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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* Copyright 2016 Mozilla Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This is an INTERNAL header for Wasm baseline compiler: the compiler object
// and its supporting types.
#ifndef wasm_wasm_baseline_object_h
#define wasm_wasm_baseline_object_h
#include "wasm/WasmBCDefs.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBCFrame.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBCRegDefs.h"
#include "wasm/WasmBCStk.h"
#include "wasm/WasmConstants.h"
namespace js {
namespace wasm {
// Container for a piece of out-of-line code, the slow path that supports an
// operation.
class OutOfLineCode;
// Part of the inter-bytecode state for the boolean-evaluation-for-control
// optimization.
struct BranchState;
// Representation of wasm local variables.
using Local = BaseStackFrame::Local;
// Bitset used for simple bounds check elimination. Capping this at 64 locals
// makes sense; even 32 locals would probably be OK in practice.
// For more information about BCE, see the block comment in WasmBCMemory.cpp.
using BCESet = uint64_t;
// Information stored in the control node for generating exception handling
// landing pads.
struct CatchInfo {
uint32_t tagIndex; // Index for the associated exception.
NonAssertingLabel label; // The entry label for the handler.
explicit CatchInfo(uint32_t tagIndex_) : tagIndex(tagIndex_) {}
using CatchInfoVector = Vector<CatchInfo, 1, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Control node, representing labels and stack heights at join points.
struct Control {
NonAssertingLabel label; // The "exit" label
NonAssertingLabel otherLabel; // Used for the "else" branch of if-then-else
// and to allow delegate to jump to catches.
StackHeight stackHeight; // From BaseStackFrame
uint32_t stackSize; // Value stack height
BCESet bceSafeOnEntry; // Bounds check info flowing into the item
BCESet bceSafeOnExit; // Bounds check info flowing out of the item
bool deadOnArrival; // deadCode_ was set on entry to the region
bool deadThenBranch; // deadCode_ was set on exit from "then"
size_t tryNoteIndex; // For tracking try branch code ranges.
CatchInfoVector catchInfos; // Used for try-catch handlers.
: stackHeight(StackHeight::Invalid()),
tryNoteIndex(0) {}
Control(Control&&) = default;
Control(const Control&) = delete;
// A vector of Nothing values, used for reading opcodes.
class BaseNothingVector {
mozilla::Nothing unused_;
bool reserve(size_t size) { return true; }
bool resize(size_t length) { return true; }
mozilla::Nothing& operator[](size_t) { return unused_; }
mozilla::Nothing& back() { return unused_; }
size_t length() const { return 0; }
bool append(mozilla::Nothing& nothing) { return true; }
void infallibleAppend(mozilla::Nothing& nothing) {}
// The baseline compiler tracks values on a stack of its own -- it needs to scan
// that stack for spilling -- and thus has no need for the values maintained by
// the iterator.
struct BaseCompilePolicy {
using Value = mozilla::Nothing;
using ValueVector = BaseNothingVector;
// The baseline compiler uses the iterator's control stack, attaching
// its own control information.
using ControlItem = Control;
using BaseOpIter = OpIter<BaseCompilePolicy>;
// Latent operation for boolean-evaluation-for-control optimization.
enum class LatentOp { None, Compare, Eqz };
// Encapsulate the checking needed for a memory access.
struct AccessCheck {
: omitBoundsCheck(false),
onlyPointerAlignment(false) {}
// If `omitAlignmentCheck` is true then we need check neither the
// pointer nor the offset. Otherwise, if `onlyPointerAlignment` is true
// then we need check only the pointer. Otherwise, check the sum of
// pointer and offset.
bool omitBoundsCheck;
bool omitAlignmentCheck;
bool onlyPointerAlignment;
// Encapsulate all the information about a function call.
struct FunctionCall {
: restoreRegisterStateAndRealm(false),
stackArgAreaSize(0) {
WasmABIArgGenerator abi;
bool restoreRegisterStateAndRealm;
bool usesSystemAbi;
bool hardFP;
size_t frameAlignAdjustment;
size_t stackArgAreaSize;
enum class PreBarrierKind {
// No pre-write barrier is required because the previous value is undefined.
// Perform a pre-write barrier to mark the previous value if an incremental
// GC is underway.
enum class PostBarrierKind {
// Remove an existing store buffer entry if the new value does not require
// one. This is required to preserve invariants with HeapPtr when used for
// movable storage.
// Add a store buffer entry if the new value requires it, but do not attempt
// to remove a pre-existing entry.
struct BranchIfRefSubtypeRegisters {
RegPtr superSTV;
RegI32 scratch1;
RegI32 scratch2;
// Wasm baseline compiler proper.
// This is a struct and not a class because there is no real benefit to hiding
// anything, and because many static functions that are wrappers for masm
// methods need to reach into it and would otherwise have to be declared as
// friends.
// (Members generally have a '_' suffix but some don't because they are
// referenced everywhere and it would be tedious to spell that out.)
struct BaseCompiler final {
// Private types
using LabelVector = Vector<NonAssertingLabel, 8, SystemAllocPolicy>;
// Read-only and write-once members.
// Static compilation environment.
const CodeMetadata& codeMeta_;
const CompilerEnvironment& compilerEnv_;
const FuncCompileInput& func_;
const ValTypeVector& locals_;
// Information about the locations of locals, this is set up during
// initialization and read-only after that.
BaseStackFrame::LocalVector localInfo_;
// On specific platforms we sometimes need to use specific registers.
const SpecificRegs specific_;
// SigD and SigF are single-entry parameter lists for f64 and f32, these are
// created during initialization.
ValTypeVector SigD_;
ValTypeVector SigF_;
// Where to go to to return, bound as compilation ends.
NonAssertingLabel returnLabel_;
// Prologue and epilogue offsets, initialized during prologue and epilogue
// generation and only used by the caller.
FuncOffsets offsets_;
// We call this address from the breakable point when the (per-module) debug
// stub pointer in the Instance is not null.
NonAssertingLabel perFunctionDebugStub_;
uint32_t previousBreakablePoint_;
// BaselineCompileFunctions() "lends" us the StkVector to use in this
// BaseCompiler object, and that is installed in |stk_| in our constructor.
// This is so as to avoid having to malloc/free the vector's contents at
// each creation/destruction of a BaseCompiler object. It does however mean
// that we need to hold on to a reference to BaselineCompileFunctions()'s
// vector, so we can swap (give) its contents back when this BaseCompiler
// object is destroyed. This significantly reduces the heap turnover of the
// baseline compiler. See bug 1532592.
