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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "txOutputFormat.h"
#include "txExpandedNameMap.h"
#include "txList.h"
#include "txXSLTPatterns.h"
#include "nsISupportsImpl.h"
class txInstruction;
class txTemplateItem;
class txVariableItem;
class txStripSpaceItem;
class txAttributeSetItem;
class txDecimalFormat;
class txStripSpaceTest;
class txXSLKey;
class txStylesheet final {
class ImportFrame;
class GlobalVariable;
friend class txStylesheetCompilerState;
// To be able to do some cleaning up in destructor
friend class ImportFrame;
nsresult init();
nsresult findTemplate(const txXPathNode& aNode, const txExpandedName& aMode,
txIMatchContext* aContext, ImportFrame* aImportedBy,
txInstruction** aTemplate, ImportFrame** aImportFrame);
txDecimalFormat* getDecimalFormat(const txExpandedName& aName);
txInstruction* getAttributeSet(const txExpandedName& aName);
txInstruction* getNamedTemplate(const txExpandedName& aName);
txOutputFormat* getOutputFormat();
GlobalVariable* getGlobalVariable(const txExpandedName& aName);
const txOwningExpandedNameMap<txXSLKey>& getKeyMap();
nsresult isStripSpaceAllowed(const txXPathNode& aNode,
txIMatchContext* aContext, bool& aAllowed);
* Called by the stylesheet compiler once all stylesheets has been read.
nsresult doneCompiling();
* Add a key to the stylesheet
nsresult addKey(const txExpandedName& aName,
mozilla::UniquePtr<txPattern> aMatch,
mozilla::UniquePtr<Expr> aUse);
* Add a decimal-format to the stylesheet
nsresult addDecimalFormat(const txExpandedName& aName,
mozilla::UniquePtr<txDecimalFormat>&& aFormat);
struct MatchableTemplate {
txInstruction* mFirstInstruction;
mozilla::UniquePtr<txPattern> mMatch;
double mPriority;
* Contain information that is import precedence dependant.
class ImportFrame {
ImportFrame() : mFirstNotImported(nullptr) {}
// List of toplevel items
txList mToplevelItems;
// Map of template modes
txOwningExpandedNameMap<nsTArray<MatchableTemplate> > mMatchableTemplates;
// ImportFrame which is the first one *not* imported by this frame
ImportFrame* mFirstNotImported;
class GlobalVariable : public txObject {
GlobalVariable(mozilla::UniquePtr<Expr>&& aExpr,
mozilla::UniquePtr<txInstruction>&& aFirstInstruction,
bool aIsParam);
mozilla::UniquePtr<Expr> mExpr;
mozilla::UniquePtr<txInstruction> mFirstInstruction;
bool mIsParam;
// Private destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
nsresult addTemplate(txTemplateItem* aTemplate, ImportFrame* aImportFrame);
nsresult addGlobalVariable(txVariableItem* aVariable);
nsresult addFrames(txListIterator& aInsertIter);
nsresult addStripSpace(txStripSpaceItem* aStripSpaceItem,
nsTArray<txStripSpaceTest*>& aFrameStripSpaceTests);
nsresult addAttributeSet(txAttributeSetItem* aAttributeSetItem);
// List of ImportFrames
txList mImportFrames;
// output format
txOutputFormat mOutputFormat;
// List of first instructions of templates. This is the owner of all
// instructions used in templates
txList mTemplateInstructions;
// Root importframe
ImportFrame* mRootFrame;
// Named templates
txExpandedNameMap<txInstruction> mNamedTemplates;
// Map with all decimal-formats
txOwningExpandedNameMap<txDecimalFormat> mDecimalFormats;
// Map with all named attribute sets
txExpandedNameMap<txInstruction> mAttributeSets;
// Map with all global variables and parameters
txOwningExpandedNameMap<GlobalVariable> mGlobalVariables;
// Map with all keys
txOwningExpandedNameMap<txXSLKey> mKeys;
// Array of all txStripSpaceTests, sorted in acending order
nsTArray<mozilla::UniquePtr<txStripSpaceTest> > mStripSpaceTests;
// Default templates
mozilla::UniquePtr<txInstruction> mContainerTemplate;
mozilla::UniquePtr<txInstruction> mCharactersTemplate;
mozilla::UniquePtr<txInstruction> mEmptyTemplate;
* txStripSpaceTest holds both an txNameTest and a bool for use in
* whitespace stripping.
class txStripSpaceTest {
txStripSpaceTest(nsAtom* aPrefix, nsAtom* aLocalName, int32_t aNSID,
bool stripSpace)
: mNameTest(aPrefix, aLocalName, aNSID, txXPathNodeType::ELEMENT_NODE),
mStrips(stripSpace) {}
nsresult matches(const txXPathNode& aNode, txIMatchContext* aContext,
bool& aMatched) {
return mNameTest.matches(aNode, aContext, aMatched);
bool stripsSpace() { return mStrips; }
double getDefaultPriority() { return mNameTest.getDefaultPriority(); }
txNameTest mNameTest;
bool mStrips;
* Value of a global parameter
class txIGlobalParameter {
virtual nsresult getValue(txAExprResult** aValue) = 0;