browser.js |
0 |
do-while-same-line.js |
esid: sec-rules-of-automatic-semicolon-insertion
description: ASI at the end of a do-while statement without a new line terminator
info: |
1. When, as the source text is parsed from left to right, a token (called the offending token) is
encountered that is not allowed by any production of the grammar, then a semicolon is
automatically inserted before the offending token if one or more of the following conditions is
- The previous token is ) and the inserted semicolon would then be parsed as the terminating
semicolon of a do-while statement (13.7.2).
--- |
888 |
S7.9.2_A1_T1.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T1
description: "{ 1 2 } 3 is not a valid sentence in the ECMAScript grammar"
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
428 |
S7.9.2_A1_T2.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T2
description: >
{ 1 \n 2 } 3 is a valid sentence in the ECMAScript grammar with
automatic semicolon insertion
--- |
397 |
S7.9.2_A1_T3.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T3
description: for( a ; b \n ) is not a valid sentence in the ECMAScript grammar
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
435 |
S7.9.2_A1_T4.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T4
description: >
return \n a+b is a valid sentence in the ECMAScript grammar with
automatic semicolon insertion, but returned undefined
--- |
573 |
S7.9.2_A1_T5.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T5
description: >
a=b \n ++c is a valid sentence in the ECMAScript grammar with
automatic semicolon insertion, but a!==b++c
--- |
515 |
S7.9.2_A1_T6.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T6
description: >
if(a>b) \n else c=d is not a valid sentence in the ECMAScript
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
472 |
S7.9.2_A1_T7.js |
info: Check examples for automatic semicolon insertion from the standard
es5id: 7.9.2_A1_T7
description: >
a=b+c \n (d+e).print() is a valid sentence in the ECMAScript
grammar, and automatic semicolon insertion not run
--- |
559 |
S7.9_A1.js |
info: Check Continue Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A1
description: Try use continue \n Label construction
--- |
859 |
S7.9_A2.js |
info: Check Break Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A2
description: Try use break \n Label construction
--- |
751 |
S7.9_A3.js |
info: Check Return Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A3
description: Try use return \n Expression construction
--- |
611 |
S7.9_A4.js |
info: Check Throw Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A4
description: Try use Throw \n Expression construction
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
415 |
S7.9_A5.1_T1.js |
info: Check Postfix Increment Operator for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.1_T1
description: Try use Variable \n ++ construction
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
399 |
S7.9_A5.2_T1.js |
info: Check Prefix Increment Operator for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.2_T1
description: Try use Variable1 \n ++Variable2 construction
--- |
603 |
S7.9_A5.3_T1.js |
info: Check Postfix Decrement Operator for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.3_T1
description: Try use Variable \n -- construction
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
409 |
S7.9_A5.4_T1.js |
info: Check Prefix Decrement Operator for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.4_T1
description: Try use Variable1 \n --Variable2 construction
--- |
603 |
S7.9_A5.5_T1.js |
info: Check Function Expression for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.5_T1
description: Try use 1 + function_name\n(2 + 3) construction
--- |
486 |
S7.9_A5.5_T2.js |
info: Check Function Expression for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.5_T2
description: >
Try use function f(o) {o.x = 1; return o;}; \n (new Object()).x;
--- |
562 |
S7.9_A5.5_T3.js |
info: Check Function Expression for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.5_T3
description: >
Try use function f(o) {o.x = 1; return o;} \n (new Object()).x;
--- |
544 |
S7.9_A5.5_T4.js |
info: Check Function Expression for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.5_T4
description: Insert some LineTerminators into function body
--- |
488 |
S7.9_A5.5_T5.js |
info: Check Function Expression for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A5.5_T5
description: Insert some LineTerminators into rerutn expression;
--- |
527 |
S7.9_A5.6_T1.js |
info: |
Since LineTerminator between Postfix Increment/Decrement Operator(I/DO) and operand is not allowed but
between Prefix I/DO and operand admitted, Postfix I/DO in combination with prefix I/DO after automatic semicolon insertion gives valid result
es5id: 7.9_A5.6_T1
description: Try use Variable1 \n ++ \n Variable2 construction
--- |
1132 |
S7.9_A5.6_T2.js |
info: |
Since LineTerminator between Postfix Increment/Decrement Operator(I/DO) and operand is not allowed but
between Prefix I/DO and operand admitted, Postfix I/DO in combination with prefix I/DO after automatic semicolon insertion gives valid result
es5id: 7.9_A5.6_T2
description: Try use Variable1 \n -- \n Variable2 construction
--- |
1132 |
S7.9_A5.7_T1.js |
info: |
Since LineTerminator(LT) between Postfix Increment/Decrement
Operator(I/DO) and operand is not allowed, two IO(just as two DO
and their combination) between two references separated by [LT]
after automatic semicolon insertion lead to syntax error