StkVector& stkSource_;
// Output-only data structures.
// Bump allocator for temporary memory, used for the value stack and
// out-of-line code blobs. Bump-allocated memory is not freed until the end
// of the compilation.
TempAllocator::Fallible alloc_;
// Machine code emitter.
MacroAssembler& masm;
// Compilation state.
// Decoder for this function, used for misc error reporting.
Decoder& decoder_;
// Opcode reader.
BaseOpIter iter_;
// Register allocator.
BaseRegAlloc ra;
// Stack frame abstraction.
BaseStackFrame fr;
// Latent out of line support code for some operations, code for these will be
// emitted at the end of compilation.
Vector<OutOfLineCode*, 8, SystemAllocPolicy> outOfLine_;
// Stack map state. This keeps track of live pointer slots and allows precise
// stack maps to be generated at safe points.
StackMapGenerator stackMapGenerator_;
// Wasm value stack. This maps values on the wasm stack to values in the
// running code and their locations.
// The value stack facilitates on-the-fly register allocation and the use of
// immediates in instructions. It tracks latent constants, latent references
// to locals, register contents, and values that have been flushed to the CPU
// stack.
// The stack can be flushed to the CPU stack using sync().
// The stack is a StkVector rather than a StkVector& since constantly
// dereferencing a StkVector& has been shown to add 0.5% or more to the
// compiler's dynamic instruction count.
StkVector stk_;
// Flag indicating that the compiler is currently in a dead code region.
bool deadCode_;
// Store previously finished note to know if we need to insert a nop in
// finishTryNote.
size_t mostRecentFinishedTryNoteIndex_;
// State for bounds check elimination.
// Locals that have been bounds checked and not updated since
BCESet bceSafe_;
// State for boolean-evaluation-for-control.
// Latent operation for branch (seen next)
LatentOp latentOp_;
// Operand type, if latentOp_ is true
ValType latentType_;
// Comparison operator, if latentOp_ == Compare, int types
Assembler::Condition latentIntCmp_;
// Comparison operator, if latentOp_ == Compare, float types
Assembler::DoubleCondition latentDoubleCmp_;
// Main compilation API.
// A client will create a compiler object, and then call init(),
// emitFunction(), and finish() in that order.
BaseCompiler(const CodeMetadata& codeMetadata,
const CompilerEnvironment& compilerEnv,
const FuncCompileInput& func, const ValTypeVector& locals,
const RegisterOffsets& trapExitLayout,
size_t trapExitLayoutNumWords, Decoder& decoder,
StkVector& stkSource, TempAllocator* alloc, MacroAssembler* masm,
StackMaps* stackMaps);
[[nodiscard]] bool init();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitFunction();
[[nodiscard]] FuncOffsets finish();
// Sundry accessor abstractions and convenience predicates.
// WasmBaselineObject-inl.h.
inline const FuncType& funcType() const;
inline bool usesMemory() const;
inline bool usesSharedMemory(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
inline bool isMem32(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
inline bool isMem64(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
inline bool hugeMemoryEnabled(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
inline uint32_t instanceOffsetOfMemoryBase(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
inline uint32_t instanceOffsetOfBoundsCheckLimit(uint32_t memoryIndex) const;
// The casts are used by some of the ScratchRegister implementations.
operator MacroAssembler&() const { return masm; }
operator BaseRegAlloc&() { return ra; }
// Locals.
// WasmBaselineObject-inl.h.
// Assert that the local at the given index has the given type, and return a
// reference to the Local.
inline const Local& localFromSlot(uint32_t slot, MIRType type);
// Out of line code management.
[[nodiscard]] OutOfLineCode* addOutOfLineCode(OutOfLineCode* ool);
[[nodiscard]] bool generateOutOfLineCode();
// Layering in the compiler (briefly).
// At the lowest layers are abstractions for registers (managed by the
// BaseRegAlloc and the wrappers below) and the stack frame (managed by the
// BaseStackFrame).
// The registers and frame are in turn used by the value abstraction, which is
// implemented by the Stk type and backed by the value stack. Values may be
// stored in registers, in the frame, or may be latent constants, and the
// value stack handles storage mostly transparently in its push and pop
// routines.
// In turn, the pop routines bring values into registers so that we can
// compute on them, and the push routines move values to the stack (where they
// may still reside in registers until the registers are needed or the value
// must be in memory).
// Routines for managing parameters and results (for blocks or calls) may also
// manipulate the stack directly.
// At the top are the code generators: methods that use the poppers and
// pushers and other utilities to move values into place, and that emit code
// to compute on those values or change control flow.
// Register management. These are simply strongly-typed wrappers that
// delegate to the register allocator.
inline bool isAvailableI32(RegI32 r);
inline bool isAvailableI64(RegI64 r);
inline bool isAvailableRef(RegRef r);
inline bool isAvailablePtr(RegPtr r);
inline bool isAvailableF32(RegF32 r);
inline bool isAvailableF64(RegF64 r);
inline bool isAvailableV128(RegV128 r);
// Allocate any register
[[nodiscard]] inline RegI32 needI32();
[[nodiscard]] inline RegI64 needI64();
[[nodiscard]] inline RegRef needRef();
[[nodiscard]] inline RegPtr needPtr();
[[nodiscard]] inline RegF32 needF32();
[[nodiscard]] inline RegF64 needF64();
[[nodiscard]] inline RegV128 needV128();
// Allocate a specific register
inline void needI32(RegI32 specific);
inline void needI64(RegI64 specific);
inline void needRef(RegRef specific);
inline void needPtr(RegPtr specific);
inline void needF32(RegF32 specific);
inline void needF64(RegF64 specific);
inline void needV128(RegV128 specific);
template <typename RegType>
inline RegType need();
// Just a shorthand.
inline void need2xI32(RegI32 r0, RegI32 r1);
inline void need2xI64(RegI64 r0, RegI64 r1);
// Get a register but do not sync the stack to free one up. This will crash
// if no register is available.
inline void needI32NoSync(RegI32 r);
#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM)
// Allocate a specific register pair (even-odd register numbers).
