assign |
bigint.js |
description: Conversion of BigInt values to Objects
esid: pending
features: [BigInt]
--- |
334 |
browser.js |
0 |
create |
defineProperties |
defineProperty |
entries |
freeze |
fromEntries |
getOwnPropertyDescriptor |
getOwnPropertyDescriptors |
getOwnPropertyNames |
getOwnPropertySymbols |
getPrototypeOf |
groupBy |
hasOwn |
internals |
is |
is-a-constructor.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects
description: >
The Object constructor implements [[Construct]]
info: |
IsConstructor ( argument )
The abstract operation IsConstructor takes argument argument (an ECMAScript language value).
It determines if argument is a function object with a [[Construct]] internal method.
It performs the following steps when called:
If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
Return false.
includes: [isConstructor.js]
features: [Reflect.construct]
--- |
838 |
isExtensible |
isFrozen |
isSealed |
keys |
preventExtensions |
prop-desc.js |
esid: sec-constructor-properties-of-the-global-object-object
description: Property descriptor for Object
info: |
Every other data property described in clauses 18 through 26 and in Annex B.2
has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false,
[[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
600 |
property-order.js |
esid: sec-createbuiltinfunction
description: Object constructor property order
info: |
Set order: "length", "name", ...
--- |
565 |
proto-from-ctor-realm.js |
esid: sec-object-value
description: Default [[Prototype]] value derived from realm of the newTarget
info: |
1. If NewTarget is neither undefined nor the active function, then
a. Return ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%ObjectPrototype%").
9.1.14 GetPrototypeFromConstructor
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Let proto be realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
features: [cross-realm, Reflect]
--- |
957 |
prototype |
S9.9_A3.js |
info: |
ToObject conversion from Boolean: create a new Boolean object
whose [[value]] property is set to the value of the boolean
es5id: 9.9_A3
description: Trying to convert from Boolean to Object
--- |
1162 |
S9.9_A4.js |
info: |
ToObject conversion from Number: create a new Number object
whose [[value]] property is set to the value of the number
es5id: 9.9_A4
description: Converting from various numbers to Object
--- |
5198 |
S9.9_A5.js |
info: |
ToObject conversion from String: create a new String object
whose [[value]] property is set to the value of the string
es5id: 9.9_A5
description: Converting from various strings to Object
--- |
2109 |
S9.9_A6.js |
info: |
ToObject conversion from Object: The result is the input
argument (no conversion)
es5id: 9.9_A6
description: Converting from Objects to Object
--- |
933 |
S15.2.1.1_A1_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object(value) is called and the value is null, undefined or not supplied,
create and return a new Object object if the object constructor had been called with the same arguments (
description: Creating Object(null) and checking its properties
--- |
1240 |
S15.2.1.1_A1_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object(value) is called and the value is null, undefined or not supplied,
create and return a new Object object if the object constructor had been called with the same arguments (
description: Creating Object(void 0) and checking its properties
--- |
1265 |
S15.2.1.1_A1_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object(value) is called and the value is null, undefined or not supplied,
create and return a new Object object if the object constructor had been called with the same arguments (
description: Creating Object() and checking its properties
--- |
1228 |
S15.2.1.1_A1_T4.js |
info: |
When the Object(value) is called and the value is null, undefined or not supplied,
create and return a new Object object if the object constructor had been called with the same arguments (
description: Creating Object(undefined) and checking its properties
--- |
1255 |
S15.2.1.1_A1_T5.js |
info: |
When the Object(value) is called and the value is null, undefined or not supplied,
create and return a new Object object if the object constructor had been called with the same arguments (
description: Creating Object(x) and checking its properties
--- |
1239 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with boolean argument value
--- |
898 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with number argument value
--- |
911 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with string argument value
--- |
975 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T4.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with object argument value
--- |
739 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T5.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with NaN argument value
--- |
761 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T6.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with Infinity argument value
--- |
959 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T7.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with empty string argument value
--- |
913 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T8.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with function variable argument value
--- |
743 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T9.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: >
Calling Object function with function argument value. The function
is declared
--- |
762 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T10.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with array of numbers as argument value
--- |
754 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T11.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with function declaration as argument value
--- |
882 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T12.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with numeric expression as argument value
--- |
845 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T13.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: Calling Object function with boolean expression as argument value
--- |
811 |
S15.2.1.1_A2_T14.js |
info: |
When the Object function is called with one argument value,
and the value neither is null nor undefined, and is supplied, return ToObject(value)
description: >
Calling Object function with sum of empty string and a number as
argument value
--- |
840 |
S15.2.1.1_A3_T1.js |
info: |
Since calling Object as a function is identical to calling a function,
list of arguments bracketing is allowed
description: Creating an object with "Object(1,2,3)"
--- |
750 |
S15.2.1.1_A3_T2.js |
info: |
Since calling Object as a function is identical to calling a function,
list of arguments bracketing is allowed
description: Creating an object with "Object(null,2,3)"
--- |
616 |
S15.2.1.1_A3_T3.js |
info: |
Since calling Object as a function is identical to calling a function,
list of arguments bracketing is allowed
description: Creating an object with "Object((null,2,3),1,2)"
--- |
770 |
S15.2.2.1_A1_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with no arguments the following steps are taken:
(The argument value was not supplied or its type was Null or Undefined.)
i) Create a new native ECMAScript object.
ii) The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.
iii) The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".
iv) The newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.
v) Return the newly created native object
description: Creating new Object() and checking its properties
--- |
1472 |
S15.2.2.1_A1_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with no arguments the following steps are taken:
(The argument value was not supplied or its type was Null or Undefined.)
