now been unified. Extant references to 'TlsData' will be cleaned
// up over time.
class alignas(16) Instance {
// NOTE: The first fields of Instance are reserved for commonly accessed data
// from the JIT, such that they have as small an offset as possible. See the
// next note for the end of this region.
// Pointer to the base of memory 0 (or null if there is no memories). This is
// always in sync with the MemoryInstanceData for memory 0.
uint8_t* memory0Base_;
// Bounds check limit in bytes (or zero if there is no memory) for memory 0
// This is 64-bits on 64-bit systems so as to allow for heap lengths up to and
// beyond 4GB, and 32-bits on 32-bit systems, where memories are limited to
// 2GB.
// See "Linear memory addresses and bounds checking" in WasmMemory.cpp.
uintptr_t memory0BoundsCheckLimit_;
// Null or a pointer to a per-module builtin stub that will invoke the Debug
// Trap Handler.
void* debugStub_;
// The containing JS::Realm.
JS::Realm* realm_;
// The containing JSContext.
JSContext* cx_;
// The pending exception that was found during stack unwinding after a throw.
// - Only non-null while unwinding the control stack from a wasm-exit stub.
// until the nearest enclosing Wasm try-catch or try-delegate block.
// - Set by wasm::HandleThrow, unset by Instance::consumePendingException.
// - If the unwind target is a `try-delegate`, it is unset by the delegated
// try-catch block or function body block.
GCPtr<AnyRef> pendingException_;
// The tag object of the pending exception.
GCPtr<AnyRef> pendingExceptionTag_;
// Usually equal to cx->stackLimitForJitCode(JS::StackForUntrustedScript),
// but can be racily set to trigger immediate trap as an opportunity to
// CheckForInterrupt without an additional branch.
mozilla::Atomic<JS::NativeStackLimit, mozilla::Relaxed> stackLimit_;
// Set to 1 when wasm should call CheckForInterrupt.
mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t, mozilla::Relaxed> interrupt_;
// Boolean value set to true when instance code is executed on a suspendable
// stack. Aligned to int32_t to be used on JIT code.
int32_t onSuspendableStack_;
// The address of the realm()->zone()->needsIncrementalBarrier(). This is
// specific to this instance and not a process wide field, and so it cannot
// be linked into code.
const JS::shadow::Zone::BarrierState* addressOfNeedsIncrementalBarrier_;
// NOTE: All fields commonly accessed by the JIT must be above this method,
// and this method adapted for the last field present. This method is used
// to assert that we can use compact offsets on x86(-64) for these fields.
// We cannot have the assertion here, due to C++ 'offsetof' rules.
static constexpr size_t offsetOfLastCommonJitField() {
return offsetof(Instance, addressOfNeedsIncrementalBarrier_);
// The number of baseline scratch storage words available.
static constexpr size_t N_BASELINE_SCRATCH_WORDS = 4;
// When compiling with tiering, the jumpTable has one entry for each
// baseline-compiled function.
void** jumpTable_;
// 4 words of scratch storage for the baseline compiler, which can't always
// use the stack for this.
uintptr_t baselineScratchWords_[N_BASELINE_SCRATCH_WORDS];
// The class_ of WasmValueBox, this is a per-process value. We could patch
// this into code, but the only use-sites are register restricted and cannot
// easily use a symbolic address.
const JSClass* valueBoxClass_;
// Address of the JitRuntime's arguments rectifier trampoline
void* jsJitArgsRectifier_;
// Address of the JitRuntime's exception handler trampoline
void* jsJitExceptionHandler_;
// Address of the JitRuntime's object prebarrier trampoline
void* preBarrierCode_;
// Address of the store buffer for this instance
gc::StoreBuffer* storeBuffer_;
// Weak pointer to WasmInstanceObject that owns this instance
WeakHeapPtr<WasmInstanceObject*> object_;
// The wasm::Code for this instance
const SharedCode code_;
// The tables for this instance, if any
const SharedTableVector tables_;
// Passive data segments for use with bulk memory instructions
DataSegmentVector passiveDataSegments_;
// Passive elem segments for use with tables
InstanceElemSegmentVector passiveElemSegments_;
// The wasm::DebugState for this instance, if any
const UniqueDebugState maybeDebug_;
// If debugging, this is a per-funcIndex bit table denoting whether debugging
// is currently enabled for the function within the instance. The flag is set
// if any breakpoint or function entry or exit point needs to be visited. It
// is OK to conservatively set this flag, but there is very significant
// overhead to taking a breakpoint trap, so managing it precisely is
// worthwhile.
uint32_t* debugFilter_;
// A pointer to an array of metrics for all the call_ref's in this instance.
