Name Description Size
abrupt-completition-on-field-initializer.js --- description: If an initializer returns an abrupt completion, other initializers should not execute esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget info: | [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) ... 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). c. If result is an abrupt completion, then i. Remove calleeContext from execution context stack and restore callerContext as the running execution context. ii. Return Completion(result). ... ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... features: [class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, class] --- 1606
after-same-line-gen-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2527
after-same-line-gen-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2486
after-same-line-gen-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2775
after-same-line-gen-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1681
after-same-line-gen-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2048
after-same-line-gen-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1401
after-same-line-gen-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1430
after-same-line-gen-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1417
after-same-line-gen-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1978
after-same-line-gen-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2033
after-same-line-gen-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2083
after-same-line-gen-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2728
after-same-line-gen-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2787
after-same-line-gen-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2726
after-same-line-gen-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2785
after-same-line-gen-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2780
after-same-line-gen-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2839
after-same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2426
after-same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2278
after-same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2310
after-same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2467
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3318
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3137
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3297
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3110
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2916
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2849
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2910
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2722
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2775
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2798
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2580
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2409
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2414
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2446
after-same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2603
after-same-line-gen-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2036
after-same-line-gen-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2798
after-same-line-gen-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2086
after-same-line-gen-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after a generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2397
after-same-line-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2501
after-same-line-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2460
after-same-line-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2749
after-same-line-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1655
after-same-line-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2022
after-same-line-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1375
after-same-line-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1404
after-same-line-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1391
after-same-line-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1952
after-same-line-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2007
after-same-line-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2057
after-same-line-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2702
after-same-line-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2761
after-same-line-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2700
after-same-line-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2759
after-same-line-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2754
after-same-line-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2813
after-same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2400
after-same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2252
after-same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2284
after-same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2441
after-same-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3292
after-same-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3111
after-same-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3271
after-same-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3084
after-same-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2890
after-same-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2823
after-same-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2884
after-same-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2696
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2749
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2772
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2554
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2383
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2388
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2420
after-same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2577
after-same-line-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2010
after-same-line-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2772
after-same-line-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2060
after-same-line-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2371
after-same-line-static-async-gen-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3205
after-same-line-static-async-gen-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3156
after-same-line-static-async-gen-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 3253
after-same-line-static-async-gen-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2255
after-same-line-static-async-gen-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2678
after-same-line-static-async-gen-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1867
after-same-line-static-async-gen-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1896
after-same-line-static-async-gen-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1883
after-same-line-static-async-gen-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2492
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2519
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2593
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3214
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3273
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3212
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3271
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3266
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3325
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2912
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2764
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2796
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2953
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3836
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3655
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3815
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3628
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3402
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3335
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3396
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3208
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3261
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3284
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3066
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2895
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2900
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2932
after-same-line-static-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3089
after-same-line-static-async-gen-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2550
after-same-line-static-async-gen-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3344
after-same-line-static-async-gen-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2600
after-same-line-static-async-gen-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after a static async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3083
after-same-line-static-async-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3157
after-same-line-static-async-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3108
after-same-line-static-async-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 3205
after-same-line-static-async-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2207
after-same-line-static-async-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2630
after-same-line-static-async-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1819
after-same-line-static-async-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1848
after-same-line-static-async-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1835
after-same-line-static-async-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2444
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2471
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2545
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3166
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3225
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3164
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3223
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3218
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3277
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2864
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2716
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2748
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2905
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3788
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3607
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3767
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3580
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3354
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3287
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3348
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3160
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3213
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3236
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3018
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2847
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2852
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2884
after-same-line-static-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3041
after-same-line-static-async-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2502
after-same-line-static-async-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3296
after-same-line-static-async-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2552
after-same-line-static-async-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after a static async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3035
after-same-line-static-gen-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2629
after-same-line-static-gen-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2588
after-same-line-static-gen-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2877
after-same-line-static-gen-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1783
after-same-line-static-gen-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2150
after-same-line-static-gen-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1503
after-same-line-static-gen-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1532
after-same-line-static-gen-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1519
after-same-line-static-gen-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2080
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2135
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2185
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2830
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2889
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2828
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2887
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2882
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2941
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2528
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2380
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2412
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2569
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3420
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3239
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3399
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3212
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3018
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2951
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3012
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2824
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2877
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2900
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2682
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2511
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2516
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2548
after-same-line-static-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2705
after-same-line-static-gen-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2138
after-same-line-static-gen-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2900
after-same-line-static-gen-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, generators, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2188
after-same-line-static-gen-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after a static generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, generators, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2499
after-same-line-static-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2603
after-same-line-static-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2562
after-same-line-static-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2851
after-same-line-static-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1757
after-same-line-static-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2124
after-same-line-static-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1477
after-same-line-static-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1506
after-same-line-static-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1493
after-same-line-static-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2054
after-same-line-static-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2109
after-same-line-static-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2159
after-same-line-static-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2804
after-same-line-static-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2863
after-same-line-static-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2802
after-same-line-static-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2861
after-same-line-static-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2856
after-same-line-static-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2915
after-same-line-static-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2502
after-same-line-static-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2354
after-same-line-static-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2386
after-same-line-static-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2543
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3394
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3213
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3373
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3186
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2992
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2925
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2986
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2798
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2851
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2874
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2656
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2485
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2490
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2522
after-same-line-static-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2679
after-same-line-static-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2112
after-same-line-static-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2874
after-same-line-static-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2162
after-same-line-static-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after a static method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2473
arrow-body-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1181
arrow-body-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 969
arrow-body-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1298
arrow-body-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 966
arrow-body-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1286
arrow-body-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1170
arrow-body-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 958
arrow-body-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1240
arrow-body-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 908
arrow-body-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1228
arrow-body-direct-eval-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of StatementList is true. ... Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1223
arrow-body-direct-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1214
arrow-body-indirect-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1163
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1239
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1027
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1329
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 997
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1317
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1201
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 989
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1271
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 939
arrow-body-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1259
arrow-body-private-direct-eval-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of StatementList is true. ... Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1287
