Name Description Size
depth-always-one.js 349
flatMap.js Tuple.prototype.flatMap ( mapperFunction [ , thisArg ] ) When the flatMap method is called with one or two arguments, the following steps are taken: 1. Let T be ? thisTupleValue(this value). 2. Let list be T.[[Sequence]]. 3. If ! IsCallable(mapperFunction) is false, throw a TypeError exception. 4. Let flat be a new empty List. 5. Perform ? FlattenIntoTuple(flat, list, 1, mapperFunction, thisArg). 6. Return a new Tuple value whose [[Sequence]] is flat. FlattenIntoTuple ( target, source, depth [ , mapperFunction, thisArg ] ) The abstract operation FlattenIntoTuple takes arguments target, source, and depth and optional arguments mapperFunction and thisArg. It performs the following steps when called: 1. Assert: target is a List. 2. Assert: source is a List. 3. Assert: ! IsInteger(depth) is true, or depth is either +∞ or -∞. 4. Assert: If mapperFunction is present, then ! IsCallable(mapperFunction) is true, thisArg is present, and depth is 1. 5. Let sourceIndex be 0. 6. For each element of source, a. If mapperFunction is present, then i. Set element to ? Call(mapperFunction, thisArg, « element, sourceIndex, source »). ii. If Type(element) is Object, throw a TypeError exception. b. If depth > 0 and Type(element) is Tuple, then i. Perform ? FlattenIntoTuple(target, element, depth - 1). c. Else, i. Let len be the length of target. ii. If len ≥ 253 - 1, throw a TypeError exception. iii. Append element to target. d. Set sourceIndex to sourceIndex + 1. 4163
length.js 849