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<title>Test for MakeCredential for W3C Web Authentication</title>
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<h1>Test for MakeCredential for W3C Web Authentication</h1>
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 1309284</a>
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"use strict";
add_task(async () => {
await addVirtualAuthenticator();
is(navigator.authentication, undefined, "navigator.authentication does not exist any longer");
isnot(navigator.credentials, undefined, "Credential Management API endpoint must exist");
isnot(navigator.credentials.create, undefined, "CredentialManagement create API endpoint must exist");
isnot(navigator.credentials.get, undefined, "CredentialManagement get API endpoint must exist");
let credm;
let gCredentialChallenge;
let rp;
let user;
let param;
let unsupportedParam;
let unknownParam;
// Setup test env
add_task(() => {
gCredentialChallenge = new Uint8Array(16);
rp = {id: document.domain, name: "none"};
user = {id: new Uint8Array(64), name: "none", displayName: "none"};
param = {type: "public-key", alg: cose_alg_ECDSA_w_SHA256};
unsupportedParam = {type: "public-key", alg: cose_alg_ECDSA_w_SHA512};
unknownParam = {type: "SimplePassword", alg: "MaxLength=2"};
credm = navigator.credentials;
// Add tests
function arrivingHereIsGood(aResult) {
ok(true, "Good result! Received a: " + aResult);
return Promise.resolve();
function arrivingHereIsBad(aResult) {
ok(false, "Bad result! Received a: " + aResult);
return Promise.resolve();
function expectNotAllowedError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("NotAllowedError"), "Expecting a NotAllowedError");
return Promise.resolve();
function expectTypeError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("TypeError"), "Expecting a TypeError");
return Promise.resolve();
function expectNotSupportedError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("NotSupportedError"), "Expecting a NotSupportedError");
return Promise.resolve();
// Test basic good call
async function test_good_call() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test empty account
async function test_empty_account() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without
async function test_without_rp_name() {
let rp1 = {id: document.domain};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp: rp1, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without
async function test_without_user_id() {
let user1 = {name: "none", displayName: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user: user1, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without
async function test_without_user_name() {
let user1 = {id: new Uint8Array(64), displayName: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user: user1, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without user.displayName
async function test_without_user_displayname() {
let user1 = {id: new Uint8Array(64), name: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user: user1, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with a user handle that exceeds the max length
async function test_user_too_large() {
let user1 = {id: new Uint8Array(65), name: "none", displayName: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user: user1, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without any parameters; this is acceptable meaning the RP ID is
// happy to accept either ECDSA-SHA256 or RSA-SHA256
async function test_empty_parameters() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: []
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without a parameter array at all
async function test_without_parameters() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with an unsupported parameter
// The result depends on the tokens that are available, so we
// expect a NotAllowedError so as not to leak this.
async function test_unsupported_parameter() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [unsupportedParam]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with an unsupported parameter and a good one
async function test_unsupported_but_one_param() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [param, unsupportedParam]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with one unknown (not "public-key") parameter.
async function test_one_unknown_parameter() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [unknownParam]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with an unsupported parameter, and an unknown one
// The result depends on the tokens that are available, so we
// expect a NotAllowedError so as not to leak this.
async function test_one_unknown_one_unsupported_param() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [unsupportedParam, unknownParam]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with an unsupported parameter, an unknown one, and a good one. This
// should succeed, as the unsupported and unknown should be ignored.
async function test_one_of_each_parameters() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [param, unsupportedParam, unknownParam]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test without a challenge
async function test_without_challenge() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with an invalid challenge
async function test_invalid_challenge() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: "begone, thou ill-fitting moist glove!",
pubKeyCredParams: [unsupportedParam]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with duplicate pubKeyCredParams
async function test_duplicate_pub_key() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [param, param, param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with an RP ID that is not a valid domain string
async function test_invalid_rp_id() {
let rp1 = { id: document.domain + ":somejunk", name: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp: rp1, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with another RP ID that is not a valid domain string
async function test_invalid_rp_id_2() {
let rp1 = { id: document.domain + ":8888", name: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp: rp1, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with missing rp
async function test_missing_rp() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with incorrect user ID type
async function test_incorrect_user_id_type() {
let invalidType = {id: "a string, which is not a buffer", name: "none", displayName: "none"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
user: invalidType, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with missing user
async function test_missing_user() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test a complete account
async function test_complete_account() {
// the icon fields are deprecated, but including them should not cause an error
let completeRP = {id: document.domain, name: "Foxxy Name",
let completeUser = {id: string2buffer(""),
name: "Fox F. Foxington",
displayName: "Foxxy V"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp: completeRP, user: completeUser, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with too-large user ID buffer
async function test_too_large_user_id() {
let hugeUser = {id: new Uint8Array(65),
name: "Fox F. Foxington",
displayName: "Foxxy V"};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user: hugeUser, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [param]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
// Test with excluding unknown transports
async function test_excluding_unknown_transports() {
let completeRP = {id: document.domain, name: "Foxxy Name"};
let completeUser = {id: string2buffer(""),
name: "Fox F. Foxington",
displayName: "Foxxy V"};
let excludedUnknownTransport = {type: "public-key",
id: string2buffer("123"),
transports: ["unknown", "usb"]};
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp: completeRP, user: completeUser, challenge: gCredentialChallenge,
pubKeyCredParams: [param], excludeCredentials: [excludedUnknownTransport]
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions})
async function test_unknown_attestation_type() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param],
attestation: "unknown"
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions })
async function test_unknown_selection_criteria() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param],
authenticatorSelection: {
userVerificationRequirement: "unknown UV requirement",
authenticatorAttachment: "unknown authenticator attachment type"
return credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions })
async function test_no_unexpected_extensions() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param],
let cred = await credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions}).catch(arrivingHereIsBad);
let extensionResults = cred.getClientExtensionResults();
is(extensionResults.credProps, undefined, "no credProps output");
async function test_cred_props_with_rk_required() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param],
authenticatorSelection: {
authenticatorAttachment: "cross-platform",
residentKey: "required",
extensions: { credProps: true }
let cred = await credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions}).catch(arrivingHereIsBad);
let extensionResults = cred.getClientExtensionResults();
is(extensionResults.credProps?.rk, true, "rk is true");
async function test_cred_props_with_rk_discouraged() {
let makeCredentialOptions = {
rp, user, challenge: gCredentialChallenge, pubKeyCredParams: [param],
authenticatorSelection: {
authenticatorAttachment: "cross-platform",
residentKey: "discouraged",
extensions: { credProps: true }
let cred = await credm.create({publicKey: makeCredentialOptions}).catch(arrivingHereIsBad);
let extensionResults = cred.getClientExtensionResults();
is(extensionResults.credProps?.rk, false, "rk is false");