arrow-body-private-direct-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1251
arrow-body-private-indirect-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1173
arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1050
arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 762
browser.js 0
class-field-is-observable-by-proxy.js --- description: Public class fields initialization calls [[DefineOwnProperty]] esid: sec-define-field info: | DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. includes: [compareArray.js] features: [class, class-fields-public, Proxy] --- 1365
class-field-on-frozen-objects-strict.js --- description: Public class field initialization fails on frozen object esid: sec-define-field info: | DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [onlyStrict] --- 796
comp-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1073
comp-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 785
computed-name-toprimitive-symbol.js --- description: ToPrimitive evaluation in the ComputedPropertyName (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, Symbol.toPrimitive, Symbol, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of me is false, then i. Let fields be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. b. Else, i. Let fields be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If fields is an abrupt completion, then i. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to lex. ii. Set the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment to outerPrivateEnvironment. iii. Return Completion(status). ... Runtime Semantics: ClassElementEvaluation ClassElement: FieldDefinition; Return ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation of FieldDefinition with parameter false and object. Runtime Semantics: ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation With parameters isStatic and homeObject. 1. Let fieldName be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(fieldName). ... Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. 2. Let propName be ? GetValue(exprValue). 3. Return ? ToPropertyKey(propName). --- 3260
computed-name-toprimitive.js --- description: ToPrimitive evaluation in the ComputedPropertyName (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, Symbol.toPrimitive, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of me is false, then i. Let fields be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. b. Else, i. Let fields be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If fields is an abrupt completion, then i. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to lex. ii. Set the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment to outerPrivateEnvironment. iii. Return Completion(status). ... Runtime Semantics: ClassElementEvaluation ClassElement: FieldDefinition; Return ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation of FieldDefinition with parameter false and object. Runtime Semantics: ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation With parameters isStatic and homeObject. 1. Let fieldName be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(fieldName). ... Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ComputedPropertyName: [ AssignmentExpression ] 1. Let exprValue be the result of evaluating AssignmentExpression. 2. Let propName be ? GetValue(exprValue). 3. Return ? ToPropertyKey(propName). --- 3194
computed-property-abrupt-completition.js --- description: PrivateFieldGet should return with abrupt completion esid: runtime-semantics-class-definition-evaluation info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for mClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then i. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to lex. ii. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to outerPrivateEnvironment. iii. Return Completion(field). ... features: [class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, class] --- 1558
ctor-called-after-fields-init.js --- description: The constructor method is called after the fields are initalized (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). ... ... 11. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). ... --- 859
derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1160
derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 948
derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1277
derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 945
derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1265
derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1223
derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1011
derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1293
derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 961
derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1281
direct-eval-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of StatementList is true. ... Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1202
direct-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1195
equality-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (equality expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1027
equality-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (equality expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 739
field-declaration.js --- description: Fields are defined (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName StringLiteral NumericLiteral ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 26. Let instanceFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. b. ... c. ... d. If field is not empty, append field to instanceFields. ... 30. Set F.[[Fields]] to instanceFields. ... --- 2355
field-definition-accessor-no-line-terminator.js --- description: Valid accessor FieldDefinition, ClassElementName, PropertyName Syntax (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [decorators, class] flags: [generated] info: | FieldDefinition[Yield, Await] : accessor [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName[?Yield, ?Await] Initializer[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]opt --- 1507
fielddefinition-initializer-abrupt-completion.js --- description: Class construction should error if evaluation of field initializer errors esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget info: | [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) ... 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). c. If result is an abrupt completion, then i. Remove calleeContext from execution context stack and restore callerContext as the running execution context. ii. Return Completion(result). InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: Assert constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. If fieldRecord.[[static]] is false, then i. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let fieldName be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a.Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 1683
fields-anonymous-function-length.js --- description: Anonymous functions in field initializer have length properly set (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. Let fields be the value of constructor.[[Fields]]. 4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fields, a. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). 5. Return. DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). ... --- 1493
fields-asi-1.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- computed name interpreted as property esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 459
fields-asi-2.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- computed name interpreted as string index esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 410
fields-asi-3.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- error when computed name interpreted as index esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 448
fields-asi-4.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- error when generator interpreted as multiplication esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public, generators] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 460
fields-asi-5.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- field with PropertyName "in" interpreted as index esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 730
fields-asi-same-line-1.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- error when method on same line esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 446
fields-asi-same-line-2.js --- description: ASI test in field declarations -- error when method on same line after initializer esid: sec-automatic-semicolon-insertion features: [class, class-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 468
fields-computed-name-propname-constructor.js --- description: class fields forbid PropName 'constructor' (no early error -- PropName of ComputedPropertyName not forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] info: | Static Semantics: PropName ... ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] Return empty. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : FieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "constructor". DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, ... 9. Else, a. ... b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). CreateDataPropertyOrThrow ( O, P, V ) ... 3. Let success be ? CreateDataProperty(O, P, V). 4. If success is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... CreateDataProperty ( O, P, V ) ... 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }. 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc). --- 1504
fields-computed-name-static-computed-var-propname-constructor.js --- description: static class fields forbid PropName 'constructor' (no early error -- PropName of ComputedPropertyName not forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] info: | Static Semantics: PropName ... ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] Return empty. This test file tests the following early error is only valid for a matching PropName: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : static FieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "prototype" or "constructor". -- IDK what is calling InitializeClassElements but I guess it's supposed to be called to -- set the fields InitializeClassElements(F, proto) ... 6. For each item element in order from elements, a. If element.[[Kind]] is "field" and element.[[Placement]] is "static" or "prototype", ... ii. Let receiver be F if element.[[Placement]] is "static", else let receiver be proto. iii. Perform ? DefineClassElement(receiver, element). -- DefineClassElement is probably DefineField in the class fields proposal DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, ... 9. Else, a. ... b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). CreateDataPropertyOrThrow ( O, P, V ) ... 3. Let success be ? CreateDataProperty(O, P, V). 4. If success is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... CreateDataProperty ( O, P, V ) ... 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }. 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc). includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 2298
fields-computed-name-static-computed-var-propname-prototype.js --- description: static class fields forbid PropName 'prototype' (no early error -- PropName of ComputedPropertyName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] info: | 14.6.13 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 16. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). ... 9.2.10 MakeConstructor ( F [ , writablePrototype [ , prototype ] ] ) 6. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "prototype", PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: prototype, [[Writable]]: writablePrototype, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }). --- 939
fields-computed-name-static-propname-constructor.js --- description: static class fields forbid PropName 'constructor' (no early error -- PropName of ComputedPropertyName not forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] info: | Static Semantics: PropName ... ComputedPropertyName : [ AssignmentExpression ] Return empty. This test file tests the following early error is only valid for a matching PropName: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : static FieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "prototype" or "constructor". -- IDK what is calling InitializeClassElements but I guess it's supposed to be called to -- set the fields InitializeClassElements(F, proto) ... 6. For each item element in order from elements, a. If element.[[Kind]] is "field" and element.[[Placement]] is "static" or "prototype", ... ii. Let receiver be F if element.[[Placement]] is "static", else let receiver be proto. iii. Perform ? DefineClassElement(receiver, element). -- DefineClassElement is probably DefineField in the class fields proposal DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, ... 9. Else, a. ... b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). CreateDataPropertyOrThrow ( O, P, V ) ... 3. Let success be ? CreateDataProperty(O, P, V). 4. If success is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... CreateDataProperty ( O, P, V ) ... 3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }. 4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc). includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 2299
fields-computed-name-static-propname-prototype.js --- description: static class fields forbid PropName 'prototype' (no early error -- PropName of ComputedPropertyName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] info: | 14.6.13 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 16. Perform MakeConstructor(F, false, proto). ... 9.2.10 MakeConstructor ( F [ , writablePrototype [ , prototype ] ] ) 6. Perform ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "prototype", PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: prototype, [[Writable]]: writablePrototype, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }). --- 937
fields-duplicate-privatenames.js --- description: Syntax error if the same private field defined twice esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassBody : ClassElementList It is a Syntax Error if PrivateBoundNames of ClassBody contains any duplicate entries. --- 590
fields-hash-constructor-is-a-valid-name.js --- description: "#constructor is a valid property name for a public field" esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] info: | ClassElementName : PrivateName; It is a Syntax Error if StringValue of PrivateName is "#constructor". includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 995
fields-literal-name-propname-constructor.js --- description: class fields forbid PropName 'constructor' (early error -- PropName of IdentifierName is forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: PropName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName Return StringValue of IdentifierName. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : FieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "constructor". --- 815
fields-literal-name-static-propname-constructor.js --- description: static class field forbid PropName 'constructor' (early error -- PropName of IdentifierName is forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: PropName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName Return StringValue of IdentifierName. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : staticFieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "prototype" or "constructor". --- 856
fields-literal-name-static-propname-prototype.js --- description: static class fields forbid PropName 'prototype' (early error -- PropName of IdentifierName is forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: PropName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName Return StringValue of IdentifierName. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : staticFieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "prototype" or "constructor". --- 853
fields-string-name-propname-constructor.js --- description: class fields forbid PropName 'constructor' (early error -- PropName of StringLiteral is forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: PropName ... LiteralPropertyName : StringLiteral Return the String value whose code units are the SV of the StringLiteral. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : FieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "constructor". --- 859
fields-string-name-static-propname-constructor.js --- description: static class field forbid PropName 'constructor' (early error -- PropName of StringLiteral is forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: PropName ... LiteralPropertyName : StringLiteral Return the String value whose code units are the SV of the StringLiteral. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : staticFieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "prototype" or "constructor". --- 900
fields-string-name-static-propname-prototype.js --- description: static class fields forbid PropName 'prototype' (early error -- PropName of StringLiteral is forbidden value) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-static-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: PropName ... LiteralPropertyName : StringLiteral Return the String value whose code units are the SV of the StringLiteral. // This test file tests the following early error: Static Semantics: Early Errors ClassElement : staticFieldDefinition; It is a Syntax Error if PropName of FieldDefinition is "prototype" or "constructor". --- 897
get-access-of-missing-private-getter.js --- description: Trying to get a private member without getter throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet ( P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1184
get-access-of-missing-private-static-getter.js --- description: Trying to get a private member without getter throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet ( P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-static-methods-private, class] --- 1181
get-access-of-missing-shadowed-private-getter.js --- description: Trying to get from PrivateName without [[Get]] throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1983
grammar-private-field-optional-chaining.js --- description: PrivateName after '?.' is valid syntax (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, optional-chaining, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions OptionalChain[Yield, Await]: `?.` `[` Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] `]` `?.` IdentifierName `?.` Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] `?.` TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await, +Tagged] `?.` PrivateIdentifier --- 1030
indirect-eval-contains-arguments.js --- description: No error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | For indirect eval, the "Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer" (in #sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer) are NOT applicable. --- 710
indirect-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1216
init-err-evaluation.js --- description: Return abrupt completion evaluating the field initializer (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). ... ... 11. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). ... --- 934
