browser.js |
0 |
name.js |
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: > is "encodeURIComponent".
info: |
encodeURIComponent (uriComponent)
17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects:
Every built-in Function object, including constructors, that is not
identified as an anonymous function has a name property whose value
is a String.
Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in Function
object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false,
[[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
889 |
not-a-constructor.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects
description: >
encodeURIComponent does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able
info: |
ECMAScript Function Objects
Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not
implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in
the description of a particular function.
7. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception.
includes: [isConstructor.js]
features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function]
--- |
896 |
prop-desc.js |
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Property descriptor for encodeURIComponent
info: |
Every other data property described in clauses 18 through 26 and in Annex B.2
has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false,
[[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
604 |
S15.1.3.4_A1.1_T1.js |
info: If string.charAt(k) in [0xDC00 - 0xDFFF], throw URIError
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1477 |
S15.1.3.4_A1.1_T2.js |
info: If string.charAt(k) in [0xDC00 - 0xDFFF], throw URIError
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1485 |
S15.1.3.4_A1.2_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0xD800 - 0xDBFF] and string.length = k + 1, throw
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1513 |
S15.1.3.4_A1.2_T2.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0xD800 - 0xDBFF] and string.length = k + 1, throw
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1521 |
S15.1.3.4_A1.3_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0xD800 - 0xDBFF] and string.charAt(k+1) not in
[0xDC00 - 0xDFFF], throw URIError
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: >
Complex tests, string.charAt(k+1) in [0x0000, 0xD7FF, 0xD800,
0xDBFE, 0xDBFF, 0xE000, 0xFFFF]
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1879 |
S15.1.3.4_A2.1_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0x0000 - 0x007F]\[uriUnescaped], return 1 octet
(00000000 0zzzzzzz -> 0zzzzzzz)
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests, use RFC 3629
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
2101 |
S15.1.3.4_A2.2_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0x0080 - 0x07FF], return 2 octets (00000yyy
yyzzzzzz -> 110yyyyy 10zzzzzz)
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests, use RFC 3629
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1718 |
S15.1.3.4_A2.3_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0x0800 - 0xD7FF], return 3 octets (xxxxyyyy
yyzzzzzz -> 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz)
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests, use RFC 3629
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1757 |
S15.1.3.4_A2.4_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0xD800 - 0xDBFF] and string.charAt(k+1) in
[0xDC00 � 0xDFFF], return 4 octets (000wwwxx xxxxyyyy yyzzzzzz ->
11110www 10xxxxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz)
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: >
Complex tests, use RFC 3629, string.charAt(k+1) in [0xDC00,
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
2278 |
S15.1.3.4_A2.4_T2.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0xD800 - 0xDBFF] and string.charAt(k+1) in
[0xDC00 � 0xDFFF], return 4 octets (000wwwxx xxxxyyyy yyzzzzzz ->
11110www 10xxxxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz)
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: >
Complex tests, use RFC 3629, string.charAt(k) in [0xD800, 0xDBFF,
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
2276 |
S15.1.3.4_A2.5_T1.js |
info: |
If string.charAt(k) in [0xE000 - 0xFFFF], return 3 octets (xxxxyyyy
yyzzzzzz -> 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz)
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests, use RFC 3629
includes: [decimalToHexString.js]
--- |
1757 |
S15.1.3.4_A3.1_T1.js |
info: unescapedURIComponentSet not containing uriReserved
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Complex tests
--- |
699 |
S15.1.3.4_A3.2_T1.js |
info: |
unescapedURIComponentSet containing one instance of each character valid
in uriUnescaped
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: "Complex tests, uriUnescaped :: uriAlpha"
--- |
871 |
S15.1.3.4_A3.2_T2.js |
info: |
unescapedURIComponentSet containing one instance of each character valid
in uriUnescaped
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: "Complex tests, uriUnescaped :: DecimalDigit"
--- |
676 |
S15.1.3.4_A3.2_T3.js |
info: |
unescapedURIComponentSet containing one instance of each character valid
in uriUnescaped
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: "Complex tests, uriUnescaped :: uriMark"
--- |
651 |
S15.1.3.4_A3.3_T1.js |
info: unescapedURIComponentSet not containing "#"
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: encodeURIComponent("#") === "%23"
--- |
429 |
S15.1.3.4_A4_T1.js |
info: URI tests
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking ENGLISH ALPHABET
--- |
801 |
S15.1.3.4_A4_T2.js |
info: URI tests
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking RUSSIAN ALPHABET
--- |
1874 |
S15.1.3.4_A4_T3.js |
info: URI tests
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking URL with Line Terminator
--- |
1304 |
S15.1.3.4_A4_T4.js |
info: URI tests
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Test some url
--- |
1057 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.1.js |
info: The length property of encodeURIComponent has the attribute DontEnum
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking use propertyIsEnumerable, for-in
--- |
856 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.2.js |
info: |
The length property of encodeURIComponent does not have the attribute
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking use hasOwnProperty, delete
--- |
1031 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.3.js |
info: The length property of encodeURIComponent has the attribute ReadOnly
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking if varying the length property fails
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
699 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.4.js |
info: The length property of encodeURIComponent is 1
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: encodeURIComponent.length === 1
--- |
464 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.5.js |
info: The encodeURIComponent property has the attribute DontEnum
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking use propertyIsEnumerable, for-in
--- |
836 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.6.js |
info: The encodeURIComponent property has not prototype property
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: Checking encodeURIComponent.prototype
--- |
507 |
S15.1.3.4_A5.7.js |
info: The encodeURIComponent property can't be used as constructor
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: >
If property does not implement the internal [[Construct]] method,
throw a TypeError exception
--- |
711 |
S15.1.3.4_A6_T1.js |
info: Operator use ToString
esid: sec-encodeuricomponent-uricomponent
description: If Type(value) is Object, evaluate ToPrimitive(value, String)
--- |
3980 |
shell.js |
description: |
Collection of functions used to assert the correctness of various encoding operations.
defines: [decimalToHexString, decimalToPercentHexString]
--- |
1269 |