// This is only used with lazy tiering for collecting speculative inlining
// information.
CallRefMetrics* callRefMetrics_;
// The exclusive maximum index of a global that has been initialized so far.
uint32_t maxInitializedGlobalsIndexPlus1_;
// Pointer that should be freed (due to padding before the Instance).
void* allocatedBase_;
// Fields from the JS context for memory allocation, stashed on the instance
// so it can be accessed from JIT code.
const void* addressOfNurseryPosition_;
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
const void* addressOfGCZealModeBits_;
// Pointer to a per-module builtin stub that will request tier-up for the
// wasm function that calls it.
void* requestTierUpStub_ = nullptr;
// Pointer to a per-module builtin stub that does the OOL component of a
// call-ref metrics update.
void* updateCallRefMetricsStub_ = nullptr;
// The data must be the last field. Globals for the module start here
// and are inline in this structure. 16-byte alignment is required for SIMD
// data.
MOZ_ALIGNED_DECL(16, char data_);
// Internal helpers:
FuncDefInstanceData* funcDefInstanceData(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefInstanceData(uint32_t typeIndex) const;
const void* addressOfGlobalCell(const GlobalDesc& globalDesc) const;
FuncImportInstanceData& funcImportInstanceData(uint32_t funcIndex);
FuncExportInstanceData& funcExportInstanceData(uint32_t funcExportIndex);
MemoryInstanceData& memoryInstanceData(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
TableInstanceData& tableInstanceData(uint32_t tableIndex) const;
TagInstanceData& tagInstanceData(uint32_t tagIndex) const;
// Only WasmInstanceObject can call the private trace function.
friend class js::WasmInstanceObject;
void tracePrivate(JSTracer* trc);
bool callImport(JSContext* cx, uint32_t funcImportIndex, unsigned argc,
uint64_t* argv);
Instance(JSContext* cx, Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> object,
const SharedCode& code, SharedTableVector&& tables,
UniqueDebugState maybeDebug);
static Instance* create(JSContext* cx, Handle<WasmInstanceObject*> object,
const SharedCode& code, uint32_t instanceDataLength,
SharedTableVector&& tables,
UniqueDebugState maybeDebug);
static void destroy(Instance* instance);
bool init(JSContext* cx, const JSObjectVector& funcImports,
const ValVector& globalImportValues,
Handle<WasmMemoryObjectVector> memories,
const WasmGlobalObjectVector& globalObjs,
const WasmTagObjectVector& tagObjs,
const DataSegmentVector& dataSegments,
const ModuleElemSegmentVector& elemSegments);
// Trace any GC roots on the stack, for the frame associated with |wfi|,
// whose next instruction to execute is |nextPC|.
// For consistency checking of StackMap sizes in debug builds, this also
// takes |highestByteVisitedInPrevFrame|, which is the address of the
// highest byte scanned in the frame below this one on the stack, and in
// turn it returns the address of the highest byte scanned in this frame.
// The method does not assert RootMarkingPhase since it can be used to trace
// suspended stacks.
uintptr_t traceFrame(JSTracer* trc, const wasm::WasmFrameIter& wfi,
uint8_t* nextPC,
uintptr_t highestByteVisitedInPrevFrame);
void updateFrameForMovingGC(const wasm::WasmFrameIter& wfi, uint8_t* nextPC);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfMemory0Base() {
return offsetof(Instance, memory0Base_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfMemory0BoundsCheckLimit() {
return offsetof(Instance, memory0BoundsCheckLimit_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfDebugStub() {
return offsetof(Instance, debugStub_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfRequestTierUpStub() {
return offsetof(Instance, requestTierUpStub_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfUpdateCallRefMetricsStub() {
return offsetof(Instance, updateCallRefMetricsStub_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfRealm() { return offsetof(Instance, realm_); }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfCx() { return offsetof(Instance, cx_); }
static constexpr size_t offsetOfValueBoxClass() {
return offsetof(Instance, valueBoxClass_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfPendingException() {
return offsetof(Instance, pendingException_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfPendingExceptionTag() {
return offsetof(Instance, pendingExceptionTag_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfStackLimit() {
return offsetof(Instance, stackLimit_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfInterrupt() {
return offsetof(Instance, interrupt_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfOnSuspendableStack() {
return offsetof(Instance, onSuspendableStack_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfAddressOfNeedsIncrementalBarrier() {
return offsetof(Instance, addressOfNeedsIncrementalBarrier_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfJumpTable() {
