Name Description Size
browser.js 0
cls-decl-gen-meth-static-forbidden-ext-direct-access-prop-arguments.js --- description: Forbidden extension, f.arguments (static class expression generator method) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-bindingclassdeclarationevaluation features: [class, generators] flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail ECMAScript function objects defined using syntactic constructors in strict mode code must not be created with own properties named "caller" or "arguments". Such own properties also must not be created for function objects defined using an ArrowFunction, MethodDefinition, GeneratorDeclaration, GeneratorExpression, AsyncGeneratorDeclaration, AsyncGeneratorExpression, ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression, AsyncFunctionDeclaration, AsyncFunctionExpression, or AsyncArrowFunction regardless of whether the definition is contained in strict mode code. Built-in functions, strict functions created using the Function constructor, generator functions created using the Generator constructor, async functions created using the AsyncFunction constructor, and functions created using the bind method also must not be created with such own properties. --- 1645
cls-decl-gen-meth-static-forbidden-ext-direct-access-prop-caller.js --- description: Forbidden extension, o.caller (static class expression generator method) esid: sec-runtime-semantics-bindingclassdeclarationevaluation features: [class, generators] flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail ECMAScript function objects defined using syntactic constructors in strict mode code must not be created with own properties named "caller" or "arguments". Such own properties also must not be created for function objects defined using an ArrowFunction, MethodDefinition, GeneratorDeclaration, GeneratorExpression, AsyncGeneratorDeclaration, AsyncGeneratorExpression, ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression, AsyncFunctionDeclaration, AsyncFunctionExpression, or AsyncArrowFunction regardless of whether the definition is contained in strict mode code. Built-in functions, strict functions created using the Function constructor, generator functions created using the Generator constructor, async functions created using the AsyncFunction constructor, and functions created using the bind method also must not be created with such own properties. --- 1636
shell.js 0