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<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>Sanity check for Touchpad pinch zooming</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="apz_test_native_event_utils.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="apz_test_utils.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/paint_listener.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
async function test() {
// Scenario 1: zoom in
var initial_resolution = await getResolution();
ok(initial_resolution > 0,
"The initial_resolution is " + initial_resolution + ", which is some sane value");
await pinchZoomInWithTouchpad(641, 465);
// Flush state and get the resolution we're at now
await promiseApzFlushedRepaints();
let final_resolution = await getResolution();
ok(final_resolution > initial_resolution, "The final resolution (" + final_resolution + ") is greater after zooming in");
// Scenario 2: zoom out
initial_resolution = final_resolution;
ok(initial_resolution > 0,
"The initial_resolution is " + initial_resolution + ", which is some sane value");
await pinchZoomOutWithTouchpad(641, 465);
await promiseApzFlushedRepaints();
final_resolution = await getResolution();
ok(final_resolution < initial_resolution, "The final resolution (" + final_resolution + ") is smaller after zooming Out");
// Scenario 3: zoom in and out in the same gesture
initial_resolution = final_resolution;
ok(initial_resolution > 0,
"The initial_resolution is " + initial_resolution + ", which is some sane value");
await pinchZoomInOutWithTouchpad (641, 465);
await promiseApzFlushedRepaints();
final_resolution = await getResolution();
isfuzzy(initial_resolution, final_resolution, 0.0001, "The final resolution approximatly the same after zooming In and Out");
// Scenario 4: zoom in, with the page using preventDefault()
var resolveWheelPromise;
var wheelPromise = new Promise(resolve => { resolveWheelPromise = resolve; });
var deltaSum = 0;
initial_resolution = final_resolution;
var onWheel = function(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
deltaSum += e.deltaY;
// We observed that deltaSum will be around -42 by the time all wheel events have arrived.
if (deltaSum < -40) {
ok(true, "Accumulated a deltaY of -40");
document.addEventListener("wheel", onWheel, { passive: false });
// Give APZ a chance to become aware of the listener, so it knows
// to queue events while it waits for a content response.
await promiseApzFlushedRepaints();
// Calling preventDefault() means the APZ:TransformEnd notification will never be sent.
await pinchZoomInWithTouchpad(641, 465, { waitForTransformEnd: false });
await wheelPromise;
document.removeEventListener("wheel", onWheel, { passive: false });
final_resolution = await getResolution();
is(final_resolution, initial_resolution,
"Calling preventDefault() on wheel event successfully prevents zooming");
// Scenario 5: check that page receives DOMMouseScroll event
var resolveDOMMouseScrollPromise;
var DOMMouseScrollPromise = new Promise(resolve => { resolveDOMMouseScrollPromise = resolve; });
deltaSum = 0;
initial_resolution = final_resolution;
var onDOMMouseScroll = function(e) {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
deltaSum += e.detail;
if (deltaSum < -40) {
ok(true, "Accumulated a deltaSum of -40");
document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", onDOMMouseScroll, { passive: false });
await promiseApzFlushedRepaints();
await pinchZoomInWithTouchpad(641, 465, {
waitForTransformEnd: false,
waitForFrames: true
await DOMMouseScrollPromise;
document.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", onDOMMouseScroll, { passive: false });
final_resolution = await getResolution();
is(final_resolution, initial_resolution,
"Calling preventDefault() on DOMMouseScroll event successfully prevents zooming");
.then(subtestDone, subtestFailed);
Here is some text to stare at as the test runs. It serves no functional
purpose, but gives you an idea of the zoom level. It's harder to tell what
the zoom level is when the page is just solid white.