init-value-defined-after-class.js --- description: The initializer value is defined after the class evaluation (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). ... ... 11. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). ... --- 1197
init-value-incremental.js --- description: The initializer value is defined during the class instatiation (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements ... d. Append to fieldRecords the elements of fields. ... 33. Let result be InitializeStaticFields(F). ... [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). ... ... 11. Let result be OrdinaryCallEvaluateBody(F, argumentsList). ... --- 1520
intercalated-static-non-static-computed-fields.js --- description: Computed class fields are executed in the order they are delcared, regardless it is static or instance field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for mClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. ... 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... [[Construct]] (argumentsList, newTarget) ... 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). c. If result is an abrupt completion, then i. Remove calleeContext from execution context stack and restore callerContext as the running execution context. ii. Return Completion(result). --- 2442
literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1030
literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 742
multiple-definitions-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3637
multiple-definitions-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3596
multiple-definitions-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 3885
multiple-definitions-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2791
multiple-definitions-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3158
multiple-definitions-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 2511
multiple-definitions-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 2540
multiple-definitions-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 2527
multiple-definitions-private-names.js --- description: private names (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3088
multiple-definitions-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3143
multiple-definitions-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3193
multiple-definitions-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3838
multiple-definitions-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3897
multiple-definitions-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3836
multiple-definitions-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3895
multiple-definitions-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3890
multiple-definitions-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3949
multiple-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3536
multiple-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3388
multiple-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3420
multiple-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3577
multiple-definitions-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 4428
multiple-definitions-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 4247
multiple-definitions-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 4407
multiple-definitions-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 4220
multiple-definitions-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 4026
multiple-definitions-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3959
multiple-definitions-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 4020
multiple-definitions-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3832
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3885
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3908
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3690
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3519
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3524
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3556
multiple-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3713
multiple-definitions-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3146
multiple-definitions-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3908
multiple-definitions-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3196
multiple-definitions-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (multiple fields definitions) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3507
multiple-stacked-definitions-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3043
multiple-stacked-definitions-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3002
multiple-stacked-definitions-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 3291
multiple-stacked-definitions-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2197
multiple-stacked-definitions-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2564
multiple-stacked-definitions-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1917
multiple-stacked-definitions-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1946
multiple-stacked-definitions-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1933
multiple-stacked-definitions-private-names.js --- description: private names (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2494
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2549
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2599
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3244
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3303
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3242
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3301
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3296
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3355
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2942
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2794
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2826
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2983
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3834
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3653
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3813
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3626
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3432
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3365
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3426
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3238
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3291
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3314
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3096
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2925
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2930
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2962
multiple-stacked-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3119
multiple-stacked-definitions-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2552
multiple-stacked-definitions-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3314
multiple-stacked-definitions-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2602
multiple-stacked-definitions-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (multiple stacked fields definitions through ASI) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2913
nested-arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1081
nested-arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 793
nested-comp-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1085
nested-comp-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 797
nested-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1167
nested-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 955
nested-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1284
nested-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 952
nested-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1272
nested-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1230
nested-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1018
nested-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1300
nested-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 968
nested-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1288
nested-direct-eval-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of StatementList is true. ... Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1257
nested-direct-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1202
nested-equality-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (equality expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1039
nested-equality-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (equality expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 751
nested-indirect-eval-contains-arguments.js --- description: No error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | For indirect eval, the "Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer" (in #sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer) are NOT applicable. --- 764
nested-indirect-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1223
nested-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1042
nested-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 754
nested-private-arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (private field, arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1137
nested-private-arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (private field, arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 849
nested-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1198
nested-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 986
nested-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1315
nested-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 983
nested-private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1303
nested-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1261
nested-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1049
nested-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1331
nested-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 999
nested-private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1319
nested-private-direct-eval-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of StatementList is true. ... Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1321
nested-private-direct-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1212
nested-private-indirect-eval-contains-arguments.js --- description: No error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | For indirect eval, the "Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer" (in #sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer) are NOT applicable. --- 782
nested-private-indirect-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1233
nested-private-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (ClassElementName PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1069
nested-private-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (ClassElementName PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 781
nested-private-ternary-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (private field, ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1090
nested-private-ternary-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (private field, ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 802
nested-private-typeof-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (private field, typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1082
nested-private-typeof-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (private field, typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 794
nested-static-comp-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1134
nested-static-comp-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 846
nested-static-literal-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1091
nested-static-literal-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 803
nested-static-private-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1080
nested-static-private-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 792
nested-static-string-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1107
nested-static-string-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 819
nested-string-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1058
nested-string-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 770
nested-ternary-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1044
nested-ternary-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 756
nested-typeof-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1036
nested-typeof-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 748
new-no-sc-line-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2524
new-no-sc-line-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2483
new-no-sc-line-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2772
new-no-sc-line-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1678
new-no-sc-line-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2045
new-no-sc-line-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1398
new-no-sc-line-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1427
new-no-sc-line-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1414
new-no-sc-line-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1975
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2030
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2080
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2725
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2784
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2723
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2782
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2777
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2836
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2423
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2275
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2307
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2464
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3315
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3134
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3294
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3107
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2913
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2846
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2907
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2719
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2772
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2795
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2577
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2406
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2411
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2443
new-no-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2600
new-no-sc-line-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2033
new-no-sc-line-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2795
new-no-sc-line-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2083
new-no-sc-line-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line without a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2394
new-sc-line-gen-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2548
new-sc-line-gen-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2507
new-sc-line-gen-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2796
new-sc-line-gen-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1702
new-sc-line-gen-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2069
new-sc-line-gen-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1422
new-sc-line-gen-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1451
new-sc-line-gen-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1438
new-sc-line-gen-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1999
new-sc-line-gen-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2054
new-sc-line-gen-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2104
new-sc-line-gen-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2749
new-sc-line-gen-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2808
new-sc-line-gen-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2747
new-sc-line-gen-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2806
new-sc-line-gen-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2801
new-sc-line-gen-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2860
new-sc-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2447
new-sc-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2299
new-sc-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2331
new-sc-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2488
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3339
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3158
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3318
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3131
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2937
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2870
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2931
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2743
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2796
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2819
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2601
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2430
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2435
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2467
new-sc-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2624
new-sc-line-gen-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2057
new-sc-line-gen-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2819
new-sc-line-gen-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2107
new-sc-line-gen-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2418
new-sc-line-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2519
new-sc-line-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2478
new-sc-line-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2767
new-sc-line-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1673
new-sc-line-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2040
new-sc-line-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1393
new-sc-line-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1422
new-sc-line-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1409
new-sc-line-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1970
new-sc-line-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2025
new-sc-line-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2075
new-sc-line-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2720
new-sc-line-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2779
new-sc-line-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2718
new-sc-line-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2777
new-sc-line-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2772
new-sc-line-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2831
new-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2418
new-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2270
new-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2302
new-sc-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2459
