Name Description Size
apz_test_native_event_utils.js eslint-disable mozilla/use-ownerGlobal 60576
apz_test_utils.js import-globals-from apz_test_native_event_utils.js 47068
browser.toml 2593
browser_test_animations_without_apz_sampler.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3954
browser_test_autoscrolling_in_extension_popup_window.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 5295
browser_test_autoscrolling_in_oop_frame.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3395
browser_test_background_tab_load_scroll.js 3929
browser_test_background_tab_scroll.js 2708
browser_test_content_response_timeout.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 2542
browser_test_group_fission.js default = 4288
browser_test_position_sticky.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3163
browser_test_reset_scaling_zoom.js 1533
browser_test_scroll_thumb_dragging.js 2382
browser_test_scrollbar_in_extension_popup_window.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 4115
browser_test_scrolling_in_extension_popup_window.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3396
browser_test_scrolling_on_inactive_scroller_in_extension_popup_window.js -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- 3882
browser_test_select_popup_position.js This test is a a mash up of 4683
browser_test_select_zoom.js This test is a a mash up of 5544
browser_test_tab_drag_event_counts.js Test for 2890
browser_test_tab_drag_zoom.js This test is a a mash up of 2946
browserSidebarRevamp.toml 574
FissionTestHelperChild.sys.mjs 4988
FissionTestHelperParent.sys.mjs 3125
green100x100.png 255
helper_background_tab_load_scroll.html 2545
helper_background_tab_scroll.html 246
helper_basic_onetouchpinch.html Sanity check for one-touch pinch zooming 3688
helper_basic_pan.html Sanity panning test 3090
helper_basic_scrollend.html 2538
helper_basic_zoom.html Sanity check for zooming 3106
helper_browser_test_utils.js 375
helper_bug982141.html Test for Bug 982141, helper page 4738
helper_bug1162771.html Test for touchend on media elements 3163
helper_bug1271432.html Ensure that the hit region doesn't get unexpectedly expanded 6144
helper_bug1280013.html Test for bug 1280013 3287
helper_bug1285070.html Test pointer events are dispatched once for touch tap 1623
helper_bug1299195.html Test pointer events are dispatched once for touch tap 1843
helper_bug1326290.html Dragging the mouse on a inactive scrollframe's scrollbar 2017
helper_bug1331693.html Dragging the mouse on a scrollframe inside an SVGEffects 2185
helper_bug1346632.html Dragging the scrollbar on a page with a fixed-positioned element just past the right edge of the content 2301
helper_bug1414336.html Test for Bug 1414336 2968
helper_bug1462961.html Dragging the mouse on a transformed scrollframe inside a fixed-pos element 2208
helper_bug1473108.html Test for Bug 1473108 1263
helper_bug1490393-2.html Dragging the mouse on a scrollbar for a scrollframe inside nested transforms 2643
helper_bug1490393.html Dragging the mouse on a scrollbar for a scrollframe inside nested transforms 2508
helper_bug1502010_unconsumed_pan.html Test pointercancel doesn't get sent for horizontal panning on a pan-y element 2818
helper_bug1506497_touch_action_fixed_on_fixed.html Test for Bug 1506497 3050
helper_bug1509575.html Test for Bug 1509575 2439
helper_bug1519339_hidden_smoothscroll.html Test for bug 1519339 2099
helper_bug1544966_zoom_on_touch_action_none.html Test for Bug 1544966 2743
helper_bug1550510.html Dragging the mouse on a scrollbar for a transformed, filtered scrollframe 2593
helper_bug1637113_main_thread_hit_test.html Test for Bug 1637113 2531
helper_bug1637135_narrow_viewport.html Test for Bug 1637135 1671
helper_bug1638441_fixed_pos_hit_test.html Test for Bug 1638441 2091
helper_bug1638458_contextmenu.html Test for Bug 1638458 3149
helper_bug1648491_no_pointercancel_with_dtc.html Test for Bug 1648491 2754
helper_bug1662800.html Dragging the mouse on a scrollbar for a scrollframe inside nested transforms with a scale component 2461
