assert-false.js |
description: >
`false` does not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
569 |
assert-notsamevalue-nan.js |
description: >
Two references to NaN do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
597 |
assert-notsamevalue-notsame.js |
description: >
Values that are not strictly equal satisfy the assertion.
--- |
441 |
assert-notsamevalue-objects.js |
description: >
Distinct objects satisfy the assertion.
--- |
262 |
assert-notsamevalue-tostring.js |
description: >
When composing a message, errors from ToString are handled.
features: [async-functions]
--- |
681 |
assert-notsamevalue-zeros.js |
description: >
Positive and negative zero satisfy the assertion.
--- |
271 |
assert-obj.js |
description: >
An object literal does not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
576 |
assert-samevalue-nan.js |
description: >
Two references to NaN satisfy the assertion.
--- |
266 |
assert-samevalue-objects.js |
description: >
Distinct objects do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
587 |
assert-samevalue-same.js |
description: >
Values that are strictly equal satisfy the assertion.
--- |
467 |
assert-samevalue-tostring.js |
description: >
When composing a message, errors from ToString are handled.
features: [async-functions]
--- |
666 |
assert-samevalue-zeros.js |
description: >
Positive and negative zero do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
650 |
assert-throws-custom-typeerror.js |
description: >
Functions that throw instances of the specified constructor function
satisfy the assertion, without collision with error constructors of the
same name.
--- |
1421 |
assert-throws-custom.js |
description: >
Functions that throw instances of the specified constructor function
satisfy the assertion.
--- |
375 |
assert-throws-incorrect-ctor.js |
description: >
Functions that throw values whose constructor does not match the specified
constructor do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
698 |
assert-throws-native.js |
description: >
Functions that throw instances of the specified native Error constructor
satisfy the assertion.
--- |
774 |
assert-throws-no-arg.js |
description: >
The assertion fails when invoked without arguments.
--- |
583 |
assert-throws-no-error.js |
description: >
Functions that do not throw errors do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
616 |
assert-throws-null-fn.js |
description: >
Fails if second arg is not a function
--- |
1278 |
assert-throws-null.js |
description: >
Functions that throw the `null` value do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
638 |
assert-throws-primitive.js |
description: >
Functions that throw primitive values do not satisfy the assertion.
--- |
634 |
assert-throws-same-realm.js |
description: >
Functions that throw instances of the realm specified constructor function
do not satisfy the assertion with cross realms collisions.
--- |
806 |
assert-throws-single-arg.js |
description: >
The assertion fails when invoked with a single argument.
--- |
600 |
assert-tostring.js |
description: >
When composing a message, errors from ToString are handled.
features: [async-functions]
--- |
653 |
assert-true.js |
description: >
`true` satisfies the assertion.
--- |
239 |
assertRelativeDateMs.js |
description: >
Only passes when the provided date is exactly the specified number of
milliseconds from the Unix epoch
includes: [assertRelativeDateMs.js]
--- |
2354 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-func-throws-sync.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper reports synchronous errors via $DONE.
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
615 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-rejects-non-callable.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper rejects non-callable test functions.
includes: [asyncHelpers.js, compareArray.js]
--- |
559 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-return-not-thenable.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper rejects test functions that do not return a thenable.
includes: [asyncHelpers.js, compareArray.js]
--- |
793 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-returns-undefined.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper when called with async flag always returns undefined.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
923 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-then-rejects.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper calls $DONE with the rejection value if the test function rejects.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js, compareArray.js]
--- |
1126 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-then-resolves.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper calls $DONE with undefined, regardless of what value the promise resolves with
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1471 |
asyncHelpers-asyncTest-without-async-flag.js |
description: |
The 'asyncTest' helper checks that it is called with the 'async' flag.
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
670 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-custom-typeerror.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with instances of the specified constructor function
satisfy the assertion, without collision with error constructors of the same name.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1702 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-custom.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with values of the specified constructor function
satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
522 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-func-never-settles.js |
description: |
assert.throwsAsync returns a promise that never settles if func returns a thenable that never settles.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1148 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-func-throws-sync.js |
description: |
assert.throwsAsync returns a promise that rejects if func or the inner thenable synchronously throws.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1253 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-incorrect-ctor.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with values whose constructor does not match the specified
constructor do not satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
911 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-invalid-func.js |
description: |
assert.throwsAsync calls $DONE with a rejecting value if func is not a function returning a thenable.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1701 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-native.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with instances of the specified native Error constructor
satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1295 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-no-arg.js |
description: |
The assertion fails when invoked without arguments.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
748 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-no-error.js |
description: |
Thenables that do not reject do not satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
784 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-null.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with the `null` value do not satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
806 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-primitive.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with primitive values do not satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
810 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-resolved-error.js |
description: |
Thenables that resolve with an error do not satisfy the assertion.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
844 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-same-realm.js |
description: |
Thenables that reject with instances of the realm specified constructor function
do not satisfy the assertion with cross realms collisions.
