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<title>Test to ensure APZ doesn't always wait for touch-action</title>
<script type="application/javascript" src="apz_test_native_event_utils.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript" src="apz_test_utils.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/paint_listener.js"></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
function failure(e) {
ok(false, "This event listener should not have triggered: " + e.type);
function listener(callback) {
return function(e) {
ok(e.type == "touchstart", "The touchstart event handler was triggered after snapshotting completed");
setTimeout(callback, 0);
// This helper function provides a way for the child process to synchronously
// check how many touch events the chrome process main-thread has processed. This
// function can be called with three values: 'start', 'report', and 'end'.
// The 'start' invocation sets up the listeners, and should be invoked before
// the touch events of interest are generated. This should only be called once.
// This returns true on success, and false on failure.
// The 'report' invocation can be invoked multiple times, and returns an object
// (in JSON string format) containing the counters.
// The 'end' invocation tears down the listeners, and should be invoked once
// at the end to clean up. Returns true on success, false on failure.
function chromeTouchEventCounter(operation) {
function chromeProcessCounter() {
/* eslint-env mozilla/chrome-script */
const PREFIX = "apz:ctec:";
const LISTENERS = {
"start": function() {
var topWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (!topWin) {
topWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:geckoview");
if (typeof topWin.eventCounts != "undefined") {
dump("Found pre-existing eventCounts object on the top window!\n");
return false;
topWin.eventCounts = { "touchstart": 0, "touchmove": 0, "touchend": 0 };
topWin.counter = function(e) {
topWin.addEventListener("touchstart", topWin.counter, { passive: true });
topWin.addEventListener("touchmove", topWin.counter, { passive: true });
topWin.addEventListener("touchend", topWin.counter, { passive: true });
return true;
"report": function() {
var topWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (!topWin) {
topWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:geckoview");
return JSON.stringify(topWin.eventCounts);
"end": function() {
for (let [msg, func] of Object.entries(LISTENERS)) {
Services.ppmm.removeMessageListener(PREFIX + msg, func);
var topWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (!topWin) {
topWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:geckoview");
if (typeof topWin.eventCounts == "undefined") {
dump("The eventCounts object was not found on the top window!\n");
return false;
topWin.removeEventListener("touchstart", topWin.counter);
topWin.removeEventListener("touchmove", topWin.counter);
topWin.removeEventListener("touchend", topWin.counter);
delete topWin.counter;
delete topWin.eventCounts;
return true;
for (let [msg, func] of Object.entries(LISTENERS)) {
Services.ppmm.addMessageListener(PREFIX + msg, func);
if (typeof chromeTouchEventCounter.chromeHelper == "undefined") {
// This is the first time chromeTouchEventCounter is being called; do initialization
chromeTouchEventCounter.chromeHelper = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(chromeProcessCounter);
ApzCleanup.register(function() { chromeTouchEventCounter.chromeHelper.destroy(); });
return SpecialPowers.Services.cpmm.sendSyncMessage(`apz:ctec:${operation}`, "")[0];
// Simple wrapper that waits until the chrome process has seen |count| instances
// of the |eventType| event. Returns true on success, and false if 10 seconds
// go by without the condition being satisfied.
function waitFor(eventType, count) {
var start =;
while (JSON.parse(chromeTouchEventCounter("report"))[eventType] != count) {
if ( - start > 10000) {
// It's taking too long, let's abort
return false;
return true;
function RunAfterProcessedQueuedInputEvents(aCallback) {
let tm =;
tm.dispatchToMainThread(aCallback, SpecialPowers.Ci.nsIRunnablePriority.PRIORITY_INPUT_HIGH);
var scrollerPosition;
async function getScrollerPosition() {
const scroller = document.getElementById("scroller");
scrollerPosition = await coordinatesRelativeToScreen({
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
target: scroller,
function* test(testDriver) {
// The main part of this test should run completely before the child process'
// main-thread deals with the touch event, so check to make sure that happens.
document.body.addEventListener("touchstart", failure, { passive: true });
// What we want here is to synthesize all of the touch events (from this code in
// the child process), and have the chrome process generate and process them,
// but not allow the events to be dispatched back into the child process until
// later. This allows us to ensure that the APZ in the chrome process is not
// waiting for the child process to send notifications upon processing the
// events. If it were doing so, the APZ would block and this test would fail.
// In order to actually implement this, we call the synthesize functions with
// a async callback in between. The synthesize functions just queue up a
// runnable on the child process main thread and return immediately, so with
// the async callbacks, the child process main thread queue looks like
// this after we're done setting it up:
// synthesizeTouchStart
// callback testDriver
// synthesizeTouchMove
// callback testDriver
// ...
// synthesizeTouchEnd
// callback testDriver
// If, after setting up this queue, we yield once, the first synthesization and
// callback will run - this will send a synthesization message to the chrome
// process, and return control back to us right away. When the chrome process
// processes with the synthesized event, it will dispatch the DOM touch event
// back to the child process over IPC, which will go into the end of the child
// process main thread queue, like so:
// synthesizeTouchStart (done)
// invoke testDriver (done)
// synthesizeTouchMove
// invoke testDriver
// ...
// synthesizeTouchEnd
// invoke testDriver
// handle DOM touchstart <-- touchstart goes at end of queue
// As we continue yielding one at a time, the synthesizations run, and the
// touch events get added to the end of the queue. As we yield, we take
// snapshots in the chrome process, to make sure that the APZ has started
// scrolling even though we know we haven't yet processed the DOM touch events
// in the child process yet.