es5id: 7.9_A5.7_T1
description: Try use Variable1 \n ++ \n ++ \n Variable2 construction
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
632 |
S7.9_A5.8_T1.js |
info: |
Since LineTerminator(LT) between Postfix Increment/Decrement Operator(I/DO) and operand is admitted,
Additive/Substract Operator(A/SO) in combination with I/DO separated by LT or white spaces after automatic semicolon insertion gives valid result
es5id: 7.9_A5.8_T1
description: Try use Variable1 \n + \n ++ \n Variable2 construction
--- |
1289 |
S7.9_A5.9_T1.js |
info: |
Additive/Substract Operator(A/SO) in combination with itself separated by LT or white spaces
after automatic semicolon insertion gives valid result
es5id: 7.9_A5.9_T1
description: >
Try use Variable1 (different combinations of three +) Variable2
--- |
1230 |
S7.9_A6.1_T1.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T1
description: for( Empty two semicolons and \n)
--- |
326 |
S7.9_A6.1_T2.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T2
description: for (semicolon \n semicolon \n)
--- |
327 |
S7.9_A6.1_T3.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T3
description: for (\n two semicolons \n)
--- |
324 |
S7.9_A6.1_T4.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T4
description: for( \n semicolon \n semicolon \n)
--- |
337 |
S7.9_A6.1_T5.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T5
description: for ( \n semicolon \n\n semicolon \n)
--- |
345 |
S7.9_A6.1_T6.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T6
description: for(false semicolon false semicolon false \n)
--- |
353 |
S7.9_A6.1_T7.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T7
description: for (false semicolon false \n semicolon \n)
--- |
349 |
S7.9_A6.1_T8.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T8
description: for (false semicolon false \n semicolon false \n)
--- |
360 |
S7.9_A6.1_T9.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T9
description: for (false \n two semicolons \n)
--- |
335 |
S7.9_A6.1_T10.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T10
description: for (false \n two semicolons false \n)
--- |
347 |
S7.9_A6.1_T11.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T11
description: for (false \n semicolon \n semicolon \n)
--- |
349 |
S7.9_A6.1_T12.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T12
description: for (false \n semicolon false \n semicolon \n)
--- |
360 |
S7.9_A6.1_T13.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.1_T13
description: for (false \n semicolon false \n semicolon false \n)
--- |
371 |
S7.9_A6.2_T1.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T1
description: For header is (semicolon \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
532 |
S7.9_A6.2_T2.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T2
description: For header is (\n semicolon \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
540 |
S7.9_A6.2_T3.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T3
description: For header is (\n semicolon)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
532 |
S7.9_A6.2_T4.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T4
description: For header is (\n \n semicolon)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
536 |
S7.9_A6.2_T5.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T5
description: For header is (false semicolon false\n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
553 |
S7.9_A6.2_T6.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T6
description: For header is (false semicolon \n false)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
555 |
S7.9_A6.2_T7.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T7
description: For header is (false \n semicolon \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
551 |
S7.9_A6.2_T8.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T8
description: For header is (false \n semicolon false \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
562 |
S7.9_A6.2_T9.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T9
description: For header is (\n semicolon false)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
543 |
S7.9_A6.2_T10.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Use one semicolon
es5id: 7.9_A6.2_T10
description: For header is (\n false \n semicolon)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
552 |
S7.9_A6.3_T1.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T1
description: For header is (\n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
524 |
S7.9_A6.3_T2.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T2
description: For header is (\n \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
528 |
S7.9_A6.3_T3.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T3
description: For header is (\n \n \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
532 |
S7.9_A6.3_T4.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T4
description: For header is (\n false \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
543 |
S7.9_A6.3_T5.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T5
description: For header is (false \n false \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
554 |
S7.9_A6.3_T6.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T6
description: For header is (\n false \n false \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
562 |
S7.9_A6.3_T7.js |
info: |
Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion.
If automatic insertion semicolon would become one of the two semicolons in the header of a For Statement.
