Name Description Size
argument-cast.js --- esid: description: Strings and objects are supported arguments. features: [Temporal] --- 1308
argument-duration-max.js --- esid: description: Maximum allowed duration features: [Temporal] --- 2458
argument-duration-out-of-range.js --- esid: description: Duration-like argument that is out of range features: [Temporal] --- 4371
argument-duration-precision-exact-numerical-values.js --- esid: sec-temporal.duration.from description: > Duration-like argument performs the range check with minimal floating point precision loss features: [Temporal] --- 1306
argument-string-fractional-units-rounding-mode.js --- esid: description: Strings with fractional duration units are rounded with the correct rounding mode features: [Temporal] --- 1269
argument-string-negative-fractional-units.js --- esid: description: Strings with fractional duration units are treated with the correct sign features: [Temporal] --- 1338
basic.js --- esid: description: Basic comparisons. features: [Temporal] --- 2930
browser.js 0
builtin.js --- esid: description: Tests that meets the requirements for built-in objects info: | Built-in functions that are not constructors do not have a "prototype" property unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. Unless specified otherwise, a built-in object that is callable as a function is a built-in function object with the characteristics described in 10.3. Unless specified otherwise, the [[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the value true. Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-in constructor has the Function prototype object [...] as the value of its [[Prototype]] internal slot. features: [Temporal] --- 1564
calendar-possibly-required.js --- esid: description: relativeTo argument needed if days = 0 but years/months/weeks non-zero features: [Temporal] --- 2480
calendar-temporal-object.js --- esid: description: Fast path for converting other Temporal objects to Temporal.Calendar by reading internal slots info: | step 4: 4. Let _relativeTo_ be ? ToRelativeTemporalObject(_options_). sec-temporal-torelativetemporalobject step 4.b: b. Let _calendar_ be ? GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(_item_). sec-temporal-gettemporalcalendarwithisodefault step 2: 2. Return ? ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(_calendar_). sec-temporal-totemporalcalendarwithisodefault step 2: 3. Return ? ToTemporalCalendar(_temporalCalendarLike_). sec-temporal-totemporalcalendar step 1.a: a. If _temporalCalendarLike_ has an [[InitializedTemporalDate]], [[InitializedTemporalDateTime]], [[InitializedTemporalMonthDay]], [[InitializedTemporalYearMonth]], or [[InitializedTemporalZonedDateTime]] internal slot, then i. Return _temporalCalendarLike_.[[Calendar]]. includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1663
compare-no-precision-loss.js --- esid: description: does not lose precision when totaling everything down to nanoseconds. features: [Temporal] --- 725
duration-out-of-range-added-to-relativeto.js --- esid: description: RangeError thrown when calendar part of duration added to relativeTo is out of range features: [Temporal] info: | UnbalanceDateDurationRelative: 11. Let _yearsMonthsWeeksDuration_ be ! CreateTemporalDuration(_years_, _months_, _weeks_, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0). 12. Let _later_ be ? CalendarDateAdd(_calendaRec_, _plainRelativeTo_, _yearsMonthsWeeksDuration_). 13. Let _yearsMonthsWeeksInDays_ be DaysUntil(_plainRelativeTo_, _later_). 14. Return ? CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, 0, _days_ + _yearsMonthsWeeksInDays_). --- 1883
exhaustive.js --- esid: description: Tests for compare() with each possible outcome features: [Temporal] --- 12960
instances-identical.js --- esid: description: Return when two Temporal.Durations have identical internal slots features: [Temporal] --- 1312
length.js --- esid: description: is 2 info: | Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a "length" property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description. Optional parameters (which are indicated with brackets: [ ]) or rest parameters (which are shown using the form «») are not included in the default argument count. Unless otherwise specified, the "length" property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1245
name.js --- esid: description: is "compare". info: | Every built-in function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous function has a "name" property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the name that is given to the function in this specification. Unless otherwise specified, the "name" property of a built-in function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1087
