Name Description Size
argument-number.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: A number is invalid in place of an ISO string for Temporal.PlainYearMonth features: [Temporal] --- 724
argument-object.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: An object argument includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 2163
argument-plaindate.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: A PlainYearMonth argument is cloned includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 882
argument-plainyearmonth.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: A PlainYearMonth object is copied, not returned directly includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 992
argument-propertybag-calendar-case-insensitive.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: The calendar name is case-insensitive includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 850
argument-propertybag-calendar-iso-string.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: An ISO 8601 string can be converted to a calendar ID in Calendar includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1043
argument-propertybag-calendar-leap-second.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Leap second is a valid ISO string for a calendar in a property bag includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 774
argument-propertybag-calendar-number.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: A number as calendar in a property bag is not accepted features: [Temporal] --- 749
argument-propertybag-calendar-string.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: A calendar ID is valid input for Calendar includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 803
argument-propertybag-calendar-wrong-type.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: > Appropriate error thrown when a calendar property from a property bag cannot be converted to a calendar ID features: [BigInt, Symbol, Temporal] --- 1412
argument-propertybag-calendar-year-zero.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Negative zero, as an extended year, is rejected features: [Temporal, arrow-function] --- 866
argument-string-calendar-annotation-invalid-key.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Annotation keys are lowercase-only features: [Temporal] --- 876
argument-string-calendar-annotation.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Various forms of calendar annotation; critical flag has no effect features: [Temporal] includes: [temporalHelpers.js] --- 1079
argument-string-critical-unknown-annotation.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Unknown annotations with critical flag are rejected features: [Temporal] --- 908
argument-string-date-with-utc-offset.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: UTC offset not valid with format that does not include a time features: [Temporal] includes: [temporalHelpers.js] --- 1483
argument-string-invalid.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: An invalid ISO string is never supported includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 752
argument-string-limits.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: ISO strings at the edges of the representable range features: [Temporal] --- 1030
argument-string-minus-sign.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Non-ASCII minus sign is not acceptable features: [Temporal] --- 706
argument-string-multiple-calendar.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: > More than one calendar annotation is not syntactical if any have the criical flag features: [Temporal] --- 1130
argument-string-multiple-time-zone.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: More than one time zone annotation is not syntactical features: [Temporal] --- 854
argument-string-time-separators.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Time separator in string argument can vary features: [Temporal] includes: [temporalHelpers.js] --- 858
argument-string-time-zone-annotation.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Various forms of time zone annotation; critical flag has no effect features: [Temporal] includes: [temporalHelpers.js] --- 1268
argument-string-trailing-junk.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: RangeError thrown if a string with trailing junk is used as a PlainYearMonth features: [Temporal] --- 564
argument-string-unknown-annotation.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Various forms of unknown annotation features: [Temporal] includes: [temporalHelpers.js] --- 1062
argument-string-with-utc-designator.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: RangeError thrown if a string with UTC designator is used as a PlainYearMonth features: [Temporal, arrow-function] --- 782
argument-string.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: A string is parsed into the correct object when passed as the argument includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1382
argument-wrong-type.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: > Appropriate error thrown when argument cannot be converted to a valid string or property bag for PlainYearMonth features: [BigInt, Symbol, Temporal] --- 1402
basic.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Returns correctly with valid data includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1950
browser.js 0
builtin.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Tests that Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from meets the requirements for built-in objects info: | Built-in functions that are not constructors do not have a "prototype" property unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. Unless specified otherwise, a built-in object that is callable as a function is a built-in function object with the characteristics described in 10.3. Unless specified otherwise, the [[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the value true. Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-in constructor has the Function prototype object [...] as the value of its [[Prototype]] internal slot. features: [Temporal] --- 1582
calendar-temporal-object.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Fast path for converting other Temporal objects to Temporal.Calendar by reading internal slots info: | sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from step 3: 3. Return ? ToTemporalYearMonth(_item_, _options_). sec-temporal-totemporaldate step 2.b: b. Let _calendar_ be ? GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(_item_). sec-temporal-gettemporalcalendarwithisodefault step 2: 2. Return ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(_calendar_). sec-temporal-totemporalcalendarwithisodefault step 2: 3. Return ? ToTemporalCalendar(_temporalCalendarLike_). sec-temporal-totemporalcalendar step 1.a: a. If _temporalCalendarLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]], [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]], [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]], [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]], or [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then i. Return _temporalCalendarLike_.[[Calendar]]. includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1614
fields-missing-properties.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Throws TypeError with incorrect input data type features: [Temporal] --- 797
infinity-throws-rangeerror.js --- description: Throws if any value in the property bag is Infinity or -Infinity esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1218