helper_bug1663731_no_pointercancel_on_second_touchstart.html Test for Bug 1663731 2878
helper_bug1669625.html Scrolling doesn't cause extra SchedulePaint calls 3311
helper_bug1674935.html Tests that keyboard arrow keys scroll a very specific page 2490
helper_bug1682170_pointercancel_on_touchaction_pinchzoom.html 2581
helper_bug1695598.html Test for bug 1695598 4572
helper_bug1714934_mouseevent_buttons.html Test for Bug 1714934 1042
helper_bug1719330.html Tests that the arrow down key does not scroll by more than 1 element 1727
helper_bug1719855.html preventDefault() in touchmove prevents scrolling even after a long tap event 3421
helper_bug1719855_pointercancel_on_touchmove_after_contextmenu_prevented.html 2377
helper_bug1724759.html Tests that :active state is cleared after a longpress event 1730
helper_bug1756529.html Page scrolling bug test, helper page 13803
helper_bug1756814.html 2184
helper_bug1780701.html Test that scroll snap wont't happen on zoomed content 2047
helper_bug1783936.html Test that scroll snap happens on pan end without fling 2155
helper_bug1806400-2.html Tests that double-tap-to-zoom never activates elements inside a scrollable container 1464
helper_bug1806400-3.html Tests that :active state is changed on a scrollable container without any touch event listeners 1319
helper_bug1806400-4.html Tests that double-tap-to-zoom never activates elements inside non scrollable container 1361
helper_bug1806400.html Tests that :active state is changed with `touchstart` event listener 1881
helper_bug1889017_fullscreen.html Test for Bug 1889017 2145
helper_check_dp_size.html Test for Bug 1689492, helper page 5702
helper_checkerboard_apzforcedisabled.html Checkerboarding while root scrollframe async-scrolls and a subframe has APZ force disabled 3927
helper_checkerboard_no_multiplier.html Testcase for checkerboarding with displayport multipliers dropped to zero 2326
helper_checkerboard_scrollinfo.html Scrolling a scrollinfo layer and making sure it doesn't checkerboard 3522
helper_checkerboard_zoom_during_load.html Testcase for checkerboarding after zooming during page load 2185
helper_checkerboard_zoomoverflowhidden.html Checkerboarding in while scrolling a subframe when root scrollframe has overflow hidden and pinch zoomed in 4575
helper_click.html Sanity mouse-clicking test 1373
helper_click_interrupt_animation.html Clicking on the content (not scrollbar) should interrupt animations 3600
helper_content_response_timeout.html 848
helper_disallow_doubletap_zoom_inside_oopif.html Check that double tapping inside an oop iframe doesn't work if the top level content document doesn't allow zooming 1491
helper_displayport_expiry.html Test for DisplayPort Expiry 1305
helper_div_pan.html Sanity panning test for scrollable div 1358
helper_dommousescroll.html Test that Direct Manipulation generated pan gesture events generate DOMMouseScroll events with reasonable line scroll amounts 1096
helper_doubletap_zoom.html Sanity check for double-tap zooming 1711
helper_doubletap_zoom_bug1702464.html Check that double tapping internal calculations correctly convert the tap point 3927
helper_doubletap_zoom_fixedpos.html Check that double tapping active scrollable elements in fixed pos work 2300
helper_doubletap_zoom_fixedpos_overflow.html Check that double tapping elements with large overflow inside active scrollable elements in fixed pos work 4955
helper_doubletap_zoom_gencon.html Check that on generated content works 3020
helper_doubletap_zoom_horizontal_center.html Check that double tapping an element that doesn't fill the width of the viewport as maximum zoom centers it 2305
helper_doubletap_zoom_hscrollable.html Check that tall element wider than the viewport doesn't scroll to the top 2397
helper_doubletap_zoom_hscrollable2.html Check that tall element wider than the viewport after zooming in doesn't scroll up 3531
helper_doubletap_zoom_htmlelement.html Check that double tapping on a scrollbar does not scroll to top 2573
helper_doubletap_zoom_img.html Check that double tapping img works 1357
