Name Description Size
allow-nlt-before-with.js --- description: > `with` AttributesKeyword in WithClause in ImportDeclaration can be preceded by a line terminator esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword { WithEntries ,opt } AttributesKeyword: with [no LineTerminator here] assert negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module, raw] --- 794
browser.js 0
early-dup-attribute-key-export.js --- description: WithClause may not have duplicate keys (export declaration) esid: sec-modules info: | WithClause: AttributesKeyword { WithEntries,opt } - It is a Syntax Error if WithClauseToAttributes of WithClause has two entries a and b such that a.[[Key]] is b.[[Key]]. features: [import-attributes] flags: [module] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 764
early-dup-attribute-key-import-nobinding.js --- description: > WithClause may not have duplicate keys (import declaration without binding) esid: sec-modules info: | WithClause: AttributesKeyword { WithEntries,opt } - It is a Syntax Error if WithClauseToAttributes of WithClause has two entries a and b such that a.[[Key]] is b.[[Key]]. features: [import-attributes] flags: [module] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 777
early-dup-attribute-key-import-withbinding.js --- description: > WithClause may not have duplicate keys (import declaration with binding) esid: sec-modules info: | WithClause: AttributesKeyword { WithEntries,opt } - It is a Syntax Error if WithClauseToAttributes of WithClause has two entries a and b such that a.[[Key]] is b.[[Key]]. features: [import-attributes] flags: [module] negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError --- 781
import-attribute-1_FIXTURE.js 197
import-attribute-2_FIXTURE.js 197
import-attribute-3_FIXTURE.js 197
import-attribute-empty.js --- description: WithClause in ImportDeclaration may be empty esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 937
import-attribute-key-identifiername.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may use any valid IdentifierName as a key esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes] flags: [module] --- 1096
import-attribute-key-string-double.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may use a string literal as a key (delimited with U+0022) esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 1161
import-attribute-key-string-single.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may use a string literal as a key (delimited with U+0027) esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 1161
import-attribute-many.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may contain multiple WithEntries esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 1208
import-attribute-newlines.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may include line terminators esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral This test uses all four LineFeed characters in order to completely verify the grammar. negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 1362
import-attribute-trlng-comma.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may contain a trailing comma esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 1084
import-attribute-value-string-double.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may use a string literal as a value (delimited with U+0022) esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError features: [import-attributes, globalThis] flags: [module] --- 1128
import-attribute-value-string-single.js --- description: > WithClause in ImportDeclaration may use a string literal as a value (delimited with U+0027) esid: sec-modules info: | ImportDeclaration: import ModuleSpecifier[no LineTerminator here] WithClause; WithClause: AttributesKeyword {} AttributesKeyword {WithEntries ,opt} WithEntries: AttributeKey : StringLiteral AttributeKey : StringLiteral , WithEntries AttributeKey: IdentifierName StringLiteral features: [import-attributes, globalThis] negative: phase: resolution type: SyntaxError flags: [module] --- 1128
shell.js 0