Name Description Size
.ignore.js 1
browser.js 21
empty.js 0
frontmatter-string.js --- Information --- 246
implicit-includes.js --- includes: [include.js] --- 277
IsHTMLDDA.js 156
modeline.js -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 268
multi-header.js --- author: Jeff Walden <> esid: sec-let-and-const-declarations description: > Outside AsyncFunction, |await| is a perfectly cromulent LexicalDeclaration variable name. Therefore ASI doesn't apply, and so the |0| where a |=| was expected is a syntax error. negative: phase: early type: SyntaxError --- 617
no-frontmatter.js 220
public-domain.js 205
reftest-and-frontmatter-error.js --- esid: sec-let-and-const-declarations description: > Outside AsyncFunction, |await| is a perfectly cromulent LexicalDeclaration variable name. Therefore ASI doesn't apply, and so the |0| where a |=| was expected is a syntax error. negative: phase: runtime type: SyntaxError --- 529
reftest-error-syntaxerror.js --- author: Jeff Walden <> esid: sec-let-and-const-declarations description: > Outside AsyncFunction, |await| is a perfectly cromulent LexicalDeclaration variable name. Therefore ASI doesn't apply, and so the |0| where a |=| was expected is a syntax error. --- 498
reftest-info.js --- info: Information --- 225
regular.js --- author: Jeff Walden <> esid: sec-let-and-const-declarations description: > |await| is excluded from LexicalDeclaration by grammar parameter, in AsyncFunction. Therefore |let| followed by |await| inside AsyncFunction is an ASI opportunity, and this code must parse without error. --- 544
reportCompare.js --- description: reportCompare --- 1190
shell.js 21
strict-double.js 233
strict-single.js 233