[[nodiscard]] inline RegI64 needI64Pair();
inline void freeAny(AnyReg r);
inline void freeI32(RegI32 r);
inline void freeI64(RegI64 r);
inline void freeRef(RegRef r);
inline void freePtr(RegPtr r);
inline void freeF32(RegF32 r);
inline void freeF64(RegF64 r);
inline void freeV128(RegV128 r);
template <typename RegType>
inline void free(RegType r);
// Free r if it is not invalid.
inline void maybeFree(RegI32 r);
inline void maybeFree(RegI64 r);
inline void maybeFree(RegF32 r);
inline void maybeFree(RegF64 r);
inline void maybeFree(RegRef r);
inline void maybeFree(RegPtr r);
inline void maybeFree(RegV128 r);
// On 64-bit systems, `except` must equal r and this is a no-op. On 32-bit
// systems, `except` must equal the high or low part of a pair and the other
// part of the pair is freed.
inline void freeI64Except(RegI64 r, RegI32 except);
// Return the 32-bit low part of the 64-bit register, do not free anything.
inline RegI32 fromI64(RegI64 r);
// If r is valid, return fromI64(r), otherwise an invalid RegI32.
inline RegI32 maybeFromI64(RegI64 r);
#ifdef JS_PUNBOX64
// On 64-bit systems, reinterpret r as 64-bit.
inline RegI64 fromI32(RegI32 r);
// Widen r to 64 bits; this may allocate another register to form a pair.
// Note this does not generate code for sign/zero extension.
inline RegI64 widenI32(RegI32 r);
// Narrow r to 32 bits; this may free part of a pair. Note this does not
// generate code to canonicalize the value on 64-bit systems.
inline RegI32 narrowI64(RegI64 r);
inline RegI32 narrowRef(RegRef r);
// Return the 32-bit low part of r.
inline RegI32 lowPart(RegI64 r);
// On 64-bit systems, return an invalid register. On 32-bit systems, return
// the low part of a pair.
inline RegI32 maybeHighPart(RegI64 r);
// Values and value stack: Low-level methods for moving Stk values of specific
// kinds to registers.
inline void loadConstI32(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadMemI32(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadLocalI32(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadRegisterI32(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadConstI64(const Stk& src, RegI64 dest);
inline void loadMemI64(const Stk& src, RegI64 dest);
inline void loadLocalI64(const Stk& src, RegI64 dest);
inline void loadRegisterI64(const Stk& src, RegI64 dest);
inline void loadConstRef(const Stk& src, RegRef dest);
inline void loadMemRef(const Stk& src, RegRef dest);
inline void loadLocalRef(const Stk& src, RegRef dest);
inline void loadRegisterRef(const Stk& src, RegRef dest);
inline void loadConstF64(const Stk& src, RegF64 dest);
inline void loadMemF64(const Stk& src, RegF64 dest);
inline void loadLocalF64(const Stk& src, RegF64 dest);
inline void loadRegisterF64(const Stk& src, RegF64 dest);
inline void loadConstF32(const Stk& src, RegF32 dest);
inline void loadMemF32(const Stk& src, RegF32 dest);
inline void loadLocalF32(const Stk& src, RegF32 dest);
inline void loadRegisterF32(const Stk& src, RegF32 dest);
inline void loadConstV128(const Stk& src, RegV128 dest);
inline void loadMemV128(const Stk& src, RegV128 dest);
inline void loadLocalV128(const Stk& src, RegV128 dest);
inline void loadRegisterV128(const Stk& src, RegV128 dest);
// Values and value stack: Mid-level routines for moving Stk values of any
// kind to registers.
inline void loadI32(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadI64(const Stk& src, RegI64 dest);
#if !defined(JS_PUNBOX64)
inline void loadI64Low(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadI64High(const Stk& src, RegI32 dest);
inline void loadF64(const Stk& src, RegF64 dest);
inline void loadF32(const Stk& src, RegF32 dest);
inline void loadV128(const Stk& src, RegV128 dest);
inline void loadRef(const Stk& src, RegRef dest);
// Value stack: stack management.
// Flush all local and register value stack elements to memory.
inline void sync();
// Save a register on the value stack temporarily.
void saveTempPtr(const RegPtr& r);
// Restore a temporarily saved register from the value stack.
void restoreTempPtr(const RegPtr& r);
// This is an optimization used to avoid calling sync for setLocal: if the
// local does not exist unresolved on the value stack then we can skip the
// sync.
inline bool hasLocal(uint32_t slot);
// Sync the local if necessary. (This currently syncs everything if a sync is
// needed at all.)
inline void syncLocal(uint32_t slot);
// Return the amount of execution stack consumed by the top numval
// values on the value stack.
inline size_t stackConsumed(size_t numval);
// Drop one value off the stack, possibly also moving the physical stack
// pointer.
inline void dropValue();
#ifdef DEBUG
// Check that we're not leaking registers by comparing the
// state of the stack + available registers with the set of
// all available registers.
// Call this between opcodes.
void performRegisterLeakCheck();
// This can be called at any point, really, but typically just after
// performRegisterLeakCheck().
void assertStackInvariants() const;
// Count the number of memory references on the value stack.
inline size_t countMemRefsOnStk();
// Print the stack to stderr.
void showStack(const char* who) const;
// Value stack: pushers of values.
// Push a register onto the value stack.
inline void pushAny(AnyReg r);
inline void pushI32(RegI32 r);
inline void pushI64(RegI64 r);
inline void pushRef(RegRef r);
inline void pushPtr(RegPtr r);
inline void pushF64(RegF64 r);
inline void pushF32(RegF32 r);
inline void pushV128(RegV128 r);
// Template variation of the foregoing, for use by templated emitters.
template <typename RegType>
inline void push(RegType item);
// Push a constant value onto the stack. pushI32 can also take uint32_t, and
// pushI64 can take uint64_t; the semantics are the same. Appropriate sign
// extension for a 32-bit value on a 64-bit architecture happens when the
// value is popped, see the definition of moveImm32.
inline void pushI32(int32_t v);
inline void pushI64(int64_t v);
inline void pushRef(intptr_t v);
inline void pushPtr(intptr_t v);
inline void pushF64(double v);
inline void pushF32(float v);
inline void pushV128(V128 v);
inline void pushConstRef(intptr_t v);
// Push the local slot onto the stack. The slot will not be read here; it
// will be read when it is consumed, or when a side effect to the slot forces
// its value to be saved.
inline void pushLocalI32(uint32_t slot);
inline void pushLocalI64(uint32_t slot);
inline void pushLocalRef(uint32_t slot);
inline void pushLocalF64(uint32_t slot);
inline void pushLocalF32(uint32_t slot);
inline void pushLocalV128(uint32_t slot);
// Push an U32 as an I64, zero-extending it in the process
inline void pushU32AsI64(RegI32 rs);
// Value stack: poppers and peekers of values.
