browser.js |
0 |
cause-property.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
AggregateError constructor creates own cause property
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message[ , options ] )
4. Perform ? InstallErrorCause(O, options).
InstallErrorCause ( O, options )
1. If Type(options) is Object and ? HasProperty(options, "cause") is true, then
a. Let cause be ? Get(options, "cause").
b. Perform ! CreateNonEnumerableDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "cause", cause).
features: [AggregateError, error-cause]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
1133 |
errors-iterabletolist-failures.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Return abrupt completion from IterableToList(errors)
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
3. Let errorsList be ? IterableToList(errors).
4. Set O.[[AggregateErrors]] to errorsList.
6. Return O.
Runtime Semantics: IterableToList ( items [ , method ] )
1. If method is present, then
2. Else,
b. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, sync).
3. Let values be a new empty List.
4. Let next be true.
5. Repeat, while next is not false
a. Set next to ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
b. If next is not false, then
i. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
ii. Append nextValue to the end of the List values.
6. Return values.
GetIterator ( obj [ , hint [ , method ] ] )
3. If method is not present, then
a. If hint is async, then
b. Otherwise, set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
4. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
5. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
6. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
8. Return iteratorRecord.
features: [AggregateError, Symbol.iterator]
--- |
3758 |
errors-iterabletolist.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Iteration of errors
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
3. Let errorsList be ? IterableToList(errors).
4. Set O.[[AggregateErrors]] to errorsList.
6. Return O.
Runtime Semantics: IterableToList ( items [ , method ] )
1. If method is present, then
2. Else,
b. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, sync).
3. Let values be a new empty List.
4. Let next be true.
5. Repeat, while next is not false
a. Set next to ? IteratorStep(iteratorRecord).
b. If next is not false, then
i. Let nextValue be ? IteratorValue(next).
ii. Append nextValue to the end of the List values.
6. Return values.
GetIterator ( obj [ , hint [ , method ] ] )
3. If method is not present, then
a. If hint is async, then
b. Otherwise, set method to ? GetMethod(obj, @@iterator).
4. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj).
5. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
6. Let nextMethod be ? GetV(iterator, "next").
8. Return iteratorRecord.
features: [AggregateError, Symbol.iterator]
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
1795 |
is-a-constructor.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects
description: >
The AggregateError constructor implements [[Construct]]
info: |
IsConstructor ( argument )
The abstract operation IsConstructor takes argument argument (an ECMAScript language value).
It determines if argument is a function object with a [[Construct]] internal method.
It performs the following steps when called:
If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
Return false.
includes: [isConstructor.js]
features: [Reflect.construct, AggregateError]
--- |
888 |
length.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: AggregateError.length property descriptor
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects
Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a length
property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this
value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the
subclause headings for the function description. Optional parameters
(which are indicated with brackets: [ ]) or rest parameters (which
are shown using the form «») are not included in the default
argument count.
Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in
function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false,
[[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
1128 |
message-method-prop-cast.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Cast ToString values of message in the created method property
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
5. If message is not undefined, then
a. Let msg be ? ToString(message).
b. Perform ! CreateMethodProperty(O, "message", msg).
6. Return O.
CreateMethodProperty ( O, P, V )
3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
features: [AggregateError]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
1584 |
message-method-prop.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Creates a method property for message
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
5. If message is not undefined, then
a. Let msg be ? ToString(message).
b. Perform ! CreateMethodProperty(O, "message", msg).
6. Return O.
CreateMethodProperty ( O, P, V )
3. Let newDesc be the PropertyDescriptor { [[Value]]: V, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
4. Return ? O.[[DefineOwnProperty]](P, newDesc).
features: [AggregateError]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
879 |
message-tostring-abrupt-symbol.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Abrupt completions of ToString(Symbol message)
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
5. If message is not undefined, then
a. Let msg be ? ToString(message).
b. Perform ! CreateMethodProperty(O, "message", msg).
6. Return O.
features: [AggregateError, Symbol, Symbol.toPrimitive]
--- |
878 |
message-tostring-abrupt.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Abrupt completions of ToString(message)
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
5. If message is not undefined, then
a. Let msg be ? ToString(message).
b. Perform ! CreateMethodProperty(O, "message", msg).
6. Return O.
features: [AggregateError, Symbol.toPrimitive]
--- |
1202 |
message-undefined-no-prop.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
If message is undefined, no property will be set to the new instance
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
5. If message is not undefined, then
a. Let msg be ? ToString(message).
b. Perform ! CreateMethodProperty(O, "message", msg).
6. Return O.
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
792 |
name.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: property descriptor
info: |
Properties of the AggregateError Constructor
- has a name property whose value is the String value "AggregateError".
17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects
Every built-in function object, including constructors, that is not
identified as an anonymous function has a name property whose value
is a String. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the name that
is given to the function in this specification. For functions that
are specified as properties of objects, the name value is the
property name string used to access the function. [...]
Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in function
object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false,
[[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
1196 |
newtarget-is-undefined.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
NewTarget is undefined
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
1. If NewTarget is undefined, let newTarget be the active function object, else let newTarget be NewTarget.
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
560 |
newtarget-proto-custom.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Use a custom NewTarget prototype
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
1. If NewTarget is undefined, let newTarget be the active function object, else let newTarget be NewTarget.
2. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%AggregateError.prototype%", « [[ErrorData]], [[AggregateErrors]] »).
6. Return O.
OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
Return proto.
features: [AggregateError, Reflect.construct]
--- |
1442 |
newtarget-proto-fallback.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Fallback to the NewTarget's [[Prototype]] if the prototype property is not an object
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
1. If NewTarget is undefined, let newTarget be the active function object, else let newTarget be NewTarget.
2. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%AggregateError.prototype%", « [[ErrorData]], [[AggregateErrors]] »).
6. Return O.
OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
Return proto.
features: [AggregateError, Symbol]
--- |
1673 |
newtarget-proto.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Default prototype is the %AggregateError.prototype%"
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
1. If NewTarget is undefined, let newTarget be the active function object, else let newTarget be NewTarget.
2. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%AggregateError.prototype%", « [[ErrorData]], [[AggregateErrors]] »).
6. Return O.
OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
Return proto.
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
1250 |
order-of-args-evaluation.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Process arguments in superclass-then-subclass order
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
TODO: get updated prose
features: [AggregateError, Symbol.iterator]
includes: [promiseHelper.js]
--- |
791 |
prop-desc.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: >
Property descriptor of AggregateError
info: |
The AggregateError Object
ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects:
Every other data property described in clauses 18 through 26 and in Annex B.2
has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false,
[[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
738 |
proto-from-ctor-realm.js |
esid: sec-aggregate-error
description: Default [[Prototype]] value derived from realm of the NewTarget.
info: |
AggregateError ( errors, message )
1. If NewTarget is undefined, let newTarget be the active function object, else let newTarget be NewTarget.
2. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%AggregateError.prototype%", « [[ErrorData]], [[AggregateErrors]] »).
6. Return O.
OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] )
2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto).
3. Return ObjectCreate(proto, internalSlotsList).
GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto )
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, 'prototype').
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Set proto to realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
5. Return proto.
features: [AggregateError, cross-realm, Reflect, Symbol]
--- |
2477 |
proto.js |
description: The prototype of AggregateError constructor is Error
esid: sec-aggregate-error
info: |
Properties of the AggregateError Constructor
- has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is the intrinsic object %Error%.
features: [AggregateError]
--- |
504 |
prototype |
shell.js |
description: |
Test if a given function is a constructor function.
defines: [isConstructor]
features: [Reflect.construct]
--- |
3034 |