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3310
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3129
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3289
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3102
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2908
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2841
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2902
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2714
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2767
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2790
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2572
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2401
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2406
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2438
new-sc-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2595
new-sc-line-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2028
new-sc-line-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2790
new-sc-line-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2078
new-sc-line-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions followed by a method in a new line with a semicolon) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2389
private-accessor-is-visible-in-computed-properties.js --- description: Private getter of a class is visible in its ComputetProperty scope esid: prod-ClassTail info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } 1. Let lex be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 2. Let classScope be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(lex). 3. Let classScopeEnvRec be classScope's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. ... features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1161
private-arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (private field, arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1097
private-arrow-fnc-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (private field, arrow function expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, arrow-function, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 809
private-async-generator-method-name.js --- description: Private async generators methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. ... 12. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2284
private-async-method-name.js --- description: Private async methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. ... 10. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2259
private-class-field-on-frozen-objects-strict.js --- description: It is possible to add private fields on frozen objects esid: sec-define-field info: | DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. features: [class, class-fields-private, class-fields-public] flags: [onlyStrict] --- 851
private-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1191
private-derived-cls-direct-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 979
private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1308
private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 976
private-derived-cls-direct-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1296
private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-1.js --- description: super.x in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1254
private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-contains-superproperty-2.js --- description: super['x'] in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of a MethodDefinition. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperProperty. --- 1042
private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-1.js --- description: error if `super()['x']` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1324
private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall-2.js --- description: error if `super().x` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 992
private-derived-cls-indirect-eval-err-contains-supercall.js --- description: error if `super()` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Constructor Methods These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of the constructor method of a ClassDeclaration or ClassExpression. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains SuperCall. --- 1312
private-direct-eval-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of StatementList is true. ... Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1233
private-direct-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (direct eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1205
private-field-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private field is visible on inner arrow function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1229
private-field-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private field is visible on inner function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1237
private-field-after-optional-chain.js --- description: OptionalChain.PrivateIdentifier is a valid syntax (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, optional-chaining, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions OptionalChain[Yield, Await] : `?.` `[` Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] `]` `?.` IdentifierName `?.` Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] `?.` TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await, +Tagged] OptionalChain[?Yield, ?Await] `[` Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await] `]` OptionalChain[?Yield, ?Await] `.` IdentifierName OptionalChain[?Yield, ?Await] Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] OptionalChain[?Yield, ?Await] TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await, +Tagged] OptionalChain[?Yield, ?Await] `.` PrivateIdentifier --- 1364
private-field-as-arrow-function.js --- description: Calling arrow function returned from private field access (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, arrow-function, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1026
private-field-as-async-arrow-function.js --- description: Calling async arrow function returned from private field access (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, async-functions, arrow-function, class] flags: [generated, async] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1112
private-field-as-async-function.js --- description: Calling async function returned from private field access (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, async-functions, class] flags: [generated, async] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1101
private-field-as-function.js --- description: Calling result returned from private field access (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1014
private-field-is-not-clobbered-by-computed-property.js --- description: Private field is not clobbered by computed property esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-fields-public, class-fields-private, class] --- 1269
private-field-is-visible-in-computed-properties.js --- description: PrivateName of a class is visible in its ComputetProperty scope esid: prod-ClassTail info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } 1. Let lex be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 2. Let classScope be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(lex). 3. Let classScopeEnvRec be classScope's EnvironmentRecord. ... 8. If ClassBodyopt is present, then a. For each element dn of the PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBodyopt, i. Perform classPrivateEnvRec.CreateImmutableBinding(dn, true). ii. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(dn). iii. Perform ! classPrivateEnvRec.InitializeBinding(dn, dn). ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. ... GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(GetReferencedName(V), base). PrivateFieldGet ( P, O ) ... 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1767
private-field-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1302
private-field-visible-to-direct-eval-on-initializer.js --- description: Private field is visible on initializer with direct eval esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1883
private-field-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private field is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-fields-private, class] --- 2036
private-field-with-initialized-id-is-visible-in-computed-properties.js --- description: PrivateName of a class is visible in its ComputetProperty scope esid: prod-ClassTail info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } 1. Let lex be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 2. Let classScope be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(lex). 3. Let classScopeEnvRec be classScope's EnvironmentRecord. ... 8. If ClassBodyopt is present, then a. For each element dn of the PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBodyopt, i. Perform classPrivateEnvRec.CreateImmutableBinding(dn, true). ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. ... FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. ... ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MemberExpression : MemberExpression . PrivateIdentifier ... 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) ... 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). ... GetValue (V) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V), then i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined. ii. Let base be ToObject(base). b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(GetReferencedName(V), base). 6. Else, a. Assert: base is an Environment Record. b. Return ? base.GetBindingValue(GetReferencedName(V), IsStrictReference(V)). PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. Assert: Type(O) is Object. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 2911
private-generator-method-name.js --- description: Private generator methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". GeneratorMethod : * ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { GeneratorBody } 1. Let key be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. ... 12. Return DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2227
private-getter-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter is visible on inner arrow function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1250
private-getter-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter is visible on inner function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1258
private-getter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1339
private-getter-brand-check-super-class.js --- description: Subclass can access private methods of a superclass (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | SuperCall : super Arguments ... 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). ... InitializeInstanceFieldsElements ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: Assert constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. If constructor.[[PrivateBrand]] is not undefined, a. Perform ? PrivateBrandAdd(O, constructor.[[PrivateBrand]]). 4. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 5. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). 6. Return. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1387
private-getter-brand-check.js --- description: PrivateBrandCheck fails when the object O doesn't have P.[[Brand]] (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1367
private-getter-is-not-a-own-property.js --- description: Private getter is not stored as an own property of objects (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). --- 1424
private-getter-is-not-clobbered-by-computed-property.js --- description: Private getter is not clobbered by computed property esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1293
private-getter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter is available on inner classes (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1092
private-getter-shadowed-by-field-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter can be shadowed on inner classes by a private field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1383
private-getter-shadowed-by-getter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter can be shadowed on inner classes by a private getter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1379
private-getter-shadowed-by-method-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter can be shadowed on inner class by a private method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1302
private-getter-shadowed-by-setter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private getter can be shadowed on inner classes by a private setter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1447
private-getter-visible-to-direct-eval-on-initializer.js --- description: Private getter is visible on initializer with direct eval esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1915
private-getter-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private getter is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 2100
private-indirect-eval-contains-arguments.js --- description: No error if `arguments` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | For indirect eval, the "Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer" (in #sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer) are NOT applicable. --- 774
private-indirect-eval-err-contains-newtarget.js --- description: error if `` in StatementList of eval (indirect eval) esid: sec-performeval-rules-in-initializer features: [class,, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] info: | Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Inside Initializer These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs inside a class field initializer. ScriptBody : StatementList ... The remaining eval rules apply as outside a constructor, inside a method, and inside a function. Additional Early Error Rules for Eval Outside Functions These static semantics are applied by PerformEval when a direct eval call occurs outside of any function. ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if StatementList Contains NewTarget. --- 1226
private-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (ClassElementName PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1057
private-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (ClassElementName PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 769
private-method-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private method is visible on inner arrow function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1246
private-method-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private method is visible on inner function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1254
private-method-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1343
private-method-brand-check-super-class.js --- description: Subclass can access private methods of a superclass (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | SuperCall : super Arguments ... 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). ... InitializeInstanceFieldsElements ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: Assert constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. If constructor.[[PrivateBrand]] is not undefined, a. Perform ? PrivateBrandAdd(O, constructor.[[PrivateBrand]]). 4. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 5. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). 6. Return. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1403
private-method-brand-check.js --- description: PrivateBrandCheck fails when the object O doesn't have P.[[Brand]] (private method) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1365
private-method-comparison-multiple-evaluations-of-class.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private getter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1429
private-method-comparison.js --- description: PrivateFieldGet of a private method returns the same function object to every instance of the same class (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1473
private-method-double-initialisation-get-and-set.js --- description: > Throws TypeError when attempting to install private methods multiple times. esid: sec-privatemethodoraccessoradd info: | 7.3.28 PrivateMethodOrAccessorAdd ( method, O ) 1. Assert: method.[[Kind]] is either method or accessor. 2. Let entry be ! PrivateElementFind(method.[[Key]], O). 3. If entry is not empty, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 777
private-method-double-initialisation-get.js --- description: > Throws TypeError when attempting to install private methods multiple times. esid: sec-privatemethodoraccessoradd info: | 7.3.28 PrivateMethodOrAccessorAdd ( method, O ) 1. Assert: method.[[Kind]] is either method or accessor. 2. Let entry be ! PrivateElementFind(method.[[Key]], O). 3. If entry is not empty, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 762
private-method-double-initialisation-set.js --- description: > Throws TypeError when attempting to install private methods multiple times. esid: sec-privatemethodoraccessoradd info: | 7.3.28 PrivateMethodOrAccessorAdd ( method, O ) 1. Assert: method.[[Kind]] is either method or accessor. 2. Let entry be ! PrivateElementFind(method.[[Key]], O). 3. If entry is not empty, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 763
private-method-double-initialisation.js --- description: > Throws TypeError when attempting to install private methods multiple times. esid: sec-privatemethodoraccessoradd info: | 7.3.28 PrivateMethodOrAccessorAdd ( method, O ) 1. Assert: method.[[Kind]] is either method or accessor. 2. Let entry be ! PrivateElementFind(method.[[Key]], O). 3. If entry is not empty, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 758
private-method-get-and-call.js --- description: Function returned by a private method can be called with other values as 'this' (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class, class-methods-private] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1530
private-method-is-not-a-own-property.js --- description: Private method is not stored as an own property of objects (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). --- 1363
private-method-is-not-clobbered-by-computed-property.js --- description: Private method is not clobbered by computed property esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1291
private-method-is-visible-in-computed-properties.js --- description: Private method of a class is visible in its ComputetProperty scope esid: prod-ClassTail info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } 1. Let lex be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 2. Let classScope be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(lex). 3. Let classScopeEnvRec be classScope's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let field be the result of ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. ... features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1158