// Pop some value off the stack.
inline AnyReg popAny();
inline AnyReg popAny(AnyReg specific);
// Call only from other popI32() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popI32(const Stk& v, RegI32 dest);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegI32 popI32();
inline RegI32 popI32(RegI32 specific);
// Call only from other popV128() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popV128(const Stk& v, RegV128 dest);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegV128 popV128();
inline RegV128 popV128(RegV128 specific);
// Call only from other popI64() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popI64(const Stk& v, RegI64 dest);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegI64 popI64();
inline RegI64 popI64(RegI64 specific);
// Call only from other popRef() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popRef(const Stk& v, RegRef dest);
inline RegRef popRef(RegRef specific);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegRef popRef();
// Call only from other popPtr() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popPtr(const Stk& v, RegPtr dest);
inline RegPtr popPtr(RegPtr specific);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegPtr popPtr();
// Call only from other popF64() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popF64(const Stk& v, RegF64 dest);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegF64 popF64();
inline RegF64 popF64(RegF64 specific);
// Call only from other popF32() variants. v must be the stack top. May pop
// the CPU stack.
inline void popF32(const Stk& v, RegF32 dest);
[[nodiscard]] inline RegF32 popF32();
inline RegF32 popF32(RegF32 specific);
// Templated variation of the foregoing, for use by templated emitters.
template <typename RegType>
inline RegType pop();
// Constant poppers will return true and pop the value if the stack top is a
// constant of the appropriate type; otherwise pop nothing and return false.
[[nodiscard]] inline bool hasConst() const;
[[nodiscard]] inline bool popConst(int32_t* c);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool popConst(int64_t* c);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool peekConst(int32_t* c);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool peekConst(int64_t* c);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool peek2xConst(int32_t* c0, int32_t* c1);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool popConstPositivePowerOfTwo(int32_t* c,
uint_fast8_t* power,
int32_t cutoff);
[[nodiscard]] inline bool popConstPositivePowerOfTwo(int64_t* c,
uint_fast8_t* power,
int64_t cutoff);
// Shorthand: Pop r1, then r0.
inline void pop2xI32(RegI32* r0, RegI32* r1);
inline void pop2xI64(RegI64* r0, RegI64* r1);
inline void pop2xF32(RegF32* r0, RegF32* r1);
inline void pop2xF64(RegF64* r0, RegF64* r1);
inline void pop2xV128(RegV128* r0, RegV128* r1);
inline void pop2xRef(RegRef* r0, RegRef* r1);
// Pop to a specific register
inline RegI32 popI32ToSpecific(RegI32 specific);
inline RegI64 popI64ToSpecific(RegI64 specific);
// Pop an I64 as a valid register pair.
inline RegI64 popI64Pair();
// Pop an I64 but narrow it and return the narrowed part.
inline RegI32 popI64ToI32();
inline RegI32 popI64ToSpecificI32(RegI32 specific);
// Pop an I32 or I64 as an I64. The value is zero extended out to 64-bits.
inline RegI64 popIndexToInt64(IndexType indexType);
// Pop an I32 or I64 as an I32. The value is clamped to UINT32_MAX to ensure
// that it trips bounds checks.
inline RegI32 popTableIndexToClampedInt32(IndexType indexType);
// A combined push/pop that replaces an I32 or I64 on the stack with a clamped
// I32, which will trip bounds checks if out of I32 range.
inline void replaceTableIndexWithClampedInt32(IndexType indexType);
// Pop the stack until it has the desired size, but do not move the physical
// stack pointer.
inline void popValueStackTo(uint32_t stackSize);
// Pop the given number of elements off the value stack, but do not move
// the physical stack pointer.
inline void popValueStackBy(uint32_t items);
// Peek into the stack at relativeDepth from the top.
inline Stk& peek(uint32_t relativeDepth);
// Peek the reference value at the specified depth and load it into a
// register.
inline void peekRefAt(uint32_t depth, RegRef dest);
// Peek at the value on the top of the stack and return true if it is a Local
// of any type.
[[nodiscard]] inline bool peekLocal(uint32_t* local);
// Block parameters and results.
// Blocks may have multiple parameters and multiple results. Blocks can also
// be the target of branches: the entry for loops, and the exit for
// non-loops.
// Passing multiple values to a non-branch target (i.e., the entry of a
// "block") falls out naturally: any items on the value stack can flow
// directly from one block to another.
// However, for branch targets, we need to allocate well-known locations for
// the branch values. The approach taken in the baseline compiler is to
// allocate registers to the top N values (currently N=1), and then stack
// locations for the rest.
// Types of result registers that interest us for result-manipulating
// functions.
enum class ResultRegKind {
// General and floating result registers.
// General result registers only.
// This is a flag ultimately intended for popBlockResults() that specifies how
// the CPU stack should be handled after the result values have been
// processed.
enum class ContinuationKind {
// Adjust the stack for a fallthrough: do nothing.
// Adjust the stack for a jump: make the stack conform to the
// expected stack at the target
// TODO: It's definitely disputable whether the result register management is
// hot enough to warrant inlining at the outermost level.
inline void needResultRegisters(ResultType type, ResultRegKind which);
#ifdef JS_64BIT
inline void widenInt32ResultRegisters(ResultType type);
inline void freeResultRegisters(ResultType type, ResultRegKind which);
inline void needIntegerResultRegisters(ResultType type);
inline void freeIntegerResultRegisters(ResultType type);
inline void needResultRegisters(ResultType type);
inline void freeResultRegisters(ResultType type);
void assertResultRegistersAvailable(ResultType type);
inline void captureResultRegisters(ResultType type);
inline void captureCallResultRegisters(ResultType type);
void popRegisterResults(ABIResultIter& iter);
void popStackResults(ABIResultIter& iter, StackHeight stackBase);
void popBlockResults(ResultType type, StackHeight stackBase,
ContinuationKind kind);
// This function is similar to popBlockResults, but additionally handles the
// implicit exception pointer that is pushed to the value stack on entry to
// a catch handler by dropping it appropriately.
void popCatchResults(ResultType type, StackHeight stackBase);
Stk captureStackResult(const ABIResult& result, StackHeight resultsBase,
uint32_t stackResultBytes);
[[nodiscard]] bool pushResults(ResultType type, StackHeight resultsBase);
[[nodiscard]] bool pushBlockResults(ResultType type);
// A combination of popBlockResults + pushBlockResults, used when entering a
// block with a control-flow join (loops) or split (if) to shuffle the
// fallthrough block parameters into the locations expected by the
// continuation.
