Name Description Size
browser.js 0
S8.4_A1.js --- info: | Any variable that has been assigned with string literal has the type string es5id: 8.4_A1 description: Check type of variable that has been assigned with string literal --- 1619
S8.4_A2.js --- info: Empty string has type string es5id: 8.4_A2 description: Create empty string and check it type --- 813
S8.4_A3.js --- info: String type has a length property es5id: 8.4_A3 description: Try read length property of string variable --- 605
S8.4_A4.js --- info: Empty string variable has a length property es5id: 8.4_A4 description: Try read length property of empty string variable --- 598
S8.4_A5.js --- info: Zero "\0" not terminates the string(C string) es5id: 8.4_A5 description: Insert "\0" into string --- 505
S8.4_A6.1.js --- info: Large string 4096 bytes es5id: 8.4_A6.1 description: Assign variable by large string --- 8662
S8.4_A6.2.js --- info: Large string 8192 bytes es5id: 8.4_A6.2 description: Assign variable by large string --- 16854
S8.4_A7.1.js --- esid: sec-line-terminators description: > Line terminator <LF> may appear as an escape sequence within a StringLiteral info: | A line terminator cannot occur within any token except a StringLiteral, Template, or TemplateSubstitutionTail. --- 491
S8.4_A7.2.js --- esid: sec-line-terminators description: > Line terminator <CR> may appear as an escape sequence within a StringLiteral info: | A line terminator cannot occur within any token except a StringLiteral, Template, or TemplateSubstitutionTail. --- 493
S8.4_A7.3.js --- esid: sec-line-terminators description: > Line terminator <PS> may appear as an escape sequence within a StringLiteral info: | A line terminator cannot occur within any token except a StringLiteral, Template, or TemplateSubstitutionTail. --- 491
S8.4_A7.4.js --- esid: sec-line-terminators description: > Line terminator <LS> may appear as an escape sequence within a StringLiteral info: | A line terminator cannot occur within any token except a StringLiteral, Template, or TemplateSubstitutionTail. --- 492
S8.4_A8.js --- info: | Empty string, 0, false are all equal (==) to each other, since they all evaluate to 0 es5id: 8.4_A8 description: Compare empty string with undefined, null, 0 and false --- 1406
S8.4_A9_T1.js --- info: Assignment to string literals calls String constructor es5id: 8.4_A9_T1 description: Simple string variable compare with object String --- 1070
S8.4_A9_T2.js --- info: Assignment to string literals calls String constructor es5id: 8.4_A9_T2 description: > Compare empty string variable, object String('') and object String() --- 1932
S8.4_A9_T3.js --- info: Assignment to string literals calls String constructor es5id: 8.4_A9_T3 description: Simple empty string variable compare with empty object String --- 1417
S8.4_A10.js --- info: Both unicode and ascii chars are allowed es5id: 8.4_A10 description: Create string using both unicode and ascii chars --- 1368
S8.4_A11.js --- info: Presence of reserved words in string literal are allowed es5id: 8.4_A11 description: Create string variable, thet include all reserved words --- 651
S8.4_A12.js --- info: Assignment to string literal calls String constructor es5id: 8.4_A12 description: Check constructor of simple assigned variable --- 650
S8.4_A13_T1.js --- info: When appears not closed single-quote program failes es5id: 8.4_A13_T1 description: Try to create variable using 3 single-quote negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 389
S8.4_A13_T2.js --- info: When appears not closed single-quote program failes es5id: 8.4_A13_T2 description: Try to create variable using 1 single-quote negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 387
S8.4_A13_T3.js --- info: When appears not closed single-quote program failes es5id: 8.4_A13_T3 description: Try to create variable using 4 single-quote negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 390
S8.4_A14_T1.js --- info: When appears not closed double-quote program failes es5id: 8.4_A14_T1 description: Try to create variable using 1 double-quote negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 387
S8.4_A14_T2.js --- info: When appears not closed double-quote program failes es5id: 8.4_A14_T2 description: Try to create variable using 3 double-quote negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 389
S8.4_A14_T3.js --- info: When appears not closed double-quote program failes es5id: 8.4_A14_T3 description: Try to create variable using 4 double-quote negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 390
shell.js 0