Name Description Size
8.5.1.js --- es5id: 8.5.1 description: Valid Number ranges --- 2728
browser.js 0
S8.5_A1.js --- info: NaN !== NaN es5id: 8.5_A1 description: Compare NaN with NaN --- 469
S8.5_A2.1.js --- info: Number type represented as the double precision 64-bit format IEEE 754 es5id: 8.5_A2.1 description: Use 2^53 + 2 number and do some operation with it --- 579
S8.5_A2.2.js --- info: Number type represented as the extended precision 64-bit format IEEE 754 es5id: 8.5_A2.2 description: Use 2^53 + 2 number and do some operation with it --- 565
S8.5_A3.js --- info: NaN expression has a type Number es5id: 8.5_A3 description: Check type of NaN --- 762
S8.5_A4_T1.js --- info: NaN is not a keyword es5id: 8.5_A4 description: Create variable entitled NaN --- 260
S8.5_A4_T2.js --- info: NaN is not a keyword es5id: 8.5_A4 description: Create variable entitled NaN flags: [noStrict] --- 320
S8.5_A5.js --- info: NaN not greater or equal zero es5id: 8.5_A5 description: Compare NaN with zero --- 1260
S8.5_A6.js --- info: -Infinity expression has a type Number es5id: 8.5_A6 description: Check type of -Infinity --- 804
S8.5_A7.js --- info: +Infinity expression has a type Number es5id: 8.5_A7 description: Check type of +Infinity --- 804
S8.5_A8.js --- info: Infinity is the same as +Infinity es5id: 8.5_A8 description: Compare Infinity and +Infinity --- 514
S8.5_A9.js --- info: Globally defined variable NaN has not been altered by program execution es5id: 8.5_A9 description: Try alter globally defined variable NaN flags: [noStrict] --- 479
S8.5_A10_T1.js --- info: Infinity is not a keyword es5id: 8.5_A10 description: Create variable entitled Infinity --- 276
S8.5_A10_T2.js --- info: Infinity is not a keyword es5id: 8.5_A10 description: Create variable entitled Infinity flags: [noStrict] --- 330
S8.5_A11_T1.js --- info: The integer 0 has two representations, +0 and -0 es5id: 8.5_A11_T1 description: Check 1.0/p_zero !== 1.0/n_zero --- 440
S8.5_A11_T2.js --- info: The integer 0 has two representations, +0 and -0 es5id: 8.5_A11_T2 description: Compare positive_zero and negative_zero --- 932
S8.5_A12.1.js --- info: +Infinity and Infinity are the same as Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY es5id: 8.5_A12.1 description: Compare Infinity and +Infinity with Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY --- 637
S8.5_A12.2.js --- info: -Infinity is the same as Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY es5id: 8.5_A12.2 description: Compare -Infinity with Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY --- 461
S8.5_A13_T2.js --- info: | Finite nonzero values that are Normalised having the form s*m*2**e where s is +1 or -1, m is a positive integer less than 2**53 but not less than s**52 and e is an integer ranging from -1074 to 971 es5id: 8.5_A13_T2 description: Finite Non zero values where e is 971 --- 1184
S8.5_A14_T1.js --- info: When number absolute value is bigger of 2**1024 should convert to Infinity es5id: 8.5_A14_T1 description: Create number bigger of 2**1024 --- 641
S8.5_A14_T2.js --- info: When number absolute value is bigger of 2**1024 should convert to Infinity es5id: 8.5_A14_T2 description: Create number smaller of -2**1024 --- 651
shell.js 0