i) Create a new native ECMAScript object.
ii) The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.
iii) The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".
iv) The newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.
v) Return the newly created native object
description: Creating new Object(void 0) and checking its properties
--- |
1504 |
S15.2.2.1_A1_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with no arguments the following steps are taken:
(The argument value was not supplied or its type was Null or Undefined.)
i) Create a new native ECMAScript object.
ii) The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.
iii) The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".
iv) The newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.
v) Return the newly created native object
description: Creating new Object(null) and checking its properties
--- |
1480 |
S15.2.2.1_A1_T4.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with no arguments the following steps are taken:
(The argument value was not supplied or its type was Null or Undefined.)
i) Create a new native ECMAScript object.
ii) The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.
iii) The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".
iv) The newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.
v) Return the newly created native object
description: Creating new Object(undefined) and checking its properties
--- |
1490 |
S15.2.2.1_A1_T5.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with no arguments the following steps are taken:
(The argument value was not supplied or its type was Null or Undefined.)
i) Create a new native ECMAScript object.
ii) The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed object is set to the Object prototype object.
iii) The [[Class]] property of the newly constructed object is set to "Object".
iv) The newly constructed object has no [[Value]] property.
v) Return the newly created native object
description: >
Creating new Object(x), where x is "undefined", and checking it
--- |
1516 |
S15.2.2.1_A2_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the value is a native ECMAScript object, do not create a new object but simply return value
description: The value is Object
--- |
629 |
S15.2.2.1_A2_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the value is a native ECMAScript object, do not create a new object but simply return value
description: The value is a function variable
--- |
628 |
S15.2.2.1_A2_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the value is a native ECMAScript object, do not create a new object but simply return value
description: The value is an array
--- |
631 |
S15.2.2.1_A2_T5.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the value is a native ECMAScript object, do not create a new object but simply return value
description: The value is a Date object
--- |
712 |
S15.2.2.1_A2_T6.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the value is a native ECMAScript object, do not create a new object but simply return value
description: The value is a declared function
--- |
621 |
S15.2.2.1_A2_T7.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the value is a native ECMAScript object, do not create a new object but simply return value
description: The value is a function declaration
--- |
867 |
S15.2.2.1_A3_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is String, return ToObject(string)
description: Argument value is a nonempty string
--- |
938 |
S15.2.2.1_A3_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is String, return ToObject(string)
description: Argument value is an empty string
--- |
921 |
S15.2.2.1_A3_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is String, return ToObject(string)
description: Argument value is sum of empty string and number
--- |
794 |
S15.2.2.1_A4_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Boolean, return ToObject(boolean)
description: Argument value is "true"
--- |
937 |
S15.2.2.1_A4_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Boolean, return ToObject(boolean)
description: Argument value is "false"
--- |
939 |
S15.2.2.1_A4_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Boolean, return ToObject(boolean)
description: Argument value is boolean expression
--- |
814 |
S15.2.2.1_A5_T1.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Number, return ToObject(number)
description: Argument value is any number
--- |
917 |
S15.2.2.1_A5_T2.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Number, return ToObject(number)
description: Argument value is NaN
--- |
723 |
S15.2.2.1_A5_T3.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Number, return ToObject(number)
description: Argument value is Infinity
--- |
920 |
S15.2.2.1_A5_T4.js |
info: |
When the Object constructor is called with one argument value and
the type of value is Number, return ToObject(number)
description: Argument value is numeric expression
--- |
801 |
S15.2.2.1_A6_T1.js |
info: |
Since calling Object as a function is identical to calling a function,
list of arguments bracketing is allowed
description: Creating an object with "new Object(1,2,3)"
--- |
757 |
S15.2.2.1_A6_T2.js |
info: |
Since calling Object as a function is identical to calling a function,
list of arguments bracketing is allowed
description: Creating an object with "new Object(null,2,3)"
--- |
624 |
S15.2.2.1_A6_T3.js |
info: |
Since calling Object as a function is identical to calling a function,
list of arguments bracketing is allowed
description: Creating an object with "new Object((null,2,3),2,3)"
--- |
776 |
S15.2.3_A1.js |
info: The Object constructor has the property "prototype"
es5id: 15.2.3_A1
description: Checking existence of the property "prototype"
--- |
430 |
S15.2.3_A2.js |
info: |
The value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of the Object constructor
is the Function prototype object
es5id: 15.2.3_A2
description: Checking Function.prototype.isPrototypeOf(Object)
--- |
511 |
S15.2.3_A3.js |
info: Object constructor has length property whose value is 1
es5id: 15.2.3_A3
description: Checking Object.length
--- |
493 |
S15.2_A1.js |
info: Object is the property of global
es5id: 15.2_A1
description: Checking if Object equals to this.Object
--- |
417 |
seal |
setPrototypeOf |
shell.js |
description: |
Test if a given function is a constructor function.
defines: [isConstructor]
features: [Reflect.construct]
--- |
596 |
subclass-object-arg.js |
esid: sec-object-value
author: Matthew Phillips <>
description: >
NewTarget is active function and subclass of Object
info: |
Object ( [ value ] )
1. If NewTarget is neither undefined nor the active function, then
a. Return ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%ObjectPrototype%").
features: [class, Reflect, Reflect.construct]
--- |
836 |
symbol_object-returns-fresh-symbol.js |
description: >
Object(sym) returns a fresh Symbol object
features: [Symbol]
--- |
489 |
values |