Name Description Size
browser.js 0
define-own-property.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-defineownproperty-p-desc description: > The [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method returns `true` if no change is requested, and `false` otherwise. flags: [module] features: [Symbol.iterator, Reflect, Symbol, Symbol.toStringTag] --- 3858
delete-exported-init.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-delete-p description: > [[Delete]] behavior for a key that describes an initialized exported binding info: | [...] 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is an element of exports, return false. flags: [module] features: [Reflect] --- 1462
delete-exported-uninit.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-delete-p description: > [[Delete]] behavior for a key that describes an uninitialized exported binding info: | [...] 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is an element of exports, return false. flags: [module] features: [Reflect, let] --- 1853
delete-non-exported.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-delete-p description: > [[Delete]] behavior for a key that does not describe an exported binding info: | [...] 2. If Type(P) is Symbol, then a. Return ? OrdinaryDelete(O, P). 3. Let exports be O.[[Exports]]. 4. If P is an element of exports, return false. 5. Return true. flags: [module] features: [Reflect, Symbol, Symbol.toStringTag] --- 1281
enumerate-binding-uninit.js --- esid: sec-enumerate-object-properties description: > Test for-in enumeration with uninitialized binding. info: | EnumerateObjectProperties (O) ... EnumerateObjectProperties must obtain the own property keys of the target object by calling its [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method. Property attributes of the target object must be obtained by calling its [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method. [[GetOwnProperty]] (P) ... 4. Let value be ? O.[[Get]](P, O). ... [[Get]] (P, Receiver) ... 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). GetBindingValue ( N, S ) ... If the binding for N in envRec is an uninitialized binding, throw a ReferenceError exception. ... flags: [module] --- 1226
get-nested-namespace-dflt-skip-named-end_FIXTURE.js 229
get-nested-namespace-dflt-skip-named_FIXTURE.js 250
get-nested-namespace-dflt-skip-prod-end_FIXTURE.js 223
get-nested-namespace-dflt-skip-prod_FIXTURE.js 254
get-nested-namespace-dflt-skip.js --- description: > Default exports are included in an imported module namespace object when a namespace object is created. esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver info: | [...] 6. Let binding be ! m.ResolveExport(P, « »). 7. Assert: binding is a ResolvedBinding Record. 8. Let targetModule be binding.[[Module]]. 9. Assert: targetModule is not undefined. 10. If binding.[[BindingName]] is "*namespace*", then 11. Return ? GetModuleNamespace(targetModule). Runtime Semantics: GetModuleNamespace [...] 3. If namespace is undefined, then a. Let exportedNames be ? module.GetExportedNames(« »). b. Let unambiguousNames be a new empty List. c. For each name that is an element of exportedNames, i. Let resolution be ? module.ResolveExport(name, « », « »). ii. If resolution is null, throw a SyntaxError exception. iii. If resolution is not "ambiguous", append name to unambiguousNames. d. Let namespace be ModuleNamespaceCreate(module, unambiguousNames). [...] flags: [module] features: [export-star-as-namespace-from-module] --- 1803
get-nested-namespace-props-nrml-1_FIXTURE.js 243
get-nested-namespace-props-nrml-2_FIXTURE.js 894
get-nested-namespace-props-nrml-3_FIXTURE.js 227
get-nested-namespace-props-nrml.js --- description: > Module namespace object reports properties for all ExportEntries of all dependencies. esid: sec-moduledeclarationinstantiation info: | [...] 12. For each ImportEntry Record in in module.[[ImportEntries]], do a. Let importedModule be ? HostResolveImportedModule(module, in.[[ModuleRequest]]). b. If in.[[ImportName]] is "*", then i. Let namespace be ? GetModuleNamespace(importedModule). [...] Runtime Semantics: GetModuleNamespace 3. If namespace is undefined, then a. Let exportedNames be ? module.GetExportedNames(« »). b. Let unambiguousNames be a new empty List. c. For each name that is an element of exportedNames, i. Let resolution be ? module.ResolveExport(name, « », « »). ii. If resolution is null, throw a SyntaxError exception. iii. If resolution is not "ambiguous", append name to unambiguousNames. d. Let namespace be ModuleNamespaceCreate(module, unambiguousNames). flags: [module] features: [export-star-as-namespace-from-module] --- 2606
get-own-property-str-found-init.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-getownproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method with a string argument describing an initialized binding info: | 1. If Type(P) is Symbol, return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P). 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is not an element of exports, return undefined. 4. Let value be ? O.[[Get]](P, O). 5. Return PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: value, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: false }. flags: [module] --- 2451
get-own-property-str-found-uninit.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-getownproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method with a string argument describing an uninitialized binding info: | 1. If Type(P) is Symbol, return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P). 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is not an element of exports, return undefined. 4. Let value be ? O.[[Get]](P, O). flags: [module] features: [let] --- 1944
get-own-property-str-not-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-getownproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method with a string argument describing a binding that cannot be found info: | 1. If Type(P) is Symbol, return OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P). 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is not an element of exports, return undefined. flags: [module] --- 2186
get-own-property-sym.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-getownproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method with a Symbol argument flags: [module] features: [Symbol, Symbol.toStringTag] --- 1094
get-prototype-of.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-getprototypeof description: The [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method returns `null` flags: [module] --- 477
get-str-found-init.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: > Behavior of the [[Get]] internal method with a string argument for exported initialized bindings. info: | [...] 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). flags: [module] --- 880
get-str-found-uninit.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: > Behavior of the [[Get]] internal method with a string argument for exported uninitialized bindings. info: | [...] 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). flags: [module] features: [let] --- 1011
get-str-initialize.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: > References observe the initialization of lexical bindings info: | [...] 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). flags: [module] features: [let] --- 911
