boundFunctionSubclassing.js |
1163 |
browser.js |
0 |
bytecodePatternMatching.js |
525 |
classConstructorNoCall.js |
572 |
classHeritage.js |
2925 |
className.js |
6855 |
classPrototype.js |
2962 |
compPropDestr.js |
247 |
compPropNames.js |
6528 |
constructorCalled.js |
1163 |
defaultConstructorBase.js |
513 |
defaultConstructorDerivedSpread.js |
Make sure that the default derived class constructor has the required spread semantics.
Test credit André Bargull
583 |
defaultConstructorNotCallable.js |
211 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalBinding.js |
332 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalClosed.js |
277 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalEscape.js |
217 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalEscapeUninitialized.js |
846 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalGetThis.js |
225 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalNestedSuperCall.js |
754 |
derivedConstructorArrowEvalSuperCall.js |
418 |
derivedConstructorInlining.js |
486 |
derivedConstructorName.js |
181 |
derivedConstructorReturnPrimitive.js |
525 |
derivedConstructorTDZExplicitThis.js |
257 |
derivedConstructorTDZOffEdge.js |
259 |
derivedConstructorTDZReturnAliasedTry.js |
282 |
derivedConstructorTDZReturnObject.js |
282 |
derivedConstructorTDZReturnTry.js |
294 |
derivedConstructorTDZReturnUndefined.js |
385 |
extendBuiltinConstructors.js |
3005 |
fields-instance-class-name-binding-eval.js |
704 |
fields-instance-class-name-binding.js |
672 |
fields-static-class-name-binding-eval.js |
1150 |
fields-static-class-name-binding.js |
1102 |
geterNoExprClosure.js |
366 |
innerBinding.js |
2489 |
member-expr-after-super.js |
1163 |
methDefn.js |
4575 |
methDefnGen.js |
2032 |
method-named-static.js |
1827 |
methodInstallation.js |
4162 |
methodName.js |
1142 |
methodOverwrites.js |
2683 |
methodsPrototype.js |
974 |
newTargetArgumentsIntact.js |
1162 |
newTargetArrow.js |
803 |
newTargetBound.js |
350 |
newTargetCCW.js |
306 |
newTargetDefaults.js |
749 |
newTargetDirectInvoke.js |
1485 |
newTargetDVG.js |
160 |
newTargetEval.js |
1070 |
newTargetGenerators.js |
403 |
newTargetMethods.js |
1598 |
newTargetNonFunction.js |
323 |
newTargetProxyNative.js |
132 |
outerBinding.js |
1149 |
parenExprToString.js |
258 |
shell.js |
336 |
staticConstructor.js |
407 |
staticMethods.js |
370 |
strictExecution.js |
1191 |
stringConstructor.js |
262 |
subclassedArrayUnboxed.js |
387 |
superCallBadDynamicSuperClass.js |
380 |
superCallBadNewTargetPrototype.js |
684 |
superCallBaseInvoked.js |
1437 |
superCallIllegal.js |
298 |
superCallInvalidBase.js |
263 |
superCallOrder.js |
707 |
superCallProperBase.js |
570 |
superCallSpreadCall.js |
491 |
superCallThisInit.js |
1147 |
superElemDelete.js |
1311 |
superPropBasicCalls.js |
637 |
superPropBasicChain.js |
186 |
superPropBasicGetter.js |
658 |
superPropBasicNew.js |
342 |
superPropChains.js |
1378 |
superPropDelete.js |
1620 |
superPropDerivedCalls.js |
1697 |
superPropDestructuring.js |
1153 |
superPropDVG.js |
585 |
superPropEvalInsideArrow.js |
235 |
superPropEvalInsideNested.js |
336 |
superPropFor.js |
477 |
superPropHeavyweightArrow.js |
240 |
superPropHomeObject.js |
1953 |
superPropIncDecElem.js |
282 |
superPropLazyInnerFunction.js |
356 |
superPropNoOverwriting.js |
1167 |
superPropOrdering.js |
2666 |
superPropProtoChanges.js |
437 |
superPropProxies.js |
2365 |
superPropSkips.js |
1361 |
superPropStatics.js |
743 |
superPropStrictAssign.js |
685 |
superThisStrictNoBoxing.js |
1007 |
uninitializedThisError.js |
1248 |