private-method-length.js --- description: Private methods have length property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments homeObject, enumerable and "static". MethodDefinition : ClassElementName( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } 1. Let methodDef be DefineMethod of MethodDefinition with argument homeObject. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(methodDef). 3. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(methodDef.[[Key]], homeObject, methodDef.[[Closure]], _enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. MethodDefinition : ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { FunctionBody } ... 8. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, UniqueFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, privateScope, strict, prototype). 9. Perform MakeMethod(closure, object). 10. Return the Record{[[Key]]: propKey, [[Closure]]: closure}. --- 1750
private-method-not-writable.js --- description: > Throws TypeError when attempting to overwrite a private method. esid: sec-privateset info: | 7.3.30 PrivateSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Let entry be ! PrivateElementFind(P, O). 2. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If entry.[[Kind]] is field, then ... 4. Else if entry.[[Kind]] is method, then a. Throw a TypeError exception. 5. ... features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 724
private-method-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private method is available on inner classes (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1090
private-method-referenced-from-static-method.js --- description: Private method referenced from a static method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1133
private-method-shadowed-by-field-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1381
private-method-shadowed-by-getter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private getter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1454
private-method-shadowed-by-setter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private setter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1445
private-method-shadowed-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private method can be shadowed by inner class private method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1156
private-method-visible-to-direct-eval-on-initializer.js --- description: Private method is visible on initializer with direct eval esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1913
private-method-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private method is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 2094
private-setter-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter is visible on inner arrow function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1248
private-setter-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter is visible on inner function of class scope (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1256
private-setter-brand-check-multiple-evaluations-of-class.js --- description: Every new evaluation of a class creates a different brand (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 11. Let proto be ObjectCreate(protoParent). ... 31. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that the P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor", a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1391
private-setter-brand-check-super-class.js --- description: Subclass can access private methods of a superclass (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | SuperCall : super Arguments ... 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). ... InitializeInstanceFieldsElements ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: Assert constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. If constructor.[[PrivateBrand]] is not undefined, a. Perform ? PrivateBrandAdd(O, constructor.[[PrivateBrand]]). 4. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 5. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). 6. Return. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1438
private-setter-brand-check.js --- description: PrivateBrandCheck fails when the object O doesn't have P.[[Brand]] (private setter) esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-methods-private] --- 1394
private-setter-is-not-a-own-property.js --- description: Private setter is not stored as an own property of objects (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). --- 1445
private-setter-is-not-clobbered-by-computed-property.js --- description: Private setter is not clobbered by computed property esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 1314
private-setter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter is available on inner classes (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1105
private-setter-shadowed-by-field-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter can be shadowed on inner classes by a private field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1444
private-setter-shadowed-by-getter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter can be shadowed on inner classes by a private getter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1463
private-setter-shadowed-by-method-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter can be shadowed on inner class by a private method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1465
private-setter-shadowed-by-setter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private setter can be shadowed on inner classes by a private setter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1419
private-setter-visible-to-direct-eval-on-initializer.js --- description: Private setter is visible on initializer with direct eval esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] --- 2030
private-setter-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private setter is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 2220
private-static-async-generator-method-name.js --- description: Private static async generator methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments homeObject, enumerable and "static". AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { AsyncFunctionBody } ... 12. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, _enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2390
private-static-async-method-name.js --- description: Private static async methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments homeObject, enumerable and "static". AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { AsyncFunctionBody } ... 10. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, _enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2366
private-static-field-shadowed-by-field-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static field can be shadowed on inner classes by a private field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class-fields-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3972
private-static-field-shadowed-by-getter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static field can be shadowed on inner classes by a private getter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3977
private-static-field-shadowed-by-method-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static field can be shadowed on inner classes by a private method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3983
private-static-field-shadowed-by-setter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static field can be shadowed on inner classes by a private setter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3984
private-static-field-usage-inside-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static field is available inside inner classes (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3788
private-static-field-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private static field is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-static-fields-private, class] --- 2037
private-static-generator-method-name.js --- description: Private static generator methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments homeObject, enumerable and "static". GeneratorMethod : * ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { GeneratorBody } ... 12. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, _enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2341
private-static-getter-abrupt-completition.js --- description: PrivateFieldGet should return an abrupt completion esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1132
private-static-getter-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private static getter is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-static-methods-private, class] --- 2144
private-static-method-length.js --- description: Private static methods have length property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments homeObject, enumerable and "static". MethodDefinition : ClassElementName( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } 1. Let methodDef be DefineMethod of MethodDefinition with argument homeObject. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(methodDef). 3. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(methodDef.[[Key]], homeObject, methodDef.[[Closure]], _enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. MethodDefinition : ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { FunctionBody } ... 8. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, UniqueFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, privateScope, strict, prototype). 9. Perform MakeMethod(closure, object). 10. Return the Record{[[Key]]: propKey, [[Closure]]: closure}. --- 1774
private-static-method-name.js --- description: Private static methods have name property properly configured (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments ! Get(homeObject, "prototype"),enumerable, and "prototype". ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Return ClassElementEvaluation of MethodDefinition with arguments homeObject, enumerable and "static". MethodDefinition : ClassElementName( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } 1. Let methodDef be DefineMethod of MethodDefinition with argument homeObject. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(methodDef). 3. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(methodDef.[[Key]], homeObject, methodDef.[[Closure]], _enumerable). ClassElement : MethodDefinition ClassElement : static MethodDefinition 1. Perform ? PropertyDefinitionEvaluation with parameters object and enumerable. 2. Return empty. MethodDefinition : ClassElementName (UniqueFormalParameters) { FunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. ... 8. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, UniqueFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, privateScope, strict, prototype). 9. Perform MakeMethod(closure, object). 10. Return the Record{[[Key]]: propKey, [[Closure]]: closure}. ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let bindingName be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. ... 5. If scopeEnvRec's binding for bindingName is uninitialized, a. Let field be NewPrivateName(bindingName). b. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(bindingName, field). 6. Otherwise, a. Let field be scopeEnvRec.GetBindingValue(bindingName). 7. Assert: field.[[Description]] is bindingName. 8. Return field. DefineOrdinaryMethod(key, homeObject, closure, enumerable) 1. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key). 2. If key is a Private Name, a. Assert: key does not have a [[Kind]] field. b. Set key.[[Kind]] to "method". c. Set key.[[Value]] to closure. d. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. 3. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: closure, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). --- 2881
private-static-method-not-writable.js --- description: > Throws TypeError when attempting to overwrite a private static method. esid: sec-privateset info: | 7.3.30 PrivateSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Let entry be ! PrivateElementFind(P, O). 2. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If entry.[[Kind]] is field, then ... 4. Else if entry.[[Kind]] is method, then a. Throw a TypeError exception. 5. ... features: [class, class-static-methods-private] --- 730
private-static-method-shadowed-by-field-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class-fields-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3990
private-static-method-shadowed-by-getter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private getter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3995
private-static-method-shadowed-by-method-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3993
private-static-method-shadowed-by-setter-on-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static method can be shadowed on inner classes by a private setter (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 4002
private-static-method-usage-inside-nested-class.js --- description: PrivateName of private static method is available inside inner classes (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateIdentifier ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 6. Let classPrivateEnvironment be NewDeclarativeEnvironment(outerPrivateEnvironment). 7. Let classPrivateEnvRec be classPrivateEnvironment's EnvironmentRecord. ... 15. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to classScope. 16. Set the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment to classPrivateEnvironment. ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt 1. Let name be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(name). 3. If Initializer_opt is present, a. Let lex be the Lexical Environment of the running execution context. b. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters : [empty]. c. Let privateScope be the PrivateEnvironment of the running execution context. d. Let initializer be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, Initializer, lex, true, privateScope). e. Perform MakeMethod(initializer, homeObject). f. Let isAnonymousFunctionDefinition be IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition(Initializer). 4. Else, a. Let initializer be empty. b. Let isAnonymousFunctionDeclaration be false. 5. Return a Record { [[Name]]: name, [[Initializer]]: initializer, [[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]]: isAnonymousFunctionDefinition }. MemberExpression : MemberExpression.PrivateIdentifier 1. Let baseReference be the result of evaluating MemberExpression. 2. Let baseValue be ? GetValue(baseReference). 3. Let bv be ? RequireObjectCoercible(baseValue). 4. Let fieldNameString be the StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 5. Return MakePrivateReference(bv, fieldNameString). MakePrivateReference(baseValue, privateIdentifier) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. --- 3813
private-static-method-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private static method is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-static-methods-private, class] --- 2113
private-static-setter-abrupt-completition.js --- description: PrivateFieldSet should return an abrupt completion esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1254
private-static-setter-visible-to-direct-eval.js --- description: Private static setter is visible to direct eval code esid: sec-privatefieldget info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). ClassElementName : PrivateIdentifier 1. Let privateIdentifier be StringValue of PrivateIdentifier. 2. Let privateName be NewPrivateName(privateIdentifier). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 4. Let scopeEnvRec be scope's EnvironmentRecord. 5. Perform ! scopeEnvRec.InitializeBinding(privateIdentifier, privateName). 6. Return privateName. MakePrivateReference ( baseValue, privateIdentifier ) 1. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateEnvironment. 2. Let privateNameBinding be ? ResolveBinding(privateIdentifier, env). 3. Let privateName be GetValue(privateNameBinding). 4. Assert: privateName is a Private Name. 5. Return a value of type Reference whose base value is baseValue, whose referenced name is privateName, whose strict reference flag is true. features: [class-static-methods-private, class] --- 2150
private-ternary-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (private field, ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1078
private-ternary-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (private field, ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 790
private-typeof-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (private field, typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1070
private-typeof-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (private field, typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 782
privatefield-on-proxy.js --- description: Sucessyfully get private reference without using [[Get]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue(V) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). c. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)). PrivateFieldGet(P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. includes: [compareArray.js] features: [class, class-fields-private, Proxy] --- 1399
privatefieldadd-typeerror.js --- description: Class construction should error if attempting to add private field twice esid: sec-ecmascript-function-objects-construct-argumentslist-newtarget info: | [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) ... 8. If kind is "base", then a. Perform OrdinaryCallBindThis(F, calleeContext, thisArgument). b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). c. If result is an abrupt completion, then i. Remove calleeContext from execution context stack and restore callerContext as the running execution context. ii. Return Completion(result). InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: Assert constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). 5. Return. DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). PrivateFieldAdd (P, O, value) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is not empty, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1909
privatefieldget-primitive-receiver.js --- description: PrivateField calls ToObject when receiver is a primitive esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V), then i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined. ii. Let base be ToObject(base). b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). ... PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class, class-fields-private, BigInt] --- 1739
privatefieldget-success-1.js --- description: Successfully access private field esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1171
privatefieldget-success-2.js --- description: Successfully access private field esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1095
privatefieldget-success-3.js --- description: Successfully access private field esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1063
privatefieldget-success-4.js --- description: Successfully access private field esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1046
privatefieldget-success-5.js --- description: Successfully access private field esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Return entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]]. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1059
privatefieldget-typeerror-1.js --- description: Cannot access private field before the entry was added to [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private, class-fields-public] --- 1296