// This function should only be called when entering a block with a
// control-flow join at the entry, where there are no live temporaries in
// the current block.
[[nodiscard]] bool topBlockParams(ResultType type);
// A combination of popBlockResults + pushBlockResults, used before branches
// where we don't know the target (br_if / br_table). If and when the branch
// is taken, the stack results will be shuffled down into place. For br_if
// that has fallthrough, the parameters for the untaken branch flow through to
// the continuation.
[[nodiscard]] bool topBranchParams(ResultType type, StackHeight* height);
// Conditional branches with fallthrough are preceded by a topBranchParams, so
// we know that there are no stack results that need to be materialized. In
// that case, we can just shuffle the whole block down before popping the
// stack.
void shuffleStackResultsBeforeBranch(StackHeight srcHeight,
StackHeight destHeight, ResultType type);
// If in debug mode, adds LeaveFrame breakpoint.
bool insertDebugCollapseFrame();
// Stack maps
// Various methods for creating a stackmap. Stackmaps are indexed by the
// lowest address of the instruction immediately *after* the instruction of
// interest. In practice that means either: the return point of a call, the
// instruction immediately after a trap instruction (the "resume"
// instruction), or the instruction immediately following a no-op (when
// debugging is enabled).
// Create a vanilla stackmap.
[[nodiscard]] bool createStackMap(const char* who);
// Create a stackmap as vanilla, but for a custom assembler offset.
[[nodiscard]] bool createStackMap(const char* who,
CodeOffset assemblerOffset);
// Create a stack map as vanilla, and note the presence of a ref-typed
// DebugFrame on the stack.
[[nodiscard]] bool createStackMap(
const char* who, HasDebugFrameWithLiveRefs debugFrameWithLiveRefs);
// The most general stackmap construction.
[[nodiscard]] bool createStackMap(
const char* who, const ExitStubMapVector& extras,
uint32_t assemblerOffset,
HasDebugFrameWithLiveRefs debugFrameWithLiveRefs);
// Control stack
inline void initControl(Control& item, ResultType params);
inline Control& controlItem();
inline Control& controlItem(uint32_t relativeDepth);
inline Control& controlOutermost();
inline LabelKind controlKind(uint32_t relativeDepth);
// Debugger API
// Insert a breakpoint almost anywhere. This will create a call, with all the
// overhead that entails.
void insertBreakablePoint(CallSiteDesc::Kind kind);
// Insert code at the end of a function for breakpoint filtering.
void insertPerFunctionDebugStub();
// Debugger API used at the return point: shuffle register return values off
// to memory for the debugger to see; and get them back again.
void saveRegisterReturnValues(const ResultType& resultType);
void restoreRegisterReturnValues(const ResultType& resultType);
// Function prologue and epilogue.
// Set up and tear down frame, execute prologue and epilogue.
[[nodiscard]] bool beginFunction();
[[nodiscard]] bool endFunction();
// Move return values to memory before returning, as appropriate
void popStackReturnValues(const ResultType& resultType);
// Calls.
void beginCall(FunctionCall& call, UseABI useABI,
RestoreRegisterStateAndRealm restoreRegisterStateAndRealm);
void endCall(FunctionCall& call, size_t stackSpace);
void startCallArgs(size_t stackArgAreaSizeUnaligned, FunctionCall* call);
ABIArg reservePointerArgument(FunctionCall* call);
void passArg(ValType type, const Stk& arg, FunctionCall* call);
CodeOffset callDefinition(uint32_t funcIndex, const FunctionCall& call);
CodeOffset callSymbolic(SymbolicAddress callee, const FunctionCall& call);
// Precondition for the call*() methods: sync()
bool callIndirect(uint32_t funcTypeIndex, uint32_t tableIndex,
const Stk& indexVal, const FunctionCall& call,
bool tailCall, CodeOffset* fastCallOffset,
CodeOffset* slowCallOffset);
CodeOffset callImport(unsigned instanceDataOffset, const FunctionCall& call);
void callRef(const Stk& calleeRef, const FunctionCall& call,
mozilla::Maybe<size_t> callRefIndex, CodeOffset* fastCallOffset,
CodeOffset* slowCallOffset);
void returnCallRef(const Stk& calleeRef, const FunctionCall& call,
const FuncType* funcType);
# endif
CodeOffset builtinCall(SymbolicAddress builtin, const FunctionCall& call);
CodeOffset builtinInstanceMethodCall(const SymbolicAddressSignature& builtin,
const ABIArg& instanceArg,
const FunctionCall& call);
[[nodiscard]] bool pushCallResults(const FunctionCall& call, ResultType type,
const StackResultsLoc& loc);
// Helpers to pick up the returned value from the return register.
inline RegI32 captureReturnedI32();
inline RegI64 captureReturnedI64();
inline RegF32 captureReturnedF32(const FunctionCall& call);
inline RegF64 captureReturnedF64(const FunctionCall& call);
inline RegV128 captureReturnedV128(const FunctionCall& call);
inline RegRef captureReturnedRef();
// Register-to-register moves. These emit nothing if src == dest.
inline void moveI32(RegI32 src, RegI32 dest);
inline void moveI64(RegI64 src, RegI64 dest);
inline void moveRef(RegRef src, RegRef dest);
inline void movePtr(RegPtr src, RegPtr dest);
inline void moveF64(RegF64 src, RegF64 dest);
inline void moveF32(RegF32 src, RegF32 dest);
inline void moveV128(RegV128 src, RegV128 dest);
template <typename RegType>
inline void move(RegType src, RegType dest);
// Immediate-to-register moves.
// The compiler depends on moveImm32() clearing the high bits of a 64-bit
// register on 64-bit systems except MIPS64 And LoongArch64 where high bits
// are sign extended from lower bits, see doc block "64-bit GPRs carrying
// 32-bit values" in MacroAssembler.h.
inline void moveImm32(int32_t v, RegI32 dest);
inline void moveImm64(int64_t v, RegI64 dest);
inline void moveImmRef(intptr_t v, RegRef dest);
// Sundry low-level code generators.
// Decrement the per-instance function hotness counter, and possibly request
// optimized compilation for this function if it crosses the hotness
// threshold.
[[nodiscard]] bool addHotnessCheck();
// Check the interrupt flag, trap if it is set.
