Name Description Size
browser.js 0
numeric-separator-literal-bil-bd-nsl-bd-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the appear adjacent to `0b` | `0B` in a BinaryIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 702
numeric-separator-literal-bil-bd-nsl-bd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0b` | `0B` BinaryDigit NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 647
numeric-separator-literal-bil-bd-nsl-bds.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0b` | `0B` BinaryDigit NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 651
numeric-separator-literal-bil-bds-nsl-bd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0b` | `0B` BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 652
numeric-separator-literal-bil-bds-nsl-bds.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0b` | `0B` BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 656
numeric-separator-literal-bil-nsl-bd-dunder-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to another NumericLiteralSeparator in a BinaryIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 717
numeric-separator-literal-bil-nsl-bd-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character of a BinaryIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ BinaryIntegerLiteral :: 0b BinaryDigits 0B BinaryDigits BinaryDigits :: BinaryDigit BinaryDigits BinaryDigit BinaryDigits NumericLiteralSeparator BinaryDigit BinaryDigit :: one of 0 1 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 692
numeric-separator-literal-dd-dot-dd-ep-sign-minus-dd-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > DecimalDigits `.` DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt `-` DecimalDigits info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit SignedInteger :: ... - DecimalDigits ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 635
numeric-separator-literal-dd-dot-dd-ep-sign-minus-dds-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > DecimalDigits `.` DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt `-` DecimalDigits info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit SignedInteger :: ... - DecimalDigits ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 637
numeric-separator-literal-dd-dot-dd-ep-sign-plus-dd-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > DecimalDigits `.` DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt `+` DecimalDigits info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit SignedInteger :: ... + DecimalDigits ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 635
numeric-separator-literal-dd-dot-dd-ep-sign-plus-dds-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > DecimalDigits `.` DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt `+` DecimalDigits info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit SignedInteger :: ... + DecimalDigits ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 638
numeric-separator-literal-dd-nsl-dd-one-of.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits DecimalDigits :: DecimalDigit ... DecimalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 815
numeric-separator-literal-dd-nsl-dds-dunder-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to another NumericLiteralSeparator in a DecimalIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 603
numeric-separator-literal-dd-nsl-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 612
numeric-separator-literal-dds-dot-dd-nsl-dd-ep-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > DecimalDigits `.` DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits ExponentPart SignedInteger info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 628
numeric-separator-literal-dds-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 868
numeric-separator-literal-dds-nsl-dds-dunder-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to another NumericLiteralSeparator in DecimalIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 602
numeric-separator-literal-dds-nsl-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character of a DecimalLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 635
numeric-separator-literal-dil-dot-dds-nsl-ep-dd-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 621
numeric-separator-literal-dil-dot-nsl-dd-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be adjacent to `.` info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 606
numeric-separator-literal-dil-dot-nsl-ep-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear between `.` and ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 662
numeric-separator-literal-dil-dot-nsl-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character of a DecimalLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: DecimalIntegerLiteral . DecimalDigits_opt ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 636
numeric-separator-literal-dot-dd-nsl-dd-ep.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `.` DecimalDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: DecimalDigit ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 605
numeric-separator-literal-dot-dd-nsl-dds-ep.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `.` DecimalDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: DecimalDigit ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 608
numeric-separator-literal-dot-dds-nsl-dd-ep.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `.` DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: DecimalDigit ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 608
numeric-separator-literal-dot-dds-nsl-dds-ep.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `.` DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: DecimalDigit ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 611
numeric-separator-literal-dot-dds-nsl-ep-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 628
numeric-separator-literal-dot-nsl-ep-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear between `.` and ExponentPart info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit ExponentIndicator :: one of e E negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 635
numeric-separator-literal-dot-nsl-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character of a DecimalLiteral, nor adjacent to `.` info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalLiteral :: . DecimalDigits ExponentPart_opt DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 629
numeric-separator-literal-hil-hd-nsl-hd-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the appear adjacent to `0x` | `0X` in a HexIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 707
numeric-separator-literal-hil-hd-nsl-hd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0x` | `0X` HexDigit NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 649
numeric-separator-literal-hil-hd-nsl-hds.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0x` | `0X` HexDigit NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 653
numeric-separator-literal-hil-hds-nsl-hd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0x` | `0X` HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 654
numeric-separator-literal-hil-hds-nsl-hds.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0x` | `0X` HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 658
