11.1.4.js |
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1382 | |
File Name:
ECMA Section: Array.prototype.sort(comparefn)
This test file tests cases in which the compare function is not supplied.
The elements of this array are sorted. The sort is not necessarily stable.
If comparefn is provided, it should be a function that accepts two arguments
x and y and returns a negative value if x < y, zero if x = y, or a positive
value if x > y.
1. Call the [[Get]] method of this object with argument "length".
2. Call ToUint32(Result(1)).
1. Perform an implementation-dependent sequence of calls to the
[[Get]] , [[Put]], and [[Delete]] methods of this object and
toSortCompare (described below), where the first argument for each call
to [[Get]], [[Put]] , or [[Delete]] is a nonnegative integer less
than Result(2) and where the arguments for calls to SortCompare are
results of previous calls to the [[Get]] method. After this sequence
is complete, this object must have the following two properties.
(1) There must be some mathematical permutation of the nonnegative
integers less than Result(2), such that for every nonnegative integer
j less than Result(2), if property old[j] existed, then new[(j)] is
exactly the same value as old[j],. but if property old[j] did not exist,
then new[(j)] either does not exist or exists with value undefined.
(2) If comparefn is not supplied or is a consistent comparison
function for the elements of this array, then for all nonnegative
integers j and k, each less than Result(2), if old[j] compares less
than old[k] (see SortCompare below), then (j) < (k). Here we use the
notation old[j] to refer to the hypothetical result of calling the [
[Get]] method of this object with argument j before this step is
executed, and the notation new[j] to refer to the hypothetical result
of calling the [[Get]] method of this object with argument j after this
step has been completely executed. A function is a consistent
comparison function for a set of values if (a) for any two of those
values (possibly the same value) considered as an ordered pair, it
always returns the same value when given that pair of values as its
two arguments, and the result of applying ToNumber to this value is
not NaN; (b) when considered as a relation, where the pair (x, y) is
considered to be in the relation if and only if applying the function
to x and y and then applying ToNumber to the result produces a
negative value, this relation is a partial order; and (c) when
considered as a different relation, where the pair (x, y) is considered
to be in the relation if and only if applying the function to x and y
and then applying ToNumber to the result produces a zero value (of either
sign), this relation is an equivalence relation. In this context, the
phrase "x compares less than y" means applying Result(2) to x and y and
then applying ToNumber to the result produces a negative value.
3.Return this object.
When the SortCompare operator is called with two arguments x and y, the following steps are taken:
1.If x and y are both undefined, return +0.
2.If x is undefined, return 1.
3.If y is undefined, return 1.
4.If the argument comparefn was not provided in the call to sort, go to step 7.
5.Call comparefn with arguments x and y.
6.Return Result(5).
7.Call ToString(x).
8.Call ToString(y).
9.If Result(7) < Result(8), return 1.
10.If Result(7) > Result(8), return 1.
11.Return +0.
Note that, because undefined always compared greater than any other value, undefined and nonexistent
property values always sort to the end of the result. It is implementation-dependent whether or not such
properties will exist or not at the end of the array when the sort is concluded.
Note that the sort function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its this value be an Array object.
Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Whether the sort function can be
applied successfully to a host object is implementation dependent .
Author: christine@netscape.com
Date: 12 november 1997
6680 | |
File Name:
ECMA Section: Array.prototype.sort(comparefn)
This test file tests cases in which the compare function is supplied.
In this cases, the sort creates a reverse sort.
The elements of this array are sorted. The sort is not necessarily stable.
If comparefn is provided, it should be a function that accepts two arguments
x and y and returns a negative value if x < y, zero if x = y, or a positive
value if x > y.
1. Call the [[Get]] method of this object with argument "length".
2. Call ToUint32(Result(1)).
1. Perform an implementation-dependent sequence of calls to the
[[Get]] , [[Put]], and [[Delete]] methods of this object and
toSortCompare (described below), where the first argument for each call
to [[Get]], [[Put]] , or [[Delete]] is a nonnegative integer less
than Result(2) and where the arguments for calls to SortCompare are
results of previous calls to the [[Get]] method. After this sequence
is complete, this object must have the following two properties.
