Name Description Size
indexed-setters.js 394
invoked-as-func.js 265
invoked-as-method.js 286
length.js 870
this-is-not-tuple.js 624
toReversed.js Tuple.prototype.toReversed ( ) When the toReversed method is called, the following steps are taken: 1. Let T be ? thisTupleValue(this value). 2. Let oldList be a new List containing the elements of T.[[Sequence]]. 3. Let newList be a new empty List. 4. Repeat, while oldList is not empty, a. Remove the last element from oldList, and let E be the value of the element. b. Append E to the end of List newList. 5. Return a new Tuple value whose [[Sequence]] is newList. 1168