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: description: does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, Temporal] --- 951
options-object.js --- esid: description: Empty object may be used as options features: [Temporal] --- 719
options-undefined.js --- esid: description: Verify that undefined options are handled correctly. features: [Temporal] --- 796
options-wrong-type.js --- esid: description: TypeError thrown when options argument is a primitive, before early return features: [BigInt, Symbol, Temporal] --- 766
order-of-operations.js --- esid: description: Properties on objects passed to compare() are accessed in the correct order includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 7866
prop-desc.js --- esid: description: The "compare" property of Temporal.Duration includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [Temporal] --- 708
relativeto-hour.js --- esid: description: relativeTo with hours. features: [Temporal] --- 1123
relativeto-month.js --- esid: description: relativeTo with months. features: [Temporal] --- 900
relativeto-plaindate-add24hourdaystonormalizedtimeduration-out-of-range.js --- esid: description: RangeError thrown if adding the duration to the relativeTo date would result in anout-of-range date-time features: [Temporal] --- 897
relativeto-propertybag-infinity-throws-rangeerror.js --- description: Throws if any value in the relativeTo property bag is Infinity or -Infinity esid: includes: [compareArray.js, temporalHelpers.js] features: [Temporal] --- 1474
relativeto-propertybag-invalid-offset-string.js --- esid: description: relativeTo property bag with offset property is rejected if offset is in the wrong format features: [Temporal] --- 1142
relativeto-propertybag-invalid.js --- esid: description: Throws if a value in the relativeTo property bag is missing. features: [Temporal] --- 970
relativeto-propertybag-timezone-string-datetime.js --- esid: description: Conversion of ISO date-time strings to time zone IDs features: [Temporal] --- 2358
relativeto-propertybag-timezone-string-leap-second.js --- esid: description: Leap second is a valid ISO string for TimeZone features: [Temporal] --- 1019
relativeto-propertybag-timezone-string-year-zero.js --- esid: description: Negative zero, as an extended year, is rejected features: [Temporal, arrow-function] --- 830
relativeto-propertybag-timezone-string.js --- esid: description: Time zone IDs are valid input for a time zone features: [Temporal] --- 699
relativeto-propertybag-timezone-wrong-type.js --- esid: description: > Appropriate error thrown when argument cannot be converted to a valid string for time zone features: [BigInt, Symbol, Temporal] --- 1544
relativeto-string-invalid.js --- esid: description: RangeError thrown if relativeTo is a string with the wrong format, before early return features: [Temporal] --- 731
relativeto-string-limits.js --- esid: description: ISO strings at the edges of the representable range features: [Temporal] --- 1636
relativeto-string-plaindatetime.js --- esid: description: The relativeTo option accepts a PlainDateTime-like ISO 8601 string features: [Temporal] --- 790
relativeto-string-zoneddatetime-wrong-offset.js --- esid: description: Throws if a ZonedDateTime-like relativeTo string has the wrong UTC offset features: [Temporal] --- 729
relativeto-string-zoneddatetime.js --- esid: description: The relativeTo option accepts a ZonedDateTime-like ISO 8601 string features: [Temporal] --- 853
relativeto-sub-minute-offset.js --- esid: description: relativeTo string accepts trailing zeroes in sub-minute UTC offset features: [Temporal] --- 1426
relativeto-undefined-throw-on-calendar-units.js --- esid: description: > The relativeTo option is required when either Duration contains years, months, or weeks features: [Temporal] --- 1578
relativeto-year.js --- esid: description: relativeTo with years. features: [Temporal] --- 772
relativeto-zoneddatetime-negative-epochnanoseconds.js --- esid: description: A pre-epoch value is handled correctly by the modulo operation in GetISOPartsFromEpoch info: | sec-temporal-getisopartsfromepoch step 1: 1. Let _remainderNs_ be the mathematical value whose sign is the sign of _epochNanoseconds_ and whose magnitude is abs(_epochNanoseconds_) modulo 10<sup>6</sup>. sec-temporal-builtintimezonegetplaindatetimefor step 2: 2. Let _result_ be ! GetISOPartsFromEpoch(_instant_.[[Nanoseconds]]). features: [Temporal] --- 1270
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 596
year-zero.js --- esid: description: Negative zero, as an extended year, fails features: [Temporal] --- 722