helper_doubletap_zoom_large_overflow.html Check that double tapping on overflow centers the zoom where we double tap 20015
helper_doubletap_zoom_noscroll.html Check that double tapping something tall that we are already zoomed to doesn't scroll (it zooms out) 2110
helper_doubletap_zoom_nothing.html Check that double tapping when zoomed out and there is nothing to zoom to zooms in 1593
helper_doubletap_zoom_nothing_listener.html Check that double tapping when zoomed out and there is nothing to zoom to does not zoom in if this is a non-passive wheel listener 1394
helper_doubletap_zoom_oopif-2.html Tests that double tap to zoom in iframe works regardless whether cross-origin or not 4516
helper_doubletap_zoom_oopif.html Check that double tapping inside an oop iframe works 1471
helper_doubletap_zoom_oopif_subframe-1.html 729
helper_doubletap_zoom_oopif_subframe-2.html 729
helper_doubletap_zoom_oopif_subframe-3.html 1064
helper_doubletap_zoom_oopif_subframe-4.html 1070
helper_doubletap_zoom_scrolled_overflowhidden.html Check that double tapping when the page is overflow hidden and has been scrolled down by js works 2151
helper_doubletap_zoom_shadowdom.html Check that double tapping shadow dom works 2107
helper_doubletap_zoom_small.html Check that double tapping a small element works 1374
helper_doubletap_zoom_smooth.html Check that double tapping zoom out animation is smooth 5658
helper_doubletap_zoom_square.html Check that double tapping on a square img doesn't cut off parts of the image 2116
helper_doubletap_zoom_tablecell.html Check that double tapping small table cells does not zoom 2826
helper_doubletap_zoom_tallwide.html Check that double tapping on a tall element that is >90% width of viewport doesn't scroll to the top of it when scrolled down 2580
helper_doubletap_zoom_textarea.html Check that double tapping textarea works 1466
helper_doubletap_zoom_touch_action_manipulation.html Tests that double tap to zoom doesn't work on touch-action: manipulation element 1570
helper_doubletap_zoom_touch_action_manipulation_in_iframe.html Tests that double tap to zoom doesn't work on touch-action: manipulation element in an iframe 2604
helper_doubletap_zoom_touch_action_manipulation_subframe.html 725
helper_drag_bug1719913.html Test for bug 1719913 2648
helper_drag_bug1794590.html Test for bug 1794590 2177
helper_drag_bug1827330.html Test for bug 1827330 2184
helper_drag_click.html Sanity mouse-drag click test 2223
helper_drag_root_scrollbar.html Dragging the mouse on the viewport's scrollbar 2089
helper_drag_scroll.html Dragging the mouse on a content-implemented scrollbar 8783
helper_drag_scrollbar_hittest.html Test that the scrollbar thumb remains under the cursor during scrollbar dragging 4470
helper_empty.html 174
helper_event_during_fast_fling.html Test that events are not delivered during a fast fling 4258
helper_fission_animation_styling_in_oopif.html Test for scrolled out of view animation optimization in an OOPIF 7128
helper_fission_animation_styling_in_transformed_oopif.html Test for scrolled out of view animation optimization in an OOPIF transformed by rotate(45deg) 4779
helper_fission_checkerboard_severity.html A test to make sure checkerboard severity isn't reported for non-scrollable OOP iframe 4802
helper_fission_empty.html 1440
helper_fission_event_region_override.html Ensure the event region override flags work properly 2983
helper_fission_force_empty_hit_region.html Ensure the ForceEmptyHitRegion flag works properly 3093
helper_fission_inactivescroller_positionedcontent.html Ensure positioned content inside inactive scollframes but on top of OOPIFs hit-test properly 4466
helper_fission_inactivescroller_under_oopif.html Ensure inactive scollframes under OOPIFs hit-test properly 2945
helper_fission_initial_displayport.html Test that OOP iframe's displayport is initially set 4360
helper_fission_irregular_areas.html Ensure irregular areas on top of OOPIFs hit-test properly 3355
helper_fission_large_subframe.html Test that large OOPIF does not get a too-large displayport 2621
helper_fission_plain.html 466
helper_fission_scroll_handoff.html scroll handoff 1274