privatefieldget-typeerror-2.js --- description: TypeError when referenced private field cannot be found in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1634
privatefieldget-typeerror-3.js --- description: > Referenced lexically scoped private field found in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1544
privatefieldget-typeerror-4.js --- description: TypeError when referenced private field cannot be found in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1563
privatefieldget-typeerror-5.js --- description: TypeError when referenced private field cannot be found in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue ( V ) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). PrivateFieldGet (P, O ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1793
privatefieldput-primitive-receiver.js --- description: PrivateField calls ToObject when receiver is a primitive esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. If IsPropertyReference(V), then a. If HasPrimitiveBase(V), then i. Assert: In this case, base will never be null or undefined. ii. Let base be ToObject(base). b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Return ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). ... PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. Assert: Type(O) is Object. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. 5. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. features: [class, class-fields-private, BigInt] --- 1750
privatefieldset-evaluation-order-1.js --- description: > Evaluation order when resolving private fields. esid: sec-runtime-semantics-keyeddestructuringassignmentevaluation info: | Runtime Semantics: KeyedDestructuringAssignmentEvaluation 1. If DestructuringAssignmentTarget is neither an ObjectLiteral nor an ArrayLiteral, then a. Let lref be the result of evaluating DestructuringAssignmentTarget. b. ReturnIfAbrupt(lref). 2. ... GetThisBinding ( ) 1. Assert: envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is not lexical. 2. If envRec.[[ThisBindingStatus]] is uninitialized, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. ... features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1183
privatefieldset-evaluation-order-2.js --- description: > Evaluation order when resolving private fields. esid: sec-runtime-semantics-keyeddestructuringassignmentevaluation info: | Runtime Semantics: KeyedDestructuringAssignmentEvaluation 1. If DestructuringAssignmentTarget is neither an ObjectLiteral nor an ArrayLiteral, then a. Let lref be the result of evaluating DestructuringAssignmentTarget. b. ReturnIfAbrupt(lref). 2. Let v be ? GetV(value, propertyName). 3. ... features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 976
privatefieldset-evaluation-order-3.js --- description: > Evaluation order when resolving private fields. esid: sec-runtime-semantics-keyeddestructuringassignmentevaluation info: | Runtime Semantics: KeyedDestructuringAssignmentEvaluation 1. If DestructuringAssignmentTarget is neither an ObjectLiteral nor an ArrayLiteral, then a. Let lref be the result of evaluating DestructuringAssignmentTarget. b. ReturnIfAbrupt(lref). 2. Let v be ? GetV(value, propertyName). 3. ... features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1000
privatefieldset-typeerror-1.js --- description: TypeError when setting private field before the entry was added to [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private, class-fields-public] --- 1328
privatefieldset-typeerror-2.js --- description: TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1635
privatefieldset-typeerror-3.js --- description: > Referenced lexically scoped private field found in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1822
privatefieldset-typeerror-4.js --- description: TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1571
privatefieldset-typeerror-5.js --- description: TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1795
privatefieldset-typeerror-6.js --- description: > TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1345
privatefieldset-typeerror-7.js --- description: > TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1348
privatefieldset-typeerror-8.js --- description: > TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1339
privatefieldset-typeerror-9.js --- description: > TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1347
privatefieldset-typeerror-10.js --- description: > TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1341
privatefieldset-typeerror-11.js --- description: > TypeError when setting private field not in `this`'s [[PrivateFieldValues]] esid: sec-putvalue info: | PutValue ( V, W ) ... 6. Else if IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Perform ? PrivateFieldSet(field, base, W). PrivateFieldSet (P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. PrivateFieldFind (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. Assert: O is an object with a [[PrivateFieldValues]] internal slot. 3. For each element entry in O.[[PrivateFieldValues]], a. If entry.[[PrivateName]] is P, return entry. 4. Return empty. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1343
privategetter-on-proxy.js --- description: Successfully access private getter on Proxy objects without using [[Get]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue(V) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). c. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)). PrivateFieldGet(P, O) ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", ... 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). includes: [compareArray.js] features: [class, class-methods-private, Proxy] --- 1488
privatemethods-on-proxy.js --- description: Successfully access private method on Proxy objects without using [[Get]] esid: sec-getvalue info: | GetValue(V) ... 5. If IsPropertyReference(V), then ... b. If IsPrivateReference(V), then i. Let env be the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment. ii. Let field be ? ResolveBinding(GetReferencedName(V), env). iii. Assert: field is a Private Name. iv. Return ? PrivateFieldGet(field, base). c. Return ? base.[[Get]](GetReferencedName(V), GetThisValue(V)). PrivateFieldGet(P, O) ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... includes: [compareArray.js] features: [class, class-methods-private, Proxy] --- 1316
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-1.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename in constructor without being declared in class fields info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 741
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-2.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename in function in class without declaring in field info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 725
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-3.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename that has not been declared in class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private, class-fields-public] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 725
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-4.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename that has not been declared in class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 754
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-5.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename outside of class info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 688
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-6.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename outside of class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 682
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-7.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename on object, outside of class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 688
privatename-not-valid-earlyerr-script-8.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename on object, outside of class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 697
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-1.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename in constructor without being declared in class fields info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 809
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-2.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename in function in class without declaring in field info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 797
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-3.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename that has not been declared in class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private, class-fields-public] --- 792
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-4.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename that has not been declared in class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 826
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-5.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename outside of class info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 745
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-6.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename outside of class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 738
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-7.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename on object, outside of class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class-fields-private] --- 742
privatename-not-valid-eval-earlyerr-8.js --- esid: sec-scripts-static-semantics-early-errors description: Early error when referencing privatename on object, outside of class. info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors ScriptBody : StatementList It is a Syntax Error if AllPrivateNamesValid of StatementList with an empty List as an argument is false unless the source code is eval code that is being processed by a direct eval. features: [class-fields-private] --- 755
privatename-valid-no-earlyerr.js --- esid: sec-all-private-names-valid description: Referencing privatename in class within class does not error. info: | Static Semantics: AllPrivateNamesValid AllPrivateNamesValid is an abstract operation which takes names as an argument. MemberExpression : MemberExpression . PrivateName 1. If StringValue of PrivateName is in names, return true. 2. Return false. CallExpression : CallExpression . PrivateName 1. If StringValue of PrivateName is in names, return true. 2. Return false. ClassBody : ClassElementList 1. Let newNames be the concatenation of names with PrivateBoundNames of ClassBody. 2. Return AllPrivateNamesValid of ClassElementList with the argument newNames. For all other grammatical productions, recurse on subexpressions/substatements, passing in the names of the caller. If all pieces return true, then return true. If any returns false, return false. features: [class, class-fields-private] --- 1371
prod-private-getter-before-super-return-in-constructor.js --- description: Private getters are installed "when super returns" and no earlier (call in constructor) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | SuperCall: super Arguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). EDITOR'S NOTE: Private fields are added to the object one by one, interspersed with evaluation of the initializers, following the construction of the receiver. These semantics allow for a later initializer to refer to a previous private field. --- 1586
prod-private-getter-before-super-return-in-field-initializer.js --- description: Private getters are installed "when super returns" and no earlier (call in field initializer) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | SuperCall: super Arguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). EDITOR'S NOTE: Private fields are added to the object one by one, interspersed with evaluation of the initializers, following the construction of the receiver. These semantics allow for a later initializer to refer to a previous private field. --- 1597
prod-private-method-before-super-return-in-constructor.js --- description: Private methods are installed "when super returns" and no earlier (call in constructor) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | SuperCall: super Arguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). EDITOR'S NOTE: Private fields are added to the object one by one, interspersed with evaluation of the initializers, following the construction of the receiver. These semantics allow for a later initializer to refer to a previous private field. --- 1584
prod-private-method-before-super-return-in-field-initializer.js --- description: Private methods are installed "when super returns" and no earlier (call in field initializer) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | SuperCall: super Arguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). EDITOR'S NOTE: Private fields are added to the object one by one, interspersed with evaluation of the initializers, following the construction of the receiver. These semantics allow for a later initializer to refer to a previous private field. --- 1595
prod-private-setter-before-super-return-in-constructor.js --- description: Private setters are installed "when super returns" and no earlier (call in constructor) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | SuperCall: super Arguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). EDITOR'S NOTE: Private fields are added to the object one by one, interspersed with evaluation of the initializers, following the construction of the receiver. These semantics allow for a later initializer to refer to a previous private field. --- 1582
prod-private-setter-before-super-return-in-field-initializer.js --- description: Private settters are installed "when super returns" and no earlier (call in field initializer) (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | SuperCall: super Arguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceElements(result, F). EDITOR'S NOTE: Private fields are added to the object one by one, interspersed with evaluation of the initializers, following the construction of the receiver. These semantics allow for a later initializer to refer to a previous private field. --- 1594
public-class-field-initialization-is-visible-to-proxy.js --- description: Public class field initialization calls [[DefineOwnProperty]] and can be observed by Proxies esid: sec-define-field info: | DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 904
public-class-field-initialization-on-super-class-with-setter.js --- description: Public class field initialization calls [[DefineOwnProperty]] and don't execute super's getter esid: sec-define-field info: | DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) ... 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 920
redeclaration-symbol.js --- description: Redeclaration of public fields with the same name (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js, compareArray.js] info: | 2.13.2 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 30. Set the value of F's [[Fields]] internal slot to fieldRecords. ... 2.14 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) ... 8. If kind is "base", then ... b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). ... 2.9 InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor ) 3. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. If fieldRecord.[[static]] is false, then i. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). --- 1629
redeclaration.js --- description: Redeclaration of public fields with the same name (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js, compareArray.js] info: | 2.13.2 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 30. Set the value of F's [[Fields]] internal slot to fieldRecords. ... 2.14 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) ... 8. If kind is "base", then ... b. Let result be InitializeInstanceFields(thisArgument, F). ... 2.9 InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor ) 3. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. If fieldRecord.[[static]] is false, then i. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). --- 1678
regular-definitions-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2166
regular-definitions-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2125
regular-definitions-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2384
regular-definitions-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1320
regular-definitions-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1687
regular-definitions-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1010
regular-definitions-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1039
regular-definitions-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1026
regular-definitions-private-names.js --- description: private names (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1587
regular-definitions-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1642
regular-definitions-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1692
regular-definitions-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2337
regular-definitions-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2396
regular-definitions-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2335
regular-definitions-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2394
regular-definitions-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2389
regular-definitions-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2448
regular-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2035
regular-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1887
regular-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1919
regular-definitions-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2076
regular-definitions-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2927
regular-definitions-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2746
regular-definitions-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2906
regular-definitions-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2719
regular-definitions-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2525
regular-definitions-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2458
regular-definitions-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2519
regular-definitions-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2331
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2384
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2407
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2189
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2018
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2023
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2055
regular-definitions-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2212
regular-definitions-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1645
regular-definitions-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2407
regular-definitions-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1695
regular-definitions-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (regular fields defintion) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2036
same-line-async-gen-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3104
same-line-async-gen-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3055
