Name Description Size
assign-to-global-undefined-strict.js --- esid: sec-initializeboundname description: > In strict mode code, attempts to assign to an unresolvable reference must throw a ReferenceError exception info: | via sec-putvalue If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, then If IsStrictReference(V) is true, then Throw a ReferenceError exception. flags: [onlyStrict] negative: phase: runtime type: ReferenceError --- 606
browser.js 0
S10.2.2_A1_T1.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T1 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations --- 590
S10.2.2_A1_T2.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T2 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations --- 577
S10.2.2_A1_T3.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T3 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations --- 599
S10.2.2_A1_T4.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T4 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations --- 591
S10.2.2_A1_T5.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T5 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations and "with" flags: [noStrict] --- 674
S10.2.2_A1_T6.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T6 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations and "with" flags: [noStrict] --- 661
S10.2.2_A1_T7.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T7 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations and "with" flags: [noStrict] --- 675
S10.2.2_A1_T8.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T8 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations and "with" flags: [noStrict] --- 675
S10.2.2_A1_T9.js --- info: | Every execution context has associated with it a scope chain. A scope chain is a list of objects that are searched when evaluating an Identifier es5id: 10.2.2_A1_T9 description: Checking scope chain containing function declarations and "with" flags: [noStrict] --- 618
S11.1.2_A1_T1.js --- info: The result of evaluating an Identifier is always a value of type Reference es5id: 11.1.2_A1_T1 description: Creating variables without defining it --- 747
S11.1.2_A1_T2.js --- info: The result of evaluating an Identifier is always a value of type Reference es5id: 11.1.2_A1_T2 description: Trying to generate ReferenceError --- 608
shell.js 0
static-init-invalid-await.js --- esid: sec-class-definitions-static-semantics-early-errors description: Restriction on `await` info: | IdentifierReference : Identifier - It is a Syntax Error if the code matched by this production is nested, directly or indirectly (but not crossing function or static initialization block boundaries), within a ClassStaticBlock and the StringValue of Identifier is "arguments" or "await". negative: phase: parse type: SyntaxError features: [class-static-block] --- 721
unscopables.js --- es6id: description: > `Symbol.unscopables` is not referenced when finding bindings in global scope info: | 1. Let envRec be the global Environment Record for which the method was invoked. 2. Let DclRec be envRec.[[DeclarativeRecord]]. 3. If DclRec.HasBinding(N) is true, return true. 4. Let ObjRec be envRec.[[ObjectRecord]]. 5. Return ObjRec.HasBinding(N). features: [Symbol.unscopables] --- 669