Name Description Size
browser.js 0
extensible.js --- esid: description: Temporal.Now.instant is extensible. features: [Temporal] --- 566
length.js --- esid: description: Temporal.Now.instant.length is 0 info: | Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a "length" property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description. Optional parameters (which are indicated with brackets: [ ]) or rest parameters (which are shown using the form «») are not included in the default argument count. Unless otherwise specified, the "length" property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1240
name.js --- esid: description: is "instant". includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 728
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: description: Temporal.Now.instant does not implement [[Construct]] includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, Temporal, arrow-function] --- 775
prop-desc.js --- esid: description: The "instant" property of Temporal.Now includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 668
return-value-distinct.js --- esid: description: Each invocation of the function produces a distinct object value features: [Temporal] --- 670
return-value-instance.js --- esid: description: Temporal.Now.instant returns an Instant features: [Temporal] --- 526
return-value-prototype.js --- esid: description: Temporal.Now.instant returns an instance of the Instant constructor features: [Temporal] --- 664
return-value-value.js --- esid: description: > Temporal.Now.instant returns an Instant describing the current moment in time (as corroborated by ``) features: [BigInt, Temporal] --- 869
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 596