get-str-not-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: > Behavior of the [[Get]] internal method with a string argument for non-exported bindings info: | [...] 3. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 4. If P is not an element of exports, return undefined. flags: [module] --- 916
get-str-update.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: References observe the mutation of initialized bindings info: | [...] 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). flags: [module] --- 799
get-sym-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: > Behavior of the [[Get]] internal method with a symbol argument that can be found info: | [...] 2. If Type(P) is Symbol, then a. Return ? OrdinaryGet(O, P, Receiver). flags: [module] features: [Symbol.toStringTag] --- 603
get-sym-not-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-get-p-receiver description: > Behavior of the [[Get]] internal method with a symbol argument that cannot be found info: | [...] 2. If Type(P) is Symbol, then a. Return ? OrdinaryGet(O, P, Receiver). flags: [module] features: [Symbol] --- 610
has-property-str-found-init.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-hasproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[HasProperty]] internal method with a string argument for exported initialized bindings. info: | [...] 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is an element of exports, return true. flags: [module] features: [Reflect] --- 1162
has-property-str-found-uninit.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-hasproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[HasProperty]] internal method with a string argument for exported uninitialized bindings. info: | [...] 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is an element of exports, return true. 4. Return false. flags: [module] features: [Reflect, let] --- 1205
has-property-str-not-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-hasproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[HasProperty]] internal method with a string argument for non-exported bindings info: | [...] 2. Let exports be the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 3. If P is an element of exports, return true. 4. Return false. flags: [module] features: [Reflect] --- 1375
has-property-sym-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-hasproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[HasProperty]] internal method with a symbol argument that can be found info: | 1. If Type(P) is Symbol, return OrdinaryHasProperty(O, P). flags: [module] features: [Symbol.toStringTag, Reflect] --- 680
has-property-sym-not-found.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-hasproperty-p description: > Behavior of the [[HasProperty]] internal method with a symbol argument that cannot be found info: | 1. If Type(P) is Symbol, return OrdinaryHasProperty(O, P). flags: [module] features: [Symbol, Reflect] --- 668
is-extensible.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-isextensible description: The [[IsExtensible]] internal method returns `false` flags: [module] --- 423
object-hasOwnProperty-binding-uninit.js --- esid: sec-object.prototype.hasownproperty description: > Test Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() with uninitialized binding. info: | Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty ( V ) ... 3. Return ? HasOwnProperty(O, P). 7.3.11 HasOwnProperty ( O, P ) ... 3. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P). ... [[GetOwnProperty]] (P) ... 4. Let value be ? O.[[Get]](P, O). ... [[Get]] (P, Receiver) ... 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). GetBindingValue ( N, S ) ... If the binding for N in envRec is an uninitialized binding, throw a ReferenceError exception. ... flags: [module] --- 1137
object-keys-binding-uninit.js --- esid: sec-object.keys description: > Test Object.keys() with uninitialized binding. info: | Object.keys ( O ) ... 2. Let nameList be ? EnumerableOwnProperties(obj, "key"). ... 7.3.21 EnumerableOwnProperties ( O, kind ) ... 4. For each element key of ownKeys in List order, do a. If Type(key) is String, then i. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](key). ... [[GetOwnProperty]] (P) ... 4. Let value be ? O.[[Get]](P, O). ... [[Get]] (P, Receiver) ... 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). GetBindingValue ( N, S ) ... If the binding for N in envRec is an uninitialized binding, throw a ReferenceError exception. ... flags: [module] --- 1181
object-propertyIsEnumerable-binding-uninit.js --- esid: sec-object.prototype.propertyisenumerable description: > Test Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable() with uninitialized binding. info: | Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable ( V ) ... 3. Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P). ... [[GetOwnProperty]] (P) ... 4. Let value be ? O.[[Get]](P, O). ... [[Get]] (P, Receiver) ... 12. Let targetEnvRec be targetEnv's EnvironmentRecord. 13. Return ? targetEnvRec.GetBindingValue(binding.[[BindingName]], true). GetBindingValue ( N, S ) ... If the binding for N in envRec is an uninitialized binding, throw a ReferenceError exception. ... flags: [module] --- 1087
own-property-keys-binding-types.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-ownpropertykeys description: > The [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method includes entries for all binding types info: | 1. Let exports be a copy of the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 2. Let symbolKeys be ! OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys(O). 3. Append all the entries of symbolKeys to the end of exports. 4. Return exports. Note: identifiers have been selected such that runtimes which do not sort the [[Exports]] list may still pass. A separate test is dedicated to sort order. flags: [module] features: [Reflect, Symbol.toStringTag, let] --- 2809
own-property-keys-binding-types_FIXTURE.js 314
own-property-keys-sort.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-ownpropertykeys description: > The [[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method reflects the sorted order info: | 1. Let exports be a copy of the value of O's [[Exports]] internal slot. 2. Let symbolKeys be ! OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys(O). 3. Append all the entries of symbolKeys to the end of exports. 4. Return exports. flags: [module] features: [Reflect, Symbol.toStringTag] --- 3403
prevent-extensions.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-preventextensions description: The [[PreventExtensions]] internal method returns `true` flags: [module] features: [Reflect] --- 542
set-prototype-of-null.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-setprototypeof-v description: > The [[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method returns `true` if passed `null` flags: [module] --- 524
set-prototype-of.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-setprototypeof description: The [[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method returns `false` flags: [module] --- 541
set.js --- esid: sec-module-namespace-exotic-objects-set-p-v-receiver description: The [[Set]] internal method consistently returns `false` info: | 1. Return false. flags: [module] features: [Reflect, Symbol, Symbol.toStringTag] --- 1846
shell.js 0