Name Description Size
accessor-get-is-undefined-throws.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) if trap result is not undefined, then proxy must report the same value for a non-configurable accessor property with an undefined get. info: | 13. If targetDesc is not undefined, then b. If IsAccessorDescriptor(targetDesc) and targetDesc.[[Configurable]] is false and targetDesc.[[Get]] is undefined, then i. If trapResult is not undefined, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Proxy] --- 938
browser.js 0
call-parameters.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 9. Let trapResult be Call(trap, handler, «target, P, Receiver»). info: | Object Internal Methods and Internal Slots (...) Receiver is used as the this value when evaluating the code features: [Proxy] --- 992
not-same-value-configurable-false-writable-false-throws.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > Throws if proxy return has not the same value for a non-writable, non-configurable property info: | [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 13. If targetDesc is not undefined, then a. If IsDataDescriptor(targetDesc) and targetDesc.[[Configurable]] is false and targetDesc.[[Writable]] is false, then i. If SameValue(trapResult, targetDesc.[[Value]]) is false, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Proxy] --- 941
null-handler.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 2. If handler is null, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Proxy] --- 469
return-is-abrupt.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > Trap returns abrupt. info: | [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 9. Let trapResult be Call(trap, handler, «target, P, Receiver»). 10. ReturnIfAbrupt(trapResult). features: [Proxy] --- 583
return-trap-result-accessor-property.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 14. Return trapResult. features: [Proxy] --- 505
return-trap-result-configurable-false-writable-true.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 14. Return trapResult. features: [Proxy] --- 519
return-trap-result-configurable-true-assessor-get-undefined.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 14. Return trapResult. features: [Proxy] --- 506
return-trap-result-configurable-true-writable-false.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 14. Return trapResult. features: [Proxy] --- 519
return-trap-result-same-value-configurable-false-writable-false.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > Proxy must report the same value for a non-writable, non-configurable property. info: | [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 13. If targetDesc is not undefined, then a. If IsDataDescriptor(targetDesc) and targetDesc.[[Configurable]] is false and targetDesc.[[Writable]] is false, then i. If SameValue(trapResult, targetDesc.[[Value]]) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... 14. Return trapResult. features: [Proxy] --- 921
return-trap-result.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 14. Return trapResult. features: [Proxy] --- 493
shell.js 0
trap-is-missing-target-is-proxy.js --- esid: sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-get-p-receiver description: > If "get" trap is null or undefined, [[Get]] call is properly forwarded to [[ProxyTarget]] (which is also a Proxy object). info: | [[Get]] ( P, Receiver ) [...] 5. Let target be O.[[ProxyTarget]]. 6. Let trap be ? GetMethod(handler, "get"). 7. If trap is undefined, then a. Return ? target.[[Get]](P, Receiver). features: [Proxy, Symbol.match] --- 1032
trap-is-not-callable-realm.js --- esid: sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-get-p-receiver description: > Throws if trap is not callable (honoring the Realm of the current execution context) info: | [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 6. Let trap be GetMethod(handler, "get"). ... 7.3.9 GetMethod (O, P) 5. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception. features: [cross-realm, Proxy] --- 760
trap-is-not-callable.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > Trap is not callable. info: | [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 6. Let trap be GetMethod(handler, "get"). ... 7.3.9 GetMethod (O, P) 5. If IsCallable(func) is false, throw a TypeError exception. features: [Proxy] --- 576
trap-is-null-target-is-proxy.js --- esid: sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-get-p-receiver description: > If "get" trap is null or undefined, [[Get]] call is properly forwarded to [[ProxyTarget]] (which is also a Proxy object). info: | [[Get]] ( P, Receiver ) [...] 5. Let target be O.[[ProxyTarget]]. 6. Let trap be ? GetMethod(handler, "get"). 7. If trap is undefined, then a. Return ? target.[[Get]](P, Receiver). features: [Proxy, Symbol] --- 1252
trap-is-undefined-no-property.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 8. If trap is undefined, then return target.[[Get]](P, Receiver). features: [Proxy] --- 598
trap-is-undefined-receiver.js --- esid: sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-get-p-receiver description: > Pass to target's [[Get]] correct receiver if trap is missing info: | [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 7. If trap is undefined, then a. Return ? target.[[Get]](P, Receiver). features: [Proxy] --- 678
trap-is-undefined-target-is-proxy.js --- esid: sec-proxy-object-internal-methods-and-internal-slots-get-p-receiver description: > If "get" trap is null or undefined, [[Get]] call is properly forwarded to [[ProxyTarget]] (which is also a Proxy object). info: | [[Get]] ( P, Receiver ) [...] 5. Let target be O.[[ProxyTarget]]. 6. Let trap be ? GetMethod(handler, "get"). 7. If trap is undefined, then a. Return ? target.[[Get]](P, Receiver). features: [Proxy] includes: [compareArray.js] --- 1168
trap-is-undefined.js --- es6id: 9.5.8 description: > [[Get]] (P, Receiver) 8. If trap is undefined, then return target.[[Get]](P, Receiver). features: [Proxy] --- 503