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<title>Test for ShadowRoot styling</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="head.js"></script>
<script src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
var content = '<div class="tall" id="bodydiv"></div>' +
'<div id="container"></div>';
.then((aDocument) => {
var iframeWin = aDocument.defaultView;
// Create ShadowRoot.
var container = aDocument.getElementById("container");
var elem = aDocument.createElement("div");
container.appendChild(elem); // Put ShadowRoot host in document.
var root = elem.attachShadow({mode: "open"});
// A style element that will be appended into the ShadowRoot.
var shadowStyle = aDocument.createElement("style");
shadowStyle.innerHTML = ".tall { height: 100px; } .fat { padding-left: inherit; }";
root.innerHTML = '<div id="divtostyle" class="tall fat"></div>';
var divToStyle = root.getElementById("divtostyle");
// Make sure styleSheet counts are correct after appending a style to the ShadowRoot.
is(aDocument.styleSheets.length, 0, "There shouldn't be any style sheet in the test frame document.");
is(root.styleSheets.length, 0, "The ShadowRoot should have no style sheets.");
is(aDocument.styleSheets.length, 0, "Styles in the ShadowRoot element should not be accessible from the document.");
is(root.styleSheets.length, 1, "ShadowRoot should have one style sheet from the appened style.");
is(root.styleSheets[0].ownerNode, shadowStyle, "First style in ShadowRoot should match the style that was just appended.");
var dummyStyle = aDocument.createElement("style");
is(root.styleSheets.length, 2, "ShadowRoot should have an additional style from appending dummyStyle.");
is(root.styleSheets[1].ownerNode, dummyStyle, "Second style in ShadowRoot should be the dummyStyle.");
is(root.styleSheets.length, 1, "Removing dummyStyle should remove it from the ShadowRoot style sheets.");
is(root.styleSheets[0].ownerNode, shadowStyle, "The style sheet remaining in the ShadowRoot should be shadowStyle.");
// Make sure that elements outside of the ShadowRoot are not affected by the ShadowRoot style.
isnot(iframeWin.getComputedStyle(aDocument.getElementById("bodydiv")).getPropertyValue("height"), "100px", "Style sheets in ShadowRoot should not apply to elements no in the ShadowRoot.");
// Make sure that elements in the ShadowRoot are styled according to the ShadowRoot style.
is(iframeWin.getComputedStyle(divToStyle).getPropertyValue("height"), "100px", "ShadowRoot style sheets should apply to elements in ShadowRoot.");
// Tests for author styles not applying in a ShadowRoot.
var authorStyle = aDocument.createElement("style");
authorStyle.innerHTML = ".fat { padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 30px; }";
isnot(iframeWin.getComputedStyle(divToStyle).getPropertyValue("padding-right"), "20px", "Author styles should not apply to ShadowRoot.");
// Test dynamic changes to style in ShadowRoot.
root.innerHTML = '<div id="divtostyle" class="dummy"></div>';
divToStyle = root.getElementById("divtostyle");
var dummyShadowStyle = aDocument.createElement("style");
dummyShadowStyle.innerHTML = ".dummy { height: 300px; }";
is(iframeWin.getComputedStyle(divToStyle).getPropertyValue("height"), "300px", "Dummy element in ShadowRoot should be styled by style in ShadowRoot.");
dummyShadowStyle.innerHTML = ".dummy { height: 200px; }";
is(iframeWin.getComputedStyle(divToStyle).getPropertyValue("height"), "200px", "Dynamic changes to styles in ShadowRoot should change style of affected elements.");
// Test id selector in ShadowRoot style.
root.innerHTML = '<style>#divtostyle { padding-top: 10px; }</style><div id="divtostyle"></div>';
divToStyle = root.getElementById("divtostyle");
is(iframeWin.getComputedStyle(divToStyle).getPropertyValue("padding-top"), "10px", "ID selector in style selector should match element.");