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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>Tests for Publickey-Credentials-Get Feature Policy for W3C Web Authentication</title>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="u2futil.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<h1>Tests for Publickey-Credentials-Get Feature Policy for W3C Web Authentication</h1>
<script class="testbody" type="text/javascript">
"use strict";
var gAuthenticatorId;
var gSameCredId;
var gCrossCredId;
const CROSS_DOMAIN = "";
function compare(a, b) {
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
function arrivingHereIsGood(aResult) {
ok(true, "Good result! Received a: " + aResult);
function arrivingHereIsBad(aResult) {
ok(false, "Bad result! Received a: " + aResult);
function expectNotAllowedError(aResult) {
ok(aResult == "NotAllowedError", "Expecting a NotAllowedError, got " + aResult);
function expectSameCredId(aResult) {
ok(compare(aResult, gSameCredId), "Expecting credential for " + document.domain);
function expectCrossCredId(aResult) {
ok(compare(aResult, gCrossCredId), "Expecting credential for " + CROSS_DOMAIN);
function getAssertion(id) {
let chall = new Uint8Array(16);
let options = {
challenge: chall,
allowCredentials: [ { type: "public-key", id } ],
return this.content.window.navigator.credentials.get({publicKey: options})
.then(res => Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array(res.rawId)))
.catch(e => Promise.reject(;
function getAssertionAndReturnClientDataJSON(id) {
let chall = new Uint8Array(16);
let options = {
challenge: chall,
allowCredentials: [ { type: "public-key", id } ],
return this.content.window.navigator.credentials.get({publicKey: options})
.then(res => Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array(res.response.clientDataJSON)))
.catch(e => Promise.reject(;
function createCredential() {
const cose_alg_ECDSA_w_SHA256 = -7;
let publicKey = {
rp: {id: this.content.window.document.domain, name: "none"},
user: {id: new Uint8Array(), name: "none", displayName: "none"},
challenge: this.content.window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)),
pubKeyCredParams: [{type: "public-key", alg: cose_alg_ECDSA_w_SHA256}],
return this.content.window.navigator.credentials.create({publicKey})
.then(res => Promise.resolve(new Uint8Array(res.rawId)))
.catch(e => Promise.reject(;
async function setup(preloadSame, preloadCross) {
if (!gAuthenticatorId) {
gAuthenticatorId = await addVirtualAuthenticator();
if (gSameCredId) {
removeCredential(gAuthenticatorId, bytesToBase64UrlSafe(gSameCredId));
gSameCredId = undefined;
if (gCrossCredId) {
removeCredential(gAuthenticatorId, bytesToBase64UrlSafe(gCrossCredId));
gCrossCredId = undefined;
if (preloadSame) {
gSameCredId = await addCredential(gAuthenticatorId, document.domain).then(id => base64ToBytesUrlSafe(id));
if (preloadCross) {
gCrossCredId = await addCredential(gAuthenticatorId, CROSS_DOMAIN).then(id => base64ToBytesUrlSafe(id));
add_task(async function test_same_origin_iframe_allow() {
// Don't preload any credentials. We'll try to create one in content.
await setup(false, false);
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "https://" + document.domain + "/tests/dom/webauthn/tests/empty.html");
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true}));
ok("featurePolicy" in iframe, "we have iframe.featurePolicy");
ok(iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-create"), "iframe allows publickey-credentials-create");
ok(iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-get"), "iframe allows publickey-credentials-get");
// We should be able to create a credential in a same-origin iframe by default.
is(gSameCredId, undefined);
gSameCredId = new Uint8Array(await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [], createCredential));
// We should be able to assert a credential in a same-origin iframe by default.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gSameCredId], getAssertion)
// Assert again, but get the client data this time
let clientDataBuffer = await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gSameCredId], getAssertionAndReturnClientDataJSON)
let clientData = JSON.parse(buffer2string(clientDataBuffer));
ok(!clientData.crossOrigin, "Client data shows response is same origin");
is(clientData.topOrigin, undefined, "Client data does not include top origin");
add_task(async function test_same_origin_iframe_deny() {
// Preload same-origin credential to ensure we cannot assert it.