Don`t use semicolons
es5id: 7.9_A6.3_T7
description: For header is (\n false \n false \n false \n)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
581 |
S7.9_A6.4_T1.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.4_T1
description: >
Three semicolons. For header is (false semicolon false semicolon
false semicolon)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
472 |
S7.9_A6.4_T2.js |
info: Check For Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A6.4_T2
description: >
Three semicolons. For header is (false semicolon false two
semicolons false)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
467 |
S7.9_A7_T1.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T1
description: Checking if execution of "var x \n = 1" passes
--- |
325 |
S7.9_A7_T2.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T2
description: Checking if execution of "var x = \n 1" passes
--- |
326 |
S7.9_A7_T3.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T3
description: Checking if execution of "var x \n x = 1" passes
--- |
329 |
S7.9_A7_T4.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T4
description: Checking if execution of "var \n x" passes
--- |
317 |
S7.9_A7_T5.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T5
description: Checking if execution of "var \n x \n = \n 1" passes
--- |
333 |
S7.9_A7_T6.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T6
description: Checking if execution of "var x, \n y" passes
--- |
324 |
S7.9_A7_T7.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T7
description: Checking if execution of "var x \n y" passes
--- |
359 |
S7.9_A7_T8.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T8
description: Checking if execution of "var x \n ,y" passes
--- |
324 |
S7.9_A7_T9.js |
info: Check Var Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A7_T9
description: Checking if execution of "var x \n ,y = 1" passes
--- |
333 |
S7.9_A8_T1.js |
info: Check Empty Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A8_T1
description: Checking if execution of one semicolon passes
--- |
318 |
S7.9_A8_T2.js |
info: Check Empty Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A8_T2
description: Checking if execution of some semicolons with LineTerminators pases
--- |
346 |
S7.9_A8_T3.js |
info: Check Empty Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A8_T3
description: >
Checking if execution of some semicolons without LineTerminators
--- |
357 |
S7.9_A8_T4.js |
info: Check Empty Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A8_T4
description: >
Checking if execution of some semicolons with LineTerminators and
numbers passes
--- |
375 |
S7.9_A8_T5.js |
info: Check Empty Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A8_T5
description: >
Checking if execution of some semicolons without LineTerminators
but with numbers passes
--- |
379 |
S7.9_A9_T1.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T1
description: Execute do { \n }while(false)
--- |
326 |
S7.9_A9_T2.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T2
description: Execute do; while(false) \n true
--- |
330 |
S7.9_A9_T5.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T5
description: Execute do { \n ; \n }while((false) \n )
--- |
343 |
S7.9_A9_T6.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T6
description: Execute do \n while(false)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
390 |
S7.9_A9_T7.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T7
description: Execute do \n\n while(false)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
393 |
S7.9_A9_T8.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T8
description: Execute do {}; \n while(false)
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
398 |
S7.9_A9_T9.js |
info: Check Do-While Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A9_T9
description: Execute do {} \n while(false)
--- |
324 |
S7.9_A10_T1.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T1
description: Checking if execution of "1 * {}" passes
--- |
306 |
S7.9_A10_T2.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T2
description: Checking if execution of "{}*1" fails
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
376 |
S7.9_A10_T3.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T3
description: Checking if execution of "({}) * 1" passes
--- |
310 |
S7.9_A10_T4.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T4
description: Checking if execution of "({};)*1" fails
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
382 |
S7.9_A10_T5.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T5
description: Checking if execution of "( \n {} \n ) * 1" passes
--- |
324 |
S7.9_A10_T6.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T6
description: Checking if execution of "{} \n * 1" fails
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
382 |
S7.9_A10_T7.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T7
description: Checking if execution of "{1} 2" passes
--- |
304 |
S7.9_A10_T8.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T8
description: Checking if execution of "{1 2} 3" fails
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
380 |
S7.9_A10_T9.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T9
description: Checking if execution of "{1 \n 2} 3" passes
--- |
312 |
S7.9_A10_T10.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T10
description: "Checking if execution of \"{a:1 \\n} 3\" passes"
--- |
318 |
S7.9_A10_T11.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T11
description: "Checking if execution of \"{a:1 \\n} \\n 3\" passes"
--- |
324 |
S7.9_A10_T12.js |
info: Check {} for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A10_T12
description: "Checking if execution of \"{ \\n a: \\n 1 \\n } \\n 3\" passes"
--- |
337 |
S7.9_A11_T1.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T1
description: Use if (false) x = 1 (without semicolon) and check x
--- |
452 |
S7.9_A11_T2.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T2
description: Use if (false) \n x = 1 and check x
--- |
435 |
S7.9_A11_T3.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T3
description: Use if (false);\n x = 1 and check x
--- |
436 |
S7.9_A11_T4.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T4
description: Checking if execution of "if (false) x = 1 else x = -1" fails
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
443 |
S7.9_A11_T5.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T5
description: Use if (false) x = 1; else x=-1 and check x
--- |
457 |
S7.9_A11_T6.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T6
description: Use if (false) x = 1 \n else x=-1 and check x
--- |
458 |
S7.9_A11_T7.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T7
description: Use if (false) x = 1; \n else x=-1 and check x
--- |
460 |
S7.9_A11_T8.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T8
description: Use if (false) {x = 1}; \n else x=-1 and check x
phase: parse
type: SyntaxError
--- |
403 |
S7.9_A11_T9.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T9
description: Use if (false) {x = 1} \n else x=-1 and check x
--- |
462 |
S7.9_A11_T10.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T10
description: Use if (false) {x = 1} else {x=-1} and check x
--- |
464 |
S7.9_A11_T11.js |
info: Check If Statement for automatic semicolon insertion
es5id: 7.9_A11_T11
description: Use if (false) {{x = 1};} \n else x=-1 and check x
--- |
469 |
shell.js |
0 |