helper_fission_scroll_oopif.html Test for async-scrolling an OOPIF and ensuring hit-testing still works 6407
helper_fission_setResolution.html setResolutionAndScaleTo is properly delivered to OOP iframes 1732
helper_fission_tap.html Test to ensure events get untransformed properly for OOP iframes 3066
helper_fission_tap_in_nested_iframe_on_zoomed.html Test to ensure events get delivered properly for a nested OOP iframe 3734
helper_fission_tap_on_zoomed.html Test to ensure events get delivered properly for an OOP iframe 3434
helper_fission_touch.html Test to ensure touch events for OOP iframes 2429
helper_fission_transforms.html Test to ensure events get untransformed properly for OOP iframes 3045
helper_fission_utils.js import-globals-from apz_test_utils.js 7349
helper_fixed_html_hittest.html Hittest position:fixed zoomed scroll 2000
helper_fixed_pos_displayport.html position:fixed display port sizing 4097
helper_fixed_position_scroll_hittest.html Hittest position:fixed zoomed scroll 1524
helper_fullscreen.html Tests that layout viewport is not larger than visual viewport on fullscreen 1633
helper_hittest_backface_hidden.html APZ hit-testing with backface-visibility:hidden 1691
helper_hittest_basic.html Various tests to exercise the APZ hit-testing codepaths 5269
helper_hittest_bug1119497.html A hit testing test for the scenario in bug 1119497 1323
helper_hittest_bug1257288.html A hit testing test for the scenario in bug 1257288 1778
helper_hittest_bug1715187.html Check hittesting fission oop iframe with transform and pinch zoom works bug 1715187 2036
helper_hittest_bug1715187_oopif.html 378
helper_hittest_bug1715369.html Check hittesting fission oop iframe with transform works bug 1715369 1980
helper_hittest_bug1715369_iframe.html 428
helper_hittest_bug1715369_oopif.html 378
helper_hittest_bug1730606-1.html A simple hit testing test that doesn't involve any transforms 3580
helper_hittest_bug1730606-2.html A more involved hit testing test that involves css and async transforms 5342
helper_hittest_bug1730606-3.html A hit testing test involving a scenario with a scale transform 1512
helper_hittest_bug1730606-4.html A hit testing test involving a scenario with a scale transform 4999
helper_hittest_checkerboard.html APZ hit-testing over a checkerboarded area 2135
helper_hittest_clippath.html Hit-testing an iframe covered by an element with a clip-path 4614
helper_hittest_clipped_fixed_modal.html Hit-testing on content covered by a fullscreen fixed-position item clipped away 1849
helper_hittest_deep_scene_stack.html Exercising the APZ/WR hit-test with a deep scene that produces many results 1794
helper_hittest_fixed-2.html APZ hit-testing of fixed content when async-scrolled 1995
helper_hittest_fixed-3.html APZ hit-testing of fixed content when async-scrolled 3376
helper_hittest_fixed.html APZ hit-testing of fixed content when async-scrolled 2271
helper_hittest_fixed_bg.html Hit-testing of fixed background image 1441
helper_hittest_fixed_in_scrolled_transform.html Hit-testing on the special setup from fixed-pos-scrolled-clip-3.html 2160
helper_hittest_fixed_item_over_oop_iframe.html Hit-testing of positioned item on top of oop iframe 1422
helper_hittest_float_bug1434846.html APZ hit-testing with floated subframe 1333
helper_hittest_float_bug1443518.html APZ hit-testing with floated subframe 1353
helper_hittest_hidden_inactive_scrollframe.html APZ hit-testing with an inactive scrollframe that is visibility:hidden (bug 1673505) 2041
helper_hittest_hoisted_scrollinfo.html Hit-testing on a scrollframe forced to be inactive by being inside a filter 2795
helper_hittest_iframe_perspective-2.html Test that events are delivered to the correct document near an iframe inide a perspective transform 1962
helper_hittest_iframe_perspective-3.html Test that events are delivered with correct coordinates to an iframe inide a perspective transform 1891
helper_hittest_iframe_perspective-4.html Test that events are delivered with correct coordinates to an iframe inide a no-op perspective transform 2219