same-line-async-gen-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 3152
same-line-async-gen-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2154
same-line-async-gen-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2577
same-line-async-gen-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1766
same-line-async-gen-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1795
same-line-async-gen-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1782
same-line-async-gen-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2391
same-line-async-gen-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2418
same-line-async-gen-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2492
same-line-async-gen-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3113
same-line-async-gen-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3172
same-line-async-gen-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3111
same-line-async-gen-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3170
same-line-async-gen-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3165
same-line-async-gen-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3224
same-line-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2811
same-line-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2663
same-line-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2695
same-line-async-gen-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2852
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3735
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3554
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3714
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3527
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3301
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3234
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3295
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3107
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3160
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3183
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2965
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2794
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2799
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2831
same-line-async-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2988
same-line-async-gen-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2449
same-line-async-gen-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3243
same-line-async-gen-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2499
same-line-async-gen-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after an async generator in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-iteration] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2982
same-line-async-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3056
same-line-async-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 3007
same-line-async-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 3104
same-line-async-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2106
same-line-async-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2529
same-line-async-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1718
same-line-async-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1747
same-line-async-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1734
same-line-async-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2343
same-line-async-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2370
same-line-async-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2444
same-line-async-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3065
same-line-async-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3124
same-line-async-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3063
same-line-async-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3122
same-line-async-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3117
same-line-async-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3176
same-line-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2763
same-line-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2615
same-line-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2647
same-line-async-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2804
same-line-async-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3687
same-line-async-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3506
same-line-async-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3666
same-line-async-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3479
same-line-async-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3253
same-line-async-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3186
same-line-async-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3247
same-line-async-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3059
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3112
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3135
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2917
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2746
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2751
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2783
same-line-async-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2940
same-line-async-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2401
same-line-async-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 3195
same-line-async-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2451
same-line-async-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions after an async method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2934
same-line-gen-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2540
same-line-gen-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2499
same-line-gen-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2788
same-line-gen-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1694
same-line-gen-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2061
same-line-gen-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1414
same-line-gen-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1443
same-line-gen-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1430
same-line-gen-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1991
same-line-gen-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2046
same-line-gen-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2096
same-line-gen-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2741
same-line-gen-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2800
same-line-gen-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2739
same-line-gen-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2798
same-line-gen-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2793
same-line-gen-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2852
same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2439
same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2291
same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2323
same-line-gen-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2480
same-line-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3331
same-line-gen-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3150
same-line-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3310
same-line-gen-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3123
same-line-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2929
same-line-gen-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2862
same-line-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2923
same-line-gen-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2735
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2788
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2811
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2593
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2422
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2427
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2459
same-line-gen-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2616
same-line-gen-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2049
same-line-gen-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2811
same-line-gen-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2099
same-line-gen-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions followed by a generator method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class, generators] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2410
same-line-method-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2501
same-line-method-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2460
same-line-method-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2749
same-line-method-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1655
same-line-method-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2022
same-line-method-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1375
same-line-method-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1404
same-line-method-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1391
same-line-method-private-names.js --- description: private names (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1952
same-line-method-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2007
same-line-method-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2057
same-line-method-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2702
same-line-method-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2761
same-line-method-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2700
same-line-method-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2759
same-line-method-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2754
same-line-method-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2813
same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2400
same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2252
same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2284
same-line-method-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2441
same-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3292
same-line-method-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3111
same-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3271
same-line-method-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 3084
same-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2890
same-line-method-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2823
same-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2884
same-line-method-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2696
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2749
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2772
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2554
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2383
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2388
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2420
same-line-method-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2577
same-line-method-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2010
same-line-method-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2772
same-line-method-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2060
same-line-method-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (field definitions followed by a method in the same line) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2371
set-access-of-missing-private-setter.js --- description: Trying to set a private member without setter throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1297
set-access-of-missing-private-static-setter.js --- description: Trying to set a private member without setter throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. features: [class-static-methods-private, class] --- 1294
set-access-of-missing-shadowed-private-setter.js --- description: Trying to set in PrivateName without setter throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 2105
set-access-of-private-method.js --- description: Trying to set a private method throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1262
set-access-of-shadowed-private-method.js --- description: Trying to set private method throws TypeError esid: sec-privatefieldset info: | PrivateFieldSet ( P, O, value ) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", a. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). b. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. c. Set entry.[[PrivateFieldValue]] to value. d. Return. 4. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", throw a TypeError exception. 5. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If O.[[PrivateFieldBrands]] does not contain P.[[Brand]], throw a TypeError exception. c. If P does not have a [[Set]] field, throw a TypeError exception. d. Let setter be P.[[Set]]. e. Perform ? Call(setter, O, value). f. Return. features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-public, class] --- 2057
shell.js 0
static-as-valid-instance-field-assigned.js --- description: static is a valid name of an instance field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 761
static-as-valid-instance-field.js --- description: static is a valid name of an instance field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 748
static-as-valid-static-field-assigned.js --- description: static is a valid name of a static field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... static FieldDefinition ; --- 664
static-as-valid-static-field.js --- description: static is a valid name of a static field (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... static FieldDefinition ; --- 643
static-comp-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1122
static-comp-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static computed ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, computed-property-names] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 834
static-field-anonymous-function-length.js --- description: Anonymous function in field initilizer have length properly set (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). ... --- 1944
static-field-anonymous-function-name.js --- description: Anonymous function receives the name of static fields (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). 6. Else, let initValue be undefined. 7. If fieldRecord.[[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]] is true, then a. Let hasNameProperty be ? HasOwnProperty(initValue, "name"). b. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(initValue, fieldName). 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. --- 2489
static-field-declaration.js --- description: Static fields are defined using DefineField (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName StringLiteral NumericLiteral ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for mClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). 6. Else, let initValue be undefined. 7. If fieldRecord.[[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]] is true, then a. Let hasNameProperty be ? HasOwnProperty(initValue, "name"). b. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(initValue, fieldName). 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. --- 3592
static-field-init-this-inside-arrow-function.js --- description: this in static field initializers refers to class constructor (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). 6. Else, let initValue be undefined. 7. If fieldRecord.[[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]] is true, then a. Let hasNameProperty be ? HasOwnProperty(initValue, "name"). b. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(initValue, fieldName). 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. --- 2290
static-field-init-with-this.js --- description: Static fields initializer has `this` biding (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). 6. Else, let initValue be undefined. 7. If fieldRecord.[[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]] is true, then a. Let hasNameProperty be ? HasOwnProperty(initValue, "name"). b. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(initValue, fieldName). 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. --- 2393
static-field-initializer-error.js --- description: Class evaluation is incomplete when initializer resutls in an abrupt completition esid: sec-define-field info: | ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). 6. Else, let initValue be undefined. 7. If fieldRecord.[[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]] is true, then a. Let hasNameProperty be ? HasOwnProperty(initValue, "name"). b. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(initValue, fieldName). 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. features: [class-static-fields-public, class] --- 2166
static-field-redeclaration.js --- description: Static fields can be redeclared (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassDefinitionEvaluation: ... 27. Let staticFields be a new empty List. 28. For each ClassElement e in order from elements, a. If IsStatic of e is false, then ... b. Else, i. Let field be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If field is an abrupt completion, then ... d. If field is not empty, i. If IsStatic of e is false, append field to instanceFields. ii. Otherwise, append field to staticFields. 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). ... DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let name be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a. Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). 6. Else, let initValue be undefined. 7. If fieldRecord.[[IsAnonymousFunctionDefinition]] is true, then a. Let hasNameProperty be ? HasOwnProperty(initValue, "name"). b. If hasNameProperty is false, perform SetFunctionName(initValue, fieldName). 8. If fieldName is a Private Name, a. Perform ? PrivateFieldAdd(fieldName, receiver, initValue). 9. Else, a. Assert: IsPropertyKey(fieldName) is true. b. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(receiver, fieldName, initValue). 10. Return. --- 2358
static-fielddefinition-initializer-abrupt-completion.js --- description: Class construction should error if evaluation of static field initializer errors esid: runtime-semantics-class-definition-evaluation info: | Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation ... 27. For each ClassElement e in order from elements a. If IsStatic of e is false, then i. Let fields be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments proto and false. b. Else, i. Let fields be the result of performing ClassElementEvaluation for e with arguments F and false. c. If fields is an abrupt completion, then i. Set the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment to lex. ii. Set the running execution context's PrivateNameEnvironment to outerPrivateEnvironment. iii. Return Completion(status). features: [class-static-fields-public] --- 1132
static-literal-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1079
static-literal-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 791
static-private-fields-proxy-default-handler-throws.js --- esid: sec-privatefieldget description: Static private fields not accessible via default Proxy handler info: | 1. Assert: P is a Private Name value. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let entry be PrivateFieldFind(P, O). 4. If entry is empty, throw a TypeError exception. features: [class, class-static-fields-private] --- 689