[[nodiscard]] bool addInterruptCheck();
// Check that the value is not zero, trap if it is.
void checkDivideByZero(RegI32 rhs);
void checkDivideByZero(RegI64 r);
// Check that a signed division will not overflow, trap or flush-to-zero if it
// will according to `zeroOnOverflow`.
void checkDivideSignedOverflow(RegI32 rhs, RegI32 srcDest, Label* done,
bool zeroOnOverflow);
void checkDivideSignedOverflow(RegI64 rhs, RegI64 srcDest, Label* done,
bool zeroOnOverflow);
// Emit a jump table to be used by tableSwitch()
void jumpTable(const LabelVector& labels, Label* theTable);
// Emit a table switch, `theTable` is the jump table.
void tableSwitch(Label* theTable, RegI32 switchValue, Label* dispatchCode);
// Compare i64 and set an i32 boolean result according to the condition.
inline void cmp64Set(Assembler::Condition cond, RegI64 lhs, RegI64 rhs,
RegI32 dest);
// Round floating to integer.
[[nodiscard]] inline bool supportsRoundInstruction(RoundingMode mode);
inline void roundF32(RoundingMode roundingMode, RegF32 f0);
inline void roundF64(RoundingMode roundingMode, RegF64 f0);
// These are just wrappers around assembler functions, but without
// type-specific names, and using our register abstractions for better type
// discipline.
inline void branchTo(Assembler::DoubleCondition c, RegF64 lhs, RegF64 rhs,
Label* l);
inline void branchTo(Assembler::DoubleCondition c, RegF32 lhs, RegF32 rhs,
Label* l);
inline void branchTo(Assembler::Condition c, RegI32 lhs, RegI32 rhs,
Label* l);
inline void branchTo(Assembler::Condition c, RegI32 lhs, Imm32 rhs, Label* l);
inline void branchTo(Assembler::Condition c, RegI64 lhs, RegI64 rhs,
Label* l);
inline void branchTo(Assembler::Condition c, RegI64 lhs, Imm64 rhs, Label* l);
inline void branchTo(Assembler::Condition c, RegRef lhs, ImmWord rhs,
Label* l);
// Helpers for accessing Instance::baselineScratchWords_. Note that Word
// and I64 versions of these routines access the same area and it is up to
// the caller to use it in some way which makes sense.
// Store/load `r`, a machine word, to/from the `index`th scratch storage
// slot in the current Instance. `instancePtr` must point at the current
// Instance; it will not be modified. For ::stashWord, `r` must not be the
// same as `instancePtr`.
void stashWord(RegPtr instancePtr, size_t index, RegPtr r);
void unstashWord(RegPtr instancePtr, size_t index, RegPtr r);
#ifdef JS_CODEGEN_X86
// Store r in instance scratch storage after first loading the instance from
// the frame into the regForInstance. regForInstance must be neither of the
// registers in r.
void stashI64(RegPtr regForInstance, RegI64 r);
// Load r from the instance scratch storage after first loading the instance
// from the frame into the regForInstance. regForInstance can be one of the
// registers in r.
void unstashI64(RegPtr regForInstance, RegI64 r);
// Code generators for actual operations.
template <typename RegType, typename IntType>
void quotientOrRemainder(RegType rs, RegType rsd, RegType reserved,
IsUnsigned isUnsigned, ZeroOnOverflow zeroOnOverflow,
bool isConst, IntType c,
void (*operate)(MacroAssembler&, RegType, RegType,
RegType, IsUnsigned));
[[nodiscard]] bool truncateF32ToI32(RegF32 src, RegI32 dest,
TruncFlags flags);
[[nodiscard]] bool truncateF64ToI32(RegF64 src, RegI32 dest,
TruncFlags flags);
[[nodiscard]] RegF64 needTempForFloatingToI64(TruncFlags flags);
[[nodiscard]] bool truncateF32ToI64(RegF32 src, RegI64 dest, TruncFlags flags,
RegF64 temp);
[[nodiscard]] bool truncateF64ToI64(RegF64 src, RegI64 dest, TruncFlags flags,
RegF64 temp);
[[nodiscard]] RegI32 needConvertI64ToFloatTemp(ValType to, bool isUnsigned);
void convertI64ToF32(RegI64 src, bool isUnsigned, RegF32 dest, RegI32 temp);
void convertI64ToF64(RegI64 src, bool isUnsigned, RegF64 dest, RegI32 temp);
// Global variable access.
Address addressOfGlobalVar(const GlobalDesc& global, RegPtr tmp);
// Table access.
Address addressOfTableField(uint32_t tableIndex, uint32_t fieldOffset,
RegPtr instance);
void loadTableLength(uint32_t tableIndex, RegPtr instance, RegI32 length);
void loadTableElements(uint32_t tableIndex, RegPtr instance, RegPtr elements);
// Heap access.
void bceCheckLocal(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check,
uint32_t local);
void bceLocalIsUpdated(uint32_t local);
// Fold offsets into ptr and bounds check as necessary. The instance will be
// valid in cases where it's needed.
template <typename RegIndexType>
void prepareMemoryAccess(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check,
RegPtr instance, RegIndexType ptr);
void branchAddNoOverflow(uint64_t offset, RegI32 ptr, Label* ok);
void branchTestLowZero(RegI32 ptr, Imm32 mask, Label* ok);
void boundsCheck4GBOrLargerAccess(uint32_t memoryIndex, RegPtr instance,
RegI32 ptr, Label* ok);
void boundsCheckBelow4GBAccess(uint32_t memoryIndex, RegPtr instance,
RegI32 ptr, Label* ok);
void branchAddNoOverflow(uint64_t offset, RegI64 ptr, Label* ok);
void branchTestLowZero(RegI64 ptr, Imm32 mask, Label* ok);
void boundsCheck4GBOrLargerAccess(uint32_t memoryIndex, RegPtr instance,
RegI64 ptr, Label* ok);
void boundsCheckBelow4GBAccess(uint32_t memoryIndex, RegPtr instance,
RegI64 ptr, Label* ok);
// Some consumers depend on the returned Address not incorporating instance,
// as instance may be the scratch register.
template <typename RegIndexType>
Address prepareAtomicMemoryAccess(MemoryAccessDesc* access,
AccessCheck* check, RegPtr instance,
RegIndexType ptr);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void computeEffectiveAddress(MemoryAccessDesc* access);
[[nodiscard]] bool needInstanceForAccess(const MemoryAccessDesc* access,
const AccessCheck& check);
// ptr and dest may be the same iff dest is I32.