helper_hittest_iframe_perspective.html Test that events are delivered with correct coordinates to an iframe inide a perspective transform 1898
helper_hittest_iframe_perspective_child.html 290
helper_hittest_nested_transforms_bug1459696.html APZ hit-testing with nested inactive transforms (bug 1459696) 1842
helper_hittest_obscuration.html Test hit-testing on content which is revealed by async scrolling 2164
helper_hittest_overscroll.html Test APZ hit-testing while overscrolled 8663
helper_hittest_overscroll_contextmenu.html Test APZ hit-testing while overscrolled 4598
helper_hittest_overscroll_subframe.html Test APZ hit-testing while overscrolled 4229
helper_hittest_pointerevents_svg.html Hit-testing a scrollframe covered by nonrectangular and pointer-events:none things 8195
helper_hittest_spam.html Test doing lots of hit-testing on a rapidly changing page 3045
helper_hittest_sticky_bug1478304.html APZ hit-testing with sticky element inside a transform (bug 1478304) 1403
helper_hittest_touchaction.html Testing APZ hit-test with touch-action boxes 12395
helper_horizontal_checkerboard.html Testcase for checkerboarding during horizontal scrolling 2180
helper_iframe_pan.html Sanity panning test for scrollable div 1767
helper_iframe_textarea.html 528
helper_iframe1.html 444
helper_iframe2.html 444
helper_interrupted_reflow.html Test for bug 1292781 22194
helper_key_scroll.html Async key scrolling test, helper page 4111
helper_keyboard_scrollend.html 3764
helper_long_tap.html Ensure we get a touch-cancel after a contextmenu comes up 8857
helper_main_thread_smooth_scroll_scrollend.html 1098
helper_mainthread_scroll_bug1662379.html 5394
helper_minimum_scale_1_0.html Tests that the layout viewport is expanted to the minimum scale size (minimim-scale >= 1.0) 1399
helper_no_scalable_with_initial_scale.html Tests that the layout viewport is not expanted to the minimum scale size if user-scalable=no is specified 1546
helper_onetouchpinch_nested.html One-touch pinch zooming while on a non-root scroller 3355
helper_overflowhidden_zoom.html Tests that zooming in and out doesn't change the scroll position on an overflow hidden document 3231
helper_override_root.html Simple wheel scroll cancellation 2242
helper_override_subdoc.html Wheel scroll cancellation inside iframe 591
helper_overscroll_behavior_bug1425573.html Wheel-scrolling over inactive subframe with overscroll-behavior 1401
helper_overscroll_behavior_bug1425603.html Scrolling over checkerboarded area respects overscroll-behavior 2951
helper_overscroll_behavior_bug1494440.html Inactive iframe with overscroll-behavior 1953
helper_overscroll_in_apz_test_data.html A simple test checks "overscrolled" info in APZTestData 1208
helper_overscroll_in_subscroller.html Tests that the overscroll gutter in a sub scroll container is restored if it's no longer target scroll container 5180
helper_position_fixed_scroll_handoff-1.html APZ overscroll handoff for fixed elements 2019
helper_position_fixed_scroll_handoff-2.html APZ overscroll handoff for fixed elements 1727
helper_position_fixed_scroll_handoff-3.html APZ overscroll handoff for fixed elements 2048
helper_position_fixed_scroll_handoff-4.html APZ overscroll handoff for fixed elements 2075
helper_position_fixed_scroll_handoff-5.html APZ overscroll handoff for fixed elements in a subdoc 3567
helper_position_sticky_flicker.html 750
helper_position_sticky_scroll_handoff.html APZ overscroll handoff for sticky elements 1940
helper_programmatic_scroll_behavior.html 2298
helper_relative_scroll_smoothness.html What happens if main thread scrolls? 5739
helper_reset_zoom_bug1818967.html Test that we do not checkerboard after resetting the pinch-zoom scale 1826
helper_scroll_anchoring_on_wheel.html Tests scroll anchoring updates in-progress wheel scrolling __relatively__ 2253
helper_scroll_anchoring_smooth_scroll.html Tests scroll anchoring interaction with smooth visual scrolling. 1762
helper_scroll_anchoring_smooth_scroll_with_set_timeout.html Tests scroll anchoring interaction with smooth visual scrolling with set timeout. 1838