(1) There must be some mathematical permutation of the nonnegative
integers less than Result(2), such that for every nonnegative integer
j less than Result(2), if property old[j] existed, then new[(j)] is
exactly the same value as old[j],. but if property old[j] did not exist,
then new[(j)] either does not exist or exists with value undefined.
(2) If comparefn is not supplied or is a consistent comparison
function for the elements of this array, then for all nonnegative
integers j and k, each less than Result(2), if old[j] compares less
than old[k] (see SortCompare below), then (j) < (k). Here we use the
notation old[j] to refer to the hypothetical result of calling the [
[Get]] method of this object with argument j before this step is
executed, and the notation new[j] to refer to the hypothetical result
of calling the [[Get]] method of this object with argument j after this
step has been completely executed. A function is a consistent
comparison function for a set of values if (a) for any two of those
values (possibly the same value) considered as an ordered pair, it
always returns the same value when given that pair of values as its
two arguments, and the result of applying ToNumber to this value is
not NaN; (b) when considered as a relation, where the pair (x, y) is
considered to be in the relation if and only if applying the function
to x and y and then applying ToNumber to the result produces a
negative value, this relation is a partial order; and (c) when
considered as a different relation, where the pair (x, y) is considered
to be in the relation if and only if applying the function to x and y
and then applying ToNumber to the result produces a zero value (of either
sign), this relation is an equivalence relation. In this context, the
phrase "x compares less than y" means applying Result(2) to x and y and
then applying ToNumber to the result produces a negative value.
3.Return this object.
When the SortCompare operator is called with two arguments x and y, the following steps are taken:
1.If x and y are both undefined, return +0.
2.If x is undefined, return 1.
3.If y is undefined, return 1.
4.If the argument comparefn was not provided in the call to sort, go to step 7.
5.Call comparefn with arguments x and y.
6.Return Result(5).
7.Call ToString(x).
8.Call ToString(y).
9.If Result(7) < Result(8), return 1.
10.If Result(7) > Result(8), return 1.
11.Return +0.
Note that, because undefined always compared greater than any other value, undefined and nonexistent
property values always sort to the end of the result. It is implementation-dependent whether or not such
properties will exist or not at the end of the array when the sort is concluded.
Note that the sort function is intentionally generic; it does not require that its this value be an Array object.
Therefore it can be transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Whether the sort function can be
applied successfully to a host object is implementation dependent .
Author: christine@netscape.com
Date: 12 november 1997
6757 | |
File Name:
ECMA Section: Array.prototype.sort(comparefn)
This is a regression test for
Verify that sort is successfull, even if the sort compare function returns
a very large negative or positive value.
Author: christine@netscape.com
Date: 12 november 1997
3513 |
array-001.js |
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1963 |
browser.js |
0 |
filter.js |
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1222 |
find_findindex.js |
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5994 |
findLast_findLastIndex.js |
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6205 |
from_async.js |
7620 |
iterator_edge_cases.js |
1320 |
redefine-length-accessor.js |
1370 |
regress-94257.js |
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1666 |
regress-101488.js |
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2985 |
regress-107138.js |
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3622 |
regress-108440.js |
Date: 30 October 2001
SUMMARY: Regression test for bug 108440
See http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108440
We shouldn't crash trying to add an array as an element of itself (!)
Brendan: "...it appears that Array.prototype.toString is unsafe,
and what's more, ECMA-262 Edition 3 has no helpful words about
avoiding recursive death on a cycle."
1649 |
regress-130451.js |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
4047 |
regress-154338.js |
-*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- |
1914 |
regress-157652.js |
Date: 16 July 2002
SUMMARY: Testing that Array.sort() doesn't crash on very large arrays
See http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157652
How large can a JavaScript array be?
ECMA-262 Ed.3 Final, Section : new Array(len)
This states that |len| must be a a uint32_t (unsigned 32-bit integer).
