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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* Copyright 2015 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef wasm_generator_h
#define wasm_generator_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
#include "threading/ProtectedData.h"
#include "vm/HelperThreadTask.h"
#include "wasm/WasmCompile.h"
#include "wasm/WasmModule.h"
#include "wasm/WasmValidate.h"
namespace JS {
class OptimizedEncodingListener;
namespace js {
namespace wasm {
struct CompileTask;
using CompileTaskPtrVector = Vector<CompileTask*, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// FuncCompileInput contains the input for compiling a single function.
struct FuncCompileInput {
const uint8_t* begin;
const uint8_t* end;
uint32_t index;
uint32_t lineOrBytecode;
Uint32Vector callSiteLineNums;
FuncCompileInput(uint32_t index, uint32_t lineOrBytecode,
const uint8_t* begin, const uint8_t* end,
Uint32Vector&& callSiteLineNums)
: begin(begin),
callSiteLineNums(std::move(callSiteLineNums)) {}
using FuncCompileInputVector = Vector<FuncCompileInput, 8, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// CompiledCode contains the resulting code and metadata for a set of compiled
// input functions or stubs.
struct CompiledCode {
CompiledCode() : featureUsage(FeatureUsage::None) {}
Bytes bytes;
CodeRangeVector codeRanges;
CallSiteVector callSites;
CallSiteTargetVector callSiteTargets;
TrapSiteVectorArray trapSites;
SymbolicAccessVector symbolicAccesses;
jit::CodeLabelVector codeLabels;
StackMaps stackMaps;
TryNoteVector tryNotes;
CodeRangeUnwindInfoVector codeRangeUnwindInfos;
FeatureUsage featureUsage;
[[nodiscard]] bool swap(jit::MacroAssembler& masm);
void clear() {
featureUsage = FeatureUsage::None;
bool empty() {
return bytes.empty() && codeRanges.empty() && callSites.empty() &&
callSiteTargets.empty() && trapSites.empty() &&
symbolicAccesses.empty() && codeLabels.empty() && tryNotes.empty() &&
stackMaps.empty() && codeRangeUnwindInfos.empty() &&
featureUsage == FeatureUsage::None;
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
// The CompileTaskState of a ModuleGenerator contains the mutable state shared
// between helper threads executing CompileTasks. Each CompileTask started on a
// helper thread eventually either ends up in the 'finished' list or increments
// 'numFailed'.
struct CompileTaskState {
HelperThreadLockData<CompileTaskPtrVector> finished_;
HelperThreadLockData<uint32_t> numFailed_;
HelperThreadLockData<UniqueChars> errorMessage_;
HelperThreadLockData<ConditionVariable> condVar_;
CompileTaskState() : numFailed_(0) {}
~CompileTaskState() {
CompileTaskPtrVector& finished() { return finished_.ref(); }
uint32_t& numFailed() { return numFailed_.ref(); }
UniqueChars& errorMessage() { return errorMessage_.ref(); }
ConditionVariable& condVar() { return condVar_.ref(); }
// A CompileTask holds a batch of input functions that are to be compiled on a
// helper thread as well as, eventually, the results of compilation.