helper_scroll_inactive_perspective.html Wheel-scrolling over inactive subframe with perspective 1490
helper_scroll_inactive_zindex.html Wheel-scrolling over inactive subframe with z-index 1518
helper_scroll_into_view_bug1516056.html Test for bug 1516056: "scroll into view" respects bounds on layout scroll position 2420
helper_scroll_into_view_bug1562757.html Test for bug 1562757: "scroll into view" in iframe respects bounds on layout scroll position 2590
helper_scroll_linked_effect_by_wheel.html A scroll linked effect scrolled by wheel events 1924
helper_scroll_linked_effect_detector.html ScrollLinkedEffectDetector tests 3724
helper_scroll_on_position_fixed.html Wheel-scrolling over position:fixed and position:sticky elements, in the top-level document as well as iframes 3298
helper_scroll_over_scrollbar.html Wheel-scrolling over scrollbar 1511
helper_scroll_over_subframe.html A scroll over an iframe should not terminate the wheel transaction 4825
helper_scroll_over_subframe_child.html 504
helper_scroll_snap_no_valid_snap_position.html No snapping occurs if there is no valid snap position 1158
helper_scroll_snap_not_resnap_during_panning.html Skip re-snapping during pan gesture 2654
helper_scroll_snap_not_resnap_during_scrollbar_dragging.html Skip re-snapping during scrollbar dragging 3135
helper_scroll_snap_on_page_down_scroll.html Page scroll snaps a snap point in the same page rather than the one in the next page 3150
helper_scroll_snap_resnap_after_async_scroll.html Re-snapping to the last snapped element on APZ 3108
helper_scroll_snap_resnap_after_async_scrollBy.html Re-snapping to the last snapped element on APZ 2086
helper_scroll_tables_perspective.html 1493
helper_scroll_thumb_dragging.html 749
helper_scrollbar_snap_bug1501062.html Exercising the slider.snapMultiplier code 5064
helper_scrollbarbutton_repeat.html Basic test that click and hold on a scrollbar button works as expected 2778
helper_scrollbarbuttonclick_checkerboard.html Test that repeated scrollbar button clicks do not cause checkerboarding 2329
helper_scrollbartrack_click_overshoot.html Scrolling with mouse down on the scrollbar 2693
helper_scrollby_bug1531796.html Test that scrollBy() doesn't scroll more than it should 961
helper_scrollend_bubbles.html 2817
helper_scrollframe_activation_on_load.html Test for Bug 1151663, helper page 4221
helper_scrollto_tap.html Sanity touch-tapping test 2138
helper_self_closer.html 312
helper_smoothscroll_spam.html Test for scenario in bug 1228407 1918
helper_smoothscroll_spam_interleaved.html Test for scenario in bug 1228407 with two scrollframes 1869
helper_subframe_style.css this should be at least 30px 282
helper_tab_scroll_scrollIntoView.html 1321
helper_tall.html 4453
helper_tap.html Sanity touch-tapping test 979
helper_tap_default_passive.html Ensure APZ doesn't wait for passive listeners 3508
helper_tap_fullzoom.html Sanity touch-tapping test with fullzoom 1065
helper_tap_passive.html Ensure APZ doesn't wait for passive listeners 2822
helper_test_autoscrolling_in_oop_frame.html 177
helper_test_reset_scaling_zoom.html 886
helper_test_select_popup_position.html 690
helper_test_select_popup_position_transformed_in_parent.html 644
helper_test_select_popup_position_zoomed.html 705
helper_test_select_zoom.html 1567
helper_test_tab_drag_event_counts.html 684
helper_test_tab_drag_zoom.html 745
helper_touch_action.html Sanity touch-action test 5251
helper_touch_action_complex.html Complex touch-action test 6311
helper_touch_action_ordering_block.html Touch-action with sorted element 1573
helper_touch_action_ordering_zindex.html Touch-action with sorted element 1489
helper_touch_action_regions.html Test to ensure APZ doesn't always wait for touch-action 14565
helper_touch_action_zero_opacity_bug1500864.html Touch-action on a zero-opacity element 1524
helper_touch_drag_root_scrollbar.html Touch Drag on the viewport's scrollbar 1713
helper_touch_synthesized_mouseevents.html 2830
helper_touchpad_pinch_and_pan.html Sanity check for Touchpad pinch zooming and panning 1988