return offsetof(Instance, jumpTable_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfBaselineScratchWords() {
return offsetof(Instance, baselineScratchWords_);
static constexpr size_t sizeOfBaselineScratchWords() {
return sizeof(baselineScratchWords_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfJSJitArgsRectifier() {
return offsetof(Instance, jsJitArgsRectifier_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfJSJitExceptionHandler() {
return offsetof(Instance, jsJitExceptionHandler_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfPreBarrierCode() {
return offsetof(Instance, preBarrierCode_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfDebugFilter() {
return offsetof(Instance, debugFilter_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfCallRefMetrics() {
return offsetof(Instance, callRefMetrics_);
static constexpr size_t offsetOfData() { return offsetof(Instance, data_); }
static constexpr size_t offsetInData(size_t offset) {
return offsetOfData() + offset;
static constexpr size_t offsetOfAddressOfNurseryPosition() {
return offsetof(Instance, addressOfNurseryPosition_);
#ifdef JS_GC_ZEAL
static constexpr size_t offsetOfAddressOfGCZealModeBits() {
return offsetof(Instance, addressOfGCZealModeBits_);
JSContext* cx() const { return cx_; }
void* debugStub() const { return debugStub_; }
void setDebugStub(void* newStub) { debugStub_ = newStub; }
void setRequestTierUpStub(void* newStub) { requestTierUpStub_ = newStub; }
void setUpdateCallRefMetricsStub(void* newStub) {
updateCallRefMetricsStub_ = newStub;
JS::Realm* realm() const { return realm_; }
bool debugEnabled() const { return !!maybeDebug_; }
DebugState& debug() { return *maybeDebug_; }
uint8_t* data() const { return (uint8_t*)&data_; }
const SharedTableVector& tables() const { return tables_; }
SharedMem<uint8_t*> memoryBase(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
WasmMemoryObject* memory(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
size_t memoryMappedSize(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
SharedArrayRawBuffer* sharedMemoryBuffer(
uint32_t memoryIndex) const; // never null
bool memoryAccessInGuardRegion(const uint8_t* addr, unsigned numBytes) const;
// Methods to set, test and clear the interrupt fields. Both interrupt
// fields are Relaxed and so no consistency/ordering can be assumed.
void setInterrupt();
bool isInterrupted() const;
void resetInterrupt(JSContext* cx);
void setTemporaryStackLimit(JS::NativeStackLimit limit);
void resetTemporaryStackLimit(JSContext* cx);
int32_t computeInitialHotnessCounter(uint32_t funcIndex);
void resetHotnessCounter(uint32_t funcIndex);
int32_t readHotnessCounter(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
void submitCallRefHints(uint32_t funcIndex);
bool debugFilter(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
void setDebugFilter(uint32_t funcIndex, bool value);
const Code& code() const { return *code_; }
inline const CodeMetadata& codeMeta() const;
inline const CodeMetadataForAsmJS* codeMetaForAsmJS() const;
inline bool isAsmJS() const;
// This method returns a pointer to the GC object that owns this Instance.
// Instances may be reached via weak edges (e.g., Realm::instances_)
// so this perform a read-barrier on the returned object unless the barrier
// is explicitly waived.
WasmInstanceObject* object() const;
WasmInstanceObject* objectUnbarriered() const;
// Get or create the exported function wrapper for a function index.
[[nodiscard]] bool getExportedFunction(JSContext* cx, uint32_t funcIndex,
MutableHandleFunction result);
// Execute the given export given the JS call arguments, storing the return
// value in args.rval.
[[nodiscard]] bool callExport(JSContext* cx, uint32_t funcIndex,
const CallArgs& args,
CoercionLevel level = CoercionLevel::Spec);
// Exception handling support
void setPendingException(Handle<WasmExceptionObject*> exn);
// Constant expression support
void constantGlobalGet(uint32_t globalIndex, MutableHandleVal result);
WasmStructObject* constantStructNewDefault(JSContext* cx, uint32_t typeIndex);
WasmArrayObject* constantArrayNewDefault(JSContext* cx, uint32_t typeIndex,
uint32_t numElements);
// Return the name associated with a given function index, or generate one
// if none was given by the module.
JSAtom* getFuncDisplayAtom(JSContext* cx, uint32_t funcIndex) const;
void ensureProfilingLabels(bool profilingEnabled) const;
// Called by Wasm(Memory|Table)Object when a moving resize occurs:
void onMovingGrowMemory(const WasmMemoryObject* memory);
void onMovingGrowTable(const Table* table);
bool initSegments(JSContext* cx, const DataSegmentVector& dataSegments,
const ModuleElemSegmentVector& elemSegments);
// Called to apply a single ElemSegment at a given offset, assuming
// that all bounds validation has already been performed.