// This may destroy ptr even if ptr and dest are not the same.
void executeLoad(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check,
RegPtr instance, RegPtr memoryBase, RegI32 ptr, AnyReg dest,
RegI32 temp);
void load(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check, RegPtr instance,
RegPtr memoryBase, RegI32 ptr, AnyReg dest, RegI32 temp);
void load(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check, RegPtr instance,
RegPtr memoryBase, RegI64 ptr, AnyReg dest, RegI64 temp);
template <typename RegType>
void doLoadCommon(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck check, ValType type);
void loadCommon(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck check, ValType type);
// ptr and src must not be the same register.
// This may destroy ptr and src.
void executeStore(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check,
RegPtr instance, RegPtr memoryBase, RegI32 ptr, AnyReg src,
RegI32 temp);
void store(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check, RegPtr instance,
RegPtr memoryBase, RegI32 ptr, AnyReg src, RegI32 temp);
void store(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check, RegPtr instance,
RegPtr memoryBase, RegI64 ptr, AnyReg src, RegI64 temp);
template <typename RegType>
void doStoreCommon(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck check,
ValType resultType);
void storeCommon(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck check,
ValType resultType);
void atomicLoad(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
#if !defined(JS_64BIT)
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicLoad64(MemoryAccessDesc* desc);
void atomicStore(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
void atomicRMW(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type, AtomicOp op);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicRMW32(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type, AtomicOp op);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicRMW64(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type, AtomicOp op);
void atomicXchg(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicXchg64(MemoryAccessDesc* access, WantResult wantResult);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicXchg32(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
void atomicCmpXchg(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicCmpXchg32(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
template <typename RegIndexType>
void atomicCmpXchg64(MemoryAccessDesc* access, ValType type);
template <typename RegType>
RegType popConstMemoryAccess(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check);
template <typename RegType>
RegType popMemoryAccess(MemoryAccessDesc* access, AccessCheck* check);
void pushHeapBase(uint32_t memoryIndex);
// Platform-specific popping and register targeting.
// The simple popping methods pop values into targeted registers; the caller
// can free registers using standard functions. These are always called
// popXForY where X says something about types and Y something about the
// operation being targeted.
RegI32 needRotate64Temp();
void popAndAllocateForDivAndRemI32(RegI32* r0, RegI32* r1, RegI32* reserved);
void popAndAllocateForMulI64(RegI64* r0, RegI64* r1, RegI32* temp);
void popAndAllocateForDivAndRemI64(RegI64* r0, RegI64* r1, RegI64* reserved,
IsRemainder isRemainder);
RegI32 popI32RhsForShift();
RegI32 popI32RhsForShiftI64();
RegI64 popI64RhsForShift();
RegI32 popI32RhsForRotate();
RegI64 popI64RhsForRotate();
void popI32ForSignExtendI64(RegI64* r0);
void popI64ForSignExtendI64(RegI64* r0);
// Sundry helpers.
// Retrieve the current bytecodeOffset.
inline BytecodeOffset bytecodeOffset() const;
// Generate a trap instruction for the current bytecodeOffset.
inline void trap(Trap t) const;
// Abstracted helper for throwing, used for throw, rethrow, and rethrowing
// at the end of a series of catch blocks (if none matched the exception).
[[nodiscard]] bool throwFrom(RegRef exn);
// Load the specified tag object from the Instance.
void loadTag(RegPtr instance, uint32_t tagIndex, RegRef tagDst);
// Load the pending exception state from the Instance and then reset it.
void consumePendingException(RegPtr instance, RegRef* exnDst, RegRef* tagDst);
[[nodiscard]] bool startTryNote(size_t* tryNoteIndex);
void finishTryNote(size_t tryNoteIndex);
// Barriers support.
// This emits a GC pre-write barrier. The pre-barrier is needed when we
// replace a member field with a new value, and the previous field value
// might have no other referents, and incremental GC is ongoing. The field
// might belong to an object or be a stack slot or a register or a heap
// allocated value.
// let obj = { field: previousValue };
// obj.field = newValue; // previousValue must be marked with a pre-barrier.
// The `valueAddr` is the address of the location that we are about to
// update. This function preserves that register.
void emitPreBarrier(RegPtr valueAddr);
// This emits a GC post-write barrier. The post-barrier is needed when we
// replace a member field with a new value, the new value is in the nursery,
// and the containing object is a tenured object. The field must then be
// added to the store buffer so that the nursery can be correctly collected.
// The field might belong to an object or be a stack slot or a register or a
// heap allocated value.
// For the difference between 'precise' and 'imprecise', look at the
// documentation on PostBarrierKind.
// `object` is a pointer to the object that contains the field. It is used, if
// present, to skip adding a store buffer entry when the containing object is
// in the nursery. This register is preserved by this function.
// `valueAddr` is the address of the location that we are writing to. This
// register is consumed by this function.
// `prevValue` is the value that existed in the field before `value` was
// stored. This register is consumed by this function.
// `value` is the value that was stored in the field. This register is
// preserved by this function.
[[nodiscard]] bool emitPostBarrierImprecise(
const mozilla::Maybe<RegRef>& object, RegPtr valueAddr, RegRef value);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitPostBarrierPrecise(
const mozilla::Maybe<RegRef>& object, RegPtr valueAddr, RegRef prevValue,
RegRef value);
// Emits a store to a JS object pointer at the address `valueAddr`, which is
// inside the GC cell `object`.
// Preserves `object` and `value`. Consumes `valueAddr`.
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBarrieredStore(const mozilla::Maybe<RegRef>& object,
RegPtr valueAddr, RegRef value,
PreBarrierKind preBarrierKind,
PostBarrierKind postBarrierKind);
// Emits a store of nullptr to a JS object pointer at the address valueAddr.
// Preserves `valueAddr`.
void emitBarrieredClear(RegPtr valueAddr);
// Machinery for optimized conditional branches. See comments in the
// implementation.
void setLatentCompare(Assembler::Condition compareOp, ValType operandType);
void setLatentCompare(Assembler::DoubleCondition compareOp,
ValType operandType);
void setLatentEqz(ValType operandType);
bool hasLatentOp() const;
void resetLatentOp();
// Jump to the given branch, passing results, if the condition, `cond`
// matches between `lhs` and `rhs.
template <typename Cond, typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
[[nodiscard]] bool jumpConditionalWithResults(BranchState* b, Cond cond,
Lhs lhs, Rhs rhs);
// Jump to the given branch, passing results, if the WasmGcObject, `object`,
// is a subtype of `destType`.
