Name Description Size
call-from-with-different-this.js 571
iterator-not-callable-throws.js --- Iterator.from throws when called with an object with a non-callable @@iterator property. --- 692
Iterator.from-descriptor.js --- Descriptor property of Iterator.from --- 396
Iterator.from-length.js --- description: The `length` property of Iterator.from. info: | ES7 section 17: Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. --- 646
Iterator.from-name.js --- description: "`name` property of Iterator.from." --- 446
modify-next.js 391
modify-return.js 681
o-not-object-throws.js --- Iterator.from throws when called with a non-object. --- 549
proxy-not-wrapped.js 832
proxy-wrap-next.js 777
proxy-wrap-return.js 787
return-iterator-if-iterable.js --- Iterator.from returns O if it is iterable, an iterator, and an instance of Iterator. --- 594
return-wrapper-if-not-iterable.js --- Iterator.from returns an iterator wrapper if O is not an iterable. --- 584
return-wrapper-if-not-iterator-instance.js --- Iterator.from returns an iterator wrapper if O is not an instance of Iterator. --- 573
wrap-functions-on-other-global.js 812
wrap-method-with-non-wrap-this-throws.js 1942
wrap-new-global.js 347
wrap-next-forwards-value.js 403
wrap-next-not-object-throws.js 354
wrap-return-closes-iterator.js 796