[[nodiscard]] bool initElems(JSContext* cx, uint32_t tableIndex,
const ModuleElemSegment& seg,
uint32_t dstOffset);
// Iterates through elements of a ModuleElemSegment containing functions.
// Unlike iterElemsAnyrefs, this method can get function data (instance and
// code pointers) without creating intermediate JSFunctions.
// NOTE: This method only works for element segments that use the index
// encoding. If the expression encoding is used, you must use
// iterElemsAnyrefs.
// Signature for onFunc:
// (uint32_t index, void* code, Instance* instance) -> bool
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool iterElemsFunctions(const ModuleElemSegment& seg,
const F& onFunc);
// Iterates through elements of a ModuleElemSegment. This method works for any
// type of wasm ref and both element segment encodings. As required by AnyRef,
// any functions will be wrapped in JSFunction - if possible, you should use
// iterElemsFunctions to avoid this.
// Signature for onAnyRef:
// (uint32_t index, AnyRef ref) -> bool
template <typename F>
[[nodiscard]] bool iterElemsAnyrefs(JSContext* cx,
const ModuleElemSegment& seg,
const F& onAnyRef);
// Debugger support:
JSString* createDisplayURL(JSContext* cx);
WasmBreakpointSite* getOrCreateBreakpointSite(JSContext* cx, uint32_t offset);
void destroyBreakpointSite(JS::GCContext* gcx, uint32_t offset);
// about:memory reporting:
void addSizeOfMisc(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf,
SeenSet<CodeMetadata>* seenCodeMeta,
SeenSet<CodeMetadataForAsmJS>* seenCodeMetaForAsmJS,
SeenSet<Code>* seenCode, SeenSet<Table>* seenTables,
size_t* code, size_t* data) const;
// Wasm disassembly support
void disassembleExport(JSContext* cx, uint32_t funcIndex, Tier tier,
PrintCallback printString) const;
// Functions to be called directly from wasm code.
static int32_t callImport_general(Instance*, int32_t, int32_t, uint64_t*);
static uint32_t memoryGrow_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t delta,
uint32_t memoryIndex);
static uint64_t memoryGrow_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t delta,
uint32_t memoryIndex);
static uint32_t memorySize_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t memoryIndex);
static uint64_t memorySize_m64(Instance* instance, uint32_t memoryIndex);
static int32_t memCopy_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t dstByteOffset,
uint32_t srcByteOffset, uint32_t len,
uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memCopyShared_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t dstByteOffset,
uint32_t srcByteOffset, uint32_t len,
uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memCopy_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t dstByteOffset,
uint64_t srcByteOffset, uint64_t len,
uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memCopyShared_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t dstByteOffset,
uint64_t srcByteOffset, uint64_t len,
uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memCopy_any(Instance* instance, uint64_t dstByteOffset,
uint64_t srcByteOffset, uint64_t len,
uint32_t dstMemIndex, uint32_t srcMemIndex);
static int32_t memFill_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
uint32_t value, uint32_t len, uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memFillShared_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
uint32_t value, uint32_t len,
uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memFill_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
uint32_t value, uint64_t len, uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memFillShared_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
uint32_t value, uint64_t len,
uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memInit_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t dstOffset,
uint32_t srcOffset, uint32_t len,
uint32_t segIndex, uint32_t memIndex);
static int32_t memInit_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t dstOffset,
uint32_t srcOffset, uint32_t len,
uint32_t segIndex, uint32_t memIndex);
static int32_t dataDrop(Instance* instance, uint32_t segIndex);
static int32_t tableCopy(Instance* instance, uint32_t dstOffset,
uint32_t srcOffset, uint32_t len,
uint32_t dstTableIndex, uint32_t srcTableIndex);
static int32_t tableFill(Instance* instance, uint32_t start, void* value,
uint32_t len, uint32_t tableIndex);
static int32_t memDiscard_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
uint32_t byteLen, uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memDiscardShared_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
uint32_t byteLen, uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memDiscard_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
uint64_t byteLen, uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t memDiscardShared_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
uint64_t byteLen, uint8_t* memBase);
static void* tableGet(Instance* instance, uint32_t address,
uint32_t tableIndex);
static uint32_t tableGrow(Instance* instance, void* initValue, uint32_t delta,
