Name Description Size
empty-tuple.js --- description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf returns -1 if 'length' is 0 (empty tuple) --- 345
fromIndex-boolean.js --- description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf when fromIndex is boolean --- 375
fromIndex-float.js --- description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf when fromIndex is floating point number --- 419
fromIndex-greater-than-length.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf returns -1 if fromIndex is greater than Tuple length --- 439
fromIndex-infinity-string.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a string containing -Infinity --- 375
fromIndex-inherited-valueOf.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf uses inherited valueOf method when value of 'fromIndex' is an object with an own toString and inherited valueOf methods --- 889
fromIndex-missing.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf - 'fromIndex' isn't passed --- 595
fromIndex-nan.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is NaN) --- 496
fromIndex-neg-infinity.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is -Infinity) --- 409
fromIndex-neg-zero.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is -0) --- 422
fromIndex-negative.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is negative number) --- 528
fromIndex-null.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf returns 0 if fromIndex is null --- 422
fromIndex-number.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is 0) --- 419
fromIndex-object-not-primitive.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf throws TypeError exception when value of 'fromIndex' is an object with toString and valueOf methods that don�t return primitive values --- 796
fromIndex-object-valueOf-toString.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is an object that has an own valueOf method that returns an object and toString method that returns a string --- 791
fromIndex-object-valueOf.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is an Object, which has an own valueOf method --- 527
fromIndex-object.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is an Object, which has an own toString method --- 796
fromIndex-positive.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is positive number) --- 526
fromIndex-side-effects-3.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - side effects produced by step 1 are visible when an exception occurs --- 626
fromIndex-string-2.js --- description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf when fromIndex is string --- 425
fromIndex-string-exponent.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a string containing an exponential number --- 572
fromIndex-string-hex.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a string containing a hex number --- 609
fromIndex-string-leading-zeros.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' which is a string containing a number with leading zeros --- 600
fromIndex-string-neg-infinity.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a string containing -Infinity --- 413
fromIndex-string-negative.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a string containing a negative number --- 505
fromIndex-string.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a string containing a negative number --- 505
fromIndex-trunc-2.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - 'fromIndex' is a negative non-integer, verify truncation occurs in the proper direction --- 600
fromIndex-trunc.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.indexof description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - 'fromIndex' is a positive non-integer, verify truncation occurs in the proper direction --- 596
fromIndex-undefined.js --- description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf returns 0 if fromIndex is 'undefined' --- 410
fromIndex-with-index.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf match on the first element, a middle element and the last element when 'fromIndex' is passed --- 758
fromIndex-zero.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - value of 'fromIndex' is a number (value is +0) --- 388
includes.js Tuple.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] ) Tuple.prototype.includes is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as Array.prototype.includes as defined in except that ? thisTupleValue(this value) is used instead of directly accessing the this value. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the this value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse, do not change, and their access is not observable. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm. This function is not generic, since thisTupleValue(this value) can return an abrupt completion: in that case, that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm. 1301
length-internal.js Tuples should have a length ownProperty that can't be overridden, which will be read by any built-in methods called on Tuples. This test is expected to fail until the spec change in is implemented. 459
length.js 849
undefined-throws-type-error.js --- description: Tuple.prototype.indexOf applied to undefined throws a TypeError --- 485
uses-internal-length.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.indexOf - 'length' is own data property that overrides an inherited data property on an Tuple --- 479