Name Description Size
browser.js 0
length.js --- esid: sec-date.parse description: > Date.parse.length is 1. info: | Date.parse ( string ) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a "length" property whose value is a non-negative integral Number. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the number of required parameters shown in the subclause heading for the function description. Optional parameters and rest parameters are not included in the parameter count. Unless otherwise specified, the "length" property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1000
name.js --- esid: sec-date.parse description: > is "parse". info: | Date.parse ( string ) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous function has a name property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in Function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 814
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects description: > Date.parse does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | ECMAScript Function Objects Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. sec-evaluatenew ... 7. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function] --- 862
prop-desc.js --- esid: sec-date.parse description: > Property descriptor for Date.parse. info: | Date.parse ( string ) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every other data property described in clauses 19 through 28 and in Annex B.2 has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 650
shell.js 0
time-value-maximum-range.js --- esid: sec-date.parse description: > Date.parse return value is limited to specified time value maximum range info: | Date.parse ( string ) parse interprets the resulting String as a date and time; it returns a Number, the UTC time value corresponding to the date and time. A Date object contains a Number indicating a particular instant in time to within a millisecond. Such a Number is called a time value. The actual range of times supported by ECMAScript Date objects is slightly smaller: exactly -100,000,000 days to 100,000,000 days measured relative to midnight at the beginning of 01 January, 1970 UTC. This gives a range of 8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds to either side of 01 January, 1970 UTC. --- 1649
without-utc-offset.js --- esid: sec-date.parse description: > Offsetless date-time strings are local time, offsetless date-only strings are UTC time info: | Date.parse ( string ) When the UTC offset representation is absent, date-only forms are interpreted as a UTC time and date-time forms are interpreted as a local time. --- 677
year-zero.js --- esid: sec-expanded-years description: Negative zero, as an extended year, is rejected info: | The year 0 is considered positive and must be prefixed with a + sign. The representation of the year 0 as -000000 is invalid. --- 618
zero.js --- esid: sec-date.parse description: > Date.parse of toString/toUTCString/toISOString of zero value is zero info: | Date.parse ( string ) If x is any Date object whose milliseconds amount is zero within a particular implementation of ECMAScript, then all of the following expressions should produce the same numeric value in that implementation, if all the properties referenced have their initial values: x.valueOf() Date.parse(x.toString()) Date.parse(x.toUTCString()) Date.parse(x.toISOString()) --- 1071