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- This test gets skipped with pattern: os == 'android'
- Manifest: dom/webauthn/tests/mochitest.toml
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<title>Tests for GetAssertion for W3C Web Authentication</title>
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<h1>Tests for GetAssertion for W3C Web Authentication</h1>
<a target="_blank" href="">Mozilla Bug 1309284</a>
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"use strict";
add_task(async () => {
await addVirtualAuthenticator();
is(navigator.authentication, undefined, "navigator.authentication does not exist any longer");
isnot(navigator.credentials, undefined, "Credential Management API endpoint must exist");
isnot(navigator.credentials.create, undefined, "CredentialManagement create API endpoint must exist");
isnot(navigator.credentials.get, undefined, "CredentialManagement get API endpoint must exist");
let gAssertionChallenge = new Uint8Array(16);
let unknownCredType = {type: "Magic", id: base64ToBytes("AAA=")};
let unknownCred = {type: "public-key", id: base64ToBytes("AAA=")};
let validCred = null;
function requestGetAssertion(params) {
return navigator.credentials.get(params);
function arrivingHereIsGood(aResult) {
ok(true, "Good result! Received a: " + aResult);
function arrivingHereIsBad(aResult) {
ok(false, "Bad result! Received a: " + aResult);
function expectNotAllowedError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("NotAllowedError"), "Expecting a NotAllowedError, got " + aResult);
function expectInvalidStateError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("InvalidStateError"), "Expecting a InvalidStateError, got " + aResult);
function expectTypeError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("TypeError"), "Expecting a TypeError, got " + aResult);
function expectSecurityError(aResult) {
ok(aResult.toString().startsWith("SecurityError"), "Expecting a SecurityError, got " + aResult);
function expectAbortError(aResult) {
is(aResult.code, DOMException.ABORT_ERR, "Expecting an AbortError");
// Set up a valid credential
async function test_setup_valid_credential() {
let publicKey = {
rp: {id: document.domain, name: "none"},
user: {id: new Uint8Array(), name: "none", displayName: "none"},
challenge: crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)),
pubKeyCredParams: [{type: "public-key", alg: cose_alg_ECDSA_w_SHA256}],
return navigator.credentials.create({publicKey})
.then(res => validCred = {type: "public-key", id: res.rawId} );
// Test with a valid credential
async function test_with_credential() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
allowCredentials: [validCred]
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an unexpected option. That won't stop anything, and we'll
// fail with NotAllowed just as if we had no valid credentials -- which
// we don't.
async function test_unexpected_option() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
unknownValue: "hi"
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an unexpected option but a valid credential
async function test_unexpected_option_with_credential() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
unknownValue: "hi",
allowCredentials: [validCred]
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an unexpected transport on a valid credential
async function test_unexpected_transport() {
let cred = validCred;
cred.transports = ["unknown", "usb"];
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
unknownValue: "hi",
allowCredentials: [cred]
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an unknown credential type
async function test_unknown_credential_type() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
allowCredentials: [unknownCredType]
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an unknown credential
async function test_unknown_credential() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
allowCredentials: [unknownCred]
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with too many credentials
async function test_too_many_credentials() {
let tooManyCredentials = Array(21).fill(validCred);
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
allowCredentials: tooManyCredentials,
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an unexpected option and an unknown credential type
async function test_unexpected_option_unknown_credential_type() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
unknownValue: "hi",
allowCredentials: [unknownCredType]
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})
// Test with an empty credential list
async function test_empty_credential_list() {
let publicKey = {
challenge: gAssertionChallenge,
allowCredentials: []
await requestGetAssertion({publicKey})