browser.js |
0 |
length-throws-typeerror.js |
esid: sec-wrappedfunctioncreate
description: >
WrappedFunctionCreate throws a TypeError from its caller realm.
info: |
WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, Target: a function object, )
7. Let result be CopyNameAndLength(wrapped, Target).
8. If result is an Abrupt Completion, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [ShadowRealm]
--- |
1069 |
length.js |
esid: sec-wrappedfunctioncreate
description: >
The value of is copied from the target function
info: |
WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, Target: a function object, )
7. Let result be CopyNameAndLength(wrapped, Target).
CopyNameAndLength ( F: a function object, Target: a function object, prefix: a String, optional argCount: a Number, )
1. If argCount is undefined, then set argCount to 0.
2. Let L be 0.
3. Let targetHasLength be ? HasOwnProperty(Target, "length").
4. If targetHasLength is true, then
a. Let targetLen be ? Get(Target, "length").
b. If Type(targetLen) is Number, then
i. If targetLen is +∞𝔽, set L to +∞.
ii. Else if targetLen is -∞𝔽, set L to 0.
iii. Else,
1. Let targetLenAsInt be ! ToIntegerOrInfinity(targetLen).
2. Assert: targetLenAsInt is finite.
3. Set L to max(targetLenAsInt - argCount, 0).
5. Perform ! SetFunctionLength(F, L).
SetFunctionLength ( F, length )
2. Return ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "length", PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: 𝔽(length), [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }).
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [ShadowRealm]
--- |
2904 |
name-throws-typeerror.js |
esid: sec-wrappedfunctioncreate
description: >
WrappedFunctionCreate throws a TypeError from its caller realm.
info: |
WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, Target: a function object, )
7. Let result be CopyNameAndLength(wrapped, Target).
8. If result is an Abrupt Completion, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [ShadowRealm]
--- |
1065 |
name.js |
esid: sec-wrappedfunctioncreate
description: >
The value of is copied from the target function
info: |
WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, Target: a function object, )
7. Let result be CopyNameAndLength(wrapped, Target).
CopyNameAndLength ( F: a function object, Target: a function object, prefix: a String, optional argCount: a Number, )
6. Let targetName be ? Get(Target, "name").
7. If Type(targetName) is not String, set targetName to the empty String.
8. Perform ! SetFunctionName(F, targetName, prefix).
SetFunctionName ( F, name [ , prefix ] )
6. Return ! DefinePropertyOrThrow(F, "name", PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: name, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }).
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [ShadowRealm]
--- |
2190 |
shell.js |
0 |
throws-typeerror-on-revoked-proxy.js |
esid: sec-wrapped-function-exotic-objects-call-thisargument-argumentslist
description: >
WrappedFunctionCreate throws a TypeError the target is a revoked proxy.
info: |
WrappedFunctionCreate ( callerRealm: a Realm Record, Target: a function object, )
1. Let target be F.[[WrappedTargetFunction]].
2. Assert: IsCallable(target) is true.
3. Let callerRealm be F.[[Realm]].
4. NOTE: Any exception objects produced after this point are associated with callerRealm.
5. Let targetRealm be ? GetFunctionRealm(target).
GetFunctionRealm ( obj )
3. If obj is a Proxy exotic object, then
a. If obj.[[ProxyHandler]] is null, throw a TypeError exception.
features: [ShadowRealm]
--- |
1344 |