static-private-getter-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: static private getter access inside of an arrow function (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1272
static-private-getter-access-on-inner-class.js --- description: static private getter access inside of an inner class (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1262
static-private-getter-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: static private getter access inside of a nested function (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1271
static-private-getter.js --- description: static private getter declaration and usage (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | MethodDefinition : get ClassElementName () { FunctionBody } set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", ... 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1822
static-private-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1068
static-private-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static PrivateName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-private] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 780
static-private-method-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: Static private method access inside of an arrow function (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1239
static-private-method-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: Static private method access inside of a nested function (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1253
static-private-method-and-instance-method-brand-check.js --- description: Brand for static private names and instance private names are different (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 32. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] field is proto, a. Set F.[[PrivateBrand]] to proto. 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). ... PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1984
static-private-method-referenced-from-instance-method.js --- description: Static private method referenced from an instance method (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1172
static-private-method-subclass-receiver.js --- description: Static private methods on the super-class cannot be called with sub-class as the receiver (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1170
static-private-setter-access-on-inner-arrow-function.js --- description: static private setter access inside of an arrow function (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1272
static-private-setter-access-on-inner-class.js --- description: static private setter access inside of an inner class (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1276
static-private-setter-access-on-inner-function.js --- description: static private setter access inside of a nested function (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", a. Return P.[[Value]]. ... PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1271
static-private-setter.js --- description: static private setter declaration and usage (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class] flags: [generated] info: | MethodDefinition : get ClassElementName () { FunctionBody } set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassTail : ClassHeritage { ClassBody } ... 33. If PrivateBoundIdentifiers of ClassBody contains a Private Name P such that P's [[Kind]] field is either "method" or "accessor" and P's [[Brand]] is F, a. PrivateBrandAdd(F, F). 34. For each item fieldRecord in order from staticFields, a. Perform ? DefineField(F, field). PrivateFieldGet (P, O) 1. Assert: P is a Private Name. 2. If O is not an object, throw a TypeError exception. 3. If P.[[Kind]] is "field", ... 4. Perform ? PrivateBrandCheck(O, P). 5. If P.[[Kind]] is "method", ... 6. Else, a. Assert: P.[[Kind]] is "accessor". b. If P does not have a [[Get]] field, throw a TypeError exception. c. Let getter be P.[[Get]]. d. Return ? Call(getter, O). PrivateBrandCheck(O, P) 1. If O.[[PrivateBrands]] does not contain an entry e such that SameValue(e, P.[[Brand]]) is true, a. Throw a TypeError exception. --- 1829
static-string-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (static string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1095
static-string-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (static string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 807
string-literal-name-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1046
string-literal-name-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (string literal ClassElementName) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 758
super-access-from-arrow-func-on-field.js --- description: super inside arrow functions on field initializer resolves to class' super (field definitions in a class declaration) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class-static-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName SuperProperty: super[Expression] super.IdentifierName --- 879
super-access-inside-a-private-getter.js --- description: Private getter contains proper HomeObject esid: sec-method-definitions-runtime-semantics-classelementevaluation info: | MethodDefinition : get ClassElementName () { FunctionBody } 1. Let key be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(key). 3. If the function code for this MethodDefinition is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 5. Let formalParameterList be an instance of the production FormalParameters:[empty] . 6. Let closure be FunctionCreate(Method, formalParameterList, FunctionBody, scope, strict). 7. Perform MakeMethod(closure, homeObject). 8. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key, "get"). 9. If key is a Private Name, a. If key has a [[Kind]] field, i. Assert: key.[[Kind]] is "accessor". ii. Assert: key.[[Brand]] is homeObject. iii. Assert: key does not have a [[Get]] field. iv. Set key.[[Get]] to closure. b. Otherwise, i. Set key.[[Kind]] to "accessor". ii. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. iii. Set key.[[Get]] to closure. 10. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Get]]: closure, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1805
super-access-inside-a-private-method.js --- description: Private method contains proper HomeObject esid: sec-method-definitions-runtime-semantics-classelementevaluation info: | MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } 1. Let methodDef be DefineMethod of MethodDefinition with argument homeObject. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(methodDef). 3. Perform ? DefineOrdinaryMethod(methodDef.[[Key]], homeObject, methodDef.[[Closure]], _enumerable). MethodDefinition : PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 4. If functionPrototype is present as a parameter, then a. Let kind be Normal. b. Let prototype be functionPrototype. 5. Else, a. Let kind be Method. b. Let prototype be the intrinsic object %FunctionPrototype%. 6. Let closure be FunctionCreate(kind, UniqueFormalParameters, FunctionBody, scope, prototype). 7. Perform MakeMethod(closure, object). 8. Set closure.[[SourceText]] to the source text matched by MethodDefinition. 9. Return the Record { [[Key]]: propKey, [[Closure]]: closure }. features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1711
super-access-inside-a-private-setter.js --- description: Private setter contains proper HomeObject esid: sec-method-definitions-runtime-semantics-classelementevaluation info: | MethodDefinition : set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } 1. Let key be the result of evaluating ClassElementName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(key). 3. If the function code for this MethodDefinition is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. 5. Let closure be FunctionCreate(Method, PropertySetParameterList, FunctionBody, scope, strict). 6. Perform MakeMethod(closure, homeObject). 7. Perform SetFunctionName(closure, key, "set"). 8. If key is a Private Name, a. If key has a [[Kind]] field, i. Assert: key.[[Kind]] is "accessor". ii. Assert: key.[[Brand]] is homeObject. iii. Assert: key does not have a [[Set]] field. iv. Set key.[[Set]] to closure. b. Otherwise, i. Set key.[[Kind]] to "accessor". ii. Set key.[[Brand]] to homeObject. iii. Set key.[[Set]] to closure. 9. Else, a. Let desc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Set]]: closure, [[Enumerable]]: enumerable, [[Configurable]]: true}. b. Perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(homeObject, key, desc). features: [class-methods-private, class] --- 1760
super-fielddefinition-initializer-abrupt-completion.js --- description: Class construction should error if evaluation of field initializer in super errors esid: sec-super-keyword-runtime-semantics-evaluation info: | Runtime Semantics: Evaluation SuperCall : superArguments 1. Let newTarget be GetNewTarget(). 2. If newTarget is undefined, throw a ReferenceError exception. 3. Let func be ? GetSuperConstructor(). 4. Let argList be ArgumentListEvaluation of Arguments. 5. ReturnIfAbrupt(argList). 6. Let result be ? Construct(func, argList, newTarget). 7. Let thisER be GetThisEnvironment( ). 8. Let F be thisER.[[FunctionObject]]. 9. Assert: F is an ECMAScript function object. 10. Perform ? InitializeInstanceFields(result, F). InitializeInstanceFields ( O, constructor ) 1. Assert: Type ( O ) is Object. 2. Assert: Assert constructor is an ECMAScript function object. 3. Let fieldRecords be the value of constructor's [[Fields]] internal slot. 4. For each item fieldRecord in order from fieldRecords, a. If fieldRecord.[[static]] is false, then i. Perform ? DefineField(O, fieldRecord). DefineField(receiver, fieldRecord) 1. Assert: Type(receiver) is Object. 2. Assert: fieldRecord is a Record as created by ClassFieldDefinitionEvaluation. 3. Let fieldName be fieldRecord.[[Name]]. 4. Let initializer be fieldRecord.[[Initializer]]. 5. If initializer is not empty, then a.Let initValue be ? Call(initializer, receiver). features: [class, class-fields-public] --- 1881
ternary-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1032
ternary-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (ternary expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 744
typeof-init-err-contains-arguments.js --- description: Syntax error if `arguments` used in class field (typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if ContainsArguments of Initializer is true. Static Semantics: ContainsArguments IdentifierReference : Identifier 1. If the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments", return true. ... For all other grammatical productions, recurse on all nonterminals. If any piece returns true, then return true. Otherwise return false. --- 1024
typeof-init-err-contains-super.js --- description: Syntax error if `super()` used in class field (typeof expression) esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors features: [class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | Static Semantics: Early Errors FieldDefinition: PropertyNameInitializeropt - It is a Syntax Error if Initializer is present and Initializer Contains SuperCall is true. --- 736
wrapped-in-sc-computed-names.js --- description: Computed property names (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2202
wrapped-in-sc-computed-symbol-names.js --- description: Computed property symbol names (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, Symbol, computed-property-names, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2161
wrapped-in-sc-grammar-privatename-identifier-semantics-stringvalue.js --- description: PrivateName Static Semantics, StringValue (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". 1. Return the String value consisting of the sequence of code units corresponding to PrivateName. In determining the sequence any occurrences of \ UnicodeEscapeSequence are first replaced with the code point represented by the UnicodeEscapeSequence and then the code points of the entire PrivateName are converted to code units by UTF16Encoding (10.1.1) each code point. --- 2420
wrapped-in-sc-literal-names-asi.js --- description: Literal property names with ASI (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1356
wrapped-in-sc-literal-names.js --- description: Literal property names (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 1723
wrapped-in-sc-private-field-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private field) (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1046
wrapped-in-sc-private-method-getter-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (Accesor get method) (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1075
wrapped-in-sc-private-method-usage.js --- description: PrivateName CallExpression usage (private method) (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | Updated Productions CallExpression[Yield, Await]: CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await] SuperCall[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]Arguments[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await][Expression[+In, ?Yield, ?Await]] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].IdentifierName CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await]TemplateLiteral[?Yield, ?Await] CallExpression[?Yield, ?Await].PrivateName --- 1062
wrapped-in-sc-private-names.js --- description: private names (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1623
wrapped-in-sc-rs-field-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1678
wrapped-in-sc-rs-field-identifier.js --- description: Valid FieldDefinition (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName ComputedPropertyName LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1728
wrapped-in-sc-rs-private-getter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2373
wrapped-in-sc-rs-private-getter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private getter (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... get ClassElementName ( ){ FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2432
wrapped-in-sc-rs-private-method-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2371
wrapped-in-sc-rs-private-method.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private method (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { FunctionBody } ... ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2430
wrapped-in-sc-rs-private-setter-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2425
wrapped-in-sc-rs-private-setter.js --- description: Valid PrivateName as private setter (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-methods-private, class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition ... ; MethodDefinition : ... set ClassElementName ( PropertySetParameterList ) { FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2484
wrapped-in-sc-rs-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2071
wrapped-in-sc-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1923
wrapped-in-sc-rs-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 1955
wrapped-in-sc-rs-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2112
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2963
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-async-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncGeneratorMethod PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncGeneratorMethod AsyncGeneratorMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] * ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters){ AsyncGeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2782
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2942
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-async-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static AsyncMethod PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ AsyncFunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2755
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2561
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-generator-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static GeneratorMethod PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : GeneratorMethod GeneratorMethod : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ GeneratorBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2494
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2555
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-method-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static Method PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; MethodDefinition : ClassElementName ( UniqueFormalParameters ){ FunctionBody } ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2367
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2420
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2443
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2225
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt-by-classname.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2054
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer-alt.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2059
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier-initializer.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2091
wrapped-in-sc-rs-static-privatename-identifier.js --- description: Valid Static PrivateName (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition static MethodDefinition FieldDefinition ; static FieldDefinition ; ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer _opt ClassElementName : PropertyName PrivateName PrivateName :: # IdentifierName IdentifierName :: IdentifierStart IdentifierName IdentifierPart IdentifierStart :: UnicodeIDStart $ _ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence IdentifierPart:: UnicodeIDContinue $ \ UnicodeEscapeSequence <ZWNJ> <ZWJ> UnicodeIDStart:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Start" UnicodeIDContinue:: any Unicode code point with the Unicode property "ID_Continue" NOTE 3 The sets of code points with Unicode properties "ID_Start" and "ID_Continue" include, respectively, the code points with Unicode properties "Other_ID_Start" and "Other_ID_Continue". --- 2248
wrapped-in-sc-static-private-fields.js --- description: static private fields (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1681
wrapped-in-sc-static-private-methods-with-fields.js --- description: static private methods with fields (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class-static-fields-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 2443
wrapped-in-sc-static-private-methods.js --- description: static private methods (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-static-methods-private, class, class-fields-public] flags: [generated] info: | ClassElement : ... static FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition : ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName : PrivateName PrivateName : # IdentifierName --- 1731
wrapped-in-sc-string-literal-names.js --- description: String literal names (fields definition wrapped in semicolons) esid: prod-FieldDefinition features: [class-fields-public, class] flags: [generated] includes: [propertyHelper.js] info: | ClassElement: ... FieldDefinition ; FieldDefinition: ClassElementName Initializer_opt ClassElementName: PropertyName --- 2072