Name Description Size
browser.js 0
length.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > The length property of isNaN is 1 includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 389
name.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > is "isNaN". info: | isNaN (number) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous function has a name property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in Function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 799
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects description: > isNaN does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | ECMAScript Function Objects Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. sec-evaluatenew ... 7. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function] --- 843
prop-desc.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Property descriptor for isNaN includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 370
return-abrupt-from-tonumber-number-symbol.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Throws a TypeError if number is a Symbol info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). features: [Symbol] --- 410
return-abrupt-from-tonumber-number.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Return abrupt completion from ToNumber(number) info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). --- 618
return-false-not-nan-numbers.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Return false if number is not NaN info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). 2. If num is NaN, return true. 3. Otherwise, return false. --- 989
return-true-nan.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Return true if number is NaN info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). 2. If num is NaN, return true. includes: [nans.js] --- 455
S15.1.2.4_A2.6.js --- info: The isNaN property has not prototype property esid: sec-isnan-number description: Checking isNaN.prototype --- 389
S15.1.2.4_A2.7.js --- info: The isNaN property can't be used as constructor esid: sec-isnan-number description: > If property does not implement the internal [[Construct]] method, throw a TypeError exception --- 442
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 1222
tonumber-operations.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > number argument is converted by ToNumber info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). 2. If num is NaN, return true. 3. Otherwise, return false. --- 1011
toprimitive-call-abrupt.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Return abrupt completion calling number.@@toPrimitive info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] ) [...] 4. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive). 5. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then a. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »). features: [Symbol.toPrimitive] --- 725
toprimitive-get-abrupt.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Return abrupt completion getting number.@@toPrimitive info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] ) [...] 4. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive). features: [Symbol.toPrimitive] --- 651
toprimitive-not-callable-throws.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Throws a TypeError if number.@@toPrimitive is not null, undefined, or callable info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] ) [...] 4. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive). GetMethod (V, P) [...] 2. Let func be ? GetV(V, P). 3. If func is either undefined or null, return undefined. 4. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Symbol.toPrimitive] --- 1202
toprimitive-result-is-object-throws.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Throws a TypeError if the result of calling number.@@toPrimitive is an Object info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] ) [...] 4. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive). 5. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then a. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »). b. If Type(result) is not Object, return result. c. Throw a TypeError exception. features: [Symbol.toPrimitive] --- 822
toprimitive-result-is-symbol-throws.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Throws a TypeError if the result of calling number.@@toPrimitive is a symbol info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). ToNumber ( argument ) 1. Let primValue be ? ToPrimitive(argument, hint Number). 2. Return ? ToNumber(primValue). ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] ) [...] 4. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive). 5. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then a. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »). b. If Type(result) is not Object, return result. features: [Symbol.toPrimitive] --- 920
toprimitive-valid-result.js --- esid: sec-isnan-number description: > Use non-object value returned from @@toPrimitive method info: | isNaN (number) 1. Let num be ? ToNumber(number). ToPrimitive ( input [ , PreferredType ] ) [...] 4. Let exoticToPrim be ? GetMethod(input, @@toPrimitive). 5. If exoticToPrim is not undefined, then a. Let result be ? Call(exoticToPrim, input, « hint »). b. If Type(result) is not Object, return result. features: [Symbol.toPrimitive] --- 1935