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
1009 |
asyncHelpers-throwsAsync-single-arg.js |
description: |
assert.throwsAsync returns a promise that rejects when invoked with a single argument
flags: [async]
includes: [asyncHelpers.js]
--- |
801 |
browser.js |
0 |
byteConversionValues.js |
description: >
Ensure the original and expected values are set properly
includes: [byteConversionValues.js]
--- |
1009 |
compare-array-arguments.js |
description: >
Accepts spreadable arguments
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
1122 |
compare-array-arraylike.js |
description: >
Accepts spreadable arguments
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
1102 |
compare-array-different-elements.js |
description: >
Arrays containing different elements are not equivalent.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
484 |
compare-array-different-length.js |
description: >
Arrays of differing lengths are not equivalent.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
533 |
compare-array-empty.js |
description: >
Empty arrays of are equivalent.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
314 |
compare-array-falsy-arguments.js |
description: >
compareArray gracefully handles nullish arguments.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
1073 |
compare-array-message.js |
description: >
compareArray can handle any value in message arg
includes: [compareArray.js]
features: [BigInt, Symbol]
--- |
753 |
compare-array-same-elements-different-order.js |
description: >
Arrays containg the same elements in different order are not equivalent.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
568 |
compare-array-same-elements-same-order.js |
description: >
Arrays containg the same elements in the same order are equivalent.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
516 |
compare-array-samevalue.js |
description: >
compareArray uses SameValue for value comparison.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
370 |
compare-array-sparse.js |
description: >
Spares arrays are only equivalent if they have the same length.
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
883 |
compare-array-symbol.js |
description: >
compareArray correctly formats Symbols in error message.
includes: [compareArray.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
576 |
dateConstants.js |
description: >
Including dateConstants.js will expose:
var date_1899_end = -2208988800001;
var date_1900_start = -2208988800000;
var date_1969_end = -1;
var date_1970_start = 0;
var date_1999_end = 946684799999;
var date_2000_start = 946684800000;
var date_2099_end = 4102444799999;
var date_2100_start = 4102444800000;
includes: [dateConstants.js]
--- |
951 |
decimalToHexString.js |
description: >
Including decimalToHexString.js will expose two functions:
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
991 |
deepEqual-array.js |
description: >
array values compare correctly.
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
480 |
deepEqual-circular.js |
description: >
values compare correctly with circular references.
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
349 |
deepEqual-deep.js |
description: >
values compare correctly.
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
519 |
deepEqual-mapset.js |
description: >
map/set values compare correctly.
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
1053 |
deepEqual-object.js |
description: >
object values compare correctly.
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
510 |
deepEqual-primitives-bigint.js |
description: >
primitive BigInt values compare correctly.
features: [BigInt]
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
469 |
deepEqual-primitives.js |
description: >
primitive values compare correctly.
includes: [deepEqual.js]
--- |
1368 |
detachArrayBuffer-host-detachArrayBuffer.js |
description: >
Including detachArrayBuffer.js will expose a function:
$DETACHBUFFER relies on the presence of a host definition for $262.detachArrayBuffer
includes: [detachArrayBuffer.js]
--- |
1003 |
detachArrayBuffer.js |
description: >
Including detachArrayBuffer.js will expose a function:
$DETACHBUFFER relies on the presence of a definition for $262.detachArrayBuffer.
Without a definition, calling $DETACHBUFFER will result in a ReferenceError
--- |
804 |
fnGlobalObject.js |
description: >
Including fnGlobalObject.js will expose a function:
fnGlobalObject returns a reference to the global object.
includes: [fnGlobalObject.js]
--- |
439 |
isConstructor.js |
description: >
Including isConstructor.js will expose one function:
includes: [isConstructor.js]
features: [generators, Reflect.construct]
--- |
1287 |
nans.js |
description: >
Including nans.js will expose:
var NaNs = [
NaN * 0,
Math.pow(-1, 0.5),
-Math.pow(-1, 0.5),
includes: [nans.js]
--- |
545 |
nativeFunctionMatcher.js |
description: >
Ensure that the regular expression generally distinguishes between valid
and invalid forms of the NativeFunction grammar production.
includes: [nativeFunctionMatcher.js]
--- |
1743 |
promiseHelper.js |
description: >
Including promiseHelper.js will expose a function:
To ensure execution order of some async chain, checkSequence accepts an array
of numbers, each added during some operation, and verifies that they
are in numeric order.