struct CompileTask : public HelperThreadTask {
const ModuleEnvironment& moduleEnv;
const CompilerEnvironment& compilerEnv;
CompileTaskState& state;
LifoAlloc lifo;
FuncCompileInputVector inputs;
CompiledCode output;
CompileTask(const ModuleEnvironment& moduleEnv,
const CompilerEnvironment& compilerEnv, CompileTaskState& state,
size_t defaultChunkSize)
: moduleEnv(moduleEnv),
lifo(defaultChunkSize) {}
virtual ~CompileTask() = default;
size_t sizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
void runHelperThreadTask(AutoLockHelperThreadState& locked) override;
ThreadType threadType() override;
// A ModuleGenerator encapsulates the creation of a wasm module. During the
// lifetime of a ModuleGenerator, a sequence of FunctionGenerators are created
// and destroyed to compile the individual function bodies. After generating all
// functions, ModuleGenerator::finish() must be called to complete the
// compilation and extract the resulting wasm module.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS ModuleGenerator {
using CompileTaskVector = Vector<CompileTask, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
using CodeOffsetVector = Vector<jit::CodeOffset, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
struct CallFarJump {
uint32_t funcIndex;
jit::CodeOffset jump;
CallFarJump(uint32_t fi, jit::CodeOffset j) : funcIndex(fi), jump(j) {}
using CallFarJumpVector = Vector<CallFarJump, 0, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Constant parameters
SharedCompileArgs const compileArgs_;
UniqueChars* const error_;
UniqueCharsVector* const warnings_;
const Atomic<bool>* const cancelled_;
ModuleEnvironment* const moduleEnv_;
CompilerEnvironment* const compilerEnv_;
// Data that is moved into the result of finish()
UniqueLinkData linkData_;
UniqueMetadataTier metadataTier_;
MutableMetadata metadata_;
// Data scoped to the ModuleGenerator's lifetime
CompileTaskState taskState_;
LifoAlloc lifo_;
jit::TempAllocator masmAlloc_;
jit::WasmMacroAssembler masm_;
Uint32Vector funcToCodeRange_;
uint32_t debugTrapCodeOffset_;
CallFarJumpVector callFarJumps_;
CallSiteTargetVector callSiteTargets_;
uint32_t lastPatchedCallSite_;
uint32_t startOfUnpatchedCallsites_;
// Parallel compilation
bool parallel_;
uint32_t outstanding_;
CompileTaskVector tasks_;
CompileTaskPtrVector freeTasks_;
CompileTask* currentTask_;
uint32_t batchedBytecode_;
// Assertions
DebugOnly<bool> finishedFuncDefs_;
bool allocateInstanceDataBytes(uint32_t bytes, uint32_t align,
uint32_t* instanceDataOffset);
bool allocateInstanceDataBytesN(uint32_t bytes, uint32_t align,
uint32_t count, uint32_t* instanceDataOffset);
bool funcIsCompiled(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
const CodeRange& funcCodeRange(uint32_t funcIndex) const;
bool linkCallSites();
void noteCodeRange(uint32_t codeRangeIndex, const CodeRange& codeRange);
bool linkCompiledCode(CompiledCode& code);
bool locallyCompileCurrentTask();
bool finishTask(CompileTask* task);
bool launchBatchCompile();
bool finishOutstandingTask();
bool finishCodegen();
bool finishMetadataTier();
UniqueCodeTier finishCodeTier();
SharedMetadata finishMetadata(const Bytes& bytecode);
bool isAsmJS() const { return moduleEnv_->isAsmJS(); }
Tier tier() const { return compilerEnv_->tier(); }
CompileMode mode() const { return compilerEnv_->mode(); }
bool debugEnabled() const { return compilerEnv_->debugEnabled(); }
void warnf(const char* msg, ...) MOZ_FORMAT_PRINTF(2, 3);
ModuleGenerator(const CompileArgs& args, ModuleEnvironment* moduleEnv,
CompilerEnvironment* compilerEnv,
const Atomic<bool>* cancelled, UniqueChars* error,
UniqueCharsVector* warnings);
[[nodiscard]] bool init(Metadata* maybeAsmJSMetadata = nullptr);
// Before finishFuncDefs() is called, compileFuncDef() must be called once
// for each funcIndex in the range [0, env->numFuncDefs()).
[[nodiscard]] bool compileFuncDef(
uint32_t funcIndex, uint32_t lineOrBytecode, const uint8_t* begin,
const uint8_t* end, Uint32Vector&& callSiteLineNums = Uint32Vector());
// Must be called after the last compileFuncDef() and before finishModule()
// or finishTier2().
[[nodiscard]] bool finishFuncDefs();
// If env->mode is Once or Tier1, finishModule() must be called to generate
// a new Module. Otherwise, if env->mode is Tier2, finishTier2() must be
// called to augment the given Module with tier 2 code.
SharedModule finishModule(
const ShareableBytes& bytecode,
JS::OptimizedEncodingListener* maybeTier2Listener = nullptr);
[[nodiscard]] bool finishTier2(const Module& module);
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace js
#endif // wasm_generator_h