Name Description Size
block-decl-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 1545
block-decl-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 706
block-decl-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1337
block-decl-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 746
block-decl-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1332
block-decl-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 667
block-decl-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1302
block-decl-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1044
block-decl-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1511
block-decl-func-skip-arguments.js --- description: Functions named 'arguments' have legacy hoisting semantics esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [noStrict] info: | FunctionDeclarationInstantiation ( _func_, _argumentsList_ ) [...] 7. Let _parameterNames_ be the BoundNames of _formals_. [...] 22. If argumentsObjectNeeded is true, then f. Append "arguments" to parameterNames. Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the |FunctionDeclaration| _f_ with a |VariableStatement| that has _F_ as a |BindingIdentifier| would not produce any Early Errors for _func_ and _F_ is not an element of _parameterNames_, then [...] --- 1775
block-decl-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 995
block-decl-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1339
block-decl-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1352
block-decl-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1345
block-decl-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1345
block-decl-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1363
block-decl-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1763
block-decl-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1013
block-decl-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 987
block-decl-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (Block statement in function scope containing a function declaration) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1253
block-decl-nested-blocks-with-fun-decl.js --- esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > Nested function declarations, the second declaration is not Annex-B applicable. info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation 1. If strict is false, then a. For each FunctionDeclaration f that is directly contained in the StatementList of a Block, CaseClause, or DefaultClause, do i. Let F be StringValue of the BindingIdentifier of FunctionDeclaration f. ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of parameterNames, then ... flags: [noStrict] --- 1408
block-decl-nostrict.js --- esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > AnnexB extension not honored in strict mode, Block statement in function code containing a function declaration info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation 1. If strict is false, then ... flags: [noStrict] --- 758
browser.js 0
function-redeclaration-block.js --- description: In non-strict mode, duplicate LexicallyDeclaredNames in a block are allowed if they are bound by FunctionDeclarations esid: sec-block-duplicates-allowed-static-semantics es6id: B.3.3.4 flags: [noStrict] info: | B.3.3.4 Changes to Block Static Semantics: Early Errors For web browser compatibility, that rule is modified with the addition of the **highlighted** text: Block: {StatementList} It is a Syntax Error if the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList contains any duplicate entries, **unless the source code matching this production is not strict mode code and the duplicate entries are only bound by FunctionDeclarations**. --- 863
function-redeclaration-switch.js --- description: In non-strict mode, duplicate LexicallyDeclaredNames in a switch statement's CaseBlock are allowed if they are bound by FunctionDeclarations esid: sec-switch-duplicates-allowed-static-semantics es6id: B.3.3.5 flags: [noStrict] info: | B.3.3.4 Changes to Block Static Semantics: Early Errors For web browser compatibility, that rule is modified with the addition of the **highlighted** text: Block: {StatementList} It is a Syntax Error if the LexicallyDeclaredNames of StatementList contains any duplicate entries, **unless the source code matching this production is not strict mode code and the duplicate entries are only bound by FunctionDeclarations**. B.3.3.5 Changes to switch Statement Static Semantics: Early Errors For web browser compatibility, that rule is modified with the addition of the **highlighted** text: SwitchStatement: switch ( Expression ) CaseBlock It is a Syntax Error if the LexicallyDeclaredNames of CaseBlock contains any duplicate entries, **unless the source code matching this production is not strict mode code and the duplicate entries are only bound by FunctionDeclarations**. --- 1399
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 2059
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1220
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1851
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1260
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1846
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1181
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1816
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1558
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2025
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1509
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1853
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1866
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1859
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1859
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1877
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2277
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1527
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1501
if-decl-else-decl-a-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1767
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 2060
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1221
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1852
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1261
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1847
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1182
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1817
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1559
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2026
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1510
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1854
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1867
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1860
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1860
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1878
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2278
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1528
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1502
if-decl-else-decl-b-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in both statement positions in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1768
if-decl-else-stmt-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 2046
if-decl-else-stmt-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1207
if-decl-else-stmt-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1838
if-decl-else-stmt-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1247
if-decl-else-stmt-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1833
if-decl-else-stmt-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1168
if-decl-else-stmt-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1803
if-decl-else-stmt-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1545
if-decl-else-stmt-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2012
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1496
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1840
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1853
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1846
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1846
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1864
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2264
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1514
if-decl-else-stmt-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1488
if-decl-else-stmt-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in the first statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1754
if-decl-no-else-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 2009
if-decl-no-else-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1170
if-decl-no-else-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1801
if-decl-no-else-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1210
if-decl-no-else-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1796
if-decl-no-else-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1131
if-decl-no-else-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1766
if-decl-no-else-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1508
if-decl-no-else-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1975
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1459
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1803
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1816
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1809