[[nodiscard]] bool jumpConditionalWithResults(BranchState* b, RegRef object,
RefType sourceType,
RefType destType,
bool onSuccess);
template <typename Cond>
[[nodiscard]] bool sniffConditionalControlCmp(Cond compareOp,
ValType operandType);
[[nodiscard]] bool sniffConditionalControlEqz(ValType operandType);
void emitBranchSetup(BranchState* b);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBranchPerform(BranchState* b);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBody();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBlock();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitLoop();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitIf();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitElse();
// Used for common setup for catch and catch_all.
void emitCatchSetup(LabelKind kind, Control& tryCatch,
const ResultType& resultType);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTry();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTryTable();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCatch();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCatchAll();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDelegate();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitThrow();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitThrowRef();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitRethrow();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitEnd();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBr();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBrIf();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitBrTable();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitDrop();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitReturn();
// A flag passed to emitCallArgs, describing how the value stack is laid out.
enum class CalleeOnStack {
// After the arguments to the call, there is a callee pushed onto value
// stack. This is only the case for callIndirect. To get the arguments to
// the call, emitCallArgs has to reach one element deeper into the value
// stack, to skip the callee.
// No callee on the stack.
// The typename T for emitCallArgs can be one of the following:
// NormalCallResults, TailCallResults, or NoCallResults.
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCallArgs(const ValTypeVector& argTypes, T results,
FunctionCall* baselineCall,
CalleeOnStack calleeOnStack);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCall();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitReturnCall();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitCallIndirect();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitReturnCallIndirect();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitUnaryMathBuiltinCall(SymbolicAddress callee,
ValType operandType);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitGetLocal();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSetLocal();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitTeeLocal();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitGetGlobal();
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSetGlobal();
[[nodiscard]] RegPtr maybeLoadMemoryBaseForAccess(
RegPtr instance, const MemoryAccessDesc* access);
[[nodiscard]] RegPtr maybeLoadInstanceForAccess(
const MemoryAccessDesc* access, const AccessCheck& check);
[[nodiscard]] RegPtr maybeLoadInstanceForAccess(
const MemoryAccessDesc* access, const AccessCheck& check,
RegPtr specific);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitLoad(ValType type, Scalar::Type viewType);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitStore(ValType resultType, Scalar::Type viewType);
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSelect(bool typed);
template <bool isSetLocal>
[[nodiscard]] bool emitSetOrTeeLocal(uint32_t slot);
[[nodiscard]] bool endBlock(ResultType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool endIfThen(ResultType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool endIfThenElse(ResultType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool endTryCatch(ResultType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool endTryTable(ResultType type);
void doReturn(ContinuationKind kind);
void pushReturnValueOfCall(const FunctionCall& call, MIRType type);
[[nodiscard]] bool pushStackResultsForCall(const ResultType& type,
RegPtr temp, StackResultsLoc* loc);
void popStackResultsAfterCall(const StackResultsLoc& results,
uint32_t stackArgBytes);
void emitCompareI32(Assembler::Condition compareOp, ValType compareType);
void emitCompareI64(Assembler::Condition compareOp, ValType compareType);
void emitCompareF32(Assembler::DoubleCondition compareOp,
ValType compareType);
void emitCompareF64(Assembler::DoubleCondition compareOp,
ValType compareType);
void emitCompareRef(Assembler::Condition compareOp, ValType compareType);
template <typename CompilerType>
inline CompilerType& selectCompiler();
template <typename SourceType, typename DestType>
inline void emitUnop(void (*op)(MacroAssembler& masm, SourceType rs,
DestType rd));
template <typename SourceType, typename DestType, typename TempType>
inline void emitUnop(void (*op)(MacroAssembler& masm, SourceType rs,
DestType rd, TempType temp));
template <typename SourceType, typename DestType, typename ImmType>
inline void emitUnop(ImmType immediate, void (*op)(MacroAssembler&, ImmType,
SourceType, DestType));
template <typename CompilerType, typename RegType>
inline void emitUnop(void (*op)(CompilerType& compiler, RegType rsd));
template <typename RegType, typename TempType>
inline void emitUnop(void (*op)(BaseCompiler& bc, RegType rsd, TempType rt),
TempType (*getSpecializedTemp)(BaseCompiler& bc));
template <typename CompilerType, typename RhsType, typename LhsDestType>
inline void emitBinop(void (*op)(CompilerType& masm, RhsType src,
LhsDestType srcDest));
template <typename RhsDestType, typename LhsType>
inline void emitBinop(void (*op)(MacroAssembler& masm, RhsDestType src,
LhsType srcDest, RhsDestOp));
template <typename RhsType, typename LhsDestType, typename TempType>
inline void emitBinop(void (*)(MacroAssembler& masm, RhsType rs,
LhsDestType rsd, TempType temp));
template <typename RhsType, typename LhsDestType, typename TempType1,
typename TempType2>
inline void emitBinop(void (*)(MacroAssembler& masm, RhsType rs,
LhsDestType rsd, TempType1 temp1,
TempType2 temp2));
template <typename RhsType, typename LhsDestType, typename ImmType>
inline void emitBinop(ImmType immediate, void (*op)(MacroAssembler&, ImmType,
RhsType, LhsDestType));
template <typename RhsType, typename LhsDestType, typename ImmType,
typename TempType1, typename TempType2>
inline void emitBinop(ImmType immediate,
void (*op)(MacroAssembler&, ImmType, RhsType,
LhsDestType, TempType1 temp1,
TempType2 temp2));
template <typename CompilerType1, typename CompilerType2, typename RegType,
typename ImmType>
inline void emitBinop(void (*op)(CompilerType1& compiler1, RegType rs,
RegType rd),
void (*opConst)(CompilerType2& compiler2, ImmType c,
RegType rd),
RegType (BaseCompiler::*rhsPopper)() = nullptr);
template <typename CompilerType, typename ValType>
inline void emitTernary(void (*op)(CompilerType&, ValType src0, ValType src1,
ValType srcDest));
template <typename CompilerType, typename ValType>
inline void emitTernary(void (*op)(CompilerType&, ValType src0, ValType src1,
ValType srcDest, ValType temp));
template <typename CompilerType, typename ValType>
inline void emitTernaryResultLast(void (*op)(CompilerType&, ValType src0,
ValType src1, ValType srcDest));
template <typename R>
[[nodiscard]] inline bool emitInstanceCallOp(