helper_transform_end_on_keyboard_scroll.html 1851
helper_transform_end_on_wheel_scroll.html 702
helper_visual_scrollbars_pagescroll.html Clicking on the scrollbar track in quick succession should scroll the right amount 5183
helper_visual_smooth_scroll.html Tests that the (internal) visual smooth scrolling API is not restricted to the layout scroll range 1891
helper_visualscroll_clamp_restore.html Tests scroll position is properly synchronized when visual position is temporarily clamped on the main thread 2335
helper_visualscroll_nonrcd_rsf.html Tests that pending visual scroll positions on RSFs of non-RCDs get cleared properly 3153
helper_wheelevents_handoff_on_iframe.html Test that wheel events on an unscrollable OOP iframe are handoff-ed 1850
helper_wheelevents_handoff_on_iframe_child.html 138
helper_wheelevents_handoff_on_non_scrollable_iframe.html scroll handoff on non scrollable iframe document with overscroll-behavior: none 3593
helper_wide_crossorigin_iframe.html Test cross origin fission iframes get displayport that covers whole width 1228
helper_wide_crossorigin_iframe_child.html 2011
helper_zoom_after_gpu_process_restart.html Sanity check for pinch zooming after GPU process restart 2022
helper_zoom_keyboardscroll.html Tests that keyboard arrow keys scroll after zooming in when there was no scrollable overflow before zooming 2789
helper_zoom_oopif.html Sanity check for pinch zooming oop iframe 1550
helper_zoom_out_clamped_scrollpos.html Tests that zooming out with an unchanging scroll pos still works properly 3995
helper_zoom_out_with_mainthread_clamping.html Tests that zooming out in a way that triggers main-thread scroll re-clamping works properly 4428
helper_zoom_prevented.html Checking prevent-default for zooming 2688
helper_zoom_restore_position_tabswitch.html Switching tabs back to a zoomed page should restore visual offset 3226
helper_zoom_when_disabled_by_touch_action.html Check that pinch zooming works when force enabled by pref and touch-action is used 1581
helper_zoom_with_dynamic_toolbar.html Zooming out to the initial scale with the dynamic toolbar 1207
helper_zoom_with_touchpad.html Sanity check for Touchpad pinch zooming 4485
helper_zoomed_pan.html Ensure layout viewport responds to panning while pinched 2636
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_dynamic_toolbar_bug1828235.html Bug 1828235 - Dynamic toolbar causes errant zoom on input focus for certain page heights 2013
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_fixed_bug1673511.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput scrolls on position: fixed 1494
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_iframe-2.html Tests that zoomToFocusedInput in iframe works regardless whether cross-origin or not 3316
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_iframe.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput scrolls that focused element is into iframe 3625
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_iframe_subframe.html 693
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_multiline.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput scrolls that focused non-input element is visible position 3163
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_nested_position_fixed.html Tests that zoomToFocuedInput doesn't reset the scroll position for nested position:fixed element 1159
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_nozoom.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput does not zoom if meta viewport does not allow it 1578
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_nozoom_bug1738696.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput does not zoom is meta viewport does not allow it 2387
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_scroll.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput scrolls that focused input element is visible position 2122
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_touch-action.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput zooms if touch-action allows it 2432