numeric-separator-literal-hil-nsl-hd-dunder-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to another NumericLiteralSeparator in a HexIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 722
numeric-separator-literal-hil-nsl-hd-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character of a HexIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 697
numeric-separator-literal-hil-od-nsl-od-one-of.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0x` | `0X` HexDigit NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ HexIntegerLiteral :: 0x HexDigits 0X HexDigits HexDigits :: HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit HexDigits NumericLiteralSeparator HexDigit HexDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f A B C D E F features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 1269
numeric-separator-literal-lol-0_0-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral (0_0) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 OctalDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 980
numeric-separator-literal-lol-0_1-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral (0_1) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 OctalDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 980
numeric-separator-literal-lol-0_7-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral (0_7) ) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 OctalDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 986
numeric-separator-literal-lol-00-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral (00_0) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 OctalDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 982
numeric-separator-literal-lol-01-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral (01_0) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 OctalDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 982
numeric-separator-literal-lol-07-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral (07_0) ) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 OctalDigit::one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 1043
numeric-separator-literal-nonoctal-0_8-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral (0_8) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 931
numeric-separator-literal-nonoctal-0_9-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral (0_9) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 931
numeric-separator-literal-nonoctal-08-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral (08) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 931
numeric-separator-literal-nonoctal-09-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator must not be in a NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral (09) info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonZeroDigit DecimalDigitsopt NonZeroDigit NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 NonOctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral NonOctalDigit NonOctalDecimalIntegerLiteral DecimalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral :: 0 OctalDigit LegacyOctalLikeDecimalIntegerLiteral OctalDigit NonOctalDigit::one of 8 9 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 931
numeric-separator-literal-nzd-nsl-dd-one-of.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonZeroDigit :: one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DecimalDigits :: DecimalDigit ... DecimalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 864
numeric-separator-literal-nzd-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonZeroDigit :: one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits DecimalDigit ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 591
numeric-separator-literal-nzd-nsl-dds-dunder-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to another NumericLiteralSeparator in DecimalIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonZeroDigit :: one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 649
numeric-separator-literal-nzd-nsl-dds-leading-zero-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits NonZeroDigit :: one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 581
numeric-separator-literal-nzd-nsl-dds.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral :: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits NonZeroDigit :: one of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DecimalDigits :: ... DecimalDigits DecimalDigit ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 610
numeric-separator-literal-oil-nsl-od-dunder-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not appear adjacent to another NumericLiteralSeparator in a OctalIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 718
numeric-separator-literal-oil-nsl-od-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the last digit character of an OctalIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 694
numeric-separator-literal-oil-od-nsl-od-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NumericLiteralSeparator may not be the appear adjacent to `0o` | `0O` in a OctalIntegerLiteral info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 703
numeric-separator-literal-oil-od-nsl-od-one-of.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0o` | `0O` OctalDigit NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 833
numeric-separator-literal-oil-od-nsl-od.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0o` | `0O` OctalDigit NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 647
numeric-separator-literal-oil-od-nsl-ods.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0o` | `0O` OctalDigit NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 651
numeric-separator-literal-oil-ods-nsl-od.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0o` | `0O` OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 652
numeric-separator-literal-oil-ods-nsl-ods.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > `0o` | `0O` OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ OctalIntegerLiteral :: 0o OctalDigits 0O OctalDigits OctalDigits :: OctalDigit OctalDigits OctalDigit OctalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator OctalDigit OctalDigit :: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 656
numeric-separator-literal-sign-minus-dds-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ SignedInteger :: ... - DecimalDigits features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 853
numeric-separator-literal-sign-plus-dds-nsl-dd.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: DecimalDigits NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigit info: | NumericLiteralSeparator :: _ SignedInteger :: ... + DecimalDigits ... features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 851
numeric-separator-literal-unicode-err.js --- esid: prod-NumericLiteralSeparator description: > NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator DecimalDigits sequence expressed with unicode escape sequence info: | NumericLiteralSeparator:: _ DecimalIntegerLiteral:: ... NonZeroDigit NumericLiteralSeparator_opt DecimalDigits negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [numeric-separator-literal] --- 594
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