// Note that the "async callback" we use here is
// with priority = input, because nothing else does exactly what we want:
// - setTimeout(..., 0) does not maintain ordering, because it respects the
// time delta provided (i.e. the callback can jump the queue to meet its
// deadline).
// - SpecialPowers.spinEventLoop and SpecialPowers.executeAfterFlushingMessageQueue
// are not e10s friendly, and can get arbitrarily delayed due to IPC
// round-trip time.
// - SimpleTest.executeSoon has a codepath that delegates to setTimeout, so
// is less reliable if it ever decides to switch to that codepath.
// - SpecialPowers.executeSoon dispatches a task to main thread. However,
// normal runnables may be preempted by input events and be executed in an
// unexpected order.
// Also note that this test is intentionally kept as a yield-style test using
// the runContinuation helper, even though all other similar tests have since
// been migrated to using async/await and Promise-based architectures. This is
// because yield and async/await have different semantics with respect to
// timing, and this test requires very specific timing behaviour (as described
// above).
// The other problem we need to deal with is the asynchronicity in the chrome
// process. That is, we might request a snapshot before the chrome process has
// actually synthesized the event and processed it. To guard against this, we
// register a thing in the chrome process that counts the touch events that
// have been dispatched, and poll that thing synchronously in order to make
// sure we only snapshot after the event in question has been processed.
// That's what the chromeTouchEventCounter business is all about. The sync
// polling looks bad but in practice only ends up needing to poll once or
// twice before the condition is satisfied, and as an extra precaution we add
// a time guard so it fails after 10s of polling.
// So, here we go...
// Set up the chrome process touch listener
ok(chromeTouchEventCounter("start"), "Chrome touch counter registered");
// Set up the child process events and callbacks
var scroller = document.getElementById("scroller");
var utils = utilsForTarget(window);
utils.sendNativeTouchPoint(0, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT,
scrollerPosition.x + 10, scrollerPosition.y + 110,
1, 90, null);
for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
utils.sendNativeTouchPoint(0, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_CONTACT,
scrollerPosition.x + 10,
scrollerPosition.y + 110 - (i * 10),
1, 90, null);
utils.sendNativeTouchPoint(0, SpecialPowers.DOMWindowUtils.TOUCH_REMOVE,
scrollerPosition.x + 10,
scrollerPosition.y + 10,
1, 90, null);
ok(true, "Finished setting up event queue");
// Get our baseline snapshot
var rect = rectRelativeToScreen(scroller);
var lastSnapshot = getSnapshot(rect);
ok(true, "Got baseline snapshot");
var numDifferentSnapshotPairs = 0;
yield; // this will tell the chrome process to synthesize the touchstart event
// and then we wait to make sure it got processed:
ok(waitFor("touchstart", 1), "Touchstart processed in chrome process");
// Loop through the touchmove events
for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
ok(waitFor("touchmove", i), "Touchmove processed in chrome process");
// Take a snapshot after each touch move event. This forces
// a composite each time, even we don't get a vsync in this
// interval.
var snapshot = getSnapshot(rect);
if (lastSnapshot != snapshot) {
numDifferentSnapshotPairs += 1;
lastSnapshot = snapshot;
// Check that the snapshot has changed since the baseline, indicating
// that the touch events caused async scrolling. Note that, since we
// orce a composite after each touch event, even if there is a frame
// of delay between APZ processing a touch event and the compositor
// the snapshot should have changed.
ok(numDifferentSnapshotPairs > 0,
"The number of different snapshot pairs was " + numDifferentSnapshotPairs);
// Wait for the touchend as well, to clear all pending testDriver resumes
ok(waitFor("touchend", 1), "Touchend processed in chrome process");
// Clean up the chrome process hooks
// Now we are going to release our grip on the child process main thread,
// so that all the DOM events that were queued up can be processed. We
// register a touchstart listener to make sure this happens.
document.body.removeEventListener("touchstart", failure);
var listenerFunc = listener(testDriver);
document.body.addEventListener("touchstart", listenerFunc, { passive: true });
dump("done registering listener, going to yield\n");
document.body.removeEventListener("touchstart", listenerFunc);
// Despite what this function name says, this does not *directly* run the
// provided continuation testFunction. Instead, it returns a function that
// can be used to run the continuation. The extra level of indirection allows
// it to be more easily added to a promise chain, like so:
// waitUntilApzStable().then(runContinuation(myTest));
function runContinuation(testFunction) {
return function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
var testContinuation = null;
function driveTest() {
if (!testContinuation) {
testContinuation = testFunction(driveTest);
var ret =;
if (ret.done) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
"APZ test continuation failed with exception: " + ex
if (SpecialPowers.isMainProcess()) {
// This is probably android, where everything is single-process. The
// test structure depends on e10s, so the test won't run properly on
// this platform. Skip it
ok(true, "Skipping test because it is designed to run from the content process");
} else {
.then(async () => { await getScrollerPosition(); })
.then(subtestDone, subtestFailed);
<div id="scroller" style="width: 400px; height: 400px; overflow: scroll; touch-action: pan-y">
<div style="width: 200px; height: 200px; background-color: lightgreen;">
This is a colored div that will move on the screen as the scroller scrolls.
<div style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px; background-color: lightblue">
This is a large div to make the scroller scrollable.