Name Description Size
array-destructuring-param-strict-body.js 5519
await-as-binding-identifier-escaped.js --- description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as a binding identifier. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } BindingIdentifier : Identifier It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and StringValue of Identifier is "await". --- 991
await-as-binding-identifier.js --- description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as a binding identifier. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } BindingIdentifier : Identifier It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and StringValue of Identifier is "await". --- 978
await-as-identifier-reference-escaped.js --- description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as an identifier reference. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } IdentifierReference : Identifier It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and StringValue of Identifier is "await". --- 999
await-as-identifier-reference.js --- description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as an identifier reference. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } IdentifierReference : Identifier It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and StringValue of Identifier is "await". --- 986
await-as-label-identifier-escaped.js --- description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as a label identifier. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } LabelIdentifier : Identifier It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and StringValue of Identifier is "await". --- 983
await-as-label-identifier.js --- description: await is a reserved keyword within generator function bodies and may not be used as a label identifier. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } LabelIdentifier : Identifier It is a Syntax Error if this production has a [Await] parameter and StringValue of Identifier is "await". --- 970
browser.js 0
dflt-params-abrupt.js --- description: Abrupt completion returned by evaluation of initializer (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 2439
dflt-params-arg-val-not-undefined.js --- description: Use of initializer when argument value is not `undefined` (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[Done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, a. Perform ? IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] --- 3191
dflt-params-arg-val-undefined.js --- description: Use of initializer when argument value is `undefined` (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter [...] 23. Let iteratorRecord be Record {[[Iterator]]: CreateListIterator(argumentsList), [[Done]]: false}. 24. If hasDuplicates is true, then [...] 25. Else, a. Perform ? IteratorBindingInitialization for formals with iteratorRecord and env as arguments. [...] --- 2454
dflt-params-duplicates.js --- description: It is a Syntax Error if BoundNames of FormalParameters contains any duplicate elements. (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.2 Static Semantics: Early Errors StrictFormalParameters : FormalParameters - It is a Syntax Error if BoundNames of FormalParameters contains any duplicate elements. FormalParameters : FormalParameterList - It is a Syntax Error if IsSimpleParameterList of FormalParameterList is false and BoundNames of FormalParameterList contains any duplicate elements. --- 2106
dflt-params-ref-later.js --- description: Referencing a parameter that occurs later in the ParameterList (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 2422
dflt-params-ref-prior.js --- description: Referencing a parameter that occurs earlier in the ParameterList (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 2487
dflt-params-ref-self.js --- description: Referencing a parameter from within its own initializer (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters, async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1.19 Runtime Semantics: IteratorBindingInitialization FormalsList : FormalsList , FormalParameter 1. Let status be the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalsList using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 3. Return the result of performing IteratorBindingInitialization for FormalParameter using iteratorRecord and environment as the arguments. --- 2411
dflt-params-rest.js --- description: RestParameter does not support an initializer (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [default-parameters] flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] 14.1 Function Definitions Syntax FunctionRestParameter[Yield] : BindingRestElement[?Yield] 13.3.3 Destructuring Binding Patterns Syntax BindingRestElement[Yield] : ...BindingIdentifier[?Yield] ...BindingPattern[?Yield] --- 1925
dflt-params-trailing-comma.js --- description: A trailing comma should not increase the respective length, using default parameters (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] Trailing comma in the parameters list 14.1 Function Definitions FormalParameters[Yield, Await] : FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] , --- 2153
object-destructuring-param-strict-body.js 5522
params-trailing-comma-multiple.js --- description: A trailing comma should not increase the respective length, using multiple parameters (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] Trailing comma in the parameters list 14.1 Function Definitions FormalParameters[Yield, Await] : FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] , --- 2146
params-trailing-comma-single.js --- description: A trailing comma should not increase the respective length, using a single parameter (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] Trailing comma in the parameters list 14.1 Function Definitions FormalParameters[Yield, Await] : FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] , --- 2108
rest-param-strict-body.js 5528
rest-params-trailing-comma-early-error.js --- description: It's a syntax error if a FunctionRestParameter is followed by a trailing comma (class declaration async method) esid: sec-class-definitions-runtime-semantics-evaluation flags: [generated] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError info: | ClassDeclaration : class BindingIdentifier ClassTail 1. Let className be StringValue of BindingIdentifier. 2. Let value be the result of ClassDefinitionEvaluation of ClassTail with argument className. [...] 14.5.14 Runtime Semantics: ClassDefinitionEvaluation 21. For each ClassElement m in order from methods a. If IsStatic of m is false, then i. Let status be the result of performing PropertyDefinitionEvaluation for m with arguments proto and false. [...] Runtime Semantics: PropertyDefinitionEvaluation AsyncMethod : async PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } 1. Let propKey be the result of evaluating PropertyName. 2. ReturnIfAbrupt(propKey). 3. If the function code for this AsyncMethod is strict mode code, let strict be true. Otherwise let strict be false. 4. Let scope be the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context. 5. Let closure be ! AsyncFunctionCreate(Method, UniqueFormalParameters, AsyncFunctionBody, scope, strict). [...] Trailing comma in the parameters list 14.1 Function Definitions FormalParameters[Yield, Await] : [empty] FunctionRestParameter[?Yield, ?Await] FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] , FormalParameterList[?Yield, ?Await] , FunctionRestParameter[?Yield, ?Await] --- 2023
returns-async-arrow-returns-arguments-from-parent-function.js --- description: Async function returns an async function. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } --- 1059
returns-async-arrow-returns-newtarget.js --- description: Async function returns an async function. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } --- 1013
returns-async-arrow.js --- description: Async function returns an async function. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } --- 979
returns-async-function-returns-arguments-from-own-function.js --- description: Async function returns an async function. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } --- 1078
returns-async-function-returns-newtarget.js --- description: Async function returns an async function. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } --- 1034
returns-async-function.js --- description: Async function returns an async function. (Async method as a ClassDeclaration element) esid: prod-AsyncMethod features: [async-functions] flags: [generated, async] info: | ClassElement : MethodDefinition MethodDefinition : AsyncMethod Async Function Definitions AsyncMethod : async [no LineTerminator here] PropertyName ( UniqueFormalParameters ) { AsyncFunctionBody } --- 999
shell.js 0