AndroidWebAuthnService.cpp |
16227 |
AndroidWebAuthnService.h |
3467 |
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.cpp |
5953 |
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.h |
2188 |
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.cpp |
anonymize |
8004 |
AuthenticatorAttestationResponse.h |
2404 |
AuthenticatorResponse.cpp |
1738 |
AuthenticatorResponse.h |
1493 |
authrs_bridge |
AuthrsBridge_ffi.h |
695 |
components.conf |
549 |
libudev-sys |
MacOSWebAuthnService.h |
682 | |
53036 |
metrics.yaml |
3394 | |
2269 |
nsIWebAuthnArgs.idl |
4909 |
nsIWebAuthnAttObj.idl |
806 |
nsIWebAuthnPromise.idl |
792 |
nsIWebAuthnResult.idl |
2831 |
nsIWebAuthnService.idl |
5965 |
PublicKeyCredential.cpp |
static |
22857 |
PublicKeyCredential.h |
4102 |
PWebAuthnTransaction.ipdl |
IPC Transaction protocol for the WebAuthn DOM API. This IPC protocol allows
the content process to call to the parent to access hardware for
authentication registration and challenges. All transactions start in the
child process, and the parent replies with a "Confirm*" message, or a
"Cancel" message if there was an error (no hardware available, no registered
keys, etc) or interruption (another transaction was started in another
content process). Similarly, the content process can also request a cancel,
either triggered explicitly by the user/script or due to UI events like
selecting a different tab.
4314 |
tests |
WebAuthnArgs.cpp |
11993 |
WebAuthnArgs.h |
3700 |
WebAuthnAutoFillEntry.cpp |
858 |
WebAuthnAutoFillEntry.h |
1585 |
WebAuthnCoseIdentifiers.h |
716 |
WebAuthnEnumStrings.h |
2542 |
WebAuthnHandler.cpp |
******************************************************************** |
32575 |
WebAuthnHandler.h |
Content process handler for the WebAuthn protocol. Created on calls to the
WebAuthentication DOM object, this is responsible for establishing IPC
channels for WebAuthn transactions as well as keeping track of JS Promise
objects representing transactions in flight.
The WebAuthn spec ( allows for two different
types of transactions: registration and signing. When either of these is
requested via the DOM API, the following steps are executed in the
- Validation of the request. Return a failed promise to js if request does
not have correct parameters.
- If request is valid, open a new IPC channel for running the transaction. If
another transaction is already running in this content process, cancel it.
Return a pending promise to js.
- Send transaction information to parent process.
- On return of successful transaction information from parent process, turn
information into DOM object format required by spec, and resolve promise
(by running the Finish* functions of WebAuthnHandler). On cancellation
request from parent, reject promise with corresponding error code.
5659 |
WebAuthnPromiseHolder.cpp |
2889 |
WebAuthnPromiseHolder.h |
WebAuthnRegisterPromiseHolder and WebAuthnSignPromiseHolder wrap a
MozPromiseHolder with an XPCOM interface that allows the contained promise
to be resolved, rejected, or disconnected safely from any thread.
Calls to Resolve(), Reject(), and Disconnect() are dispatched to the serial
event target with wich the promise holder was initialized. At most one of
these calls will be processed; the first call to reach the event target
wins. Once the promise is initialized with Ensure() the program MUST call
at least one of Resolve(), Reject(), or Disconnect().
2268 |
WebAuthnResult.cpp |
anonymize |
6891 |
WebAuthnResult.h |
9423 |
WebAuthnService.cpp |
12977 |
WebAuthnService.h |
2845 |
WebAuthnTransactionChild.cpp |
868 |
WebAuthnTransactionChild.h |
Child process IPC implementation for WebAuthn API. Receives results of
WebAuthn transactions from the parent process, and sends them to the
WebAuthnHandler either cancel the transaction, or be formatted and relayed to
1230 |
WebAuthnTransactionParent.cpp |
out |
19333 |
WebAuthnTransactionParent.h |
Parent process IPC implementation for WebAuthn.
2364 |
WebAuthnTransportIdentifiers.h |
764 |
WebAuthnUtil.cpp |
out |
7811 |
WebAuthnUtil.h |
out |
1126 |
winwebauthn |
WinWebAuthnService.cpp |
WinWebAuthnService Implementation
******************************************************************** |
44703 |
WinWebAuthnService.h |
1589 |