Name Description Size
indexed-setters.js 397
length.js 863
toSpliced.js Tuple.prototype.toSpliced ( start, deleteCount, ...items ) When the toSpliced method is called with two or more arguments start, deleteCount and zero or more items, a new Tuple is returned where the deleteCount elements of the Tuple starting at integer index start are replaced by the arguments items. The following steps are taken: 1. Let T be ? thisTupleValue(this value). 2. Let list be T.[[Sequence]]. 3. Let len be the number of elements in list. 4. Let relativeStart be ? ToInteger(start). 5. If relativeStart < 0, let actualStart be max((len + relativeStart), 0); else let actualStart be min(relativeStart, len). 6. If the number of actual arguments is 0, then a. Let insertCount be 0. b. Let actualDeleteCount be 0. 7. Else if the number of actual arguments is 1, then a. Let insertCount be 0. b. Let actualDeleteCount be len - actualStart. 8. Else, a. Let insertCount be the number of actual arguments minus 2. b. Let dc be ? ToInteger(deleteCount). c. Let actualDeleteCount be min(max(dc, 0), len - actualStart). 9. If len + insertCount - actualDeleteCount > 253 - 1, throw a TypeError exception. 10. Let k be 0. 11. Let items be a List whose elements are, in left to right order, the portion of the actual argument list starting with the third argument. The list is empty if fewer than three arguments were passed. 12. Let itemCount be the number of elements in items. 13. Let newList be a new empty List. 14. Repeat, while k < actualStart, a. Let E be list[k]. b. Append E to the end of list newList. c. Set k to k + 1. 15. Let itemK be 0. 16. Repeat, while itemK < itemCount. a. Let E be items[itemK]. b. If Type(E) is Object, throw a TypeError exception. c. Append E to the end of newList. d. Set itemK to itemK + 1. 17. Set k to actualStart + actualDeleteCount. 18. Repeat, while k < len, a. Let E be list[k]. b. Append E to the end of newList. c. Set k to k + 1. 19. Return a new Tuple value whose [[Sequence]] is newList. 10893