Name Description Size
args.js --- description: Promise.try forwards arguments esid: sec-promise.try features: [promise-try] flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js, compareArray.js] --- 708
browser.js 0
ctx-ctor-throws.js --- description: > `Promise.try` invoked on a constructor value that throws an error features: [promise-try] --- 597
ctx-ctor.js --- description: Promise.try produces instances of the receiver esid: sec-promise.try features: [promise-try, class] --- 842
ctx-non-ctor.js --- description: Promise.try errors when the receiver is not a constructor esid: sec-promise.try features: [promise-try] --- 511
ctx-non-object.js --- description: Promise.try errors when the receiver is not an object esid: sec-promise.try features: [promise-try] --- 868
length.js --- description: Promise.try `length` property includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [promise-try] --- 538
name.js --- description: Promise.try `name` property includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [promise-try] --- 538
not-a-constructor.js --- description: > Promise.try does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, promise-try] --- 657
promise.js --- description: Promise.try return value is a Promise features: [promise-try] --- 547
prop-desc.js --- author: Jordan Harband description: Promise.try property descriptor features: [promise-try] includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 522
return-value.js --- description: Promise.try returns a Promise resolved to the callback's return value esid: sec-promise.try features: [promise-try] flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 666
shell.js --- description: | A collection of assertion and wrapper functions for testing asynchronous built-ins. defines: [asyncTest, assert.throwsAsync] --- 3603
throws.js --- description: Promise.try returns a Promise that rejects when the function throws esid: sec-promise.try features: [promise-try] flags: [async] includes: [asyncHelpers.js] --- 709