Name Description Size
arraylike-get-length-error.js 9. Let len be ? LengthOfArrayLike(arrayLike). 353
arraylike-to-length-error.js 9. Let len be ? LengthOfArrayLike(arrayLike). 361
calling-from-valid-1-noStrict.js 829
calling-from-valid-1-onlyStrict-strict.js 858
calling-from-valid-2.js 865
descriptor.js 268
elements-added-after.js 526
elements-deleted-after.js 543
from.js Tuple.from ( items [ , mapFn [, thisArg ] ] ) When the from method is called with argument items and optional arguments mapfn and thisArg, the following steps are taken: 1. If mapfn is undefined, let mapping be false. 2. Else, a. If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception. b. Let mapping be true. 3. Let list be a new empty List. 4. Let k be 0. 5. Let usingIterator be ? GetMethod(items, @@iterator). 6. If usingIterator is not undefined, then a. Let adder be a new Abstract Closure with parameters (key, value) that captures (list, mapFn, thisArg, mapping, k) and performs the following steps when called: i. If mapping is true, then 1. Let mappedValue be ? Call(mapfn, thisArg, « value, k »). ii. Else, let mappedValue be value. iii. If Type(mappedValue) is Object, throw a TypeError exception. iv. Append mappedValue to list. v. Set k to k + 1. b. Perform ! AddEntriesFromIterable(undefined, iterable, adder). c. Return a new Tuple value whose [[Sequence]] is list. 7. NOTE: items is not an Iterable so assume it is an array-like object. 8. Let arrayLike be ! ToObject(items). 9. Let len be ? LengthOfArrayLike(arrayLike). 10. Repeat, while k < len, a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k). b. Let kValue be ? Get(arrayLike, Pk). c. If mapping is true, then i. Let mappedValue be ? Call(mapfn, thisArg, « kValue, k »). d. Else, let mappedValue be kValue. e. If Type(mappedValue) is Object, throw a TypeError exception. f. Append mappedValue to list. g. Set k to k + 1. 11. Return a new Tuple value whose [[Sequence]] is list. 3590
get-iter-method-err.js 313
indexed-setters.js 323
items-is-arraybuffer.js 180
items-is-null-throws.js 189
iter-adv-err.js 314
iter-get-iter-err.js 347
iter-get-iter-val-err.js 518
iter-map-fn-args.js 808
iter-map-fn-err.js 497
iter-map-fn-return.js 873
iter-map-fn-this-arg.js 640
iter-map-fn-this-non-strict.js 656
iter-map-fn-this-strict-strict.js 630
iter-next-error.js Step 6b. 394
iter-next-value-error.js Step 6b. 555
iter-set-elem-prop.js 693
iter-set-length.js 554
length.js 419
mapfn-is-not-callable-typeerror.js 442
mapfn-throws-exception.js 313
name.js 266
not-a-constructor.js 239
prop-desc.js 268
source-array-boundary.js 623
source-object-iterator-1.js 517
source-object-length.js 273
source-object-without.js 170
this-null.js 365