await setup(true, false);
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "https://" + document.domain + "/tests/dom/webauthn/tests/empty.html");
iframe.setAttribute("allow", "publickey-credentials-create 'none'; publickey-credentials-get 'none'");
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true}));
ok("featurePolicy" in iframe, "we have iframe.featurePolicy");
ok(!iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-create"), "iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-create");
ok(!iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-get"), "iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get");
// We should not be able to create a credential in a same-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-create.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [], createCredential)
// We should not be able to assert a credential in a same-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gSameCredId], getAssertion)
add_task(async function test_cross_origin_iframe_allow() {
// Don't preload any credentials. We'll try to create one in content.
await setup(false, false);
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN + "/tests/dom/webauthn/tests/empty.html");
iframe.setAttribute("allow", "publickey-credentials-create https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN + "; publickey-credentials-get https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN);
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true}));
ok("featurePolicy" in iframe, "we have iframe.featurePolicy");
ok(iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-create"), "iframe allows publickey-credentials-create");
ok(iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-get"), "iframe allows publickey-credentials-get");
// We should be able to create a credential in a same-origin iframe if
// the iframe allows publickey-credentials-create.
is(gCrossCredId, undefined);
gCrossCredId = new Uint8Array(await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [], createCredential));
// We should be able to assert a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe allows publickey-credentials-get.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gCrossCredId], getAssertion)
// Assert again, but get the client data this time
let clientDataBuffer = await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gCrossCredId], getAssertionAndReturnClientDataJSON)
let clientData = JSON.parse(buffer2string(clientDataBuffer));
ok(clientData.crossOrigin, "Client data shows response is cross origin");
is(clientData.topOrigin, window.location.origin, "Top origin is correct");
add_task(async function test_cross_origin_iframe_deny() {
// Preload cross-origin credential to ensure we cannot assert it.
await setup(false, true);
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN + "/tests/dom/webauthn/tests/empty.html");
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true}));
ok("featurePolicy" in iframe, "we have iframe.featurePolicy");
ok(!iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-create"), "iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-create");
ok(!iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-get"), "iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get");
// We should not be able to create a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-create.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [], createCredential)
// We should not be able to assert a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gCrossCredId], getAssertion)
add_task(async function test_cross_origin_iframe_create_but_not_get() {
// Don't preload any credentials. We'll try to create one in content.
await setup(false, false);
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN + "/tests/dom/webauthn/tests/empty.html");
iframe.setAttribute("allow", "publickey-credentials-create https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN);
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true}));
ok("featurePolicy" in iframe, "we have iframe.featurePolicy");
ok(iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-create"), "iframe allows publickey-credentials-create");
ok(!iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-get"), "iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get");
// We should be able to create a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe allows publickey-credentials-create.
is(gCrossCredId, undefined);
gCrossCredId = new Uint8Array(await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [], createCredential));
// We should not be able to assert a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gCrossCredId], getAssertion)
add_task(async function test_cross_origin_iframe_get_but_not_create() {
// Preload cross-origin credential so we can assert it.
await setup(false, true);
let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("src", "https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN + "/tests/dom/webauthn/tests/empty.html");
iframe.setAttribute("allow", "publickey-credentials-get https://" + CROSS_DOMAIN);
await new Promise(resolve => iframe.addEventListener("load", resolve, {once: true}));
ok("featurePolicy" in iframe, "we have iframe.featurePolicy");
ok(!iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-create"), "iframe does not publickey-credentials-create");
ok(iframe.featurePolicy.allowsFeature("publickey-credentials-get"), "iframe allows publickey-credentials-get");
// We should not be able to create a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-create.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [], createCredential)
// We should not be able to assert a credential in a cross-origin iframe if
// the iframe does not allow publickey-credentials-get.
await SpecialPowers.spawn(iframe, [gCrossCredId], getAssertion)