browser.js |
0 |
cause_abrupt.js |
description: InstallErrorCause on abrupt completions
info: |
Error ( message [ , options ] )
4. Perform ? InstallErrorCause(O, options).
... InstallErrorCause ( O, options )
1. If Type(options) is Object and ? HasProperty(options, "cause") is true, then
a. Let cause be ? Get(options, "cause").
b. Perform ! CreateNonEnumerableDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "cause", cause).
esid: sec-error-message
features: [error-cause]
--- |
1426 |
cause_property.js |
description: Error constructor creates own cause property
info: |
Error ( message [ , options ] )
4. Perform ? InstallErrorCause(O, options).
... InstallErrorCause ( O, options )
1. If Type(options) is Object and ? HasProperty(options, "cause") is true, then
a. Let cause be ? Get(options, "cause").
b. Perform ! CreateNonEnumerableDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "cause", cause).
esid: sec-error-message
features: [error-cause]
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
1027 |
constructor.js |
description: Error constructor creates own properties in sequence
info: |
Error ( message [ , options ] )
4. Perform ? InstallErrorCause(O, options).
esid: sec-error-message
features: [error-cause]
includes: [compareArray.js]
--- |
777 |
instance-prototype.js |
esid: sec-error.prototype
description: >
The initial value of Error.prototype is the Error prototype object.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
669 |
internal-prototype.js |
esid: sec-properties-of-the-error-constructor
description: >
The Error constructor has a [[Prototype]] internal slot whose value is %Function.prototype%.
--- |
628 |
is-a-constructor.js |
esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects
description: >
The Error constructor implements [[Construct]]
info: |
IsConstructor ( argument )
The abstract operation IsConstructor takes argument argument (an ECMAScript language value).
It determines if argument is a function object with a [[Construct]] internal method.
It performs the following steps when called:
If Type(argument) is not Object, return false.
If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true.
Return false.
includes: [isConstructor.js]
features: [Reflect.construct]
--- |
834 |
isError |
length.js |
info: The length property value is 1
es5id: 15.11.3_A2_T1
description: Checking length property
--- |
473 |
message_property.js |
description: Error constructor creates own message property
info: | Error ( message )
c. Let msgDesc be the PropertyDescriptor{[[Value]]: msg, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true}.
d. Let status be DefinePropertyOrThrow(O, "message", msgDesc).
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
727 |
name.js |
description: >
The initial value of is "Error".
--- |
317 |
prop-desc.js |
esid: sec-constructor-properties-of-the-global-object-error
description: Property descriptor for Error
info: |
Every other data property described in clauses 18 through 26 and in Annex B.2
has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false,
[[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified.
includes: [propertyHelper.js]
--- |
596 |
proto-from-ctor-realm.js |
esid: sec-error-message
description: Default [[Prototype]] value derived from realm of the newTarget
info: |
2. Let O be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(newTarget, "%ErrorPrototype%",
« [[ErrorData]] »).
9.1.14 GetPrototypeFromConstructor
3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").
4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then
a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor).
b. Let proto be realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto.
features: [cross-realm, Reflect]
--- |
931 |
prototype |
shell.js |
description: |
Test if a given function is a constructor function.
defines: [isConstructor]
features: [Reflect.construct]
--- |
596 |
the-initial-value-of-errorprototypemessage-is-the-empty-string.js |
esid: sec-error.prototype.message
description: The initial value of Error.prototype.message is the empty String.
--- |
662 |
tostring-1.js |
esid: sec-object.prototype.tostring
description: >
Else if O has an [[ErrorData]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Error".
--- |
576 |
tostring-2.js |
esid: sec-object.prototype.tostring
description: >
Else if O has an [[ErrorData]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Error".
--- |
580 |