includes: [promiseHelper.js]
--- |
864 |
propertyhelper-verifyconfigurable-configurable-object.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is configurable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
398 |
propertyhelper-verifyconfigurable-configurable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is configurable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
399 |
propertyhelper-verifyconfigurable-not-configurable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is not configurable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
735 |
propertyhelper-verifyenumerable-enumerable-symbol.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified symbol property is enumerable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
436 |
propertyhelper-verifyenumerable-enumerable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified string property is enumerable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
400 |
propertyhelper-verifyenumerable-not-enumerable-symbol.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified symbol property is not enumerable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
778 |
propertyhelper-verifyenumerable-not-enumerable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified string property is not enumerable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
742 |
propertyhelper-verifynotconfigurable-configurable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is configurable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
732 |
propertyhelper-verifynotconfigurable-not-configurable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is not configurable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
407 |
propertyhelper-verifynotenumerable-enumerable-symbol.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified symbol property is enumerable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
806 |
propertyhelper-verifynotenumerable-enumerable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified string property is enumerable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
763 |
propertyhelper-verifynotenumerable-not-enumerable-symbol.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified symbol property is not enumerable satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
448 |
propertyhelper-verifynotenumerable-not-enumerable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified string property is not enumerable satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
412 |
propertyhelper-verifynotwritable-not-writable-strict.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is not writable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
503 |
propertyhelper-verifynotwritable-writable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is writable do not satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
728 |
propertyhelper-verifywritable-array-length.js |
description: >
"length" property of Arrays is tested with valid value.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
409 |
propertyhelper-verifywritable-not-writable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is not writable do not satisfy the
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
722 |
propertyhelper-verifywritable-writable.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is writable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
491 |
proxytrapshelper-default.js |
description: allowProxyTraps helper should default throw on all the proxy trap named methods being invoked
esid: pending
author: Jordan Harband
includes: [proxyTrapsHelper.js]
--- |
1209 |
proxytrapshelper-overrides.js |
description: allowProxyTraps helper should default throw on all the proxy trap named methods being invoked
esid: pending
author: Jordan Harband
includes: [proxyTrapsHelper.js]
--- |
2281 |
shell.js |
description: |
Verify that the given date object's Number representation describes the
correct number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch relative to the local
time zone (as interpreted at the specified date).
defines: [assertRelativeDateMs]
--- |
72740 |
sta.js |
description: >
Including sta.js will expose three functions:
--- |
508 |
tcoHelper.js |
description: >
Including tcoHelper.js will expose:
var $MAX_ITERATIONS = 100000;
This defines the number of consecutive recursive function calls that must be
made in order to prove that stack frames are properly destroyed according to
ES2015 tail call optimization semantics.
includes: [tcoHelper.js]
--- |
536 |
testTypedArray-conversions-call-error.js |
description: >
Including testTypedArray.js will expose:
includes: [testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
718 |
testTypedArray-conversions.js |
description: >
Including testTypedArray.js will expose:
includes: [testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
986 |
testTypedArray.js |
description: >
Including testTypedArray.js will expose:
var typedArrayConstructors = [ array of TypedArray constructors ]
var TypedArray
includes: [testTypedArray.js]
features: [TypedArray]
--- |
1479 |
verifyProperty-arguments.js |
description: >
verifyProperty should receive at least 3 arguments: obj, name, and descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
531 |
verifyProperty-configurable-object.js |
description: >
Objects whose specified property is configurable satisfy the assertion.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
420 |
verifyProperty-desc-is-not-object.js |
description: >
The desc argument should be an object or undefined
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
766 |
verifyProperty-noproperty.js |
description: >
The first argument should have an own property
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
478 |
verifyProperty-restore-accessor-symbol.js |
description: >
verifyProperty allows restoring the original accessor descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
957 |
verifyProperty-restore-accessor.js |
description: >
verifyProperty allows restoring the original accessor descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
935 |
verifyProperty-restore-symbol.js |
description: >
verifyProperty allows restoring the original descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
778 |
verifyProperty-restore.js |
description: >
verifyProperty allows restoring the original descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
756 |
verifyProperty-same-value.js |
description: >
verifyProperty uses SameValue for value comparison.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
487 |
verifyProperty-string-prop.js |
description: >
Verify property descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
1719 |
verifyProperty-symbol-prop.js |
description: >
Verify symbol named property descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [Symbol]
--- |
1754 |
verifyProperty-undefined-desc.js |
description: >
Verify an undefined descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
669 |
verifyProperty-value-error.js |
description: >
Including propertyHelper.js will expose:
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
895 |
verifyProperty-value.js |
description: >
Verify property descriptor
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
1840 |