leap-second.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Leap second is a valid ISO string for PlainYearMonth includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1406
length.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from.length is 1 info: | Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a "length" property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description. Optional parameters (which are indicated with brackets: [ ]) or rest parameters (which are shown using the form «») are not included in the default argument count. Unless otherwise specified, the "length" property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1254
limits.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: PlainYearMonth.from enforces the supported range includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1292
missing-properties.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Errors due to missing properties on fields object are thrown in the correct order features: [Temporal] --- 1037
monthcode-invalid.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Throw RangeError for an out-of-range, conflicting, or ill-formed monthCode features: [Temporal] --- 1441
name.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: is "from". info: | Every built-in function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous function has a "name" property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the name that is given to the function in this specification. Unless otherwise specified, the "name" property of a built-in function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1090
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Temporal.PlainYearMonth.from does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, Temporal] --- 966
observable-get-overflow-argument-primitive.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: overflow property is extracted with string argument. includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1333
observable-get-overflow-argument-string-invalid.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: overflow property is not extracted with ISO-invalid string argument. includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 796
one-of-era-erayear-undefined.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Does not throw a RangeError if only one of era/eraYear fields is present features: [Temporal] includes: [temporalHelpers.js] --- 813
options-invalid.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: TypeError thrown when a primitive is passed as the options argument features: [Temporal] --- 795
options-object.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.prototype.from description: Empty object may be used as options includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 832
options-undefined.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Verify that undefined options are handled correctly. features: [Temporal] --- 769
options-wrong-type.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: TypeError thrown when options argument is a primitive features: [BigInt, Symbol, Temporal] --- 1081
order-of-operations.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Properties on an object passed to from() are accessed in the correct order includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1927
overflow-constrain.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Reject value for overflow option includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 5797
overflow-invalid-string.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: RangeError thrown when overflow option not one of the allowed string values info: | sec-getoption step 10: 10. If _values_ is not *undefined* and _values_ does not contain an element equal to _value_, throw a *RangeError* exception. sec-temporal-totemporaloverflow step 1: 1. Return ? GetOption(_normalizedOptions_, *"overflow"*, « String », « *"constrain"*, *"reject"* », *"constrain"*). sec-temporal-totemporalyearmonth steps 2–3: 2. If Type(_item_) is Object, then ... e. Return ? YearMonthFromFields(_calendar_, _fields_, _options_). 3. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_). sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from steps 2–3: 2. If Type(_item_) is Object and _item_ has an [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]] internal slot, then a. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_). b. Return ... 3. Return ? ToTemporalYearMonth(_item_, _options_). features: [Temporal] --- 1771
overflow-reject.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Reject value for overflow option features: [Temporal] --- 816
overflow-undefined.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Fallback value for overflow option info: | sec-getoption step 3: 3. If _value_ is *undefined*, return _fallback_. sec-temporal-totemporaloverflow step 1: 1. Return ? GetOption(_normalizedOptions_, *"overflow"*, « String », « *"constrain"*, *"reject"* », *"constrain"*). sec-temporal-totemporalyearmonth steps 2–3: 2. If Type(_item_) is Object, then ... e. Return ? YearMonthFromFields(_calendar_, _fields_, _options_). 3. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_). sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from steps 2–3: 2. If Type(_item_) is Object and _item_ has an [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]] internal slot, then a. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_). b. Return ... 3. Return ? ToTemporalYearMonth(_item_, _options_). includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 2391
overflow-wrong-type.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Type conversions for overflow option info: | sec-getoption step 9.a: a. Set _value_ to ? ToString(_value_). sec-temporal-totemporaloverflow step 1: 1. Return ? GetOption(_normalizedOptions_, *"overflow"*, « String », « *"constrain"*, *"reject"* », *"constrain"*). sec-temporal-totemporalyearmonth steps 2–3: 2. If Type(_item_) is Object, then ... e. Return ? YearMonthFromFields(_calendar_, _fields_, _options_). 3. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_). sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from steps 2–3: 2. If Type(_item_) is Object and _item_ has an [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]] internal slot, then a. Perform ? ToTemporalOverflow(_options_). b. Return ... 3. Return ? ToTemporalYearMonth(_item_, _options_). includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1626
prop-desc.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: The "from" property of Temporal.PlainYearMonth includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 723
reference-day.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Reference ISO day is chosen to be the first of the calendar month info: | 6.d. Perform ! CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(_fields_, *"day"*, *1*<sub>𝔽</sub>). e. Let _result_ be ? CalendarDateToISO(_calendar_.[[Identifier]], _fields_, _options_). includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1638
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 596
subclassing-ignored.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: The receiver is never called when calling from() includes: [temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 667
year-zero.js --- esid: sec-temporal.plainyearmonth.from description: Negative zero, as an extended year, is rejected features: [Temporal, arrow-function] --- 800