Note the UBound for uint32's is 2^32 -1 = 0xFFFFFFFF = 4,294,967,295.
js> var arr = new Array(0xFFFFFFFF)
js> arr.length
js> var arr = new Array(0x100000000)
RangeError: invalid array length
We'll try the largest possible array first, then a couple others.
We're just testing that we don't crash on Array.sort().
Try to be good about memory by nulling each array variable after it is
used. This will tell the garbage collector the memory is no longer needed.
As of 2002-08-13, the JS shell runs out of memory no matter what we do,
when trying to sort such large arrays.
We only want to test that we don't CRASH on the sort. So it will be OK
if we get the JS "out of memory" error. Note this terminates the test
with exit code 3. Therefore we put
The only problem will arise if the JS shell ever DOES have enough memory
to do the sort. Then this test will terminate with the normal exit code 0
and fail.
Right now, I can't see any other way to do this, because "out of memory"
is not a catchable error: it cannot be trapped with try...catch.
FURTHER HEADACHE: Rhino can't seem to handle the largest array: it hangs.
So we skip this case in Rhino. Here is correspondence with Igor Bukanov.
He explains that Rhino isn't actually hanging; it's doing the huge sort:
Philip Schwartau wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm getting a graceful OOM message on trying to sort certain large
> arrays. But if the array is too big, Rhino simply hangs. Note that ECMA
> allows array lengths to be anything less than Math.pow(2,32), so the
> arrays I'm sorting are legal.
> Note below, I'm getting an instantaneous OOM error on arr.sort() for LEN
> = Math.pow(2, 30). So shouldn't I also get one for every LEN between
> that and Math.pow(2, 32)? For some reason, I start to hang with 100% CPU
> as LEN hits, say, Math.pow(2, 31) and higher. SpiderMonkey gives OOM
> messages for all of these. Should I file a bug on this?
Igor Bukanov wrote:
This is due to different sorting algorithm Rhino uses when sorting
arrays with length > Integer.MAX_VALUE. If length can fit Java int,
Rhino first copies internal spare array to a temporary buffer, and then
sorts it, otherwise it sorts array directly. In case of very spare
arrays, that Array(big_number) generates, it is rather inefficient and
generates OutOfMemory if length fits int. It may be worth in your case
to optimize sorting to take into account array spareness, but then it
would be a good idea to file a bug about ineficient sorting of spare
arrays both in case of Rhino and SpiderMonkey as SM always uses a
temporary buffer.
4243 |
regress-178722.js |
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3286 |
regress-255555.js |
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858 |
regress-290592.js |
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13603 |
regress-299644.js |
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781 |
regress-300858.js |
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677 |
regress-304828.js |
4889 |
regress-305002.js |
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656 |
regress-310351.js |
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1366 |
regress-310425-01.js |
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806 |
regress-310425-02.js |
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590 |
regress-311515.js |
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647 |
regress-315509-01.js |
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746 |
regress-322135-01.js |
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1150 |
regress-330812.js |
1030 |
regress-345961.js |
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965 |
regress-348810.js |
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798 |
regress-350256-01.js |
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1214 |
regress-350256-02.js |
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1261 |
regress-352742-01.js |
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935 |
regress-352742-02.js |
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860 |
regress-360681-01.js |
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854 |
regress-360681-02.js |
1707 |
regress-364104.js |
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2774 |
regress-387501.js |
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1423 |
regress-390598.js |
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996 |
regress-415451.js |
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820 |
regress-421325.js |
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853 |
regress-422286.js |
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882 |
regress-430717.js |
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874 |
regress-451483.js |
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882 |
regress-451906.js |
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787 |
regress-456845.js |
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1148 |
regress-465980-01.js |
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834 |
regress-465980-02.js |
3164 |
regress-474529.js |
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1700 |
regress-488989.js |
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1043 |
shell.js |
0 |
slice-sparse-with-large-index.js |
646 |
sort_basics.js |
1698 |