uint32_t tableIndex);
static int32_t tableSet(Instance* instance, uint32_t address, void* value,
uint32_t tableIndex);
static uint32_t tableSize(Instance* instance, uint32_t tableIndex);
static int32_t tableInit(Instance* instance, uint32_t dstOffset,
uint32_t srcOffset, uint32_t len, uint32_t segIndex,
uint32_t tableIndex);
static int32_t elemDrop(Instance* instance, uint32_t segIndex);
static int32_t wait_i32_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
int32_t value, int64_t timeout,
uint32_t memoryIndex);
static int32_t wait_i32_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
int32_t value, int64_t timeout,
uint32_t memoryIndex);
static int32_t wait_i64_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
int64_t value, int64_t timeout,
uint32_t memoryIndex);
static int32_t wait_i64_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
int64_t value, int64_t timeout,
uint32_t memoryIndex);
static int32_t wake_m32(Instance* instance, uint32_t byteOffset,
int32_t count, uint32_t memoryIndex);
static int32_t wake_m64(Instance* instance, uint64_t byteOffset,
int32_t count, uint32_t memoryIndex);
static void* refFunc(Instance* instance, uint32_t funcIndex);
static void postBarrier(Instance* instance, void** location);
static void postBarrierPrecise(Instance* instance, void** location,
void* prev);
static void postBarrierPreciseWithOffset(Instance* instance, void** base,
uint32_t offset, void* prev);
static void* exceptionNew(Instance* instance, void* exceptionArg);
static int32_t throwException(Instance* instance, void* exceptionArg);
template <bool ZeroFields>
static void* structNewIL(Instance* instance,
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefData);
template <bool ZeroFields>
static void* structNewOOL(Instance* instance,
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefData);
template <bool ZeroFields>
static void* arrayNew(Instance* instance, uint32_t numElements,
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefData);
static void* arrayNewData(Instance* instance, uint32_t segByteOffset,
uint32_t numElements,
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefData,
uint32_t segIndex);
static void* arrayNewElem(Instance* instance, uint32_t srcOffset,
uint32_t numElements,
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefData,
uint32_t segIndex);
static int32_t arrayInitData(Instance* instance, void* array, uint32_t index,
uint32_t segByteOffset, uint32_t numElements,
uint32_t segIndex);
static int32_t arrayInitElem(Instance* instance, void* array, uint32_t index,
uint32_t segOffset, uint32_t numElements,
TypeDefInstanceData* typeDefData,
uint32_t segIndex);
static int32_t arrayCopy(Instance* instance, void* dstArray,
uint32_t dstIndex, void* srcArray, uint32_t srcIndex,
uint32_t numElements, uint32_t elementSize);
static int32_t arrayFill(Instance* instance, void* array, uint32_t index,
uint32_t numElements);
static int32_t refTest(Instance* instance, void* refPtr,
const wasm::TypeDef* typeDef);
static int32_t intrI8VecMul(Instance* instance, uint32_t dest, uint32_t src1,
uint32_t src2, uint32_t len, uint8_t* memBase);
static int32_t stringTest(Instance* instance, void* stringArg);
static void* stringCast(Instance* instance, void* stringArg);
static void* stringFromCharCodeArray(Instance* instance, void* arrayArg,
uint32_t arrayStart, uint32_t arrayEnd);
static int32_t stringIntoCharCodeArray(Instance* instance, void* stringArg,
void* arrayArg, uint32_t arrayStart);
static void* stringFromCharCode(Instance* instance, uint32_t charCode);
static void* stringFromCodePoint(Instance* instance, uint32_t codePoint);
static int32_t stringCharCodeAt(Instance* instance, void* stringArg,
uint32_t index);
static int32_t stringCodePointAt(Instance* instance, void* stringArg,
uint32_t index);
static int32_t stringLength(Instance* instance, void* stringArg);
static void* stringConcat(Instance* instance, void* firstStringArg,
void* secondStringArg);
static void* stringSubstring(Instance* instance, void* stringArg,
uint32_t startIndex, uint32_t endIndex);
static int32_t stringEquals(Instance* instance, void* firstStringArg,
void* secondStringArg);
static int32_t stringCompare(Instance* instance, void* firstStringArg,
void* secondStringArg);
bool ResultsToJSValue(JSContext* cx, ResultType type, void* registerResultLoc,
mozilla::Maybe<char*> stackResultsLoc,
MutableHandleValue rval,
CoercionLevel level = CoercionLevel::Spec);
// Report an error to `cx` and mark it as a 'trap' so that it cannot be caught
// by wasm exception handlers.
void ReportTrapError(JSContext* cx, unsigned errorNumber);
// Mark an already reported error as a 'trap' so that it cannot be caught by
// wasm exception handlers.
void MarkPendingExceptionAsTrap(JSContext* cx);
// Instance is not a GC thing itself but contains GC thing pointers. Ensure they
// are traced appropriately.
void TraceInstanceEdge(JSTracer* trc, Instance* instance, const char* name);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace js
#endif // wasm_instance_h