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1809
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1827
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2227
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1477
if-decl-no-else-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1451
if-decl-no-else-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (IfStatement without an else clause in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1717
if-stmt-else-decl-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 2048
if-stmt-else-decl-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1209
if-stmt-else-decl-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1840
if-stmt-else-decl-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1249
if-stmt-else-decl-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1835
if-stmt-else-decl-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 1170
if-stmt-else-decl-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1805
if-stmt-else-decl-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1547
if-stmt-else-decl-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2014
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1498
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1842
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1855
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1848
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1848
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1866
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 2266
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1516
if-stmt-else-decl-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1490
if-stmt-else-decl-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (IfStatement with a declaration in the second statement position in function scope) esid: sec-functiondeclarations-in-ifstatement-statement-clauses flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | The following rules for IfStatement augment those in 13.6: IfStatement[Yield, Return]: if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else Statement[?Yield, ?Return] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) Statement[?Yield, ?Return] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] else FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] if ( Expression[In, ?Yield] ) FunctionDeclaration[?Yield] B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1756
shell.js 0
switch-case-decl-nostrict.js --- esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > AnnexB extension not honored in strict mode, Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function code info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation 1. If strict is false, then ... flags: [noStrict] --- 799
switch-case-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 1592
switch-case-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 753
switch-case-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1384
switch-case-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 793
switch-case-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1379
switch-case-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 714
switch-case-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1349
switch-case-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1091
switch-case-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1558
switch-case-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1042
switch-case-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1386
switch-case-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1399
switch-case-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1392
switch-case-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1392
switch-case-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1410
switch-case-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1810
switch-case-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1060
switch-case-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1034
switch-case-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (Function declaration in the `case` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1300
switch-dflt-decl-nostrict.js --- esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation description: > AnnexB extension not honored in strict mode, Function declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function code info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation 1. If strict is false, then ... flags: [noStrict] --- 803
switch-dflt-func-block-scoping.js --- description: A block-scoped binding is created (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | 13.2.14 Runtime Semantics: BlockDeclarationInstantiation [...] 4. For each element d in declarations do a. For each element dn of the BoundNames of d do i. If IsConstantDeclaration of d is true, then [...] ii. Else, 2. Perform ! envRec.CreateMutableBinding(dn, false). b. If d is a GeneratorDeclaration production or a FunctionDeclaration production, then i. Let fn be the sole element of the BoundNames of d. ii. Let fo be the result of performing InstantiateFunctionObject for d with argument env. iii. Perform envRec.InitializeBinding(fn, fo). --- 1595
switch-dflt-func-existing-block-fn-no-init.js --- description: Does not re-initialize binding created by similar forms (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 756
switch-dflt-func-existing-block-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1387
switch-dflt-func-existing-fn-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 796
switch-dflt-func-existing-fn-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1382
switch-dflt-func-existing-var-no-init.js --- description: Existing variable binding is not modified (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then [...] --- 717
switch-dflt-func-existing-var-update.js --- description: Variable-scoped binding is updated following evaluation (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1352
switch-dflt-func-init.js --- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] --- 1094
switch-dflt-func-no-skip-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1561
switch-dflt-func-skip-dft-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a default parameter with the same name (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1045
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err-block.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Block statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1389
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err-for-in.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1402
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err-for-of.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for-of statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1395
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err-for.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (for statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1395
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err-switch.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (switch statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1413
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err-try.js --- description: Extension is observed when creation of variable binding would not produce an early error (try statement) (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 2. If instantiatedVarNames does not contain F, then a. Perform ! varEnvRec.CreateMutableBinding(F, false). b. Perform varEnvRec.InitializeBinding(F, undefined). c. Append F to instantiatedVarNames. [...] B.3.5 VariableStatements in Catch Blocks [...] - It is a Syntax Error if any element of the BoundNames of CatchParameter also occurs in the VarDeclaredNames of Block unless CatchParameter is CatchParameter:BindingIdentifier and that element is only bound by a VariableStatement, the VariableDeclarationList of a for statement, or the ForBinding of a for-in statement. --- 1813
switch-dflt-func-skip-early-err.js --- description: Extension not observed when creation of variable binding would produce an early error (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1063
switch-dflt-func-skip-param.js --- description: Extension not observed when there is a formal parameter with the same name (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] ii. If replacing the FunctionDeclaration f with a VariableStatement that has F as a BindingIdentifier would not produce any Early Errors for func and F is not an element of BoundNames of argumentsList, then [...] --- 1037
switch-dflt-func-update.js --- description: Variable binding value is updated following evaluation (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in function scope) esid: sec-web-compat-functiondeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] info: | B.3.3.1 Changes to FunctionDeclarationInstantiation [...] 3. When the FunctionDeclaration f is evaluated, perform the following steps in place of the FunctionDeclaration Evaluation algorithm provided in 14.1.21: a. Let fenv be the running execution context's VariableEnvironment. b. Let fenvRec be fenv's EnvironmentRecord. c. Let benv be the running execution context's LexicalEnvironment. d. Let benvRec be benv's EnvironmentRecord. e. Let fobj be ! benvRec.GetBindingValue(F, false). f. Perform ! fenvRec.SetMutableBinding(F, fobj, false). g. Return NormalCompletion(empty). --- 1303