Name Description Size
bad-range.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Test range checking of Atomics.wait on arrays that allow atomic operations info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 1. Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... includes: [testAtomics.js] features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, BigInt, DataView, SharedArrayBuffer, Symbol, TypedArray] --- 1069
browser.js 0
cannot-suspend-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Atomics.wait throws if agent cannot be suspended, CanBlock is false info: | Assuming [[CanBlock]] is false for the main host. Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) ... (after args validation) 6. Let B be AgentCanSuspend(). 7. If B is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] flags: [CanBlockIsFalse] --- 1088
false-for-timeout-agent.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > False timeout arg should result in an +0 timeout info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 4. Let q be ? ToNumber(timeout). Boolean -> If argument is true, return 1. If argument is false, return +0. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2125
false-for-timeout.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > False timeout arg should result in an +0 timeout info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 4. Let q be ? ToNumber(timeout). Boolean -> If argument is true, return 1. If argument is false, return +0. features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, Symbol, Symbol.toPrimitive, TypedArray] flags: [CanBlockIsTrue] --- 1534
nan-for-timeout.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > NaN timeout arg should result in an infinite timeout info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 4.Let q be ? ToNumber(timeout). ... Undefined Return NaN. 5.If q is NaN, let t be +∞, else let t be max(q, 0) includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1536
negative-index-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Throws a RangeError is index < 0 info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 2.Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... 2.Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). ... 2.b If integerIndex < 0, throw a RangeError exception features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1411
negative-timeout-agent.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Test that Atomics.wait times out with a negative timeout includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1361
negative-timeout.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Test that Atomics.wait times out with a negative timeout features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] flags: [CanBlockIsTrue] --- 904
no-spurious-wakeup-no-operation.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Test that Atomics.wait returns the right result when it timed out and that the time to time out is reasonable. info: | 17. Let awoken be Suspend(WL, W, t). 18. If awoken is true, then a. Assert: W is not on the list of waiters in WL. 19. Else, a.Perform RemoveWaiter(WL, W). includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1965
no-spurious-wakeup-on-add.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously notify on index which is subject to Add operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1730
no-spurious-wakeup-on-and.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously nofity on index which is subject to And operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1730
no-spurious-wakeup-on-compareExchange.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously notify on index which is subject to compareExchange operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1756
no-spurious-wakeup-on-exchange.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously notify on index which is subject to exchange operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1738
no-spurious-wakeup-on-or.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously notify on index which is subject to Or operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1726
no-spurious-wakeup-on-store.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Demonstrates that is causing a waiting includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1718
no-spurious-wakeup-on-sub.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously notify on index which is subject to Sub operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1728
no-spurious-wakeup-on-xor.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Waiter does not spuriously notify on index which is subject to xor operation includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1728
non-bigint64-typedarray-throws.js --- esid: sec-validatesharedintegertypedarray description: > Throws a TypeError if typedArray arg is not a BigInt64Array info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 1.Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray [ , waitable ] ) ... 5. If waitable is true, then a. If typeName is not "BigInt64Array", throw a TypeError exception. features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer] --- 1314
non-shared-bufferdata-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Throws a TypeError if typedArray.buffer is not a SharedArrayBuffer info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 1.Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... 9.If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... 4.If bufferData is a Data Block, return false. features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, BigInt, TypedArray] --- 1069
null-bufferdata-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > A null value for bufferData throws a TypeError info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 1.Let buffer be ? ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray, true). ... ValidateSharedIntegerTypedArray(typedArray [ , onlyInt32 ] ) ... 9.If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, throw a TypeError exception. IsSharedArrayBuffer( obj ) ... 3.If bufferData is null, return false. includes: [detachArrayBuffer.js] features: [ArrayBuffer, Atomics, BigInt, TypedArray] --- 1332
out-of-range-index-throws.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Throws a RangeError if value of index arg is out of range info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 2.Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... 2.Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). ... 5. If accessIndex ≥ length, throw a RangeError exception. features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1337
shell.js 0
value-not-equal.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Returns "not-equal" when value arg does not match an index in the typedArray info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 3.Let v be ? ToBigInt64(value). ... 14.If v is not equal to w, then a.Perform LeaveCriticalSection(WL). b. Return the String "not-equal". includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 1883
waiterlist-block-indexedposition-wake.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Get the correct WaiterList info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) ... 11. Let WL be GetWaiterList(block, indexedPosition). ... GetWaiterList( block, i ) ... 4. Return the WaiterList that is referenced by the pair (block, i). includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2365
waiterlist-order-of-operations-is-fifo.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > New waiters should be applied to the end of the list and woken by order they entered the list (FIFO) info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 16.Perform AddWaiter(WL, W). ... 3.Add W to the end of the list of waiters in WL. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2988
was-woken-before-timeout.js --- esid: sec-atomics.wait description: > Test that Atomics.wait returns the right result when it was awoken before a timeout info: | Atomics.wait( typedArray, index, value, timeout ) 2.Let i be ? ValidateAtomicAccess(typedArray, index). ... 2.Let accessIndex be ? ToIndex(requestIndex). 9.If IsSharedArrayBuffer(buffer) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... 3.If bufferData is a Data Block, return false If value is undefined, then Let index be 0. includes: [atomicsHelper.js] features: [Atomics, BigInt, SharedArrayBuffer, TypedArray] --- 2075