Name Description Size
fromIndex-equal-or-greater-length-returns-false.js --- description: Return false if fromIndex >= TupleLength --- 412
fromIndex-infinity.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.includes description: handle Infinity values for fromIndex --- 509
fromIndex-minus-zero.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.includes description: -0 fromIndex becomes 0 info: | Array.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] ) ... 5. If n ≥ 0, then a. Let k be n. ... 7. Repeat, while k < len ... --- 640
includes.js Tuple.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] ) Tuple.prototype.includes is a distinct function that implements the same algorithm as Array.prototype.includes as defined in except that ? thisTupleValue(this value) is used instead of directly accessing the this value. The implementation of the algorithm may be optimized with the knowledge that the this value is an object that has a fixed length and whose integer-indexed properties are not sparse, do not change, and their access is not observable. However, such optimization must not introduce any observable changes in the specified behaviour of the algorithm. This function is not generic, since thisTupleValue(this value) can return an abrupt completion: in that case, that exception is thrown instead of evaluating the algorithm. 1301
length-internal.js Tuples should have a length ownProperty that can't be overridden, which will be read by any built-in methods called on Tuples. This test is expected to fail until the spec change in is implemented. 459
length-zero-returns-false.js --- description: Returns false if length is 0 ... --- 622
length.js 856
name.js --- description: > is "includes". --- 521
no-arg.js --- description: no argument searches for a undefined value --- 403
not-a-constructor.js --- description: > Tuple.prototype.includes does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able --- 574
prop-desc.js --- description: > "includes" property of Tuple.prototype --- 454
return-abrupt-get-length.js --- esid: sec-array.prototype.includes description: Return abrupt from Get(O, "length") info: | Array.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] ) ... 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")). ... --- 680
return-abrupt-tointeger-fromindex-symbol.js --- description: Return abrupt from ToInteger(fromIndex) - using symbol --- 416
return-abrupt-tointeger-fromindex.js --- description: Return abrupt from ToInteger(fromIndex) --- 474
return-abrupt-tonumber-length-symbol.js --- description: Return abrupt from ToNumber(symbol "length") --- 390
samevaluezero.js --- description: search element is compared using SameValueZero --- 711
search-found-returns-true.js --- description: returns true for found index --- 1018
search-not-found-returns-false.js --- description: returns false if the element is not found --- 840
this-is-not-tuple.js --- description: > Throws a TypeError exception when `this` cannot be coerced to Tuple --- 545
tointeger-fromindex.js --- description: get the integer value from fromIndex 1269
using-fromindex.js --- info: | Tuple.prototype.includes ( searchElement [ , fromIndex ] ) --- 1652