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browser.js 0
iterator-method-emulates-undefined.js --- esid: sec-%typedarray%.from description: > [[IsHTMLDDA]] object as @@iterator method gets called. info: | %TypedArray%.from ( source [ , mapfn [ , thisArg ] ] ) [...] 5. Let usingIterator be ? GetMethod(items, @@iterator). 6. If usingIterator is not undefined, then a. Let values be ? IterableToList(source, usingIterator). IterableToList ( items, method ) 1. Let iteratorRecord be ? GetIterator(items, sync, method). GetIterator ( obj [ , hint [ , method ] ] ) [...] 4. Let iterator be ? Call(method, obj). 5. If Type(iterator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. includes: [testTypedArray.js] features: [Symbol.iterator, TypedArray, IsHTMLDDA] --- 1089
shell.js --- description: | Collection of functions used to assert the correctness of TypedArray objects. defines: - floatArrayConstructors - nonClampedIntArrayConstructors - intArrayConstructors - typedArrayConstructors - TypedArray - testWithTypedArrayConstructors - nonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors - testWithAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors - testWithNonAtomicsFriendlyTypedArrayConstructors - testTypedArrayConversions --- 5052