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_zoom.html Checking zoomToFocusedInput zooms if meta viewport allows it 1537
helper_zoomToFocusedInput_zoom_in_position_fixed.html Tests that zoomToFocuedInput zooms in element in position:fixed element 1193
mochitest.toml 6134
test_abort_smooth_scroll_by_instant_scroll.html Test to make sure an on-going smooth scroll is aborted by a new instant absolute scroll operation 1912
test_bug1151667.html Test for Bug 1151667 1961
test_bug1253683.html Test to ensure non-scrollable frames don't get layerized 2255
test_bug1277814.html Test for Bug 1277814 3581
test_bug1304689-2.html Test for Bug 1285070 4510
test_bug1304689.html Test for Bug 1285070 4600
test_frame_reconstruction.html Test for bug 1235899 5975
test_group_bug1534549.html Tests for bug 1534549 1477
test_group_checkerboarding.html 2902
test_group_displayport.html Tests for DisplayPorts 1099
test_group_double_tap_zoom-2.html Various zoom-related tests that spawn in new windows 4921
test_group_double_tap_zoom.html Various zoom-related tests that spawn in new windows 2954
test_group_fission.html Various tests that spawn in out-of-process iframes. 1850
test_group_fullscreen.html 1038
test_group_hittest-1.html Various hit-testing tests that spawn in new windows - Part 1 2466
test_group_hittest-2.html Various hit-testing tests that spawn in new windows - Part 2 3333
test_group_hittest-3.html Various hit-testing tests that spawn in new windows - Part 3 1989
test_group_hittest-overscroll.html Various hit-testing tests relevant with overscroll that spawn in new windows 2127
test_group_keyboard-2.html Various keyboard scrolling tests 1902
test_group_keyboard.html Various keyboard scrolling tests 1681
test_group_mainthread.html Tests that perform main-thread scrolling 1905
test_group_minimum_scale_size.html 1926
test_group_mouseevents.html Various mouse tests that spawn in new windows 4900
test_group_overrides.html Various tests for event regions overrides 1117
test_group_overscroll.html Tests for overscroll 936
test_group_overscroll_handoff.html Tests for overscroll handoff 1692
test_group_pointerevents.html Test for Bug 1285070 1842
test_group_programmatic_scroll_behavior.html Various programmatic scroll tests that spawn in new windows 1692
test_group_scroll_linked_effect.html Tests for scroll linked effect 860
test_group_scroll_snap.html Various tests for scroll snap 2976
test_group_scrollend.html Various scrollend tests that spawn in new windows 2623
test_group_scrollframe_activation.html Tests related to scrollframe activation 1528
test_group_touchevents-2.html Various touch tests that spawn in new windows (2) 2962
test_group_touchevents-3.html Various touch tests that spawn in new windows (3) 1860
test_group_touchevents-4.html Various touch tests that spawn in new windows (4) 2217
test_group_touchevents-5.html Various touch tests that spawn in new windows (5) 2859
test_group_touchevents-6.html Various touch tests that spawn in new windows (6) 1562
test_group_touchevents.html Various touch tests that spawn in new windows 1966
test_group_wheelevents.html Various wheel-scrolling tests that spawn in new windows 3791
test_group_zoom-2.html Various zoom-related tests that spawn in new windows 3637
test_group_zoom.html Various zoom-related tests that spawn in new windows 3425
test_group_zoomToFocusedInput.html Various zoomToFocusedInput tests 2065
test_interrupted_reflow.html Test for bug 1292781 1246
test_layerization.html Test for layerization 13562
test_relative_update.html Test for relative scroll offset updates (Bug 1453425) 3141
test_scroll_inactive_bug1190112.html Test scrolling flattened inactive frames 6370
test_scroll_inactive_flattened_frame.html Test scrolling flattened inactive frames 1783
test_scroll_subframe_scrollbar.html Test scrolling subframe scrollbars 2498
test_smoothness.html Test Frame Uniformity While Scrolling 2172
test_touch_listeners_impacting_wheel.html Test for Bug 1203140 4737
test_wheel_scroll.html Test for Bug 1013412 and 1168182 3404
test_wheel_transactions.html Test for Bug 1175585 5393